Planning Our Happily Ever After - A Disneymoon PTR! (NEW 7/13 - TR Link!)

Dear Courtney, I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your prayers and support!!! :hug: Looking forward to more Wedding and Disneymoon plans!!! :woohoo::yay::woohoo:
Hi Courtney!

lol loved the last post... there is so much calculating & planning to think through for Disney vacations isn't there! shame you didn't get to speak to a particularly knowledgable CM today :rolleyes: .. it is strange that Poly & AKL are 25% off while other Deluxes are 30%.. wonder what made them do that.

My TA asked if we'd considered the dining plan, but for us - TiW works out saving us more.. we don't eat a big lunch most days & the TiW takes a discount off cocktails/wine too, and includes 18% gratuity :thumbsup2

ooh which night is your Dessert Party? we have one booked for June 26th! really looking forward to it.. particularly to see the 'Magic, Memories & You' before Wishes! :wizard:

11 weeks to go :bride:

Emma princess: x

I hate that the Poly has a smaller discount. :sad1: I can understand AKL since it's a less expensive deluxe, but why include the Poly in that? :confused3 Oh well, guess I should be happy with any discount!

Our dessert party is 24th - I'm so excited for it! :woohoo:

We usually like to leave our last day free, too. Who knows now what you'll feel like repeating?
Yay for the dessert party! I REALLY want to do this, but since we're shelling out over $200 to go to Universal one day during our trip, DBF feels like we should limit the extra spending. :headache: Can't wait to hear your review of it, though!!
Sorry you couldn't get more of a discount at the Poly but $1300 is still good!

You're right, $1,300 is definitely big savings - much better than nothing! It's amazing how quickly all of these little things (like the dessert party) add up, so I understand the want to wait. It looks like they're offering them pretty consistently now, so there's always another trip! :thumbsup2

Courtney, Considering the CM you spoke to was completely clueless, maybe you could call back and speak with a CM who MIGHT be able to throw some magic your way since this is such an incredibly SPECIAL LOONNNNNNG (house...:lmao:) occasion! I don't know how that works since I have never stayed on property, just a thought...I LOVE :love: that you are doing the Wishes party that sounds like SO much fun!!!! :woohoo::yay::woohoo:

Haha - I definitely think I need to call and confirm. I don't have a lot of confidence in the CM that I spoke to! :laughing:

Very exciting about the dessert party! I think it sounds like a great way to watch Wishes!

Your clueless CM was pretty funny... at least she wanted to help- just couldn't figure out how! :rotfl:

So the discount you got isn't the AP rate? Is there any chance there will be an AP discount announced for your dates? Maybe it'll be better than the one you've got now... at least you got some money off, though!

She was very nice, and very apologetic for being so clueless. :laughing: No, the current discount in the GP one. I'm still holding out for the AP rate, though!
Oh my, what a clueless CM. I hate it when I get someone like that. So very frustrating! :sad2:

Yay for getting the dessert party!! I would like to book it for our next trip. I'm all about some sweets! :rotfl:

That stinks that Poly is only 25% off. Wonder why they did that? Oh well, at least you were able to save some money!

I find it frustrating and funny all at the same time! It's hard not to laugh when you know that you know more than then, but at the same time I think, isn't it their job to know? :confused3

I don't know why the Poly discount is lower. I can understand AKL since it's a lower priced deluxe, but why the Poly? Maybe it was close to being booked and they figured they didn't need a deep discount? :confused3

I think your idea is great for having a 'free' day the last day. Who knows, you might not want to leave your room ;):rotfl:

That poor CM. I kinda feel bad for her. You'd think Disney would give them sheets on all the resorts and such for backup. :confused3

I felt a little bad for her too - that's why I normally just play dumb when they try to tell me all about how I can make my dining reservations 180 days in advance, etc. I just play along, but I couldn't help myself this time! :lmao:

Your CM story about the looooonnnnng Houses had me laughing so hard that I had to share the story with DH. I agree with the others who said you may want to call back to get another CM, just to make sure. I am glad that you were able to save that much on your room at the Poly. :goodvibes

:woohoo: Yay for getting the Wishes Dessert party. I have always wanted to do this so I am excited to hear your report on it.

I think that leaving your last day open is a great plan. I find that our free/open days are some of the most fun that we usually have.

I was trying so hard not to laugh when she first said she would put me in a long room, and then the long house! :lmao: I'll definitely be calling back to check on where she put us - there's no telling!

Yay, I'm so happy you booked the Wishes dessert party, it's so much fun! :yay:

OMG I can't believe the CM you talked to! :eek: The next time you call, you should make sure she got that request right! :rotfl: When I was going to stay at the Beach Club for this October trip, the whole week that I had it booked, I requested a full balcony, and the CM told me none of the rooms there have full balconies. :confused3 I had to politely tell her that about half of the rooms DO have full balconies, and that I had one when I stayed there last year! She thanked me for telling her, and said that was one of the resorts she has never seen in person! :eek: They should really hire DIS'ers to answer the phones for Disney World! :rotfl:

I can't wait for the dessert party, I think it's going to be a really fun way to experience Wishes. :thumbsup2

I would love to work at the reservation center, or whatever they call it. I would get so into telling people about all of their options. Plus, I think it would be so much fun to find out about what kind of vacations everyone is planning. I guess that's why I love PTR's so much! :lmao:
I am so excited for you!! I can't believe it is only 2 months away. I hope you get everything you want as far as your room goes. I would try calling back to speak with a more knowledgable CM and just to make sure the last CM noted your requests. I usually never to the DDP because my husband and I usually don't eat all the food that comes with the DDP. So we end up saving when we just buy what we know we are going to eat. I think the TiW card is a great idea and will work out just the way you want it to. I can not wait to read your Trip report. I just know that you and Miguel are going to have the best time. :thumbsup2

I can't believe how quickly time is flying! Tomorrow is two months exactly! :eek:

We really liked have the TiW card in November, so I think we'll enjoy it even more on the Disneymoon. Hopefully we'll save a lot! :thumbsup2

You know that nobody watches Wishes from their seats at the Dessert Party right??? Just don't want you to be disappointed. Here is the part of my TR about it

Funny Story about the CM! Let's make it a little more obvious that those folks are not in Orlando :rotfl2:

I will keep my fingers crossed for an AP rate for you that is better than 25%. By the way, have you been following the Disney Rumor boards? Latest this week is that Poly is being virtually torn down in 2012 for a complete re-do. How lucky that you are staying there for your honeymoon because who knows when it will be re-opened.

Yeah, I have read that a lot. I did read on one report (Joni, aka therussels, I believe) that everyone actually did stay seated, so I'm going to hope for that! At least we will have somewhere to sit and enjoy our desserts before the show if nothing else.

I have not heard that about the Poly! Is that rumor still going on? I can't believe they would shut down the entire resort - why not just do it sections at a time like they do all the other refurbs? :confused3

The other day when I called, the CM I had was a rambler. I spent 20 mintues on the phone with him just listening to him babble on about how many days we would be there and that it wouldn't be enough time to see everything (although we will be there 9 days!) and then he tried getting me to up the tickets to 10days (even though we wouldn't even be IN florida that day!) uggh!!!!!
Anyways.... We were going to do a DDP, but then my hubby realized we would save money by getting the TiW card instead. So many changes, but that's what happens!!!
Two more months to go!!!! I'm so excited for you :)

Oh my gosh, I've had CM's like that too! It's nice when they get into your trip and get excited for you, but I hate sitting there listening to info that I already know! :sad2:

Dear Courtney, I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your prayers and support!!! :hug: Looking forward to more Wedding and Disneymoon plans!!! :woohoo::yay::woohoo:

Awww, you are so sweet! I've (finally) got an update coming up next! :goodvibes

Hi everyone! I can't believe it's been two weeks since I updated! I don't think I've ever gone that long between updates (except for when I was in Italy). :eek: There hasn't been too much going on on the planning front. I've pretty much been taking a break from all of it. I think I got a little burned out on always having something to decide on, something to "look up", emails and calls to make, etc. Even though I love planning and I consider myself to be a little obsessed with it, I still need a break! So that's what I've been doing the last two weeks - I've barely thought about the wedding or honeymoon at all, except to freak out that the wedding is in two months (exactly, tomorrow) and to get excited that we're only 2 months away from 12 days at the Poly!

I've been calling this time the "calm before the storm" because I know things are about to get crazy! My dress finally came in so I am going this week to have my first fitting where we'll decide what alterations need to be done. The week after that I will be meeting with my day of coordinator so that she can get started on her stuff. Then once we hit May I don't think I will rest until the wedding! My hair and makeup trial and our engagement picture session is going to be the second week of May, and then I have two showers planned (one on May 7 and the other on May 14). We've also got to schedule the final meeting with the florist and the DJ, plus the walk-through at the venue with all of the vendors, and the list seems to go on and on!

Anyway, moving on to the actual thing that did happen during my little hiatus was my birthday (it's April 8)! I don't really like my birthday, so I always request that it be pretty low-key, and thankfully that's exactly what it was. My grandmother came downtown to my office on Friday and took me to lunch. When I got back to my office I had two bouquets of flowers on my desk - one from my dad and one from Miguel. :love: Later that night I went to dinner with my grandparents and then we had cake and ice cream at their house and I opened my presents.

My grandparents gave me some cute wedding related stuff and some money to go towards what I like to call "the honeymoon fund". :laughing: I also had a huge present from my dad there - he bought me all of my everyday china from my Pottery Barn registry!

He got me all 12 place settings (6 pieces). I couldn't believe it! This was probably my favorite registry item so needless to say I was very happy!

On Saturday night I went to eat with my mother and visited with my other grandparents and they all contributed to the honeymoon fund as well. :thumbsup2

And now, on to some wedding updates!

Speaking of registries, I got together with my two bridesmaids (who are throwing the shower on May 7) to do some planning and get the invites ready to be sent out a couple of weekends ago. They don't really work well together, so I've pretty much been playing mediator. Thankfully, we accomplished a good bit. The shower is going to be a Breakfast at Tiffany's theme and I'm really excited about that.



Here's a couple of the items I put on my registry. My china and flatware:


Almost everyone is outfitted for the wedding now! I think the only one left to find something is my mom's mom, so hopefully she's able to find something soon. I don't think I ever posted a picture of my dad's mom's dress, but I know I mentioned it here. In case I didn't, here it is:

We also got my mom's dress ordered. It won't be that brown color though - we decided on a gold like the dress in the picture.


We also got all of the groomsmen, ushers, fathers and Miguel's tuxes ordered! The ushers and fathers will be wearing plain black tuxes with a white shirt and black tie (no vest). The groomsmen will have a black tux, white shirt and a pink vest and tie to match the bridesmaids, which look like this:

Miguel's vest and tie will be ivory. The place we are renting them from does a "groom's preview" so we got to go to that and see what Miguel's ensemble will look like. I think he looks so handsome! :love:


I think that's pretty much it for now. I'm sure as time goes on I'll have a lot more to update on. I'll be back later in the week for some more daily plans, too. :goodvibes
Yay for an update! It is hard to believe that your wedding is only 2 months away. That is so exciting!

Happy belated birthday, by the way. It looks like you had a good one. That's awesome that your dad gave you all of the place settings you were wanting!
Happy belated birthday! Mine is April 10th, so we're only a few days apart! :goodvibes

It sounds like you got some awesome gifts! That's great! :thumbsup2

I LOVE your bridal shower theme! Those invitations are gorgeous! :lovestruc
Happy, happy birthday!

2 months! How exciting!!
The shower invites are great- I love the theme.

Glad to see that everyone will have something to wear to the wedding! :laughing:
Glad you're back! You've been busy! I absolutely love your dish set. Pottery Barn is the best. What a fun idea for your shower!

Happy Belated Birthday!! :)
Happy Belated Birthday Courtney!!! Sounds like your birthday was wonderful :)
I LOVE your everything! :) It's all so gorgeous!!!!
I am so excited for you :) 2 months from today you will be getting married :)!!!!!!!!!!

Can't wait to hear more planning!!!

p.s. My hubby surprised me with a quick visit to disney!!! We are going in may for 2 days. definitely SHORT, but I am so excited :)
Everything sounds so exciting! Makes me remember when I got married over 12 years ago! Enjoy this time! Looking forward to reading more!
Happy belated Birthday!
First off I have to say I love, love, love your breakfast at Tiffany's invitations to the bridal shower. They are too cute!! Second I love the stuff your dad bought from pottery barn. It is so classic. I love a nice white place setting. i also love the mother's dresses. Very elegant I think.
Oh I am getting so excited for you!!
I can not wait.
Happy belated birthday Courtney! Mine was April 11. :)

Too bad your bridesmaid don't work well together, but your shower looks like fun!

I love all the dresses you showed pictures of! And Miguel looks great in his tux. :thumbsup2

Happy belated birthday! Mine is April 10th, so we're only a few days apart! :goodvibes

It sounds like you got some awesome gifts! That's great! :thumbsup2

I LOVE your bridal shower theme! Those invitations are gorgeous! :lovestruc

Happy belated birthday to you too!
Happy belated birthday! :hug: Sounds like it was a great one-- I love your place settings! Very classic!
Your shower sounds like it's going to be really fun-- I LOVE those invitations!
Happy belated birthday, sounds like you had a great day! :cool1:

Love all the wedding stuff, the dresses are all so pretty! And I love the bridal shower theme, that's so creative, those invites are adorable! :)
Yay Courtney!! We share the same birthday!! :bday:

All those dresses are gorgeous!

What a fab dad for getting you that place setting! :goodvibes

Less than 2 months! :woohoo:
OK...psychotically love everything about your wedding? Breakfast at Tiffanys??? I've died and gone to heaven.:cloud9: I have a question though. What is the difference between the ushers and the groomsmen? Here they are the same boys :confused3

Happy Belated Birthday :cake: I'm impressed with your dad. I don't think my dad knew what China was :rotfl2: Then again, we don't have China. We have Pfaltzcraft. I figured since I didn't cook...I didn't deserve nice plates :rolleyes1
I LOVE :love: LOVE :love: LOVE all of the new plans...and the SHOWER!!!! :faint:

I didn't realize our Anniversary and your Birthday were the same sounds as if it were VERY special for you!!! I am so happy!!!



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