Planning ahead to save?


Jan 27, 2001
Is it important to plan ahead in order to save on a WDW trip? We want to stay inside DW and I am just beginning to plan. We are free to go anytime of the year and will be bringing our two toddlers(2 and 3 years-old). I can't wait to go, but I would like to save as much as possible on expenses. So with all of that, would it be best to plan short-term or make reservations far in advance?
As soon as you make your reservation you have to leave a deposit. The price is not gauranteed, so when the prices go up then so won't your reservation. You can reserve and then call back when a special comes up and change your ressie to it. Also, you can gaurantee getting hwat you want that way.

Always check this board for lots of info on discounts!

<IMG width="200" height="160" SRC=""> <font size=3><font color=red> Happy Valentine's Day!</font></font>
<font size=3><font color=red><marquee>Co-Captain & Charter Member of the Swan/Dolphin Cheerleading Team!!</marquee></font>
<font color=red>15 times to WDW 13 off-site three on!
Next trip Dolphin in July & Swan in DEC. 2001!</font>
Thanks for the reply. Please keep them coming. I really need some help. When do you think would be the best time of year to go considering saving money and the age of our kids?
We've gone with our 2 and 4 year old daughters several times in October. I really like the weather (still warm enough to enjoy the water rides, but not stifling), the September "love bugs" are gone and the crowds are low. The closer you get to Halloween, however, and the crowds pick up. We tried a February trip (Presidents Week) and it was still warm but a lot more crowded.

We've never stayed onsite and we usually plan as the dates draw closer using Priceline. If we cannot get a good deal on airfare, we drive. It can be a hassle sometimes, but when we're buying 4 air tickets, renting a car, etc. it really adds up. Priceline has always been great for hotels in my experience.

Good luck.


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