People smoking in line


Nov 8, 2006
Just got back from a day at Disney-MGM Studios and have two disgusting stories to tell about some inconsiderate people.

1) There was a long line at the ice cream stand between ToT and RnR. Some gritty lowlife was smoking in that line. I told a CM and they put a stop to it.

2) Waiting in line for LMA some guy lit up a cigarette right despite being surrounded by hundreds of kids and other people. He even had a very young daughter and some other kid with him. I asked him to put it out just after his wife had asked for a cigarette too. He gave me a funny look so I told him it's park policy and that WDW offers smoking areas if he really had to smoke.

I just don't get it. How can people be so inconsiderate?
Unfortunately many people feel it's ok to live by their own rules.

I saw a woman once dump garbage out of her car, old McDonalds bags, french fries, etc.. right into a parking lot. I said something to her and she told me she didn't want her car all messed up... I said "oh but it's ok to pollute the world."
She looked at me like I was from Mars - she just didn't get it. I told her again, you are littering, it's against the law, I'll stand here and wait while you pick it up.... And I did and she did it! Hopefully she'll think twice about doing it again, but to me I couldn't do it in the first place! There's two kinds of people, those that care and those that don't!
Good for you and thanks for speaking out against the litterbug. I'm glad I spoke up twice today regarding the smokers. I wish Disney would ban all smoking inside the parks.
I am going to be in my third trimester of pregnancy this month during our trip. I'm prepared to ask people not to smoke around me. I'm sorry, but I'm pregnant and I also care about my family's well-being as well. :furious:
bride03 said:
I am going to be in my third trimester of pregnancy this month during our trip. I'm prepared to ask people not to smoke around me. I'm sorry, but I'm pregnant and I also care about my family's well-being as well. :furious:

Congrats! And I completely agree with you. Have a great trip! BTW, it was 84 degrees today :)
Some people figure if they are outdoors, it's okay.
I don't like it either, but I don't know if it would bother me enough to get into a confrontation about it.
Maybe it doesn't seem bad to someone like me who had to go on long car rides as a child with both parents smoking and the windows up.
Wonder why I get bronchitis every winter....hmmmm....
alfredromero1975 said:
Good for you and thanks for speaking out against the litterbug. I'm glad I spoke up twice today regarding the smokers. I wish Disney would ban all smoking inside the parks.

I'm very glad that you guys spoke up against both the littering and the inconsiderate smokers. I would have too, and I smoke! But as one of those "considerate" smokers -- I would never even dream of smoking in a non-designated smoking area -- I would hope that a few bad apples wouldn't cause all smoking to be banned. The smoking areas are pretty out of the way and definitely not right on the "main drags." If people would smoke where they're supposed to at WDW, it wouldn't bother anyone else.

Kudos again for speaking out!

Thank you for speaking out. You're someone I admire. I'd never have the guts to tell someone to put the cigarette out.
I had an ugly confrontation with an older man when we were at Epcot in Sept. DD2 was asleep in her stroller, so DH and I were taking turns using our fast passes for Soarin. I finally found a relatively peaceful stop in that area of Future World that was most certainly not a designated smoking area.

This old guy and his wife wandered up and he started smoking. I was pretty peeved, but didn't do anything except shoot him a dirty look. He was a good 15 feet away from us.

After enduring his stink for a few minutes, a family that I believe was from Europe (english was not their first language) came up and the dad asked the old guy a question. Probably something like, "is this a smoking area" because the old guy said something to the effect of "sure". Well that threw me over the edge. It was bad enough having smokey guy polluting the nice quiet spot I had found, but now he was taking the liberty of making it a newly designated smoking area.

At that point, I walked over and said to him that they weren't allowed to smoke in the park except for designated smoking areas. He tried to "inform" me that the only non-smoking park is MK and that I was incorrect. If only I had a park map to throw in his face that moment. I ended up having to move my sleeping child because of that idiot. Ridiculous. CM should strictly inforce the smoking policy IMO!!!!
What bothers me is your discription of the smoker:

"Some overweight and gritty lowlife was smoking in that line."

You seem to have some deep seeded hatred towards overweight people. :sad2: Couldn't you have simply said a smoker in line?????? :sad2:
Thanks for bringing up the smoking problems. My biggest pet peeve is seeing people smoke when they're notified on maps and such not to smoke (unless in certain areas). Hopefully, with threads like this, Disney won't have to get to the point where they have to post huge signs that tell people not to smoke outside the designated areas.

Thanks again!
I was looking at the park map in the Passporter and I was shocked how many smoking areas there are in the parks. I am used to DL where there are only like, 3. There must have been 10 in each park. Some seemed pretty close together. My mom smokes, and at DL it was a nightmare treking back to the smoking area all the time. Not for her- she was happy to do it- I wanted to do other stuff!!

Anyway- she is one of the considerate smokers who seeks out the smoking areas! I think as long as people use these, there is no problem. It is those who don't that cause a stink (pun intended :rotfl: ). I am suprised there is such a problem at DW with the number and proximity of these areas when there are far less areas at DL and I don't hear about as many problems. Maybe it is the dynamics of the visitors?
exbjd said:
What bothers me is your discription of the smoker:

"Some overweight and gritty lowlife was smoking in that line."

You seem to have some deep seeded hatred towards overweight people. :sad2: Couldn't you have simply said a smoker in line?????? :sad2:

no... becuase then we would have to use our imagination. why are you offended? are you some overweight and grittly lowlife that was smoking in line. I didn't think so.
Mecha Figment said:
no... becuase then we would have to use our imagination. why are you offended? are you some overweight and grittly lowlife that was smoking in line. I didn't think so.
Although I think smoking is bad, my uncle is a smoker. I'm not sure if he ever did it in line, but I know that he doesn't fit the description you have. Besides, he's trying his best to quit, but it's an addicting habit that's extremely hard to break.
exbjd said:
What bothers me is your discription of the smoker:

"Some overweight and gritty lowlife was smoking in that line."

You seem to have some deep seeded hatred towards overweight people. :sad2: Couldn't you have simply said a smoker in line?????? :sad2:

I agree that this part could have been left out. What does the fact that he was overweight have to do with anything? And don't say it was for descriptive purposes. You didn't say if he was black, white, asian, bald, had hair growing out of his nose. Being overweight and inconsiderate do not go hand in hand.
Ew.That is really inconsiderate especially since disney has smoking areas.
For all that person could know,someone in that line could have been allergic to smoke..YUCK!

But anyway I am J.W but what does LMA and ADR stand for?Thanksxx
exbjd said:
What bothers me is your discription of the smoker:

"Some overweight and gritty lowlife was smoking in that line."

You seem to have some deep seeded hatred towards overweight people. :sad2: Couldn't you have simply said a smoker in line?????? :sad2:

My bad. I apologize for that and have edited out the statement since it's really not nice.
Mecha Figment said:
no... becuase then we would have to use our imagination. why are you offended? are you some overweight and grittly lowlife that was smoking in line. I didn't think so.

Again, my apologies. I agree with the comment that the overweight comment wasn't appropriate. Being overweight is very different than smoking where you shouldn't be smoking. I can see that it can be offensive so my apologies again.


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