Our 15 day summer adventure to WDW! NEW TR LINK 11/6 pg. 49!!

So excited you enjoyed your princess meal with your family. :thumbsup2

Definitely a must do with a family of boys!!!
Love your trip report! I just started it so I'm a little behind (bear with me!) when we went to 50s prime time we had auntie elaine she was hilarious! Danica dropped ketchup on the floor and elaine made her clean it up. The people next to us also made balloon animals so the kids got balloons! It was awesome!
I found those pictures......she is so going to kill me. This morning I was thinking she'll never know...then she says how much she's enjoying your trip report:lmao::lmao::lmao:cannot wait til she logs in tomorrow to see this:rotfl2:
The second ones my all time fav;)

In the pic of your DH and DS...is that the LINE for Spaceship Earth behind you??? WOW the parks were packed huh?
So happy you finally got to eat with the princesses :goodvibes. cute pictures too. We have always had pretty good food there. I have never seen Ariel or Cinderella there though, hopefully next time. The pic with Eric blushing is too cute. Love the empty Epcot pics. I'm also glad you had way better luck than us with the buses. We were so frustrated I can't even begin to tell you. We timed them every time we waited with Tommy's watch. Anyway can't wait to see how you liked Chef's De France.
Sweet of your boys to do the princess meal. Thanks for the review, I think we may try this next trip.:thumbsup2

you lawbreakers, it's ok if it's for the sake of fun. :rotfl:
Since I am trying to play catch up after being at camp all week, I may have a bunch of posts right in a row - sorry

Sounds like you had a rough day at the MK. At least all of the guys had on great shirts - GO RU!!:cheer2:
Sounds like this report was a well deserved relaxing day. Those massages are awesome. I have had them at the Hershey Spa. Glad hubby enjoyed it.
Now I am all caught up.

Glad you got to have your "girl meal" with the princesses.:thumbsup2 I consider that if you were let into the park early for breakfast, it's not really "breaking" the rules, the rope just happened to be in your way of getting fast passes.
Hi. I am just catching up. Great report! Do you remember how much the t-shirts cost at the place your boys made them at DTD?
OMG, aren't we still little girls at heart?:love: There is nothing like a princess breakfast in the whole world. We did Norway last year and when I saw Belle in her yellow gown, I definitely had a moment.....Jasmine pretended not to know me:confused3

So nice all your men thought of you in such a sweet way....you're a very lucky lady;)

Eric's comment about Prince Charming was far too cute......

Yeah for being a rope jumping/ducking rebel.....hey, you can't be good all the time:worship:
so glad you had a girlie meal!! the boys and the princesses look great

Thanks Shannon!

Oh how fun for you to have your princess breakfast! I think after seeing so many little girls those princesses enjoy seeing the boys! I remember when I took my son to see Princess Aurora in Toontown and their interaction was so priceless. I think they get a kick out of the little boys after little girl after little girl!

And you rebel you jumping the rope!


Thanks Allyson! I was so happy to have my family there with me! Bryan was firm in his ducking the rope necessity!

So glad you got to have your princess meals princess:

Your boys are such sweeties :goodvibes

You can see how embarassed Eric was...too cute :laughing:

You rebels you..under the rope...did your heart start to race, afraid someone would stop you :rotfl2: I know mine would have :laughing:

Thanks Kelly! Eric was embarrassed! I was VERY nervous about the whole rope thing!


Hahaha! Diane, thanks for the manpris picture, you are soooo stealth!

The princess meals are fun aren't they? We thought so! The boys look so handsome with them!

Too funny Anita! I didn't even notice that when I took the picture!

Diane, I would have had a permagrin, too, from meeting the princesses! I know I did in 2004 when we did the Akershus breakfast! Love all the pics with the boys and the princesses!

Thanks Jackie! I really was SO HAPPY!

Wow, your boys are such good sports! We are also having breakfast at Akershus, hope my son has as good an attitude as your sons! Love the empty park pictures, can't wait to see it for myself. You guys are too funny with all your sneaking around, I would be too chicken! How awesome to be first in line for the day, though!!!! :goodvibes

Thanks! I am sure your son will be just fine! The empty park feeling is AWESOME, enjoy it! It was great being 1st in line!

Aww! What a great morning! Your boys are so sweet to endure the Princesses for their Mama! :)

You got a lot done after the breakfast too! Can't wait to hear about the rest of the day.

Thanks so much! They were good sports!

So glad you got to eat a meal with the Princesses. That was so sweet of Matthew to say that, I would have teared up too! :hug: That Bryan is a daredevil isn't he! :rotfl2: But :yay: for being first in line and FP's too!! :goodvibes

Thanks Tammy! I was impressed by Matthew's comment too, I think he really understood how much I wanted to do it! Bryan is usually very careful so this side of him was interesting!

Diane, so glad you got your princess meal. The pictures are cute and the princesses seemed great to your boys. We need to go back there next time for breakfast again.

Thanks Laura! The princesses were AWESOME but the food was GREAT too!

Wow, what a great Epcot morning! I LOVE that Princess breakfast, its always SO good!

I am :rotfl2: at the manpris. LOL that's too funny!

really, sounds like an amazing day and what great interaction with the princesses :) YAY for a Mom-morning!

Thanks! It was a GREAT morning!

I'm so glad you got your princess breakfast! I have a girl so it's easy for me to get my princess fix but it was extra special for your boys to have that meal for you. Of course, they look like they're enjoying themselves plenty too! :goodvibes

That's too funny about the Disney lawbreaking! Yay! for being first to ride though.:thumbsup2

Can't wait for more.popcorn::

Thanks so much! I was very proud of my boys that morning!

So excited you enjoyed your princess meal with your family. :thumbsup2

Definitely a must do with a family of boys!!!

Thanks so much, it was a GREAT meal!

Love your trip report! I just started it so I'm a little behind (bear with me!) when we went to 50s prime time we had auntie elaine she was hilarious! Danica dropped ketchup on the floor and elaine made her clean it up. The people next to us also made balloon animals so the kids got balloons! It was awesome!

WELCOME and thanks for joining us, I am glad you are here!

I found those pictures......she is so going to kill me. This morning I was thinking she'll never know...then she says how much she's enjoying your trip report:lmao::lmao::lmao:cannot wait til she logs in tomorrow to see this:rotfl2:
The second ones my all time fav;)


OMG! Your daughter is going to kill you! That is SO FUNNY! I laughed so hard! Thanks for sharing them!!!

great epcot morning had breakfast with the princesses then got the first ride on TT..

Thanks, it was pretty great!

In the pic of your DH and DS...is that the LINE for Spaceship Earth behind you??? WOW the parks were packed huh?

That crowd is deceiving, it really wasn't that crowded, they just hadn't opened all the railing sections yet so people were in a long line but once they opened all the gate things, it really was only like a 3 minute wait!!
So happy you finally got to eat with the princesses :goodvibes. cute pictures too. We have always had pretty good food there. I have never seen Ariel or Cinderella there though, hopefully next time. The pic with Eric blushing is too cute. Love the empty Epcot pics. I'm also glad you had way better luck than us with the buses. We were so frustrated I can't even begin to tell you. We timed them every time we waited with Tommy's watch. Anyway can't wait to see how you liked Chef's De France.

Thanks Nichole! We really did get lucky with the buses considering we were there for 12 nights! The Princess breakfast was AWESOME! Chefs review coming right up!

Sweet of your boys to do the princess meal. Thanks for the review, I think we may try this next trip.:thumbsup2

you lawbreakers, it's ok if it's for the sake of fun. :rotfl:

Thanks Julie, I thought so too! It was kind of thrilling ducking the rope!

Since I am trying to play catch up after being at camp all week, I may have a bunch of posts right in a row - sorry

Sounds like you had a rough day at the MK. At least all of the guys had on great shirts - GO RU!!:cheer2:

Sounds like this report was a well deserved relaxing day. Those massages are awesome. I have had them at the Hershey Spa. Glad hubby enjoyed it.

Now I am all caught up.

Glad you got to have your "girl meal" with the princesses.:thumbsup2 I consider that if you were let into the park early for breakfast, it's not really "breaking" the rules, the rope just happened to be in your way of getting fast passes.

Glad you are all caught up! MK was a little tough in the AM got better though! Bryan LOVED his massage and I LOVE your reasoning for our rope ducking!!!

Hi. I am just catching up. Great report! Do you remember how much the t-shirts cost at the place your boys made them at DTD?

Hi thanks for catching up! The shirts were $24 dollars each!

OMG, aren't we still little girls at heart?:love: There is nothing like a princess breakfast in the whole world. We did Norway last year and when I saw Belle in her yellow gown, I definitely had a moment.....Jasmine pretended not to know me:confused3

So nice all your men thought of you in such a sweet way....you're a very lucky lady;)

Eric's comment about Prince Charming was far too cute......

Yeah for being a rope jumping/ducking rebel.....hey, you can't be good all the time:worship:

Thanks so much! Eric is a funny little guy, he is always so serious when he says these things and doesn't even realize they are funny! I was proud of my men and the princesses!
So we left off at Spaceship Earth! Once we were done, we decided to head over to Innoventions and try out a game I had read about on the DIS! It was called The Great Piggy Bank Adventure....



This was ADORABLE! Each team (up to 4 players) is given a piggy bank!


The first stop is to listen to the instructions from the pigggy bank....


Then you start. The first thing you have to decide is what you are saving for, and the choices were ultimate vacation, bedroom makeover and I orget what the other 2 were but there are 4 choices!


Once you pick your goal, you switch to another station to play a game that helps you save money!


One of the games, has you moving a joystick to bounce coins off of and have them land in these savings buckets, but if you don't move them properly, they could land in a candy or toy bucket resulting in not saving those coins!


One of the other games has each team member with a magnifying glass looking thing and you have to place it over a coin and put the coins in different chests to learn to spread your money out over many investments instead of putting it all in one place. You do this 3 times and after each turn, a fox comes out and opens the chests and steals some of your coins which is why it is good to spread them out!


After each game, you place your pig on a conveyor belt on one side and he travels to the other and totals your savings so far!


After all 3 games, you take your pig to the final station to see if you have saved enough for your goal!



Hooray! We had saved enough money to go on our ultimate vacation! This is such a cute game and a great mini lesson about money for the kids, I would highly recommend it!

After our piggy Bank Adventure, it was time to head into the World Showcase, and start our Kim Possible Mission! My boys were ADDICTED to these missions, it became almost unbearable because it was SO HOT and World SHowcase is SO unforgiving in the heat! On to Norway we went!




I don't want to give too much away, so I won't go into detail, but the missions are very clever, the way the clues interact with you and of course it doesn't hurt Disney that many of them take place inside a gift shop (go figure!) The boys ABSOLUTELY loved them! Disney also thought of a way to signal when children should switch users on the phone so that everyone gets a turn! We really enjoyed them!

After our HOT mission saving Norway, it weas time to turn around and walk over to France for our lunch at Chef's De France and Remy! I had packed the boys Ratatouille t-shirts with me, so I quickly changed them after we checked in!


I ordered a caesar salad for an appetizer...


Bryan had escargot....


I don't have pictures of our entrees but Bryan and I both had the burgers and they were delicious! The boys both got chicken fingers and pasta which they liked!

As we were finishing up our lunch, Remy finally arrived!


The man that interacted with him was named Armand and he was HYSTERICAL! He said to the boys "Why you do not have an Armand t-shirt?" "Why only Remy?" The boys looked at us nervously and then when Bryan and I laughed they began laughing too! He was SO GREAT with Remy!


This was SO CUTE and the boys LOVED it!

For dessert, I had chocalate covered cream puffs with berries and it was DELICIOUS!


Bryan had a bowl of fresh berries!


After our delicious lunch, we went back out into World Showcase and we all split up, Eric and I did a Kim Possible Mission in Japan and Bryan and matthew did one in germany!

Again I won't give details, I will just show pictures!






So after Eric and I saved Japan (this was my favorite mission) We met back up with Bryan and Matthew and went to use our Test Track fastpasses from earlier in the day!


After Test Track, we decided to head back to the resort and relax, we had a late reservation at the California Grill and I wanted everyone to be well rested!

We got back to the room and showered and then went to sleep! We slept for 2 HOURS!!!! That felt so good! We then got up and got ready to go to the California Grill, I was VERY MUCH looking forward to this meal!

Before we left...


I LOVE this picture!


Waiting at the bus stop!


We hopped a bus to the Magic Kingdom and then walked over to the Contemporary!

The sign in front of BLT


Walking along!



We arrived at the Contemporary at around 7:40 and our reservation wasn't until 8:10 and I wanted to check in at 8:10 or even a little after. When I originally made the ADR, Wishes was suppossed to go off at 9 but they had siince changed it to 10 and I was afraid that we would be done eating before it started and they would ask us to please go outside and watch!

We spent sometime in the arcade...




I took this picture outside the gift shop, becaue I thought it was pretty!


At exactly 8:10 we went down to check in....


I was pleasantly surprised when they gave us a buzzer and asked us to please have a seat!


The buzzer went off 5 minutes later and we checked our stroller and then we went into the elevator that would take us to the TOP!

When we got off the elevator, I went to the desk and asked if we could please have a window table and the CM said I will put you on the list but it could mean an extra 1/2 wait and I said that was fine! She directed us to the observation deck! All I can say is that it was the MOST SPECTACULAR thing I had ever seen outside of my babies being born! I became emotional instantly, it was INCREDIBLE!

Here are some pics., you judge for yourself!~





A view of BLT.....




Not the greatest picture of me, but it was windy up there!



SIMPLY STUNNING and definitely something I will never forget, It was amazing to be able to share that with my family!

Afterwards we went inside and I went to order Bryan and I a drink! The bartender asked Eric "who is your favorite character?" he said Donald or Mickey! The bartender said "good job" and then gave Eric and Matthew free Shirley Temples or as they call them Mickey mouses!!! SO SWEET!



So after our free Mickey Mouses, we were shown to our table and SCORE, we were window side with an INCREDIBLE view of the Magic Kingdom and I knew at this point we would DEFINITELY still be eating when Wishes started!

Our menu!


I ordered the flatbread for an appetizer...


Bryan had a sushi combo!


Bryan and the boys...


Me and the boys...


Some more fun dinner pictures......






I had ordered the filet mignon with potatoes and asparagus and it was AWESOME, this was the 1st meal that I ate every single bite on my plate!!!


I don't have pictures of Bryans meal but he had a steak too! This meal was so relaxing and the boys were so well behaved, it was just a really special night!

Our waiter was outstanding and paced the meal perfectly, he took our dessert order right before Wishes started and brought our coffee while Wishes was going on and waited until it was over to bring our dessert! I only have 2 pictures from Wishes because I was just so caught up in watching them and enjoying it! It was amazing when they turned down the lights in the restaurant and piped the music in, it gave me the chills!



My sleepy boy after Wishes!


It was 10:20 and we hadn't even eaten dessert yet!!!

I ordered a trio of chocolate that was HEAVENLY!


Bryan had a sugar free cheesecake sampler...


The boys both ordered the rice krispy treat sushi...


We were all so FULL! The waiter brought our bill and let's just say I was VERY happy we were on the dining plan! We settled our bill and walked back to the Magic Kingdom to get a bus back to Saratoga! We got lucky because most of the Wishes crowd had gone and the 2nd Spectro wasn't over yet!

The was a day/night that I will NEVER forget, awesome memories with my family at my favorite place on earth, Does it get any better?

Coming up next!

Happy Anniversary!

Great update, I loved the view! Sounds like a wonderful night. How peaceful to watch wishes from there with the music and not being elbow to elbow with everyone in MK.
Don't you just love that about Disney, you find new things every trip!!
That was an amazing review.....I can only imagine how wonderful it must have been, the view, the meal, Wishes, being with your wonderful family....I have decided no matter what, next trip we are going to CG.:)
I totally agree WS is hot! Terribly hot. I am loving your Cali grille pics, I think DH and I need to dine there sometime. What a place to see Wishes.... thanks so much for sharing this with us.

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