Our biggest WDW vacation yet (but with the littlest guests)- A May PTR! TR LINK 5/20!

Sounds like a great trip!!!

A fun throwback picture of the two of us at 12-years old during our middle school musical. @StarWarsMomofGirls! - the musical was Once On This Island!! I remember that your girls did this show too a couple years back??
YES!!! I forgot all about that! Love it!!!
Awww, so nice to have a lifelong friend by your side as you start a new chapter in your life.

Sounds like the perfect essentials!

So fun!

Glad you had such a sweet little getaway with your friends!
It's so amazing that we have been friends for so long!!! Funny story- we met on the first day of 7th grade (middle school in the U.S), and through conversation, found out that my mom and her dad were both dentists. I went home and told my mom her last name, and she said "NO WAY, I went to dental school with her dad and we were in the same class!!" She had known Gabi's family for years and had actually tried to have us meet when we were younger (we both grew up in the same town but went to different elementary schools). Such a small world!!!
Sounds like a great trip!!!

YES!!! I forgot all about that! Love it!!!

It was such a great trip!! So excited for the wedding! :)
More Planning Stuff and Minor Changes!

Hello! I thought I’d post a quick little update today, because TOMORROW IS ADR DAY!! Well, ADR Day #1 of 3 since we are doing a triple split-stay :sad2:. I’m usually more excited for this day, but I’m feeling some nerves this year! I’m going in with a good game plan, and we have multiple back-ups if we don’t get the restaurants we hope for. Even though it’s probably not absolutely necessary, I’m still going to get up at 5:00 AM, because that’s the fun of it right? :laughing: Please send all of the good *Disney JuJu* so that we get good reservations/times!

I had a nice and thorough FaceTime call with my mom and Haley last night, and we started to really solidify our plans. It was through this FaceTime call that I realized that I definitely bought myself the wrong ticket type :eek:. After I went through and counted park days, I realized that instead of a 6-day park hopper, I need a 7-day hopper (Jake and I are visiting Animal Kingdom on a day where everyone else is hanging at their resorts). So, I went ahead and changed that in the app! It cost me a whopping $23 :laughing:

I was VERY tempted to spend another $20 to make it an 8-day ticket… and honestly, I might still do that ::yes::. It sounds so tempting just to solo-hop to a park early one morning or late one evening... I have a feeling that I might need to, just for my sanity’s sake!

I also went ahead and added Mister Ethan to our hotel reservations!! :goodvibes This guy is growing and growing (and it looks like he’s inheriting his brother’s ginger hair!!)

As far as the twins go, they’re growing and maturing every day too! It’s so fun to hear them chattering away and making up their own little games together. They had quite the fun weekend last weekend! On Saturday 3/1, Oliver, Ryan, Chief (Ryan’s dad), and Ryan’s brother, Thomas, went to see Monster Truck Jam in Rosemont, Illinois!! This cars-loving boy was in HEAVEN (and our resident audiologist, Jake, hooked him up with some pretty sweet noise-canceling headphones too :lovestruc They were red like Lightning McQueen, of course!)

Poor guy had a nice scab under his nose from a wipeout on the driveway!

While the boys were at the show, Haley, CiCi (Ryan’s mom), and Evie went to high tea at a local restaurant :cutie: Once again, for a girl who loves everything girly and “princess-like”, this was perfect!

Only 61 more days until we get to experience the magic with our favorite kiddos!! :tink:

It's so amazing that we have been friends for so long!!! Funny story- we met on the first day of 7th grade (middle school in the U.S), and through conversation, found out that my mom and her dad were both dentists. I went home and told my mom her last name, and she said "NO WAY, I went to dental school with her dad and we were in the same class!!" She had known Gabi's family for years and had actually tried to have us meet when we were younger (we both grew up in the same town but went to different elementary schools). Such a small world!!!
Nothing better than lifelong friendships. :)
Hello! I thought I’d post a quick little update today, because TOMORROW IS ADR DAY!! Well, ADR Day #1 of 3 since we are doing a triple split-stay :sad2:. I’m usually more excited for this day, but I’m feeling some nerves this year! I’m going in with a good game plan, and we have multiple back-ups if we don’t get the restaurants we hope for. Even though it’s probably not absolutely necessary, I’m still going to get up at 5:00 AM, because that’s the fun of it right? :laughing: Please send all of the good *Disney JuJu* so that we get good reservations/times!
Hope all went well!
ope all wenI was VERY tempted to spend another $20 to make it an 8-day ticket… and honestly, I might still do that ::yes::. It sounds so tempting just to solo-hop to a park early one morning or late one evening... I have a feeling that I might need to, just for my sanity’s sake!
Definitely do it! Even if you don't use the extra day, for $20 it's nice to have the option.
I also went ahead and added Mister Ethan to our hotel reservations!! :goodvibes This guy is growing and growing (and it looks like he’s inheriting his brother’s ginger hair!!)
He is the cutest!
While the boys were at the show, Haley, CiCi (Ryan’s mom), and Evie went to high tea at a local restaurant :cutie: Once again, for a girl who loves everything girly and “princess-like”, this was perfect!
Awww, that's the cutest! Hopefully Garden View will reopen and you can take Evie there on an aunt/niece date!
Only 61 more days until we get to experience the magic with our favorite kiddos!! :tink:
That time will fly by!
Such adorable pictures of the kiddos!

I hope you were able to book the first round of ADRs that you wanted. I look forward to hearing how all your ADR plans shake out!
Nothing better than lifelong friendships. :)

Hope all went well!

Definitely do it! Even if you don't use the extra day, for $20 it's nice to have the option.

He is the cutest!

Awww, that's the cutest! Hopefully Garden View will reopen and you can take Evie there on an aunt/niece date!

That time will fly by!
Susan!! I hope you are having the best time on your solo trip!!! I've been loving seeing all of the updates on Facebook- it sounds like you are living your best life :)

I think sometime in the next few weeks I'll upgrade that ticket... so worth it just to have the extra peace of mind!!
Such adorable pictures of the kiddos!

I hope you were able to book the first round of ADRs that you wanted. I look forward to hearing how all your ADR plans shake out!
Update coming soon!!! Spoiler alert- one ADR gave me OODLES of trouble, and the rest were a breeze. :laughing: Hope all of your ADRs go smoothly as well!! You have such a great list- I'm getting hungry just looking at it!!!
Official ADR List! (And why Cinderella is now my least favorite princess…)

The day is finally here!! After lots of planning and 3 separate days of booking…



Kona Cafe OR Summer House on the Lake (Jake and I- we will delete one of these)
Crystal Palace (Entire Group)

Sci-Fi Dine-In Theatre (Entire Group)

Chef Art Smith’s Homecoming (Jake and I)
Cinderella’s Royal Table (Entire Group)
Rainforest Cafe at Disney Springs (Entire Group)
San Angel Inn (Entire Group)
Storybook Dining at Artist Point (Entire Group)
Roundup Rodeo BBQ (Entire Group)
Chef Mickey’s (Entire Group)

Now, I have a bone to pick with a certain princess, and her name is Cinderella :laughing: Out of all of our ADRs, Cinderella’s Royal Table was BY FAR the most difficult to get. I now present to you… The Saga of Cinderella.

So, a couple updates ago, I mentioned that Saturday, March 9th, was our first ADR date. This date was the most important, because this was the day that I would be attempting to get reservations for Cinderella’s Royal Table! Well, at 4:45 AM on Saturday, I woke up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, ready to make ADRs….

And I realized that I was one day early.


UGH, back to bed!!

So, Sunday, March 10th, I woke up at 4:45 AM once again to try for the elusive CRT (it didn’t help that it was also Daylight Savings Day!). I had been stalking the MDE app for months to get an idea of some trends and patterns involving reservations, so that I’d be prepared once our ADR dates came. Out of all of the times I checked availability, NEVER ONCE did I see a reservation available for Cinderella’s Royal Table at 60 days out, for any meal. Not even for 2 people. So, I had just assumed that it was a pipe dream, and we had made other plans to eat somewhere else on our MK day (either Liberty Tree Tavern or 1900 Park Fare).

Imagine my surprise- when reservation times opened, I saw TONS of times available for Cinderella’s Royal Table!!


I had my MDE account up on my phone, and Jake’s account up on my iPad, all set and ready to make two CRT dinner reservations for 5 people (10 people total). Right out of the gate, I was immediately thrown off when I realized that I needed to make the full payment right away (attune to roughly $800). I quickly went on my bank app and transferred some money just to make sure I had enough in my checking account.

With each reservation all set and ready, I pressed confirm…



I mean, REALLY??? My card NEVER gets declined, and for all transactions it could decline, it decides to decline a DISNEY PAYMENT?? With all of the money I throw at the Walt Disney Company every single year?? :rotfl:

Oh yeah, did I mention that the MDE system only gives you a 9-minute time frame to book your reservation??


Needless to say, I’m in full-on FREAK OUT mode at this point. I wake peaceful, sleeping Jake in a frenzy, whisper-yelling, “I NEED YOUR CREDIT CARD.” :rotfl2:Poor Jake looked like this!!


Luckily, he regained consciousness immediately and ran to his wallet to grab his card. I ended up having to re-choose our time slots, put in all of our information again, and enter Jake’s card into the system. After 5 agonizing minutes, the times were BOOKED! I MANAGED TO BOOK 10 PEOPLE FOR DINNER AT CRT!!


I quickly booked our other ADRs for that date (which took a fraction of the time compared to that one ADR, haha), and Jake and I were able to settle back into dreamland.

When I woke up later that morning, I was looking at the confirmation emails when I realized that I made a little boo-boo. In my 5:00 AM hysteria, instead of booking the twins under “infants” (under age 3), I booked them as “children” (ages 3-9). So, Jake’s card got charged $120 more than it should have, since children under 3 eat for free at CRT. When I sheepishly told Jake, he was like…


(Had to include a GIF from one of my all-time favorite movies, Just Friends!)

I called Disney that afternoon, and the lady on the phone was very nice but seemed frazzled, which immediately made me nervous. She was able to get the reservation changed, but accidentally gave Jake his refund payment twice. So, she gave Jake a refund of $240, then charged his account $120 to make up for the difference. UGH! It felt like whack-a-mole; when we tried to fix one problem, another one would pop up!!

Well, of course, the withdrawal of $120 went through right away, but the refund wasn’t showing up. So, we were now roughly $920 in the hole for this meal and anxiously awaiting our refund :scared:. The CM told us that sometimes it takes a bit for the refunds to show up, but the reservation was fully changed and we were all set. I did see the reservation change in MDE, so I assumed that it was good to go.

Phew!!! All settled!! Right??

Well, Monday morning (3/11), when I was waiting for a client in the parking lot at work, something inside of me said, “I need to double-check our CRT reservations.” So, I logged onto MDE and did a quick peek. Imagine my horror when I realized that one of our CRT reservations (the one I had called to change the day before) was GONE. POOF. DISAPPEARED.


After panicking for a minute, I just had to sit back and laugh. Like, OF COURSE that would happen :rolleyes:.

THANK GOODNESS that it was still before the 60-day date, so there were still some time slots available. I was able to see an opening for the exact same date and time for 5 people; honestly, it was probably my reservation that had just dropped. So I snagged that up, and just paid for it using my card (which, thank the lord, did not get declined this time). So, now, if you’re keeping track, Jake and I are now $1,150 in the hole for this reservation with no refund in sight.


Luckily, Jake had some office hours before his patients on that day, so he was able to call Disney immediately and straighten out all of the refunds that needed to occur.


I gave him very strict instructions ::yes::. God bless that man. He puts up with so much from me :laughing:.

The CM on this call apologized for the chaos and assured Jake that his full refund will be processed within 7-10 business days. Luckily, Jake did end up receiving his full refund amount on Wednesday 3/13! And, as of today, both CRT reservations are still in the app :thumbsup2.

All I’m saying is… the kiddos better appreciate eating their chicken nuggets and grapes in Cinderella’s Castle :rotfl: This will be used as leverage for years to come!! Auntie Molly can’t make it to your soccer game?? Well, remember when she got up at 5:00 AM (twice) and had a full-on mental breakdown in order to make sure you got to eat at Cinderella’s Royal Table?? :laughing:

All jokes aside, I’m SO thrilled to be able to eat in Cinderella’s Castle and see the twins living their best life. I’m really excited for all of our ADRs in general. We have a nice mix of some frequent favorites (Sci-Fi Dine-In Theatre, Kona Cafe, Homecoming, San Angel Inn), some restaurants that we haven’t visited in a LONG time (Rainforest Cafe, Chef Mickey’s, Crystal Palace), and a few restaurants that are completely new to us (Summer House on the Lake, CRT, Roundup Rodeo BBQ, Storybook Dining at Artist Point). I think this will be the perfect mix of fun theming and food variety. All of the buffets/family style dining will also be so convenient, since 90% of the time, the kids will just be eating off our plates anyway. Our guest count is continuously fluctuating with people coming and going, so our ADRs also vary in size. We just found out that Ryan’s sister Kahla and her husband Tony are joining us for the last few days, which I’m very excited for because I love touring the parks with Kahla!

Kahla and Tony at WDW back in December :)

We are also leaving a couple days open with no ADRs booked. On those days, we may just do QS for food, otherwise we’ll be spontaneous and try to get a last-minute opening for a TS! That was one thing that I noticed through my ADR stalking- I feel like, as a whole, ADRs are a lot easier to get and much more readily available than they have been in the past.

PHEW!! Glad that’s over ::yes::. One step closer to an exciting trip :goodvibes DISfriends- What has been your proudest/craziest moment involving ADR planning???
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All I’m saying is… the kiddos better appreciate eating their chicken nuggets and grapes in Cinderella’s Castle
Ha! it's so true... they will eat grapes and nothing even remotely close to what you pay. We had to pay a $50 bucks for Gwen to get a pizza cause I knew she wouldn't eat my meal and Morgan wasn't going to share. But it was worth it. They loved that meal and meeting 5 Princesses was def worth it.

DISfriends- What has been your proudest/craziest moment involving ADR planning???
Not an ADR exactly... But when I was trying to book our Galaxy's Edge AP preview was crazy!!! Rumor had circulated about the drop and I stayed home to try an dget it before I got to work. And waited and waited and waited. And finally i needed to get to work. And I kept refreshing the links on my phone at each traffic light. And it came available JUST as I was pulling into the parking lot. It was stressful!!!!
Hooray for booked ADRs! I LOVE your list and you booked so many great restaurants. I’m especially impressed that you managed to book Sci-Fi and Homecomin’ - those are the two that never show availability at normal-ish times for me at the 60 day mark!

I am glad to hear I’m not the only person that stalks MDE looking for ADR trends… :rotfl: (I don’t tell my husband about this - he’d think I’m crazy! He already thinks I’m crazy to wake up before 5 a.m. to make dining reservations two months out!)

Oh my goodness, booking Cinderella was a fiasco! :sad2::rotfl2: I feel your stress as there’s nothing like trying to desperately get your plans to work and Disney IT (or your credit card?!) not cooperating with you.

I mean, REALLY??? My card NEVER gets declined, and for all transactions it could decline, it decides to decline a DISNEY PAYMENT?? With all of the money I throw at the Walt Disney Company every single year?? :rotfl:

I have to admit, this made me laugh - I’m sorry! But the thought that it would decline for a company that you’ve thrown so much money too is somewhat hysterical.

I’m curious if both payments declined or if it was just one? It’s not out of the ordinary for credit card companies to decline duplicate payments (such as your nearly identical cost for a second meal) that occur too close together.

If it makes you feel better, my credit card initially declined my charge to Undercover Tourist when I was buying our park tickets last month. Thankfully it was less stressful than your booking CRT as I didn’t have a limited time window, but it was still annoying!

So, now, if you’re keeping track, Jake and I are now $1,150 in the hole for this reservation with no refund in sight.

:rotfl: I’m so glad you now have your refunds!

Well, remember when she got up at 5:00 AM (twice) and had a full-on mental breakdown in order to make sure you got to eat at Cinderella’s Royal Table?? :laughing:

Auntie Molly better be their #1 auntie after all of this! :goodvibes :laughing:

DISfriends- What has been your proudest/craziest moment involving ADR planning???

I’ve been very lucky when booking ADRs - I even managed to book a dinner slot at Be Our Guest back in 2013 when it was impossible to get and we didn’t book our stay until after the 180-mark.

However, I was right there with you feeling the stress of non-cooperating ADRs. When I booked our 2020 trip (that never happened :rolleyes: ), I was trying to book our PPO breakfast at Tusker House when my “on-file” card apparently dropped off my account. It kicked me out of the reservation and I had to update my card in MDE before I could try booking another ADR. I did get a breakfast slot but was SO MAD I lost my 8:00 slot and instead had an 8:20 slot.

Here’s hoping my ADR booking (just one week away! :scared: ) goes well! Frankly, I’m not worried about our dining reservations but am VERY nervous about scoring a Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique reservation. The few remaining slots available at the 60-day mark disappear within two minutes of being released (no, I’m not kidding!). Thank goodness we’re onsite and not planning to book this until the end of our first resort stay… but I’ll take any good luck vibes you have!
OMG 😱 your ADR fiasco! I was reading and on the edge of my seat :rotfl:
I found reservations for our late April trip to be stress free for once! That does not happen very often.
It has been awhile since I stressed and had a hard time getting a reservation. I would say the lounge for Space 220 was the most stressful in the last couple years.
Ahhh your Disney smells hit me right here ❤️. I have so many wonderful memories associated with Disney smells. I bought the Cloverworld scent at DS in February and love it 🥰
I found a good Poly resort smell alike melts on Etsy. It was awhile back but you could search on there. I thought it was very Poly like!
Oh my gosh, I can't believe the stress you had to go through for that CRT reservation! When people complain about not wanting to go to Disney because of the hoops they have to jump through, I believe this is what they're referring to. :rotfl:
For what it's worth, though, this will be the stories that stick around for years to come. When the twins are teenagers and you're reminiscing about their first trip, you'll remember and laugh about the hardest to get meal, ever. :rotfl2:
I was VERY tempted to spend another $20 to make it an 8-day ticket… and honestly, I might still do that ::yes::. It sounds so tempting just to solo-hop to a park early one morning or late one evening... I have a feeling that I might need to, just for my sanity’s sake!
I would spend the $20 for another couple of hours in the parks!
We have a nice mix of some frequent favorites (Sci-Fi Dine-In Theatre, Kona Cafe, Homecoming, San Angel Inn), some restaurants that we haven’t visited in a LONG time (Rainforest Cafe, Chef Mickey’s, Crystal Palace), and a few restaurants that are completely new to us (Summer House on the Lake, CRT, Roundup Rodeo BBQ, Storybook Dining at Artist Point).
Whew I'm glad you got CRT worked out! This sounds like a great mix of reservations. A lot of fun places for the kids and some great food!
OMG your CRT headache is giving me a headache! We are going in April, I originally booked breakfast, but then saw they had steak for kids for dinner and my daughter LOVES steak! Figured Id rather spend a little more on dinner that I know she will eat, than a breakfast she MIGHT eat. Of course I say this now and she will insist on eating only Mickey Bars and popcorn and Gubby (aka grandma) will cave lol
Ha! it's so true... they will eat grapes and nothing even remotely close to what you pay. We had to pay a $50 bucks for Gwen to get a pizza cause I knew she wouldn't eat my meal and Morgan wasn't going to share. But it was worth it. They loved that meal and meeting 5 Princesses was def worth it.

Not an ADR exactly... But when I was trying to book our Galaxy's Edge AP preview was crazy!!! Rumor had circulated about the drop and I stayed home to try an dget it before I got to work. And waited and waited and waited. And finally i needed to get to work. And I kept refreshing the links on my phone at each traffic light. And it came available JUST as I was pulling into the parking lot. It was stressful!!!!
I totally agree- the memories will be SO worth all of the stress!

AHHH that does sound stressful!! It's always so hard to do those type of things while driving. I remember reading that TR and it sounds like another one of those "worth the stress" moments. The girls looked like they were living their best life!
Hooray for booked ADRs! I LOVE your list and you booked so many great restaurants. I’m especially impressed that you managed to book Sci-Fi and Homecomin’ - those are the two that never show availability at normal-ish times for me at the 60 day mark!

I am glad to hear I’m not the only person that stalks MDE looking for ADR trends… :rotfl: (I don’t tell my husband about this - he’d think I’m crazy! He already thinks I’m crazy to wake up before 5 a.m. to make dining reservations two months out!)

Oh my goodness, booking Cinderella was a fiasco! :sad2::rotfl2: I feel your stress as there’s nothing like trying to desperately get your plans to work and Disney IT (or your credit card?!) not cooperating with you.

I have to admit, this made me laugh - I’m sorry! But the thought that it would decline for a company that you’ve thrown so much money too is somewhat hysterical.

I’m curious if both payments declined or if it was just one? It’s not out of the ordinary for credit card companies to decline duplicate payments (such as your nearly identical cost for a second meal) that occur too close together.

If it makes you feel better, my credit card initially declined my charge to Undercover Tourist when I was buying our park tickets last month. Thankfully it was less stressful than your booking CRT as I didn’t have a limited time window, but it was still annoying!

:rotfl: I’m so glad you now have your refunds!

Auntie Molly better be their #1 auntie after all of this! :goodvibes :laughing:

I’ve been very lucky when booking ADRs - I even managed to book a dinner slot at Be Our Guest back in 2013 when it was impossible to get and we didn’t book our stay until after the 180-mark.

However, I was right there with you feeling the stress of non-cooperating ADRs. When I booked our 2020 trip (that never happened :rolleyes: ), I was trying to book our PPO breakfast at Tusker House when my “on-file” card apparently dropped off my account. It kicked me out of the reservation and I had to update my card in MDE before I could try booking another ADR. I did get a breakfast slot but was SO MAD I lost my 8:00 slot and instead had an 8:20 slot.

Here’s hoping my ADR booking (just one week away! :scared: ) goes well! Frankly, I’m not worried about our dining reservations but am VERY nervous about scoring a Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique reservation. The few remaining slots available at the 60-day mark disappear within two minutes of being released (no, I’m not kidding!). Thank goodness we’re onsite and not planning to book this until the end of our first resort stay… but I’ll take any good luck vibes you have!
I'm so happy and relieved that everything turned out ok!! We couldn't be more pleased with our ADRs and times!! And you make me feel SO much better about going through all the hysterics that I do :rotfl: Us master-planners have to stick together!

I'm still not sure what was up with my credit card. It could have totally been the two transactions, or maybe due to the fact that I had just transferred money? I'm happy it wasn't a long-term issue!

For Homecoming- I actually booked a reservation for 4 people instead of 2 people because for some reason, there's always wayyy more availability for larger parties at that place. To be fair, we also did not book a "normal" time (10:55 PM :laughing: ). I'm a late eater at home plus we want to squeeze all of the Disney Springs time we can on that arrival day!

AHHH! Sending you all the good vibes for BBB!! I've never booked a reservation for there before but I've head of the craziness! I'm so sad that Evie's just a squeeze too little for that this time. Next trip for sure!
OMG 😱 your ADR fiasco! I was reading and on the edge of my seat :rotfl:
I found reservations for our late April trip to be stress free for once! That does not happen very often.
It has been awhile since I stressed and had a hard time getting a reservation. I would say the lounge for Space 220 was the most stressful in the last couple years.
Ahhh your Disney smells hit me right here ❤️. I have so many wonderful memories associated with Disney smells. I bought the Cloverworld scent at DS in February and love it 🥰
I found a good Poly resort smell alike melts on Etsy. It was awhile back but you could search on there. I thought it was very Poly like!
Definitely- I feel like overall, it is SO much easier to get ADRs. Our other ADRs, even for 10-11 people, were an absolute piece of cake!

I'll definitely search on Etsy for a Poly candle! Love that place so much :lovestruc
Oh my gosh, I can't believe the stress you had to go through for that CRT reservation! When people complain about not wanting to go to Disney because of the hoops they have to jump through, I believe this is what they're referring to. :rotfl:
For what it's worth, though, this will be the stories that stick around for years to come. When the twins are teenagers and you're reminiscing about their first trip, you'll remember and laugh about the hardest to get meal, ever. :rotfl2:
Hahaha, I think oddly enough, it makes me even MORE excited for this meal!! Like, jeez, CRT must be amazing if it's so hard to get an ADR there! I'm so excited to see the twins meet the princesses, my heart is going to explode :love:
I would spend the $20 for another couple of hours in the parks!

Whew I'm glad you got CRT worked out! This sounds like a great mix of reservations. A lot of fun places for the kids and some great food!
Sounds like its unanimous- this weekend I will definitely add that day to my ticket!

I'm SO excited for all of our ADRs!! I can't wait to read your TR and hear all about your dining experiences as well :) Sounds like you guys had an amazing trip!!
My blood pressure is on the rise just reading about your ADR fiasco!
Definitely book that solo time!!
Booking this weekend! Even if it's just to pop into Epcot for an hour and grab a crepe for breakfast, it will be worth it :)
OMG your CRT headache is giving me a headache! We are going in April, I originally booked breakfast, but then saw they had steak for kids for dinner and my daughter LOVES steak! Figured Id rather spend a little more on dinner that I know she will eat, than a breakfast she MIGHT eat. Of course I say this now and she will insist on eating only Mickey Bars and popcorn and Gubby (aka grandma) will cave lol

Hahaha, that is SO going to be Nana (my mom)!!! She took them to Target the other week and got them chocolate cake pops from Starbucks, and I guess they made a crazy mess and got chocolate everywhere. Haley was like "WHY DID YOU DO THAT? I always say they're out of chocolate and get them the pink ones instead :laughing:" And my mom was like "They asked so nicely, how could I say no??" :rotfl:
Cosmic Rewind- Yay or Nay?

Hi friends! As our trip countdown dwindles (48 days!!), I've been getting into hyper-fixation mode on certain Disney topics. This week's topic is... Cosmic Rewind.

Now, the IDEA of this ride is amazing. I LOVE roller coasters. The Hulk, Rock N Roller Coaster, Expedition Everest, Hagrid’s Motorbike Adventure, Space Mountain, Rip Ride Rockit...I crave that stomach-drop feeling and I have no fear of heights, drops, or loops. Spinning doesn’t thrill me, but I’m ok with it as long as I can see my surroundings and spot a focal point.

However, I sometimes struggle with disorientation when moving screens are utilized, because it confuses me and makes me feel like my brain and body are doing separate things. I never used to struggle with motion sickness (anxiety, yes, but no actual nausea surrounding amusement park rides).

Cue 2013…Harry Potter’s Forbidden Journey at Universal Studios was the first ride I ever felt nauseous on, and it hit me like a train. I could seriously feel myself turning green as we rode. :sick: I remember feeling so thrown off and confused, but I was immediately alleviated when I closed my eyes. I wasn't too affected after the ride.

In fact, this was me 10 minutes later. A frozen butterbeer always helps with nausea!

But, since then, I have been anxious about getting sick on simulators and will usually proactively close my eyes on these rides. I don't ever have a problem as long as I keep my eyes closed. I can't keep my eyes open at all on Star Tours, and have to close them periodically on Remy's, FoP, and Escape from Gringotts... I also don't like the "bubble tunnel" on The Seas with Nemo and usually look down at the ground during that part. I am fine with the screen scene on MMRR because it's so clear and it's pretty short.

So, here’s where you guys come in. I need ALL opinions on Cosmic Rewind and its potential for motion sickness! Do you think that closing my eyes would help with Cosmic Rewind? The addition of the moving track is what has me concerned. I have also been told that as long as you keep your head forward and look ahead at the car (maybe "spotting" a place and keeping your vision at that place the whole time), you will be fine, which makes sense, because that always helps me when I’m spinning. Again, I have no problems with the actual coaster part (the backwards launch sounds awesome!), I’m just concerned with the combination of moving screens and the potential to get disoriented.

I think what’s really throwing me off as well is that I’m constantly hearing conflicting information. It seems like there’s no direct pattern with motion sickness on Cosmic Rewind. Some people who are long-time sufferers of motion sickness are reporting that they felt fine on this ride, while other people who have never felt sick on a ride were WRECKED by this ride!

I haven’t really shared this here, but I've also struggled with emetophobia since I was a small child. If you’ve read my past TRs, you’ll know that I struggle with IBS and usually end up having some sort of vomiting/sickness episode at least 1x per vacation :crazy2:

Although nobody “likes” to vomit, I’ve gotten pretty used to “puking and rallying” and just moving about my day when the IBS hits during vacation. What really causes my anxiety is seeing others around me getting sick, or putting myself in a position to be exposed to others vomiting. It’s a lack-of-control thing for sure.

The thought of not only vomiting myself, but potentially seeing others vomiting outside/around the ride scares me IMMENSELY. People joke about this ride being a “vomit comet” and the thought of that makes me want to cry!! :scared:It took me a long time to try Mission Space:Green for this very reason. Am I being dramatic about this?? Have any of you seen someone vomiting outside of the ride??

Also, I want to talk about meds! I have taken Dramamine exactly one time in my life (on a catamaran in Mexico), and while I didn’t feel nauseous, I got extremely drowsy and practically fell asleep at dinner that night. Some people say that Bonine is a better medicine because it doesn’t make you sleepy. This might be a stupid question, but can you drink alcohol while taking these medications? I’d by no means get drunk, but after we ride, I’d like to enjoy a couple adult beverages from F&G if I can.

I bought these for the trip, and I’m at least planning on taking a couple about 30 minutes before we ride. I love ginger-flavored things, and ginger ale always helps when I’m having an IBS episode. If anything, I feel like it would at least provide a nice placebo effect to alleviate some anxiety.

The easy answer would be, "Just don't ride it!" But, I chickened out on this in July, and I did regret it. The whole group kept talking about how much I would love it and how I really missed out. Also, Jake wants to do this, and while he is totally fine doing it by himself, I don't want my anxiety to take away what could be an awesome experience! One of “our songs” is September by Earth, Wind, and Fire… and it would be SO COOL to get that song during our ride!

Since our wedding was on September 22nd, we had our rehearsal/rehearsal dinner on September 21st (“Do you remember? 21st night of… September?”), and we were singing that song all night :lovestruc. It was also the very first song the DJ played when our dance floor opened at the wedding reception!

So, long story short- what are your Cosmic Rewind opinions?? Any tips and tricks for avoiding motion sickness? Thank you for listening to my anxious rambles!! Any and all advice appreciated :thumbsup2

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Cosmic Rewind- Yay or Nay?

Hi friends! As our trip countdown dwindles (48 days!!), I've been getting into hyper-fixation mode on certain Disney topics. This week's topic is... Cosmic Rewind.

Now, the IDEA of this ride is amazing. I LOVE roller coasters. The Hulk, Rock N Roller Coaster, Expedition Everest, Hagrid’s Motorbike Adventure, Space Mountain, Rip Ride Rockit...I crave that stomach-drop feeling and I have no fear of heights, drops, or loops. Spinning doesn’t thrill me, but I’m ok with it as long as I can see my surroundings and spot a focal point.

However, I sometimes struggle with disorientation when moving screens are utilized, because it confuses me and makes me feel like my brain and body are doing separate things. I never used to struggle with motion sickness (anxiety, yes, but no actual nausea surrounding amusement park rides).

Cue 2013…Harry Potter’s Forbidden Journey at Universal Studios was the first ride I ever felt nauseous on, and it hit me like a train. I could seriously feel myself turning green as we rode. :sick: I remember feeling so thrown off and confused, but I was immediately alleviated when I closed my eyes. I wasn't too affected after the ride.

In fact, this was me 10 minutes later. A frozen butterbeer always helps with nausea!

But, since then, I have been anxious about getting sick on simulators and will usually proactively close my eyes on these rides. I don't ever have a problem as long as I keep my eyes closed. I can't keep my eyes open at all on Star Tours, and have to close them periodically on Remy's, FoP, and Escape from Gringotts... I also don't like the "bubble tunnel" on The Seas with Nemo and usually look down at the ground during that part. I am fine with the screen scene on MMRR because it's so clear and it's pretty short.

So, here’s where you guys come in. I need ALL opinions on Cosmic Rewind and its potential for motion sickness! Do you think that closing my eyes would help with Cosmic Rewind? The addition of the moving track is what has me concerned. I have also been told that as long as you keep your head forward and look ahead at the car (maybe "spotting" a place and keeping your vision at that place the whole time), you will be fine, which makes sense, because that always helps me when I’m spinning. Again, I have no problems with the actual coaster part (the backwards launch sounds awesome!), I’m just concerned with the combination of moving screens and the potential to get disoriented.

I think what’s really throwing me off as well is that I’m constantly hearing conflicting information. It seems like there’s no direct pattern with motion sickness on Cosmic Rewind. Some people who are long-time sufferers of motion sickness are reporting that they felt fine on this ride, while other people who have never felt sick on a ride were WRECKED by this ride!

I haven’t really shared this here, but I've also struggled with emetophobia since I was a small child. If you’ve read my past TRs, you’ll know that I struggle with IBS and usually end up having some sort of vomiting/sickness episode at least 1x per vacation :crazy2:

Although nobody “likes” to vomit, I’ve gotten pretty used to “puking and rallying” and just moving about my day when the IBS hits during vacation. What really causes my anxiety is seeing others around me getting sick, or putting myself in a position to be exposed to others vomiting. It’s a lack-of-control thing for sure.

The thought of not only vomiting myself, but potentially seeing others vomiting outside/around the ride scares me IMMENSELY. People joke about this ride being a “vomit comet” and the thought of that makes me want to cry!! :scared:It took me a long time to try Mission Space:Green for this very reason. Am I being dramatic about this?? Have any of you seen someone vomiting outside of the ride??

Also, I want to talk about meds! I have taken Dramamine exactly one time in my life (on a catamaran in Mexico), and while I didn’t feel nauseous, I got extremely drowsy and practically fell asleep at dinner that night. Some people say that Bonine is a better medicine because it doesn’t make you sleepy. This might be a stupid question, but can you drink alcohol while taking these medications? I’d by no means get drunk, but after we ride, I’d like to enjoy a couple adult beverages from F&G if I can.

I bought these for the trip, and I’m at least planning on taking a couple about 30 minutes before we ride. I love ginger-flavored things, and ginger ale always helps when I’m having an IBS episode. If anything, I feel like it would at least provide a nice placebo effect to alleviate some anxiety.

The easy answer would be, "Just don't ride it!" But, I chickened out on this in July, and I did regret it. The whole group kept talking about how much I would love it and how I really missed out. Also, Jake wants to do this, and while he is totally fine doing it by himself, I don't want my anxiety to take away what could be an awesome experience! One of “our songs” is September by Earth, Wind, and Fire… and it would be SO COOL to get that song during our ride!

Since our wedding was on September 22nd, we had our rehearsal/rehearsal dinner on September 21st (“Do you remember? 21st night of… September?”), and we were singing that song all night :lovestruc. It was also the very first song the DJ played when our dance floor opened at the wedding reception!

So, long story short- what are your Cosmic Rewind opinions?? Any tips and tricks for avoiding motion sickness? Thank you for listening to my anxious rambles!! Any and all advice appreciated :thumbsup2

You sound similar to me! I have started to take non-drowsy dramamine when I fly and the days at the parks. I take one in the am and it has helped. I still have a few cocktails at times too and the dramamine hasn't made me feel off/worse. I think probably because of the timing since I take the pill in the am and wouldn't have a drink til later in the day.
I will say that on Cosmic Rewind there were parts where I closed my eyes. I could tell I was starting to feel off so I closed them and was ok after the ride. I also do the same on Remi at times. For Tron it wasn't as bad but when we were inside and going around I also closed my eyes.
I'd try the non-drowsy dramamine and close eyes when needed! Good luck!
I am pretty sensitive to motion sickness. (I once curled up on the ground and threw up on a train in Paris...)

No medication, Guardians made me feel queasy. Not that bad, but I had the opportunity to ride it a second time (ILL and VQ), and I chose not to.

Every trip since then I have taken Bonine. I didn't know about it until I saw recommendations on Facebook. I never used to take anything because regular Dramanine doesn't work for me and I didn't know of anything else. I never tried any of the other Dramamine variations.

For me, Bonine is LIFE CHANGING. I take it anytime I travel anywhere now. It also lasts 24 hours so I take it at night just in case it causes any drowsiness (although I don't feel that it does). I have to admit, sometimes I get nervous and I take two, one after dinner and one right before bed.

I don't get sick on any rides at all, including Guardians, which is now close to my favorite ride!

I didn't even think that drinking while taking Bonine would be an issue... I don't drink that much but I definitely had a few drinks during all my trips and didn't feel a difference.

I am planning on taking Bonine during my upcoming cruise. There is a thread about drinking while taking Bonine on a cruise and no one has a problem with it. Not sure if this link will work but the title of the thread is "motion sickness and alcoholic beverages"

I think what’s really throwing me off as well is that I’m constantly hearing conflicting information. It seems like there’s no direct pattern with motion sickness on Cosmic Rewind. Some people who are long-time sufferers of motion sickness are reporting that they felt fine on this ride, while other people who have never felt sick on a ride were WRECKED by this ride!
This is a tough one! I’d say I’m in the middle when it comes to motion sickness. The HP castle ride and Star Tours make me feel a little sick / disoriented right after riding but I recover quickly and don’t take anything before those rides. MMRR and Remy don’t bother me at all. Guardians is more like HP and Star Tours for me. I feel a little woozy / sick to my stomach when I first get off, but it passes quickly and isn’t bad enough to make me want to skip the ride - the thrill is worth the temporary off feeling for me. It’s a mild feeling for me. My husband and MIL seemed similar on this last trip, none of us felt overly sick. But I know everyone is different!
Have any of you seen someone vomiting outside of the ride??
I’ve never seen anyone vomit getting off the ride or looking even close to it! Most people seem pumped after riding :)
Ride it! It is nothing like HP Forbidden Journey. It is a rollercoaster more than anything. It just has a track that takes you sideways. I think you will be fine with it. Are you able to do the Mummy and Gringotts? They are more simulator rollercoasters than Guardians!
I bought some herbal type anti nausea patches for behind my ear from Amazon and I wear one and I think it really helps!
Remy makes me feel a little queasy!


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