Hey "Camper"...don't forget, if you are a Van or SUV camper, you can always move up from the Pop-ups to the new Hybrid campers.
We just bumped up to a 23 foot Trail-lite hybrid (which has beds that pop out the front and back ends but has rigid walls unlike a pop-up. We had a 17 foot before that weighed with options only about 2200 lbs. Talk about convenient. When you get to the campsite, if it is raining a little, just hang out in your Hybrid till the weather is nice, then set up.
You get bigger bathrooms, more storage, longer camper, all for about the same weight as a popup.
"Drink up me hardies, Yo Ho!"
Kissimmee Hotels and/or Swinger Motor Home in the parking lot! 1973,1978,1983,1988
AllStar Music '95
DxL '99
AllStar Music '00
Carribean Beach '01