One month one week and 6 days to break in my Keens...any suggestions?


Perpetually Earning my Ears
Feb 26, 2005
I bit the bullet and bought the most expensive pair of shoes I've ever had because I've had unhappy feet at WDW and it's no fun. Last year I was wearing sandals at AK on the last day and stubbed my toe on my son's shoe. Somehow I ripped my toenail 90% off, just hanging on by the back. After 6 weeks of antibiotics, I had to have the nail surgically removed. So that was my justification for almost $90 on Keens.
So far I've been wearing them around the house and all is comfy. Anyone with Keens (or similar shoes) who can recommend ways to break them in and keep my feet happy at WDW?
but a comment about Keens. I love mine! I bought them to go to Disney World and we are leaving in less than 2 weeks. I have been wearing them to walk in since I got them. I put them on and the first day went for a 2 mile walk. I've been walking anywhere from 2 miles to 5 miles every day since with no problems. Only time I started to get a red spot was when we were walking on a gravel path and some sand got in them. Hard to shake it out. But I love them as much as I love my Pretty Rugged Leather Tevas. Two great shoes I learned about on the DIS boards.
I bought a couple pairs of Keens especially for WDW too. I've been wearing them every opportunity I have and they seem great so far. We leave in less than two weeks too, so we'll see how they stand the test.
oooooooo, what are Keens and where do you get them???????????
Bring Bodyglide, Moleskin, and a change of shoes, just in case. Put the Bodyglide on your feet before starting out for the day, carry little pieces of Moleskin in your pocket and apply to hotspots before they get REALLY sore, and you might never have to wear your backup shoes.
I just bought my first pair of Keens, and they feel great...but are a little hot, believe it or not. I guess just having the toes enclosed heats up my foot more than I expected. So I'd probably use the backup shoes once in a while.
I have been wearing Keens for the past 3 years to WDW and also at home. I have a bunch of different styles. The only style I have ever had a problem with were the "Venice" style of Keen shoes. I returned them. Other than that pair, which I knew was rubbing the back of my ankle in a BAD way, I actually have never even had to break any other Keens in. I just wear them straight from the box and all is well. Same for my husband and 3 kids. They are wonderful comfy shoes. I agree with the Body Glide - I have used it in WDW when I feel something rubbing wrong. Not Keens, though - it was my Birkenstocks.

Lives4Disney :)
Bought Keens for all 4 of us before our trip and had very little time to wear them in - not a problem. They did not cause any problems for any of us - ever!

I think any shoe (no matter how expensive or how comfy) has the potential to cause problems at WDW simply because most of us are not used to walking as much as is required at WDW.

About getting hot feet - the wonderful thing about Keens is that you can just walk through water with them on and get a quick cool-off! It was so hot when we were there (May 28th - June 6th) that we made a pit stop at every spring of water and got our feet and legs wet. It was very refreshing.

You will love your Keens!
I love my Keens. I do wear socks with them otherwise my feet feel a little sweaty and sticky. I walked in them most days for 30 to 40 minutes for about a month before we went on our trip. I never felt like they needed breaking in, although my feet adjust for a few days because I wear some pretty heavy duty New Balance sneakers that have a fairly tall heel. I have problems with my feet so I was worried. Well, we just went to WDW about two weeks ago now and I wore my Keens all day every day with no problems.

I did find I did better if I put BodyGlide on even under my socks, I felt a little rubbing on the inside part of my foot. But I did great, going 6 to 10 hours a day on my feet. And I'm 5'5 170 lbs. The Keens were great. A friend of mine at work wears them all day every day without socks and she is on her feet all day. She says they are very soft and comfy, with no rubbing.
I'm so glad to hear such positive remarks about the Keens. So far mine aren't rubbing anywhere and usually my shoes "feel awkward" for awhile until my feet get used to them. So far so good with the Keens. It was tough for me to get them, I'm such a Payless girl. I do have bodyglide and that helped with my sandals from last year and I also have blister shield powder for inside socks when I wear them. I do plan on bringing a pair of tennis shoes as a back up and my airwalk clogs for the pool. My plan is to wear the shoes out to Six Flags Great America for a few hours, I know it's not WDW proportions, but it'll give me a good idea. I may also get out and walk during lunch hour at work.
MY husband and I debated a long time about getting Keens for our trip this month...we started looking at them in February. I decided against them but my husband did get a pair. He wasn't too thrilled with them after the second day in the parks...they started to rub in some places and he wound up having to wear socks to make them more comfortable. Overall, not worth what he thought he was paying for. He wore his Crocs more often.

I, on the other hand, bought Merrills and I couldn't have been happier. I brought like five pairs of shoes (including Crocs) and wore my Merrills almost the entire time. I couldn't believe how good they felt - really surprised me but they are now my new favorite brand of shoe...I wouldn't hesitate for a second to buy any shoe of the same brand.|Casual~MERR&sc=WOMENS&variant_id=55328

My Dh and I have worn our Keens on ou past 3 WDW trips.
We love them, never any problems. Mine did cuase blisters breaking them in but I did that way before our First WDW trip with them.

I only have 1 problem, they say they have an oder control foot bed. Well mine had a bad smell since the first month I bought them, there is no oder control. It probably didn't help that I wore them in the ocean.

I will be taking the keens to WDW for the 4th time in September.
Donnaly66 said:
MY husband and I debated a long time about getting Keens for our trip this month...we started looking at them in February. I decided against them but my husband did get a pair. He wasn't too thrilled with them after the second day in the parks...they started to rub in some places and he wound up having to wear socks to make them more comfortable. Overall, not worth what he thought he was paying for. He wore his Crocs more often.

I, on the other hand, bought Merrills and I couldn't have been happier. I brought like five pairs of shoes (including Crocs) and wore my Merrills almost the entire time. I couldn't believe how good they felt - really surprised me but they are now my new favorite brand of shoe...I wouldn't hesitate for a second to buy any shoe of the same brand.|Casual~MERR&sc=WOMENS&variant_id=55328


I did look at Merrells but I couldn't find a closed toe sandal type shoe in that brand. I don't know if they had one available online, but my feet fit kinda weird in shoes sometimes so I really wouldn't get shoes online. I'm glad you enjoyed yours.
Just two comments: First, you really shouldn't need any "breaking-in" on shoes, with the exception of a stiff leather shoe that would feel/fit better if the leather is softened up. Shoes should feel good from pretty much the moment you put them on or they are not the right shoe for you. Second, I found with my Venice Keens that if I pull the "laces" to tight and make the straps too tight around my foot they will start to rub a hot spot. My foot almost feels like they float in them and they are very comfortable.
I bought a pair a few weeks ago never put them on until the trip to the Airport.

I wear with socks sometimes but most without. They blew through Typhon Lagoon and Blizzard Beach like no tomorrow.

I did wear my Northface and Ecco water shoes a bit bu the Keens got a real workout.

At early entry everyday , went to waterparks in the afternoon ,and then EMH for the night .So my dogs got little rest .I let them completely loose until the waterparks as it made it easier in the water with them a bit tighter (not real tight just not completely loose).
Well I have worn the Keens to a 4th of July festival (5 hrs, a fair amount of sitting), Summerfest in Milwaukee (3 hrs, lots of walking and no sitting, dodging drunk people and their spilling beers), and Six Flags Great America (8 hrs mostly walking and standing). No blisters! At the 4th I just wore them barefoot, at Summerfest I used body glide, at Six Flags I wore socks with blistershield powder. Let me just say Summerfest was last night and Six Flags was today. My legs and feet are tired but not sore. I think these shoes were a good investment! :goodvibes
I've had a couple pairs of Keen Seattles (mary jane style), which I wear sockless walking 3 miles a day at home. Last year I wore a pair for a week at WDW, and they were extremely comfortable. I didn't get any blisters, and my feet were never tired or sore. I've never had to break in my Keens, except the top edge seems to be a little rough until I've worn them a few times, particularly under my ankle bone. I usually walk around the house in them with thick socks for a few days to "sand" the rough edges down.
Hey, where do you find bodyglide. I'm not sure what I'm looking for. I looked with foot care products, bandaid products, etc....where in the store do you find it? :confused3
I've seen Body Glide at Dick's. Do you have those near you? Do you buy the sun or the skin type? Which is better for feet blisters from shoes?
I Love my Keens! Last year I had the boulder's for our trip and this year I have just purchased at the Nordstrom Sale (at $30 dollars off) the newport h2 in Navy! I have been wearing them since then. I would sleep in them if I could! I also purchased the newport in lilac for DD3. She spent all afternoon when we first got them jumping instead of walking, when I asked her why she said her shoes were jumpy.

But at WDW I do use body glide with them-not one blister. I bought them on Friday and they felt great right from the start.


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