Our "long time coming", first time ever, very magical trip to WDW!Pictures 1/27!

so sorry it has been so long since I posted here. It has been a very difficult few weeks. Most significantly there was a fire in our house.:scared1: It only affected a few rooms and nobody was hurt but the after math of cleaning and rearranging and wading through our home owners stuff has been crazy. I've been on to other Tr's I'm reading here and there but I haven't had the time or energy to put together another update. Then two days ago I injured my back and neck and now I am under doctors orders to spend only minimal time out of bed at least until my follow up on Monday. As I don't have a laptop that kind of eliminates too much Dising. So hopefully I'll get feeling better soon and be on more. Until then I just wanted you to kno what was going on.
Oh no... so sorry to hear about the fire! :scared1: And then your back on top of that! :headache:

Hope you're feeling better soon & the fire mess is cleaned up quickly... :hug:
:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

So glad no one was injured in the fire, but Yikes! What a mess!

My sister had a fire in their condo (they were away for the weekend, thankfully.) It took weeks and weeks to clean up and they lost an entire closet full of clothes.

I hope your losses weren't too great. :sad2:

Try to stay off your feet, we'll be here when you're ready to come back. :hug:

Oh no... so sorry to hear about the fire! :scared1: And then your back on top of that! :headache:

Hope you're feeling better soon & the fire mess is cleaned up quickly... :hug:

:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

So glad no one was injured in the fire, but Yikes! What a mess!

My sister had a fire in their condo (they were away for the weekend, thankfully.) It took weeks and weeks to clean up and they lost an entire closet full of clothes.

I hope your losses weren't too great. :sad2:

Try to stay off your feet, we'll be here when you're ready to come back. :hug:


Thank you both. I'm finally starting to feel better. We have had a few other things happen (strep throat for the kids and some issues with John's health) but it seems things are looking up. We still don't have the house completley back together but part of that is that we are taking this oppertunity to do a little remodeling in the back of the house and to switch bedrooms the way we had planned to eventually anyway. So now we are in the middle of that but I should still have more time coming up and I'm looking forward to getting another update done soon. I may even start it tonight.
Wow, I'm so sorry to hear about the fire and the health stuff. I'm glad no one was injured in the fire! Take your time getting back; we'll be here! :goodvibes
We finished our lunch and checked the times for JedI knight training,:darth: a must for the two Johns. We had some time so we decided to check out our muppet friends in 3D. Since the muppets were a favorite of mine from my childhood I was particularly excited about this attraction. I got more excited :lovestruc when I passed the too cute muppet fountain, but Jonnie was anything but thrilled with the line. The CM assured us it was simply a twelve minute wait and we would all be let in. This didn’t sound so bad so we took our place at the back of the line. Unfortunately Jonnie was just not up for any wait right then. It was a bit of a challenge even with the muppet posters to distract him, but scrapping it would have elicited complaints from both girls. Finally, (the wait definitely seems longer with a cranky child) we made it into the main waiting area and got our glasses which was a delightful distraction for Jonnie ( he has quite the fascination with 3D glasses.) What can I say I really liked this attraction but I liked the theatre the most. There was something transporting about sitting in the muppet theatre. I felt like I was actually in one of the movies I watched as a child
After our time at the theatre we headed back to JedI training only to find we were too late. John suggested he and Jonnie stay and wait for the next session (I knew he was hoping to get Jonnie in on the action) and the girls and I could check the time for American Idol. So that’s what we did. We split up and I took the girls, only to find out that the next shows for both American Idol and Play house Disney weren’t for awhile but they were were at about the same time. Big problem for me as Jonnie is obsessed with playhouse disney and Tessa’s goal for the whole trip was to see AI (actually that wasn’t quite it but more on that later) We did some wandering. The girls suggested RNR or TOT but by that time I wasn’t sure if we had time for those long lines and John wasn’t answering his cell so I suggested we go back and check what was going on with DH and Jonnie. Tessa however had a different plan, I could go back and check on Jonnie and dad and her and Jen could explore some more, on their own. :scared1: Okay can you say No Way! Now I know some people are more comfortable with this than I am but no. Not only did I feel they were too young for random exploring but we were getting lost and having a hard time hearing our cell phones while we were together, none of us had ever been here or had any idea what we were doing so this was not a good time for one of my daughters independent streaks. Unfortunatley my resounding no made it time for one of her pouty,:sad: tantrum-esque :mad:moods. Ugh! I am hating these moody hormonal years with her already. We had a few unpleasant moments but I was determined to stay in a magical mood. So I got the girls cheered up and headed back to JedI territory only to find out that the next show was just about to begin. I was a bit afraid at this point that we would be cutting it close for either AI or playhouse and we still had to make it in time to get good seats to the 1rst. Fantasmic. The day felt like it was flying by so fast, but before John and I could talk or make plans I got a phone call. It was our house sitter Amanda calling to check on us and to tell us she had come home to find a light on in the garage last night and had been scared that someone had broke in so she had called 911. The cops haden’t found anything out of the ordinary but a girl down the street had convinced her that break-ins were common in our neighborhood so now she was scared. This supposed crime streak was news to me.:confused3 We’ve only lived here for a few years but have lots of friends in the neighborhood and everyone has told us that they feel really safe here and have never had a problem in ten or more years in the neighborhood. I had a pretty good idea who had told her this and I knew that it was likely more than a little exaggerated. I also figured that I was the one who had left on the garage light before we left and Amanda haden’t noticed it before, but I knew she was just scared so I tried to reassure that she was safe , reminded her that we had introduced her to our friends across the street if she needed anyone and suggested she invite someone to stay with her. I also assured her that if she felt unsafe she could leave and we would find someone else to watch the animals or get someone to take them to kennels. She told me she had a friend staying that night so she would let me know how she felt tomorrow and she hung up sounding as if she felt better but I hung up totally stressed. :headache:Just the thought of a break in bothered me but it didn’t sound as if there had been one and now I wasn’t sure what was going to happen to our animals while we were gone. I relayed all this to John and he pointed out that the JedI show had been cancelled due to weather (somehow I had missed the fact that it had started raining again I had gotten so caught up in my conversation) so now we were left deciding what to do again with a deeply disappointed little boy.:confused3

Next up singing and dancing in the rain.
How frustrating to try and handle whatever was happening at home while you're so far away. :headache: I don't blame you for saying no to the girls wandering around alone! :thumbsup2
I've been there... I have a sense of how everone was feeling at that point! We had a morning like that when nothing seemed to go our way. I recently found myself speed walking, pushing a stroller, through Epcot trying to find a ride, any ride for the boys before they melted down! I hope your luck changed quickly...
Big News! I have a ticker.:cool1:

You girls have no idea how big this is! Originally John figured WDW was a one time thing but from the moment we got there I knew we had to go back. I also knew it wasen't going to be easy to convince John of that. I started trying to convince him a few months ago and finally got him to agree on an anniversary trip with the kids along 5-7:scared1: years from now. Then I started working on him about doing a getaway trip for an anniversary, just the two of us, sooner and then a trip with the kids when they were a little older. He finally (I had major convincing to do as he diden't see WDW as an adult place) agreed to a big luxurious couples trip for our tenth anniversary in over two years :confused:, but thanks to KathyRN ;) I coulden't be satisfied with that. So today I used my best fuzzy disney math to convince him that if we were really serious about a that special trip in 2012 it would be better to go down sooner for a short "trial" and then when we liked it book a bounce back.:rotfl2: So after all that he's finally on board for 2011. It's still over a year away but it's oh so much better than 7 years.:thumbsup2 So there's my big news I just had to share.
Wow! That's great! I totally want to go back and have no idea if/when it will happen. Good job on getting a date to actually plan for!:thumbsup2
Wow! That's great! I totally want to go back and have no idea if/when it will happen. Good job on getting a date to actually plan for!:thumbsup2

I know what you mean exactly. When I came home I was so depressed thinking we would never go back, but look at me now. Miracles do happen.:rotfl:

Congratulations on the new ticker! :banana:
Thank you so much I am so excited.
Next time you go, you should consider renting a scooter (ECV) for John, rather than a wheelchair. They're not much more expensive, and it would give him some independence since it's motorized. My mom rented one on our Christmas trip since she was recovering from a knee replacement and can't walk for long periods of time, and it was great - she was able to do things without the rest of the group along... when she got tired, she could take herself back to the room, for example, or she could shop for souvenirs while we rode the thrill rides that she doesn't like. I think it was about $200 for the week, and it was definitely worth it.
I know all too well about people like that lady at the bus. One woman was so obnoxious that I finally turned around, looked at her and said "he would gladly give you his Cerebral Palsy then you could get the "special treatment". He would love to be able to stand in line to wait, but he CAN'T." I glared at her and turned around. She hung her head and I didn't hear a peep out of her. Others that got on the bus after us started chit chatting with me, they knew how upset I was. Sometimes you have to embarrass people to get through to them and I will gladly do it again.

Congrats on your big news!! Isn't it great to have a ticker in your siggy line. I am really enjoying your report.
I know all too well about people like that lady at the bus. One woman was so obnoxious that I finally turned around, looked at her and said "he would gladly give you his Cerebral Palsy then you could get the "special treatment". He would love to be able to stand in line to wait, but he CAN'T." I glared at her and turned around. She hung her head and I didn't hear a peep out of her. Others that got on the bus after us started chit chatting with me, they knew how upset I was. Sometimes you have to embarrass people to get through to them and I will gladly do it again.

Congrats on your big news!! Isn't it great to have a ticker in your siggy line. I am really enjoying your report.

Thanks for reading Mrs K. That really saddens me to think that you and Bill run into people like that. I love how you responded though. People can be so rude and thoughtless at times. We also get comments about John being on disability occaisionally. Someone will ask what he does and he'll explain that he's medically retired and disabled from the military and we've had resopnses like "What's it like living off the goverment?":eek: or "Your so lucky not to have to work?" On that last one we walked away and John looked at me and said "He just doesn't get it I'd trade anything to be where he is today, waking up and going to work tomorrow." On a better note it is great having a ticker in my siggy. I wasen't sure I would ever see one of those. I'm really loving your PTR. Maybe if I ever get this TR finished I'll work up enough courage to start a PTR when we get a little closer.
Next time you go, you should consider renting a scooter (ECV) for John, rather than a wheelchair. They're not much more expensive, and it would give him some independence since it's motorized. My mom rented one on our Christmas trip since she was recovering from a knee replacement and can't walk for long periods of time, and it was great - she was able to do things without the rest of the group along... when she got tired, she could take herself back to the room, for example, or she could shop for souvenirs while we rode the thrill rides that she doesn't like. I think it was about $200 for the week, and it was definitely worth it.

Oops. Diden't mean to skip over you. Thanks for stopping by. We are definatley getting him an ECV this time! Latley John's been telling me that with my Arthritis and Fibro I should get one too and the two of us could motor around on our little scooters together.:rotfl: I finally told him I'd consider it at the parks if I was having a bad day but I can't imagine using one for long. I had to use one at the hardware store one time and I was too impatient for the thing. I kept wanting to get up and walk away from it.
So when we left off. I was stressed, :headache: and we’d just got rained out of JedI training. Jonnie was pretty disappointed and I knew just standing there wasn’t going to improve his mood so I suggested we walk towards the giant hat while we talked and hope that the scenery distracted Jonnie a bit. It worked, with a little help from his sisters Jonnie started excitedly pointing out things, especially the sorcerer Mickey hat. He had recently seen Fantasia at his grandmothers and would bring it up any time he saw anything Sorcerer Mickey themed. While Jonnie and the girls were occupied John and I decided that the best course of action was to split up. He would take Jonnie to see Playhouse Disney and I would take the girls to AI. I was a littled bummed about this because I really wanted to see Jonnie react to the songs and characters from Playhouse Disney. Now chronologically Jonnie might be a bit old for Playhouse Disney since he’ll be ten in the fall but cognitively and socially he’s always been a few years behind. Knowing that Jonnie is probably my last child it has occurred to me that one of the odd silver linings of his diagnosis’s is that I get to hold on to those little child moments, that otherwise pass so quickly for just a little longer. Still he won’t be my baby forever and someday, probably soon he’ll grow out of Playhouse Disney and Sesame Street and I’ll be left wondering where my little boy went just as I was with the girls.:sad2: We quickly informed the children of our decision (much to the girls delight, they had thought we would all go see Playhouse and skip AI) and headed off to our separate destinations.
I had known since I started planning that AI was a must for the girls, particularly Tessa (in fact it was a big part of the reason I pushed so hard for DHS when John had suggested skipping it) so I was glad to see this one thing go right. We arrived right before the show was about to start and got seats quickly. The girls were in awe of how realistic everything looked and Tessa was so excited to be there she practically forgot her disappointment over the fact that she hadn’t been able to audition. This disappointment had been partially to blame for her I’m not a baby tantrum of earlier as Tessa had hoped to convince a CM to let her audition when we had went to check on times but they informed her (as I said they would) that auditions were strictly for people fourteen yrs old and older. Tessa has always had a beautiful singing voice and really, really enjoys performing (she’s been singing solos in front of hundreds of people since she was three and is often referred to as the next American Idol, Hannah Montannah, etc. by impressed school officials, church members and others when they hear her for the first time) so she really had her heart set on auditioning for this experience and was very disappointed by the 14 yr. old age limit. I personally was very grateful for it as I didn’t want to spend most of the day dealing with AI auditions and such I just wanted all of us to enjoy our vacation together as much as possible. This was the perfect compromise and even I got caught up in the excitement as we watched our favorite :lovestruc win the competition and be told he would go on to the next round (although this would come back to haunt us later). Once it was done we headed to Playhouse to meet John and Jonnie. They too were in great spirits. Jonnie had loved the show and John had enjoyed watching Jonnie watch it, though he did express how grateful he was for his wheelchair as it gave him somewhere to sit. Now it was time for us to head towards the thing John had been waiting for…Fantasmic!
It was still cold and wet which was probably why the line I had been envisioning never materialized. We headed up the hill to theater steadily, reached the top and were directed to the wheelchair seats at the back by a CM. At this point John was a bit onerey over something but I seriously don’t remember what and it passed quickly. Jonnie on the other hand was in full out grump mood. He was hungry, tired, wet, over stimulated and wanted another light toy, The glow wands I brought didn’t even phase him and he whined and cried about everything as for a few minutes then he curled up in a ball on the bench. This is when things really started to go downhill. A lady pulled up in an ECV behind us and immediately started complaining that there wasn’t enough room for her family. She tried to get a CM to move some of us but was told that the section was filling up and there would be enough room if her family sat in front of each other (this is how we were seated, Jenna and Tessa two rows down. Me and Jonnie on the back row of bleachers and John parked behind us.)Her adult family members showed up and she kept complaining and telling them to scoot over and make people make room. :confused:I got so uncomfortable I put Jonnie on my lap (bad idea he wanted space and was stimming rather consistently by this point and after the show I could barley walk, he's getting too big to sit on my lap that long.)To be fair the woman’s husband sat next to me and he was very sweet. He kept insisting he had plenty of room and Jonnie could take as much room as he needed but then his wife started arguing with him about it and I just felt like I was causing problems. Jonnie went back to whining about a light toy and I tried to appease him with the glow wands again. It was generally very miserable until the show started then everyone was entranced even Jonnie who only muttered “light-up mommy” occasionally and seemed quite interested in the show especially the lights and pyrotechnics. Can you tell he likes lights? We all enjoyed the show some but truthfully we should have skipped it. It was to wet, too cold and we were all hungry. After the show I gave one of the light up wands (with Tessa’s permission) to a little boy who was talking to Jenna before the show. He was very appreciative and polite. We waited for the crowds to disperse and then went to find Hollywood and Vine. Our reservations weren’t for another 45 min but we were starving and I was hoping they could fit us in. No such luck.:confused3 Next up what to do until dinner, an unpleasant surprise, and are we ever going to eat?
Oh my, I can so relate to the waiting too long for dinner! Good idea to split up, I hope. We'll see in your next installment I guess!


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