Our experience with the kids meal menu....

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SamanthaL said:
My problem, as I have read is the case with most of the posters, is the lack of variety. I refuse to take my child to LeCellier where she loves the kids steak and find she can't get that anymore. What's the point of going to a Canadian Steak House if you can't actually GET steak?

I am amazed at the amount of incorrect information that is being passed on as fact. Previous posters have indicated that the kids steak is no longer on the menu at Le Cellier. I have found no information ANYWHERE that corroborates this, including calls to WDW.

Does anyone have FIRST HAND experience on this change? I have been told by CM's that the kids steak is STILL AVAILABLE.

Everyone needs to take a deep breath and begin to sort fact from fiction.
psimon said:
OK... I just came back last night....

At Olivia's I was told the grilled chicken IS cold, and they WOULD NOT serve us the pizza without the chicken. We were told that is the way they come and how it would be served! Take it or leave it!

Sounds like your experience is completely different from ours.

---Paul in Southern NJ (sadly, I'm now back home! :sad2: )

Wow what a bummer of an experience. We not only ordered both the chicken and the pizza but I ate the chicken and I can tell you for absolute certain that the chicken was indeed hot grilled chicken. I truly wonder if some of the CMs don't really understand what is going on.

My son would no way no how eat chicken on pizza so we asked to order it with cheese only and it was brought out no problem at all. We also subbed the salad for a bunch of cold carot sticks no problem at all.

The service was my only complaint at Olivia's (very slow for the number of diners present).
SamanthaL said:
Well now this isn't a very nice thing to say. I don't like the new meals one bit and I am not lazy...oh sorry...picking my battles. My kids will eat 2 out of 3 of those new meals. Chicken salad is NOT something they will eat and the veggies on that plate just aren't enough to fill them up.

My problem, as I have read is the case with most of the posters, is the lack of variety. I refuse to take my child to LeCellier where she loves the kids steak and find she can't get that anymore. What's the point of going to a Canadian Steak House if you can't actually GET steak?
I refuse to accept that we will dine in a seafood place and she can only eat chilled chicken, pizza or a burger when she LOVES fish. These are healthy options too. Why should they be omitted.
When we dine at the 50's Prime Time she should enjoy the comfort foods that the adults are ordering too.

My children DO NOT eat the same foods at every meal and that is exactly my point. With these new meals their choices will be a burger, pizza (minus the chicken if you can get it) or cold chicken strips and if we are lucky the occasion plate of spaghetti for 8 days.

From what you posted above it would seem you have picked some battles too. You have a child who will only eat meat and one who will only eat veggies? Both my kids will eat meats, seafood, poutry, veggies and fruit. They are very well rounded and guess what? I STILL HATE THESE MEAL AND THE LACK OF CHOICE. Variety is my only complaint....oh and being told I am lazy because I don't agree that these changes are all so fabulous. :rolleyes:

Actually, if you read more carefully, it says they prefer, but since I am the parent they eat all sorts of foods. I know it's crazy, but hey, it's this radical thing called raising a well rounded child. I guess I'm old fashioned. Have you dined on the new menu? We found that there was a lot of choices, the three main "healthy options" were the same, but the entree in the pick one group was usually different, Coral Reef had Mahi Mahi, Nine Dragons has sweet and sour chicken, and the we were told at most places you could get smaller portions on adult meals if they wanted. Our experience was a postative one, most of the posts are form folks who haven't tried it yet or weren't going to like it no matter what they offer.
DisneyPhD said:
I agree. :thumbsup2

kaytieeldr, you sure have done your research. :thumbsup2

Last time I was at CHH, I don't remember mac and cheese being an option, but then again my DD was allergic to milk so I was really looking for what she would eat, and had them substitute the cheese for extra grapes. :teeth:

My older DD wasn't thrilled with the cold chicken, but it is good toddler food (I used to buy Tyson's in the store and bring it to the park as easy snacks along with lunch meat, but with the DDP we don't need to do that.)

I guess my biggest complant is the same as angelmav, we get the DDP to make things easier and this menu is not that. If I wanted to bring my own food in (as I have done it the past) I wouldn't get the plan. Disney isn't going about these changes in the right way (across the board.) It should be individual to each place, just as the adult meals are. :)

Again, read more carefully, we found plenty of options and servers were more than happy to offer smaller portions of adult options. Apparently the key is DON'T GO TO OLIVIAS. I'm sorry that having experienced the menu instead of getting all worked up about it from afar I can't validate the complaints. And MANY people on this site are complaining that little Suzy or little Johnny will only eat chicken nuggets and then only if the are fried, and blah blah blah and that they don't wanty to have to fight with them about what they eat. Well sorry, but it's a parents job to make sure your child eats a well balanced meal. You can feel the changes are bad, but I have the right, after experiencing the new menu with four children with very diffferent tastes, to find it a good thing. :confused3
Yes and apparently you also have a strong need to express your right to talk down to others and claim your parental superiority at every turn.
psimon said:
As the starter of this thread, I thought I would add our latest experience.

Tonight we went to the Kona Kafe (KK) at the Poly. As expected, they too had the same kids menu (which by itself seems a problem to me. How can they serve the kids the SAME MENU night after night? Usually there is some difference between retaurants. The way the kids new menu is set up, there is NO VARIETY. Even if you would eat 1 or 2 things off of that menu, those are your choices for the duration of your stay.... not acceptable! Sorry for the interruption. Back to the program already in progress! :happytv: ). We asked our server if we had any options.... the response here was, no. We followed it up with do you have pasta? Again, no. This we were surprised at because one of the dishes at the KK was Asian Noodles. WE asked can't we get those noodles plain? Our server said she would try. She asked if we would like to speak with the head chef. Of course we said yes.

A few minutes went by and a very friendly gentleman came out and asked if we could help. We explained our dissatisfaction with the options and asked if there was any other choices. He responded with "would your kids like chicken fingers and fries?" We jumped at it and said yes!

So, as a kids meal, my daughter got 3 large chicken fingers, with carrots and string beans as well as fries and the dessert. Now that created a very happy kid that got exactly what she wanted for dinner.

After ordering ours, we noticed a few other tables getting the same chicken fingers for their kids as well.

The bottom line..... there are some workarounds provided the staff wants to work with you. Obviously at the KK, the staff knows how to please kids (and their parents, too!).

Fortunately, tomorrow is Boma, then ESPN and then Crystal Palace. I think I will be in good shape there. No more of these horrible menus.

Good luck to the rest of you!

---Paul in Southern NJ (except for this week! :banana: )

Thanks for the Kona Cafe info!!! We will be there Friday night with our DD6, we are NOT on the dining plan but have the DDE card. I guess my girl will not be having the same meatballs and spaghetti she loved so much last year. She will probably share something of mine. Oh WOW I just realized I am saving some Disney Dollars with her not ordering a kids meal and sharing with us. :rolleyes1
Just give up Kvogel. It's no use. They don't care what your actual experience was. They don't even care that the OPs only complaint was about one restaurant where they couldn't get what they wanted. Those that wish to yell are going to do so even when their kids are happily served grilled cheese with their skewers at Ohana, Mahi mahi at Coral Reef, Salmon at Artist Point, Speghetti with meatballs at Tony's, Turkey at Liberty Tree, Skillet offerings at Whispering Canyon, etc, etc, etc. (These are ACTUALLY ALL ON THE MENUS, by the way.... not bartered with servers, but all on the menus) They don't care that actual WDW servers have mentioned that most of the restaurants will happily work with them. Not like a server would have first hand menu knowledge or anything. They want to complain about the 3 little pictured items. :confused3
BuffaloGal said:
Just give up Kvogel. It's no use. They don't care what your actual experience was. They don't even care that the OPs only complaint was about one restaurant where they couldn't get what they wanted. Those that wish to yell are going to do so even when their kids are happily served grilled cheese with their skewers at Ohana, Mahi mahi at Coral Reef, Salmon at Artist Point, Speghetti with meatballs at Tony's, Turkey at Liberty Tree, Skillet offerings at Whispering Canyon, etc, etc, etc. (These are ACTUALLY ALL ON THE MENUS, by the way.... not bartered with servers, but all on the menus) They don't care that actual WDW servers have mentioned that most of the restaurants will happily work with them. Not like a server would have first hand menu knowledge or anything. They want to complain about the 3 little pictured items. :confused3

LOL! As my mama always used to say, "It's not WHAT you are saying it's HOW you are saying it." I took offense at Kvogel passing judgement on others parenting skills and calling them "lazy". It was mean. Not sure if anyone likes to be spoken to in a condescending way.
Now I find the content of the info good to know and very helpful but it's hard to get past the tone.
kvogel11022 said:
Again, read more carefully, we found plenty of options and servers were more than happy to offer smaller portions of adult options. Apparently the key is DON'T GO TO OLIVIAS.
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Okay, I've calmed down and caught my breath. Anyway, this absolutely rots if you're staying at OKW, but apparently Olivia's - not the menu changes - is the problem.

angelmav said:
Yes and apparently you also have a strong need to express your right to talk down to others and claim your parental superiority at every turn.
I respectfully disagree with your analysis, but think about it. MANY people in these threads are saying things like "My child will only eat chicken nuggets (or chicken nuggets and mac & cheese)", then go on to complain about the lack of variety in the new menus, currently in place at only about a dozen Disney restaurants.
My analysis was simply in regards to KVOGELs repeated yammering about all parents not following their regimen to be Lazy. I dont think its an analysis at all but a fact that KVOGEL repeatedly had to hammer home. Kattieeldr, you can continue to defend the menu, but you go overboard when sidestepping the rudeness of others so that you can agree with their message.
BuffaloGal said:
Just give up Kvogel. It's no use. They don't care what your actual experience was. They don't even care that the OPs only complaint was about one restaurant where they couldn't get what they wanted. Those that wish to yell are going to do so even when their kids are happily served grilled cheese with their skewers at Ohana, Mahi mahi at Coral Reef, Salmon at Artist Point, Speghetti with meatballs at Tony's, Turkey at Liberty Tree, Skillet offerings at Whispering Canyon, etc, etc, etc. (These are ACTUALLY ALL ON THE MENUS, by the way.... not bartered with servers, but all on the menus) They don't care that actual WDW servers have mentioned that most of the restaurants will happily work with them. Not like a server would have first hand menu knowledge or anything. They want to complain about the 3 little pictured items. :confused3

Well said and add to that, complain before they even get there and experience it firsthand themselves.
Sammie said:
Well said and add to that, complain before they even get there and experience it firsthand themselves.

Well said Sammie!!! HOW DARE ANYONE come onto a forum dedicated to obsessive planning about a vacation costing several thousand dollars, a forum with the intent of pre-planning every aspect of a vacation years in advance to have that most magical experience and express concern about anything. YOU people make me sick! HOW DARE you listen to the accounts of SOME while discounting the opinions of OTHERS, just who do you think you are anyway? What kind of FREE THINKERS are posting here anyway? You will take whatever the good folks owning a controlling interest in all things mouse deem appropriate to maximise profits and youll LIKE IT! There now that we are in agreement you can go back to more productive activities, like buying disney merchandise. :Pinkbounc :thumbsup2 :banana: :rotfl: :stir:
psimon said:
OK... I just came back last night....

At Olivia's I was told the grilled chicken IS cold, and they WOULD NOT serve us the pizza without the chicken. We were told that is the way they come and how it would be served! Take it or leave it!

Sounds like your experience is completely different from ours.

---Paul in Southern NJ (sadly, I'm now back home! :sad2: )

When we were at Olivia's on Nov. 1st, we were also told the chicken was chilled. I knew DS would not eat eat, so he ordered something else. As I've said in other posts, I found the server at Olivia's to be very difficult to anyone using the DDP. Maybe had we not been on the DDP, DS could have gotten warm chicken ;)

I don't understand all the arguing over this. Obviously people have had different experiences at different places. All you can do is ask when you get to the restaraunt and deal with whatever the server tells you. Some will happily work with you, some go out of their way to make it difficult.
angelmav said:
Well said Sammie!!! HOW DARE ANYONE come onto a forum dedicated to obsessive planning about a vacation costing several thousand dollars, a forum with the intent of pre-planning every aspect of a vacation years in advance to have that most magical experience and express concern about anything. YOU people make me sick! HOW DARE you listen to the accounts of SOME while discounting the opinions of OTHERS, just who do you think you are anyway? What kind of FREE THINKERS are posting here anyway? You will take whatever the good folks owning a controlling interest in all things mouse deem appropriate to maximise profits and youll LIKE IT! There now that we are in agreement you can go back to more productive activities, like buying disney merchandise. :Pinkbounc :thumbsup2 :banana: :rotfl: :stir:

I will be the first to admit, I miss the point sometimes when it comes to sarcasm and a joke, are you joking, or did you say I make you sick. :confused3

My point in my previous statement, if your not joking is, that Disney staff at restaurants are very willing to go out of their way to work with someone while they are actually there.

I am all for planning ahead but most of this thread and others about changes to menus and the DDP in general are borderline hysteria and those most upset are getting upset on hearsay.
Well said Sammie!!! HOW DARE ANYONE come onto a forum
Just for the record, Sammie's been posting on the DISboards for several years, including the Disney Dining forums, and more specifically, including the various posts about the new menu.

Lila95 said:
When we were at Olivia's on Nov. 1st, we were also told the chicken was chilled. I knew DS would not eat eat, so he ordered something else. As I've said in other posts, I found the server at Olivia's to be very difficult to anyone using the DDP. Maybe had we not been on the DDP, DS could have gotten warm chicken
Nah, from what's been written about experiences at Olivia's lately, the DDP has NOTHING to do with the attitude you got!

but you go overboard when sidestepping the rudeness of others so that you can agree with their message.
Simply because I have a particular point of view on a subject on which somebody else has a similar point of view does NOT mean I 'agree with their message'. They agree with mine. We just express ourselves differently.
angelmav is SARCASTICALLY agreeing with Sammie. She is saying how dare the rest of us come to this board to prepare and plan ahead in the face of this new dilemma. Sammie is saying we shouldn't worry, complain or figure out what to do until we get there and experience it. angelmav is disagreeing with him/her by sarcastically agreeing and sarcastically yelling at the rest of us. I got it angelmav and I giggled.

Now with that said I think this forum is about planning. I would hate to go to a TS restaurant, sit down, and see this menu for the first time. I wouldn't know that I could get other items not listed ect. I think we all have valid concerns and this is the place to air them and get much needed info. Sorry but I won't be waiting to get there to know what to do. That's why this is a planning forum. That's the beauty of the Dis.

Now lets get back to hearing what people have seen at the TS places and what they did about it.
Now with that said I think this forum is about planning. I would hate to go to a TS restaurant, sit down, and see this menu for the first time.
Why? Seriously - I mean, we all plan in advance, but there are just over 108,000 DISers. There are MILLIONS of visitors every year. Most of 'em will get there, see the menus and, well, order.
Pre-Internet, did you EVER go to a restaurant the first time with full knowledge of the menu?
kaytieeldr said:
Why? Seriously - I mean, we all plan in advance, but there are just over 108,000 DISers. There are MILLIONS of visitors every year. Most of 'em will get there, see the menus and, well, order.
Pre-Internet, did you EVER go to a restaurant the first time with full knowledge of the menu?

I am confused. I am not sure why we are arguing about planning a trip on a planning forum. Disney is, for most of us here, a great love. WE love to plan the trip as much as going. So why come here if NOT to plan ahead.

And I answered your question in my post. Seeing the menu and hearing others experiences helps me. If I didn't read this board I would get the menu and NOT know that I could request things not listed on the kids menu. KNowing this I can request something like meatloaf at the 50's Prime Time.

So once again I am planning my trip on a planning forum and glad to have all the info that fellow DIsers have to give.

I just think you don't agree with my opinion so you are now going to pick apart everything for no reason. I am done. It feels silly to me.
kaytieeldr said:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Okay, I've calmed down and caught my breath. Anyway, this absolutely rots if you're staying at OKW, but apparently Olivia's - not the menu changes - is the problem.

I respectfully disagree with your analysis, but think about it. MANY people in these threads are saying things like "My child will only eat chicken nuggets (or chicken nuggets and mac & cheese)", then go on to complain about the lack of variety in the new menus, currently in place at only about a dozen Disney restaurants.

Thanks- I was absolutely responding to the people who make the statement "my child will only eat chicken nuggets, fried" or things like that. I certainly don't feel like I am a superior parent, just that in my opinion, stating that you just choose not to fight with your child about what they eat, when this is one of the most important aspects of their physical well being, is wrong. Again, my opinion as the parent of some very healthy children. If you choose not to broaden your childs horizons as far as meals go that's your choice, but to complain because Disney, who caters to millions of visitors a year doesn't realize your child only eats fried fatty foods and won't tailor their menu to that is simply, again in my opinion, wrong.
kvogel11202 said:
If you choose not to broaden your childs horizons as far as meals go that's your choice, but to complain because Disney, who caters to millions of visitors a year doesn't realize your child only eats fried fatty foods and won't tailor their menu to that is simply, again in my opinion, wrong.

The voice of reason.
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