Only carry on for a family of 5? Anybody want to help me?

As a single traveler, I have many times just done carry on. As a mom I havn't.

Your tickets do allow carry ons and if you follow the guidelines no one should (IMO) have a problem with that.

Now back to your original question.
Packing is doable and the plane might be doable if there is enough space and your fellow travelers are accomondating. Where I see the problem is in the airport. You'll have 5 (or more) bags to get through security along with your children. I know nothing of your airport, but here it is still a walk to the terminal often using trams, conveyors or escalators, will your children be handle their carryons? Lastly you have to take those bags everywhere you go in the terminal. That's at least 2 hours of snack bars, bathroom breaks and different windows for plane watching.

I check our bags because of the convenience of not lugging it all, because I know I'll be the one lugging more than just my bag.

Good luck with your decision.
I agree that if people follow the guidelines, no one should have a problem with carry-ons, but its the people that don't that bother me. Airlines restrict travelers to one carry-on, to be under 22". But then most travelers have an additional duffle bag on top that does not meet the criteria for a personal item (purse, computer, briefcase, camera case, etc.) Heck, sometimes the duffel bag is almost as big as the roll-on.

This topic struck a nerve with me this week, because one woman who did not follow the rules, caused the flight attendant to completely rearrange the overheads. Well, she moved my computer case, flipping it over. I had a shot glass that I bought my BF (he collects them) in the case, and well, yes, it got smashed. I guess it taught me a lesson, no more shot glasses in computer cases!!! But if the woman on the flight followed the rules and had consideration for other travelers, it would not have happened.
I had no idea that any airline would accept a 24" bag as a carry-on. That sounds difficult to handle. It certainly depends on how full the bags are packed, but our 21" bag felt pretty heavy last week. We had it packed full (clothes only) and I got tired of pulling it behind me between the parking garage and the airport. Thank goodness we checked it in --- it's quite a distance to get it to and from the gate in Orlando.

I second the idea of having the kids practice pulling their bags when fully loaded --- and have them pull them for several blocks, since there's so much distance to walk.

I, too, am very reluctant to assist anyone get a bag in or out of the overhead bin. As a nurse, I've done lots of lifting. I've found that these bags may be off-balance and very heavy. There's no way to know until it's too late, plus, it's difficult to use good body mechanics under these circumstances.
Well, basically, based on the opinions on this thread I started to rethink my idea. Then I thought about the KIOSK for Southwest. IF I have separate tickets for the kids, how can they print them at the KIOSK without a credit card in their name? I think with kids tickets, I would have to check in at the desk anyways, right?

But to answer another objection about space, we would be preboarding with the 4 year old, so space wasn't an issue.

Rest assured, we will be checking the luggage (all but one carryon with the champagne in it :p ) due to the hassle of dragging it everywhere and the ticket issues.

Thanks everyone for their opinions. You brought up a couple of points I hadn't thought of, so thanks. Now, no flames against the preboarding issue, as we will all preboard if we can, and if we can't then I will board with my 4 year old and my dh will board with the 6 and 8 year old. However, if they don't say anything, we will preboard together. :wave2: With only one carryon!


Why not just check your luggage? Is it really that big of a deal? I'm not being sarcastic!:D
Originally posted by zakatak
Well, basically, based on the opinions on this thread I started to rethink my idea. Then I thought about the KIOSK for Southwest. IF I have separate tickets for the kids, how can they print them at the KIOSK without a credit card in their name? I think with kids tickets, I would have to check in at the desk anyways, right?
I wondered about that myself. We had split up our tickets so that we could use the on-line check in, but on our last trip I couldn't get it to work on our outbound leg (operator error :) ). Instead, we used the kiosks to get our boarding passes--each one of us went up to a machine. Luckily, DS had a debit card to use, but at that point I wondered what if he didn't have one? I was wondering if you could access it via record number using the credit card with which it was purchased?

-DC :ears:
I don't know about SW but w/ USAIR you can use the CC that the reservations were made with and everyones is printed at the kiosk..I've printed DD when we have done weekend trips w/ no checked luggage!:rolleyes:
...I'm assuming they are all like this. Sans flames...have fun:teeth:
Well it looks to me like you have 3 options....go with all carryons and endure the "looks" and hog the overhead space and create a near riot when it takes you 15 minutes to get all the luggage out of the overheads while everyone else is waiting to deplane, and then remember to not buy anything while there that is more than 6 square inches because there is no room to get it, but not altogether satisfactory.

Second you could check all the luggage and take small carryons and endure the lines with kids and luggage (I hate standing in those huge lines). Prehaps a few dollars to the skycap would be well spent here for curbside checkin, print your boarding passes at home before you leave and you avoid the ticket counter line, don't have to drag all the junk around 2 airports with you (not to mention getting 5 or 6 suitcases through security (ugh)

You also might try hanging on to the bags if you want to avoid the counter lines... then if the fkight is full or close to it, just ask the flight attendant as you board the plane if they would like you to gate check the luggage...they will take it there and you don't have to juggle it on the plane. You would have to pick it up at the carousel, but that would probably be worth not having to load/unload it from the overheads. If the flight is mostly empty then you could hang onto all of it.
Originally posted by zakatak
Well, basically, based on the opinions on this thread I started to rethink my idea. Then I thought about the KIOSK for Southwest. IF I have separate tickets for the kids, how can they print them at the KIOSK without a credit card in their name? I think with kids tickets, I would have to check in at the desk anyways, right?

But to answer another objection about space, we would be preboarding with the 4 year old, so space wasn't an issue.

Rest assured, we will be checking the luggage (all but one carryon with the champagne in it :p ) due to the hassle of dragging it everywhere and the ticket issues.

Thanks everyone for their opinions. You brought up a couple of points I hadn't thought of, so thanks. Now, no flames against the preboarding issue, as we will all preboard if we can, and if we can't then I will board with my 4 year old and my dh will board with the 6 and 8 year old. However, if they don't say anything, we will preboard together. :wave2: With only one carryon!



You can all preboard. Children 4 and under do preboard, as we know, and the parents and the sibs are allowed to preboard as well.
You can, btw, use curbside checkin, they will take your luggage and print your boarding passes. Well worth the tip, btw.
Originally posted by dcfromva
I wondered about that myself. We had split up our tickets so that we could use the on-line check in, but on our last trip I couldn't get it to work on our outbound leg (operator error :) ). Instead, we used the kiosks to get our boarding passes--each one of us went up to a machine. Luckily, DS had a debit card to use, but at that point I wondered what if he didn't have one? I was wondering if you could access it via record number using the credit card with which it was purchased?

-DC :ears:

You can use your RR card too.
Our family of 4 went at at Easter for 9 days and we only had carry on and it was very doable for us.we all also carried a back pack my children are aged 9 and 11 . We packed only enough for 5 days then we did laundry we only took 1 pair of pants each that we wore on the plane. So to conclude it is very doable.
we too enjoy the "no waiting" for bags routine; this is what we do, its just a thought, ds just takes a backpack, I take a small carryon; one week before our travel day I UPS a box to our resort with extra clothes, snacks or whatever; when its time to return I have the hotel ship it back and if we have purchased souvenirs I send them home in a box too; no hassles, no angry looks and not taking up more that our "under the seat" space.
I've dont it both ways. Yes, I like not having to wait for my luggage. But, I really hate having to lug it into the bathroom with me too!!! Now, with two adults that would be different. One can stay with the bags while the other does the bathroom with the kids. Have to say that our future trips will be with backpacks on the plane with us and the rest will be checked. I hate it when someone just has to get up and down the whole flight to get something out of their bag that just happens to be above my head!! Guess I'll just start chilling out a little early and be patient waiting for my stuff this time.
That's why we love our direct flight commuter planes to Orlando!!!

We have the best of both worlds with this flight.

We go with only carry-ons (1 20" pullman each and Hubby's bag with his C-Pap and prescriptions, and then the ECV). I check-in online at home and we go straight to the gate. On our return trip, we use the kiosk to check-in.

But since it is a commuter flight, all but "personal bags" such as computers, purses, and briefcases are gate checked. They go in the cargo area with the checked luggage but are given back to us at the gate, then we go straight to our towncar.

Of course our boys are 16 & 17 and taller than we are and usually pull our bags for us :-)

Originally posted by cudworth
We packed only enough for 5 days then we did laundry we only took 1 pair of pants each that we wore on the plane.

Call me weird, but I'd rather stand in line for a mere 15 minutes for my luggage than do laundry for 1 1/2 hours at disney. Got the t-shirt the dryers are s-l-o-w!

I travel a lot and I'm one of those lazy passengers who would rather wait for the luggage carousel than passengers with oversized luggage trying to pass them off as carry ons while blocking the aisle and holding up everyone else. Remember some passengers have connections to make, not all airports are final destinations, even Orlando, passengers may be trying to make it upon a cruise.

A bathroom trip, a shopping spree or even a drink (all which can be accomplished in the airport) is better than being cooped up on an airplane watching ppl think they are actually saving time. Unless you are traveling international and going through customs the most you are saving yourself is 15 - 20 minutes, but you're adding aggravation to yourself and those around you.

Originally posted by LuAnimal
Call me weird, but I'd rather stand in line for a mere 15 minutes for my luggage than do laundry for 1 1/2 hours at disney. Got the t-shirt the dryers are s-l-o-w!

I travel a lot and I'm one of those lazy passengers who would rather wait for the luggage carousel than passengers with oversized luggage trying to pass them off as carry ons while blocking the aisle and holding up everyone else. Remember some passengers have connections to make, not all airports are final destinations, even Orlando, passengers may be trying to make it upon a cruise.

A bathroom trip, a shopping spree or even a drink (all which can be accomplished in the airport) is better than being cooped up on an airplane watching ppl think they are actually saving time. Unless you are traveling international and going through customs the most you are saving yourself is 15 - 20 minutes, but youy're adding aggravation to yourself and those around you.

ITA, those people are saving time, for themselves, however, they are extending the wait for other pax, not a very considerate thing to do, IMHO.
ITA, those people are saving time, for themselves, however, they are extending the wait for other pax, not a very considerate thing to do, IMHO.
Actually, carryon passengers are saving time for those who checked their bags since there are fewer bags for the airline to handle at arrival.
Originally posted by drogerstn
Actually, carryon passengers are saving time for those who checked their bags since there are fewer bags for the airline to handle at arrival.

Yep, by making everyone wait on the airplane certainly saves time, for the folks who don't wait for their luggage. If that were the case, they would not have limits on the amount you can carry on. The airlines know how many flights, the average amount of baggage per pax and plan accordingly. That "arguement" sounds like one that would be made to justify bringing carry ons on the plane. I would be happy if they did not allow any but one personal item that fit under the seat. Would make boarding and deplaning a hell of a lot faster.
Call me weird, but I'd rather stand in line for a mere 15 minutes for my luggage than do laundry for 1 1/2 hours at disney. Got the t-shirt the dryers are s-l-o-w!
LuAnimal, you are weird…:tongue:
If we wait until we get home to do laundry, we (family of 4 usually on a 10+ day trip) will have a huge amount to do and we have enough things to get caught up on when we get back home. Also, some clothes get really dirty and its better to wash them within a few days instead of waiting for 7 to 10 days. We don’t necessarily plan on doing laundry so that we can pack light, but it makes sense. We do laundry at WDW when it doesn’t interfere with our schedule.
Originally posted by drogerstn
LuAnimal, you are weird…:tongue:
If we wait until we get home to do laundry, we (family of 4 usually on a 10+ day trip) will have a huge amount to do and we have enough things to get caught up on when we get back home. Also, some clothes get really dirty and its better to wash them within a few days instead of waiting for 7 to 10 days. We don’t necessarily plan on doing laundry so that we can pack light, but it makes sense. We do laundry at WDW when it doesn’t interfere with our schedule.

LOL!!! I agree. ::yes::

My point was for those who do laundry to save time at the airport just so they can carry their bags and not check them. 1 1/2 laundry vs 15 minutes bag carousel....hmmmmm.....

Carry on passengers do not save me one minute of time, more times than not I am connecting to a flight and they are eating up 15 - 20 minutes of my connection time. I have also been on more than one flight delayed due to trying to accomodate arranging overheads for all the carry on, granted the airlines are at fault for be so accommodating.

The last flight I went on (small purse only, 8 hour flight) the flight attendants actually thanked me and wished more travellers packed that way. What could you possibly need on the plane that won't fit into a purse or briefcase (unless traveling with small children!)?

Carry on passengers have no idea how they impact flight attendants, gate agents, and fellow passengers. I promise you, you aren't doing me or any one else any favors.



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