Phone Numbers?


Earning My Ears
Feb 1, 2000
Is there an advantage to using the 407-WDISNEY telephone number when trying to get a good room rate? I've seen some 800 numbers listed here, but I don't know what the difference is. I know what CRO stands for, but is that only the 407 number? I keep reading that I may need to call numerous times to get the rate I want, so are the 800 numbers just as good? Thanks for any help!
I don't have any current numbers, haven't seen any posted in a long while. But in previous years, I have always gotten the same deals as others online using the 800 number. In fact, I have NEVER used a long distance number in relation to Disney, never will either.

Just my 2 cents.
I have one but I think it is The Disney Travel Co. Make sure you let them know you donot want a pakage #800-828-0228. I saw antoher # last week. I have not tried it #800-859-8062. Good Luck.
We use the DC number 800-933-3975 , But they always ask for our DC id # or are name to verify membership. (At least that is what I think they are doing) In the long run though you are still connecting to the regular CRO. The 800 number is just a perk for DC holders. For those who want to know if the Disney club card is worth it...we think it has pad for its self in phone calls alone.
Does anyone know if you can use the DC 800# to make PS arrangements? I know I used a central number last year where I selected dining reservations as one of the choices. Does the DC # do this?



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