PACKING TIPS-- Post yours here!

Miranda Danda

DIS Veteran
Jun 28, 2004
Hello everyone! I decided to start this thread for everyone to post their own (or search for) packing tips for Disney (or any other trip, for that matter). I'll start:
I make a list of all of the outfits I am taking with me. An example would be...
(1) Black Express princess crown tank top, Dollhouse jeans skirt, black flip- flops
(2) Pink "He Gives Me Butterflies" tank top, Lilu shorts, pink Old Navy flip- flops
(3) Brown Wet Seal baby tee, One Tuff Babe shorts with brown belt, Brown AE flip-flops.......

I make the list and number each outfit. About 1 week before my trip I make sure each outfit is clean and ready to go. Rather than pack it immediately, I stack all my outfits on a shelf in my room. I put the list with it so that when I pack (all at one time) I can make sure I have everything I need to take. Also, I number each outfit on the list and then I pack each outfit in it's own Ziplock baggie and I number the baggie to correspond with the number on the list. This prevents me from digging through my suitcase. I also roll up and pair of socks, undies and a bra to match the outfit. Those go in the baggie as well. On my list, I also include whether or not I care if the outfit gets wet. Some of my outfits are fine to get wet, but I would prefer if others didn't. This makes it easier when knowing what to wear for which park(s) I plan to go to that day.

I hope all of that made sense. Now, it's YOUR turn. Post any helpful hints for packing! :wave2:
We use the 2 gallon ziploc bags. Each days outfit goes into a bag. After putting the clothes in the bag,seal it almost all the way then roll it to remove the air, finish sealing it and you're done. No worries about matching once we get to WDW. I did this when my son went to Europe a few years ago and he said it was great.Also, if the clothes are not damp at the end of the day,just put the outfit back into the same bag. Since using this method,we've never left any item of clothing at a hotel.
For families with young children who like to know what's going in their suitcase, I heard about an interesting method.

They have their family sit down at the table all together and the mom goes through with each child individually to pick the clothes and items they want to take to WDW, while Dad lists out the rides, attractions, souvenirs, etc.(or the kids just play while Mom/Dad goes through each individual list with the child).

Once the lists are done, they are typed up and a copy is made for packing day, for in the suitcase, etc for each child. The start of the list consists of the items that all the children have in common and then moves to specifics.

Then plan a packing day and have each child bring their suitcase to the most open area of the house and open it up. Mom/Dad calls out an item like 5 pairs of socks and the kids go and get them, show Mom/Dad and then put them in their suitcase. Once all the items are in, each case is gon through again just in case and everything is folded nicely, etc. (It really helps to have more than one adult, enlist family friends, grandparents, etc. to help out)

For toiletries, it helps to have one bag that contains all of the toothbrushes, shampoo, toothpaste, etc. for the whole family.

Also, execute this method at least three days before the trip (and make sure laundry is done at least five days in advance).

As for me:
I have a different packing method for myself.
I make out a list of items I know I will want to have with way ahead of our trip date. Every few months I check it over and examine the items to make sure that I was not being ridiculous at the time. I also make sure to take only two pairs of dark denim blue jean shorts, one pair of capris, and one pair of pants.

I know I will only wear specific shorts on a trip and the jean shorts go with everything. I also roll my clothes and pack enough shirts to have one per day as you get wet, etc. and his balances with my souvenir t-shirts that I buy.

I bring a pair of tennis shoes, strap sandals, and plenty of socks just in case. I pack ponchos (we can buy them, but it is nice to know that we have them on us if it starts pouring out).

I also pack all of my clothes at one time and pack all of my toiletries in their case at one time. I group like items together and make sure I have a master checklist in an easy location so I can check items as I pack.
I use the ziploc bag method and it works great. My kids are 7, 6 and 4 and I pack the whole outfit - shorts, top, socks, underwear, and hair accessory for girls in the bag. This way I'm not (and they're not) rummaging through the drawers, and everything matches! It makes my life so much easier. I also bring the dollar store hanging shoes bags for my dds shoes - it takes up much less space in the closet than having those shoes all over and it makes it a lot easier to find them.
I hate packing so I am jumping on this thread to get some ideas. I do have a question about packing you all carry on your toiletry bags or do you pack it in your checked luggage? I used to pack everybody's toiletries in one bag and carry it on the plane. The toiletries took up all the room in the bag so nothing else would fit so I also had a nother carry on bag with all the things we needed while on the plane. It was a pain to have all this stuff with us on the plane, so this year I bought the LL Bean family size hanging toiletry bag and I figured I could pack all our toiletries in it and pack it in our checked luggage (well, except for prescription meds ~ those will still go in the carry on). Any suggestions/advice?
Cepmom, I pack all my toiletries in my checked bag (inside a small kit to prevent any spills from messing up my clothes). I have a laptop computer and a big camera bag as my carry-ons, so that pretty well rules out carrying anything else on with me.

My best packing tip is to choose your luggage wisely. There are many different kinds of suitcases and bags, each with different capacities, shapes, and handling characteristics, and choosing the right set can make all the difference in not only how much stuff you can take with you, but in what shape the stuff will be in when you arrive, and in how much it takes out of you to transport it.

Think ahead to how you will maneuver your luggage to, from, and through the airport. Do you have an airport shuttle picking you up from home, or will you need to put your luggage into someone's trunk? When you arrive, will you have a town car, Mears, or a rental? If you rent, will you need to drag your luggage through the terminal, or will you need to get to a shuttle bus to an off-airport rental car facility? Are you staying at a Value or Moderate resort with no bellman to help you get your bags to the room? Can you not only lift your bags yourself, but can you carry or drag them through all the places you need to go while traveling from home to your room at WDW and back again?

Use the answers to these questions to select bags that have the proper handles, wheels, and straps for the easiest handling while traveling. Also check the construction of the luggage - are they tough enough to protect your stuff? Are the zippers and clasps in good condition? Will the bags rip easily? Will the suitcase hinges come apart if you stuff them too full? And most importantly, if you buy a big bag, will you be able to lift it and maneuver it around the airport after you fill it full of stuff?

I have a suitcase with wheels (best invention in the history of travel!) and my laptop bag and camera bag both have comfortable shoulder straps for ease of carry while threading my way through the airport. My laptop bag has external pockets where I keep my travel papers like air, car, and hotel ressies, boarding pass, and a paperback to pass time in the airport. My camera bag has an easy-open lid so I can pull my bag of film out for hand inspection quickly at the security checkpoint. And both of them, as well as my suitcase, are built very tough and can take all the abuse they have to take on a typical WDW trip.
my mom always taught me to roll the clothes to make room... and they WONT get wrinkled if you just roll them up like you would a beach towel... NOT bunch them in a ball lol.

i have a small toiletries bag, its like the size of a small handbag, i carry it on in a backpack. i tend to do the bag within a bag thing for my carry on and atleast the airports here (JFK and LGA) dont care.
I put all toiletries except toothbrushes and small travel-sized toothpaste in luggage. The toothbrushes go in the carry-on. Ziploc bag every toiletry item so they don't spill all over the clothes.

When packing shoes, I pack them around the edges of the suitcase. They act as another cushion for the stuff in the middle, and you won't get dirty shoe prints on your clothes.

The rule of thumb I always follow when travelling: Take half the clothes you think you need and take double the money you think you'll need.

Remember that clothes are easy to wash, you'll probably buy some clothes items on your vacation and the less clothes you carry means more space for souvenirs.

Go neutral on the colors of your clothing, it makes it easier to mix and match.
I use 4 ounce bottles from a backpacking store for shampoo, body soap, bath oil...etc. The are all the same size and make for much easier packing. I actually use these all the time as they take up less room in the shower. Mine are labeled...using a p-touch. But I can tell them apart by the color of the liquid inside.

Since I tend to wear khaki slacks/shorts and polo shirts....packing certain outfits just isn't a problem :)
Miranda Danda said:
Hello everyone! I decided to start this thread for everyone to post their own (or search for) packing tips for Disney (or any other trip, for that matter). I'll start:
I make a list of all of the outfits I am taking with me. An example would be...
(1) Black Express princess crown tank top, Dollhouse jeans skirt, black flip- flops
(2) Pink "He Gives Me Butterflies" tank top, Lilu shorts, pink Old Navy flip- flops
(3) Brown Wet Seal baby tee, One Tuff Babe shorts with brown belt, Brown AE flip-flops.......

I make the list and number each outfit. About 1 week before my trip I make sure each outfit is clean and ready to go. Rather than pack it immediately, I stack all my outfits on a shelf in my room. I put the list with it so that when I pack (all at one time) I can make sure I have everything I need to take. Also, I number each outfit on the list and then I pack each outfit in it's own Ziplock baggie and I number the baggie to correspond with the number on the list. This prevents me from digging through my suitcase. I also roll up and pair of socks, undies and a bra to match the outfit. Those go in the baggie as well. On my list, I also include weather or not I care if the outfit gets wet. Some of my outfits are fine to get wet, but I would prefer if others didn't. This makes it easier when knowing what to wear for which park(s) I plan to go to that day.

I hope all of that made sense. Now, it's YOUR turn. Post any helpful hints for packing! :wave2:
Now, you are my kind of packer!
Don't take all of the stuff list on the packing list flotting around these boards you won't use half of it.
I finally tried the old "Pack one suitcase inside a bigger one" tip, so that on the way home, you have an extra suitcase to fill with all the stuff you bought. Of course, being me, I *still* had trouble fitting everything in for the trip home! ;)
In order to save money on snacks and stuff we line our suitcases w/pop cans and tubes of pringles, plus as we use them up we have room for anything we buy.
I'll be packing for a family of five, and I thought that instead of each person having their own suitcase, I will do the ziploc bag thing and then split each person's stuff between the suitcases. This way if a case gets lost, nobody will be missing ALL their stuff.
Nik's Mom said:
I leave in 2 weeks. Is it too soon to start packing?

Heck, no!

Many people on the boards start packing a month ahead of time. Some people throw a few things into a bag at the last minute. I usually pull the suitcase out and dump non-clothing stuff into it as much as a month ahead, then put all my clothes in after I do laundry the week before the trip, and finalize everything the day before I leave.

Two weeks is perfectly fine to start packing, although of course there are things you use every day that won't be able to go into the luggage till the day of departure.
We travel in January, so it is a little bit harder to do the ziploc thing. You never know what season of weather you will need. You have to bring so much. I do the ziploc thing for the kids if the clothes aren't too bulky. Also, no matter what, I always pack too much.
We'll be at WDW three weeks from today. Just had to type that!! Today DH and I pulled out the suitcases.

I bought some packing cubes from to use this trip and I am really enjoying them. I also bought some of the 2.5 gallon zipper bags at Target. I am packing everyone's socks and underthings in these.

I agree with another poster--make sure all toiletries are in zipper bags.

I have a toiletry bag that zips open and hangs from a hook once you are in the hotel room--This works great for me.

We are taking an extra suitcase for all the stuff we accumulate on the trip.
Let's see, people may not like my packing style but it works for me.
Open drawer. Pull out all pairs of shorts I own (about 4 pair). Set on chair. Pull out all swim suits I own. Set those on chair. Pull out 8 or 9 shirts (depending on length of trip). Set those on chair. Close drawer. Move to next one. Open it. Pull out 10 pair of underwear (mom always taught me to pack extra :confused3 and ten's a nice round number). Pull out about 10 pair of socks too. Also as many bras as I own. Next drawer. Pull out 4 or 5 pairs of pajamas. One pair for every two nights. Next drawer. Grab a big t-shirt for hiking to the pool. All this stuff gets stacked on the chair.
Now. Start rolling everything like beach towels like someone else suggested. I'm an ace suitcase stuffer. You'd be shocked at what I can put into a little suitcase if you give me enough time. Put all those rolled up things in the suitcase.
Next pull out the flip flops. For Disney I mostly wear sneakers so I only need one or 2 pair of flip flops. Those go in the outside pocket of the suitcase.
Toiletries: any shower stuff goes in plastic bags then gets thrown into the top of the suitcase. Toothbrush, razor blades, toothpaste, deoderant, etc gets put in my little toiletry bag than thrown into the suitcase.
Oh, I do generally place a change of clothes, a swim suit, and pair of pj's in my carryon. Also put the retainers and the meds in my carry on.


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