One Short Day In The Magic Kingdom! May 2014 TR **NEW X3 7/19 FINAL UPDATES**

Aug 31, 2008
Come one and all, to the world's greatest spectacle! Helen and Grace take on the Magic Kingdom! In one day!

This is a brief (but fantastic) story of two best friends conquering the Magic Kingdom.


Grace (that's me) :wave2: - I am a Disney loving, pin trading, movie watching, bow making, scrapbooking, singing college student. I'm hoping to do the DCP in the spring of 2015 :cool1:

Helen - Helen is my best friend from home, she goes to school and now lives in Georgia. She loves Disney just as much as I do, and has been going since before she can remember. She is the only person I know that doesn't think my love of Disney is extremely ridiculous.


This trip was very spur of the moment. I had been planning to come down to Georgia to visit Helen for about a month and a few days before I flew down we were both talking about Disney and we thought "you know what?! We should go to Disney!" So I logged online that night a book us a short little trip!

We stayed one night at All Star Movies and got a one day Magic Kingdom ticket.

In a short 14 hours in the park we met 10 characters, rode 11 rides, watched two parades, at a lot of food, made a new friend, and watch Celebrate the Magic and Wishes!
Leaving Home: Monday May 26th 2014

I feel like I should start off with my initial journey to Georgia, so here it goes!

In the early afternoon Mom and I headed to the airport for my noon flight to Savannah!

We made it into Boston with little traffic and soon enough I was at the airport ready to go!

I posted this picture on twitter: “The start of my first big-girl solo vacation”

I got inside, dropped off my luggage, and made it through security with no problem.

As I was getting my ticket checked at security the guard said “Have a good trip” and I had a “doy” moment and said “You too!” Silly silly me.

Soon enough I was boarding the plane and we were taking off into the clouds!

The plane landed 40 minutes ahead of schedule! It was such a fast flight! I watched Frozen and didn’t even get to the end of the movie.

I headed down to baggage claim and grabbed my suitcase, then I had so time to kill so naturally I went and grabbed some Starbucks!

Soon enough Helen’s friend Emily was there to pick me up and we headed to the house! Helen had to work so I spent the rest of the day catching up on all y’all’s trip reports!

Helen came home bearing cupcakes and then we went to go get some southern food… At Popeye’s

Finally reunited with my best friend!

Over the following few days we got to do a lot of fun things:

The next morning we went downtown and got breakfast and walked around.

We went to a cute macaroon shop and we all got macaroons! (I loveeee macaroons!)

That night we got to stay in a beautiful hotel because one of Helen’s friend’s mom’s flight got cancelled and she let us stay in the room in her place!

Room service! Everything was delicious!

On Wednesday, Helen and I took a trip to the Savannah Wildlife Refugee and save some gators!

Baby Gator

I see you!

That night we went to dinner with all of Helen’s friends and then Helen and I headed to bed super early because we had somewhere special to go in the morning!!!

Up Next: The Journey to the Most Magical Place on Earth!
Looks like such a fun trip so far! And with delicious food! Haha, I'm all for some Popeye's every once in a while. Yummy!
The Enchanted Voyage to Walt Disney World!
Thursday, May 29, 2014: Part I

When I left off it was Wednesday night. Helen and I had climbed in to bed full of excitement for our adventure that lay ahead of us. We started to watch Tangled to calm our nerves. I drifted to sleep and before I knew it my 4:00 AM alarm was going off!


I had packed the night before but Helen still needed to stuff everything in a bag. We had snacks packed for the road but quickly made sandwiches to accompany these. By 4:30 AM we were in the car and on the road!

Commence the voyage!

It was extremely dark for a very long time. We started playing some Disney music to get in the mood and we just talked and drove for quite sometime.

At about 6 AM we crossed the Florida-Georgia line! We’re in the same state as DISNEY! We stopped in the Florida Welcome Center to use the bathroom and a kind gentleman struggled with my temperamental camera to take this picture for us!


If you don’t take a picture with the Florida state line, were you ever really even there?

We would have loved to stop in and try some OJ, as I have been told you can do, but the Welcome Center didn’t actually open for another two hours, and sorry Welcome Center we had somewhere to be!

I posted this photo on Instagram:

“SO close!”

In reality we really weren’t close at all, we still had 3 more hours of driving head of us, ugh, but that’s okay because it’s all for Disney!

We jumped back in the car and headed back on the highway, a few brief minutes later we cracked into our snacks for the trip.

I send this photo to all my friends on Snapchat:

6:00 AM sandwiches!

We kept driving and driving and driving. Eventually we hit Jacksonville and a bit of morning traffic.

Cars were moving extremely slow or not moving at all. Helen yelled at them “Don’t you want to get to Disney on time?!” Then we realized not everyone was going to Disney and not everyone was as excited as we were!

We took a trip down memory lane as we listened to Now That’s What I Call Music 5, 7, 9 and 14! Once we made our way through all of that we were nearing Orlando and decided it was time to switch back to Disney music to get in the mood. We were a little groggy from our long drive and we need to get perked up for Disney!

Right around 9:15 we were approaching this beauty:

We squealed like the little girls we are and started slap each other and screaming. I guess you could say we were a little excited…

A few moments later we pulled into our first destination!

ALL STAR MOVIES! Our home for the night!

We checked in at the front desk, I had done online check in so all we had to do was pick up our Magic Bands!

Helen’s blue and I’m pink!

I had asked for early check in so even though it was only 9:30 our room was ready! Scoreeeee!

We headed over to the Mighty Ducks section and found our room extremely easy!

Tres fabulous!

Naturally the first thing I did after snapping a few room pics was put Stacey on!

We quickly changed and headed back out to hitch a ride to Magic Kingdom!!

We headed into the lobby quick so I could see if the pins I had ordered had arrived at the front desk. (They hadn’t… even though they had been confirmed that they were delivered the day before.) They told me someone would deliver them to the room at some point during the day. A bummer because I had ordered them so I could trade them in the park but no worries I had back ups!

We walked out to the bus stop and low and behold a Magic Kingdom bus just waiting for us! Being the mature young adults that we are we ran to the bus in excitement!

Up Next: For The First Time In Forever I’m Going To The Magic Kingdom!
Hi Grace, I just noticed you had a new TR. Since Magic Kingdom is my fav, I'm totally on board. And to spend it with your bestie... Priceless.

OMG I totally do that ALL THE TIME!! "Happy Birthday!"... "Thanks, same to you!"

Oh Good Lord I am addicted to Popeyes. We don't have them here so I've only had it in Florida. But it is SO GOOD!!!

The macaroon shop looks like Disney.

Nice that your room was ready so early.

Let the Magic Kingdom excitement begin!!
Hi Grace, I just noticed you had a new TR. Since Magic Kingdom is my fav, I'm totally on board. And to spend it with your bestie... Priceless.

OMG I totally do that ALL THE TIME!! "Happy Birthday!"... "Thanks, same to you!"

Oh Good Lord I am addicted to Popeyes. We don't have them here so I've only had it in Florida. But it is SO GOOD!!!

The macaroon shop looks like Disney.

Nice that your room was ready so early.

Let the Magic Kingdom excitement begin!!

Thanks for joining Rob! I love Magic Kingdom! Popeyes is so great, we don't have them up in the "North" so it was a nice little treat!
For The First Time In Forever I’m Going To The Magic Kingdom!
May 29, 2014: Part II

When we last left off, Helen and I were embracing our inner 7 year olds, running towards a Magic Kingdom bus that was magically sitting, waiting for us to board it.

Bus Selfie for my snapchat peeps because “but first let me take a selfie”

“En route to the Magic Kingdom”

I, being the rebel that I am, got out of my seat, shimmied on over to the other side of the bus and took this picture of this beaut.

I was actually really afraid to get out of my seat… I didn’t want the driver to get mad at me because internally I’m a kindergartener afraid on my school bus driver. Also I didn’t want to fall flat on my face and ruin the day before it started.

As the bus drove past the Contemporary nearing closer and closer to MK, Helen and I just kept looking at each other and giddily saying “We’re in Disney!” “We’re going to the Magic Kingdom!” “WE DID IT!”

As we stepped of the bus it really hit us. We were so stoked!

We tapped our Magic Bands and scanned our fingers so Disney could confirm we were not wanted criminals, and we got the go head from Mickey himself. GREEN CIRCLES FOR EVERYONE!

After our quick little photo shoot we made our way to Main Street!

*Fair warning to all, I just got my new camera a week before this trip so be extremely prepared for a coppice amount of pictures of everything… You have been warned.

When we first walked in and saw that beautiful castle we were so overwhelmed!

We were finally here! We did it! We made it to Disney World! All throughout high school Helen and I would come up with great trip and grand plans but we were never able to follow through with them because we were in high school and well I think that reason enough! So we were extremely proud of ourselves and happy that we were in Disney with each other!

End emotional backstory

Marie was meeting in Town Square and I’m emotionally drawn to Marie as she is my favorite character from my childhood. The line was long and she was leaving to take a break and we felt that seeing that we just got there we didn’t want to wait in line forever at the foot of MK! We wanted to go experience it all! So we peaced out and headed down Main Street.

A kind PhotoPass photographer took our pictures for us. We actually stopped at three different PhotoPass photographers who were all awesome and took fabulous pictures for us!

“Princess pose for me!”


“Hold hands like this!”

Dream Along With Mickey was in progress so we stopped in the hub to watch for a few minutes! I had seen this show last year, but Helen hadn’t been to MK in a few years so she didn’t even know what it was! She really enjoyed what we saw though.

While she watched I took a few pictures. Obviously.

Castle Selfie because we’re basic and we know it!

Up Next: Where will we go? What will be the first thing we do?​
Mission Lemonade!

May 29, 2014: Part III

After briefly watching DAWM we headed out on a mission! I was determined to get lemonade with wild berry foam. So we headed to Fantasyland to Pinocchio’s Haus. Since the show was still going on we had to travel around the castle rather than through.

And we stopped to take pictures naturally.

A photopass photographer saw us having our own little photo shoot and decided to have us do some magic shots

After kissing some frogs, we continued onward towards Fantasyland!

We have arrived! Or so I thought…

We went inside with hopes of getting a refreshing lemonade, only to find that they had moved the lemonade’s to Sleepy Hollow, which we had walked by. Ugh. So we headed back that way.

Continued in Next Post
But first we decided to stop by and ride It’s A Small World.

This was Helen’s favorite ride when she was little so she was thrilled to be riding it now

We continued in route to Sleepy Hollow but decided to pass through the Tangled bathrooms to take a look.

Finally we made our way to Sleepy Hollow and ta da

We also decided to get a Nutella and fruit waffle sandwich to split.

We sat in the shade and relaxed for a few minutes while shoving our faces with fruit, after regaining some of our energy we were rejuvenated and decided to head Splash Mountain to use our FP+.

But first…

The wait time said 45 minutes but it ended up being more like 30.

Then we headed right over for a 5 minute wait in the Fastpass line at Splash Mountain.

Helen went on a hysterical rant about how everyone is singing and everything’s going to be okay but it’s not because we’re about to plummet.

We survived our drop and somehow made it out dry.

We had sometime to kill before our FP+ at Be Our Guest. Find out what we did up next!

Up Next: “Are you a zombie?”
Aww that's one of my favourite spots to castle watch. It's especially breathtaking at night with the reflection.
Side Note: Hi everyone I'm going away to camp for the rest of the summer so I've already written the rest of this TR (and had a blast doing it). So I'm going to try and post everything before I leave on Wednesday because I'm not really sure when/if I'll have internet again! Okay so we begin!

“Most days we just lay around the castle, flabby, fat and lazy! You walked in and oops-a-daisy!
May 29, 2014: Part IV

With a minimal amount of time to kill we made our way back in the direction of Fantasyland and I threw the idea of meeting Minnie and Daisy out there. It was only about a 20-minute wait and we had about 30 until lunch. So we headed over!

We made a pal named Jaden in line, he was three and visit with his grandmother. They were lovely to talk to and Jaden was very shy and fun to play with. He was getting so excited about meeting the characters!

While we were in line Goofy started walking around with both arms parallel to the ground and thumping his legs, his friend said “What? Are you a zombie now?” He got really excited and started nodding and clapping. It was so funny. Finally it was our turn!

Daisy was lovely, she pointed to our bows and told us she loved them then she posed us and we were on our way.

Minnie absolutely loved that Helen was wearing a bow just for her and she started freaking out when Helen told her I made them!

We hugged goodbye and skedaddled on over to BoG. There was a long line but we luckily had the FP+. Score one for the boys at home!

We entered, ordered, and found our way to the main dining room and seated ourselves.

I ordered the Carved Prime Chunk Roast Beef Sandwich. It was delicious other than the fact that I’m not a huge fan of horseradish so the horseradish sour cream was a little too much for me but the sandwich was huge in general so by the time it started bothering me I was pretty much full anyway.

And what would lunch be without dessert?!

Helen got potato leek soup and French fries and the Master’s cupcake.

“Try the grey stuff… It’s confusing.” Helen was a little on the confused side, but we all know it’s delicious

We sat and ate for a while then did a little walk through of the entire restaurant.

As we attempted to leave BoG we were confused, there was a large group of people taking pictures in front of the stain glass window so we couldn’t get around them and we were getting flustered. A kind cast member noticed our distraught and came to the rescue and parted the sea of people for us. How heroic!

Once we were free we made our way towards Frontierland to scope out a spot for Festival of Fantasy!

Up Next: The Parade I’ve Been DYING To See!
Festival of Fantasy!

May 29, 2014: Part V

As we were on our way to Frontierland to get an off-Main Street spot for Festival of Fantasy we say a lovely fairy godmother out meeting!

“I know who you are?” “You do?” “Yes, you’re my fairy godmother!” “What.” Wrong movie, I know, but it’s too cute/funny/great!

Hand hearts for everybody!

Fairy Godmother was amazing and she helped us pick out a spot to watch the parade from and told us some good areas to scope out once we got to the parade route, which she also explained for us! She was so kind and helpful!

It was so hot and so sticky, so once we found a somewhat shady spot we stuck to it!

Retake of a childhood picture

Yay for the grand marshals!


Not before someone can come and sneak their way right in front of me the instant the parade is starting with their sticky hair flying all over me and in my face… Ugh some people. End rant.


AH! The only Elsa/Anna sighting for us this trip but how lovely that they’re part of the parade!

Two words. Costume. Design. Oh my lord so beautiful!

Kisses for the humans!

The Lost Boys

My man, Pan!

Continued in next post!
Festival of Fantasy: Part II

And after all the darkness… Happiness!

“I’m watching you!”

So cute!

What a beautiful show! Such amazing performers who look and perform amazing in such elaborate costumes and in extreme Florida heat! And they’re all gorgeous!

I tweeted:
Festival of Fantasy was everything I dreamed of and more

Up next: Prepared To Be Haunted!
Meeting My Boyfriend For The First Time! :lovestruc

May 29, 2014: Part VI

As the parade wrapped up we quickly decided we’d head to Haunted Mansion before the rest of the parade watchers decided to do that same and while everyone else was awaiting the parade on Main Street.

We were scared. I was scared as I accidently took flash photographs (I thought the flash was off… It was certainly not) on the ride and I was afraid they would take me as the 1000th soul. However they let me off the hook so we moved onward… to NEVERLAND!

We saw a line starting to form in Peter’s little nook. He wasn’t out yet but we knew he’s be flying in any second now! I was getting really excited thinking maybe this is MY Peter from last year that totally captured my heart. It wasn’t but I mean any Peter is an amazing Peter, am I right or am I right?

Peter arrived and finally it was our turn!

I tweeted:

I love this picture! Good job PhotoPass Photographer! (Who happened to have taken our pictures on Main Street earlier in the day!) Brownie Points for you sir!


He was asking me what I was going to be when I grow up, I said Princess and he asked if I had anyone to save me and I said no but I think I’ll be good on my own! He told me to look out for pirates like Hook and Mr. Smee cause they’re sneaky!

We reluctantly said goodbye to Peter and scurried on in a hunt for Gaston. All the CMs kept crying “rain” but we knew it would hold off for us! (It never ended up raining at all luckily!)

I waited in line for Gaston as Helen used to bathrooms. He came out while she was in the restroom and loudly yelled, “You’re welcome everybody!” He was hysterical, but because of the alleged rain we didn’t really get to interact but that’s okay!

I decided I must try LeFou’s Brew! I’d read so much about it on Dis so it needed to be experienced first hand!

The verdict: I did like it yes, but it’s definitely something I would get with my mother or other family members present because it’s not something I could finish or would want to finish on my own, a few sips sufficed. But it was very good, and very different!

We still had time to kill before our FP+ to meet Cindy and Punzy so we decided to go meet our favorite finned friend!

The wait had said 20 minutes but after 25 minutes went by it started to dawn on me that this would definitely take longer than expected, the family in front of us had left and passed their red time card to us, and shortly after the family behind us left and passed their red card to us. The cast member was very confused when we handed her the time cards but what can you do?

Continued in Next Post

We quickly made our way back into the heart of Fantasyland to meet the princesses!

The family that entered with us was a group of four 8 year olds! The are four of twenty-two cousins! One of the mother’s was explaining to us that when the children turn 8 their grandmother takes them to Disney! How sweet of her!!!

And they had all just come from the BBB!!! So cute!

Since we were in FL we decided to knock a few other things off the list!

I love Mickey’s Philharmagic, I don’t think words could ever do it justice!!

Our final fastpass was approaching so we head straight for the future!

Up Next: “Ovens Don’t Just Clean Themselves, You Know.”


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