Okay problem solved I booked Dxl


<font color=deeppink>oh where oh where can the tag
Jan 2, 2001
with the trundle bed....but oh my the price difference...whew! Its enough to give me hot flashes...so anyway, now you all need to help me save money somewhere else to ease the pain...

1/ should we buy drinks and a cooler at the crossroads or get mugs?

2. I asked for Alligator bayou 14,15, or 17 is that right?

3. Is DC good on Hoop De Doo?

By the way its not all on my shoulders Sis and I are splitting the difference (shes going along with her two, me and my youngest) but its still a BIG difference.....

Caribbean Beach 91
Off site 92
Off site Caribe Royale 97
All Sports 00
All Sports 01
Are you dead set on staying on-site? We are 7 of us going in 23 days and I was able to get Summerfield Suites LBV, 2 rooms(sleeps four each) for $40 per room per night through Priceline, that's $80 a night total! It comes with a free continental breakfast, full kitchen, and is 1 1/2 miles from WDW. I thought I would never stay off site, but with the savings I am getting it is worth it!
But with two women and three kids I want to make sure it is where I know how to come back and forth to the parks. Does summerfield have a site?? And we need 5 to a room do they offer this?

Caribbean Beach 91
Off site 92
Off site Caribe Royale 97
All Sports 00
All Sports 01
I have 5 and we can stay at the AS resorts one more year, but next year my little one will be 4.

I want to stay on site for the Early Entry but is it worth one hour in the park for the money. I have heard that if you stay off site and don't go to the EE park it is essentialy the same result.

I also really like not have to drive anywhere during our stay. I parked our van the day we got there and did not drive at all for 6 days. I did not have to make my normal amount of wrong turns and getting lost. Will these off site places offer any transportation and how reliable is it?
Stop worrying...I went through this last year. Once you land in DXL and just SMELL the air you will be happy! The rooms are lovely, clean and well planned. You may think the square footage isn't a big deal but but the layout is super. THere are two sinks outside of the bathroom. WE loved the food court and used the mugs extensively. They have fruit drinks (NOT pure juice but it is fine) coffee, hot choc, tea, soft drinks all day. THe chicken is fantastic and we often took pancakes up to our room. If you are tired you can order the excellent pizza and eat it in your room.

Onsite has this HUGE bonus: no driving. The buses are amazing and fun. You hopefully will encounter the knowledgable drivers who chat on the micropphone and tell you trivia. YOu do not need a car.....!If someone is sick, tired or had enough, you can take one back to your room without hauling the whole gang along.

Having said that, we are offsite this year just to see what the diff is and also to visit outside WDW. Enjoy! DXL is the best!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>
1. should we buy drinks and a cooler at the crossroads or get mugs?

I think you should do both. You'll want a cooler for some drinks, milk, juice, fruit, etc. The mugs are also a very good deal.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>
2. I asked for Alligator bayou 14,15, or 17 is that right?

Take a look on a DxL map to tell where you really want to be. I think that 15 is very close. You might also want to specify smoking v/s non-smoking.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>
3. Is DC good on Hoop De Doo?

I know that you can get a discount with AMEX. However, any discount you get would be on the latest show. Will your kids be able to wait that long to eat dinner and would they be able to stay awake that long?

-- Robin


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