Palm Pilot in the Washing Machine - *UPDATE - IT'S ALIVE!!*


<font color=blue>She talks to me in pretty <font c
Jun 11, 2000
I'm glad I'm not the one who did it. :D DH ran a load of army uniforms through the washing machine.....and forgot to empty the pockets.

Yup, his Palm Pilot came out kinda water logged.
It's now drying in front of the pellet stove.

Wondering if it's gonna be ok. :confused:

Luckily he synced it Friday. It's government issue. He says he can get another... but they'll probably replace it with a Blackberry instead.

Any one ever wash a Palm Pilot before?
i'm with amid. dh spilled a glass of water on his and had to get a new one.
I would start looking........for a new one.
Thanks everyone. I'll tell him the sad news. :(

I guess it's a good thing you can't fit a laptop in your pocket. (Yet anyway. LOL)
UPDATE --- HE FIXED IT -- using hair dryer & Exacto knife !!!!!!!!!

He found instructions at
for his type.

Then he disconnected battery for 30 seconds & held down the reset button.

IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!

bummer, now he can't get a new color Palm! :( :)


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