Oh! My Peanut butter! (a 2013 PHM report)

I know... I should be in bed. However, I dont have to work tomorrow...or run...so I have is catching up on dis and cleaning my house for the next couple days. I guess I am hoping to get a jump on the catchin up on dis part. The house... I am dreading. ;)

That sounds like a perfect plan! I have heard that there is something called a turtle crawl that I think is there, yes?

Sorry I haven't answered this earlier. It's Tom's birthday today and I spent all day with him. :goodvibes

Yes, I think it is called a Turtle Crawl, they have a few really yummy drinks. :thumbsup2
Sorry I haven't answered this earlier. It's Tom's birthday today and I spent all day with him. :goodvibes

Yes, I think it is called a Turtle Crawl, they have a few really yummy drinks. :thumbsup2

Please wish him a late happy birthday from me! I am not sure where my day went... but I didn't make it on dis enough to get caught up. I am getting there though...
Your meal at CoD looks really good!

I've never been to DQ, but it sounds like a fun place to go! Too bad Zoe wasn't tall enough for some of the rides though!
Please wish him a late happy birthday from me! I am not sure where my day went... but I didn't make it on dis enough to get caught up. I am getting there though...

I did, Ann! He was so happy to hear from you!

Ann, we wish you and your beautiful family a very happy Easter!

Your meal at CoD looks really good!

I've never been to DQ, but it sounds like a fun place to go! Too bad Zoe wasn't tall enough for some of the rides though!

I can see that DQ would be fun for people who are into video games. I can live without them... In fact, I tend to try to avoid playing them cause they make me feel sick.

I did, Ann! He was so happy to hear from you!

Ann, we wish you and your beautiful family a very happy Easter!


Happy Easter to you too, Karin.

AND Happy Easter to EVERYONE!
All caught up! I am so sorry to year about Steve's job. I've been thru 2 layoffs and it is not fun, hopefully he will get snapped right up. You had some great transportation mojo so far on this trip and fabulous looking meals. I'm with you on DQ. The kids love it but its not my thing though luckily I don't have any motion sickness issues. Those crowds at the expo, ugh! Still it's pretty darn cool that 26k folks want to run in the first place so thy are doing something right.

You fireworks cruise looks magical and the company, even better!
Fun update!

Cookes of Dublin looks really good! We don't get to DTD often but I'll have to remember that place for the next time we're there.

It's been years since we've gone to DQ & sadly it seems like they still have the same old games. I like all the classic games they offer but they should try to freshen up the place a bit.
As I mentioned, we didn't want to tempt fate with transportation. I am happy to say that this would be the ONE time our luck ran out. (would be happier if I could say it never did) However, we made our way out to the buses and got in line with EVERYONE going to the Poly. We waited and waited and bus after bus came and went (it would seem empty) to all the other resorts. During the wait, I realized that I lost my phm button. Probably happened when I stuffed my bag (that it was pinned to) in the net for the Pirates ride in DQ.

Finally we made it onto a bus, but I knew we would be late. As we pulled up to the Poly, another transportation snafu happened. The bus stopped. It stopped because another bus or shuttle (I cant remember which...maybe a DME bus) was blocking the way. After what seemed like forever, the bus finally went around and we were in front of the main building in no time.

Apparently EVERYONE had ADRS for Ohana that night.


Even though we were late, it was no trouble. Many people were late. I guess traffic was bad all over. Setting up for the race? :confused:

The waiting area has this little place for kids to watch tv. Great if you are Zoes age... but see the little guy? Well, I think it was this one who also (like all the big kids) tried to sit on the railing. (which it would seem as though is placed there FOR seating) Well, sure enough...little one fell back and cracked his noggin good. Lots of crying...but he seemed fine.

Soon our dinning adventure began and we were seated.

First came the bread (no butter though :confused: isn't there usually butter?)

Not a great picture of me...

the salad

the wings and potstickers

OH YUM! noodles and broccoli!!

Yes, note that the veggies have changed. I liked them... better? maybe not... but no worse.

Soon it was time for the kids to have some fun.


Yup the procession went right by our table

I think Zoe spent more time walking around doing the various activities than she did eating. She ended up with so many leis around her neck that they stacked up! We all had to wear some just so that she could move.

We did eat all the various meats too. Steve requested rare steak and they made sure to bring it to him. They brought LOTS to him. He really loves Ohana. It is his all time favorite disney restaurant. I am almost embarrassed to say how many pieces of steak he ate that night (in addition to trying the other meats) Lets just say over 10 :rolleyes1

After dinner, we walked out to find it was raining. We boarded the monorail and got off at MK. From there we caught a bus and were back to our room and in bed by midnight. Which in retrospect may have been a tad late since we had to be up very early the next morning.

Next Up: 2/23 - Day 4 part 1
Just thought I would remind you all that I keep arunning tally on the first page that shows just how much we have accomplished. I like to do it for me... but in case anyone else is interested...

Somehow I missed this starting :( and am horribly behind but am off to catch up.
I can't keep caught up with any thread. It is much like my laundry. I work all week...then spend my weekend and juuuuust about get it all done. Then the weeks starts again and it all piles back up.

Somebody is on East Coast time this week! :thumbsup2

:rotfl: and I am thinking maybe Pacific too since as I went to post this I noticed that at 1am est...the little green light showing that she is logged on is lit. Course... maybe she just left dis up and running. ;)

All caught up! I am so sorry to year about Steve's job. I've been thru 2 layoffs and it is not fun, hopefully he will get snapped right up.

Well, he had been going through the process with two companies for the last month. What levels they take things to is crazy. one company..the last step has been to interview..as in actually make appointments to speak to... his references. :faint: The other company...I can say now since he has an answer... was Disney. He made it through many stages with them. He spent the day with them last week and having had 5 groups approve his hire... a 6th blocked it. :sad2: I was so hopeful. Bye bye silver pass.... He was told by one manager there to not take a position until he heard back from Disney... and when he found out that they went with a different candidate he still told Steve he would like the opportunity to work with him.... so who knows... if the other candidate ends up not working... :rolleyes: I am not holding my breath though. The rumors about Disney have always been that while the benies are great... working there is a challenge. The turn over rate is very high... however Steves hope was that things had changed in recent years. He didn't relish the drive into downtown Seattle again though... and their office is located right near the columbia...so not much fun to get to. The other company is suppose to have an offer ready for him on monday...unless the ceo blocks the hire. :confused3 That company is a bit closer to us (but not as much as Steve would like to think) but it will be less stressful to get to and park at.

You had some great transportation mojo so far on this trip and fabulous looking meals.

We did...except for the one and only time...and the meals were all amazing. I am not sure we had a single bad one the entire trip!

I'm with you on DQ. The kids love it but its not my thing though luckily I don't have any motion sickness issues.
I never do well playing video games... but the added lights and sounds just made it rough for me.

Those crowds at the expo, ugh! Still it's pretty darn cool that 26k folks want to run in the first place so thy are doing something right.

Crowd was crazy! But in some ways... it was neat to have all those people coming together for the same reason.

You fireworks cruise looks magical and the company, even better!

It was such a magical memory! It will always remain dear to my heart.

Fun update!

Thanks. :goodvibes

Cookes of Dublin looks really good! We don't get to DTD often but I'll have to remember that place for the next time we're there.

I had never been there before.... I will have to go again just for the burger!
It's been years since we've gone to DQ & sadly it seems like they still have the same old games. I like all the classic games they offer but they should try to freshen up the place a bit.
I have no point of reference to know if they have updated anything. It was all new to us. :goodvibes
Fun photos of Ohana! (Sorry about the bad luck with the buses.)

We have not been there in ages. But I just love to watch the kids participating in the "parade". And I am happy to hear that Zoe had such a good time.

Food looks pretty good! :thumbsup2
I have heard that about the Disney Seattle office as well, definitely sounds like the door isn't entirely closed. Okay commute and parking nightmare to be sure.

I was (am) on both east and west time, for sure. On the work trips it seems to work best although I'm a bit worthless at the moment, I plan to work on the plane, maybe, and probably a chunk of Sunday.

Yum Ohana! It's on the maybe list for it next trip again, fun spot and good food.
Yeah - update - marking my spot. Will be back to read. :thumbsup2

:thumbsup2 I too use my own posts to mark my spot. Sometimes things move so fast in SOME peoples threads ;) that unless I have a point to go back to I never know where I left off. Was it one page...two pages...three :confused:

Fun photos of Ohana! (Sorry about the bad luck with the buses.)

We have not been there in ages. But I just love to watch the kids participating in the "parade". And I am happy to hear that Zoe had such a good time.

Food looks pretty good! :thumbsup2

Steve loves Ohana. It was his one request. I like it well enough. I am a fan of bread pudding and only one other restaurant comes to mind as having one I like as much or better. So I am happy to go just for that bread pudding!

I have heard that about the Disney Seattle office as well, definitely sounds like the door isn't entirely closed. Okay commute and parking nightmare to be sure.

I was (am) on both east and west time, for sure. On the work trips it seems to work best although I'm a bit worthless at the moment, I plan to work on the plane, maybe, and probably a chunk of Sunday.

Yum Ohana! It's on the maybe list for it next trip again, fun spot and good food.

Steve is unofficially,officially employed! (the offer came in yesterday and he just needs to sign off on it.) Disney was his second choice... this place was his first. He loves rockets and spaceships... and the company he will be working for designs them. :confused: I am not sure...something about launching satellites into space. :confused: While I would have loved the idea of him working for Disney... I am sure this is a better fit for him.

I hope your work trip goes well! I thought I would work on the plane our last trip... but aside from having Zoe to entertain... it just was a pain to get my work started when the jostling was going on.

Ohana is definitely fun! I tend to skip it every now and again, but I think it remains more of a staple on my ADR list. We will be dinning there again come fall.
Ouch! that poor little boy that hit his head! :scared:

Your meal looks yummy. I hate to admit this but my favorites are the veggies and the noodles. I also love the wings. My favorite "meat" is actually the shrimp and I am always too full to eat more than one or two by the time they bring them around. I wish they would serve them first. A girl can dream, right?
Ouch! that poor little boy that hit his head! :scared:

Your meal looks yummy. I hate to admit this but my favorites are the veggies and the noodles. I also love the wings. My favorite "meat" is actually the shrimp and I am always too full to eat more than one or two by the time they bring them around. I wish they would serve them first. A girl can dream, right?

Ohana is always good. I am not a huge fan of some of the meats... in fact, I think I would agree... the veggies and noodles are more what I like to eat while there. (and of course the bread pudding!)
Ohana is always good. I am not a huge fan of some of the meats... in fact, I think I would agree... the veggies and noodles are more what I like to eat while there. (and of course the bread pudding!)

May I please join the group who, when dining at Ohana, eats more veggies, noodles, salad :love: and the bread pudding! :cloud9: :lmao:
Steve loves Ohana. It was his one request. I like it well enough. I am a fan of bread pudding and only one other restaurant comes to mind as having one I like as much or better. So I am happy to go just for that bread pudding!

I do like the Raglan Road bread pudding better. I adore bread pudding and I'm with you, a good reason to go just for that. I do like the noodles too! Not so happy the veggies changed. It's on our maybe list for next Dec.

Steve is unofficially,officially employed! (the offer came in yesterday and he just needs to sign off on it.) Disney was his second choice... this place was his first. He loves rockets and spaceships... and the company he will be working for designs them. :confused: I am not sure...something about launching satellites into space. :confused: While I would have loved the idea of him working for Disney... I am sure this is a better fit for him.

I hope your work trip goes well! I thought I would work on the plane our last trip... but aside from having Zoe to entertain... it just was a pain to get my work started when the jostling was going on.

Ohana is definitely fun! I tend to skip it every now and again, but I think it remains more of a staple on my ADR list. We will be dinning there again come fall.

Congrats! Now I'm dying to know where....we did a little bit of work for a company that sounds like that...but it's like the dark side...can't mention their name. How exciting and pretty fast turnaround in this economy, really speaks to Steve's strengths, that's wonderful! Everything happens for a reason.

I can be very productive on a plane work wise, if it's a mindless task. If it really requires thought, not so much. :rotfl: Very glad I didn't spend the time on it, it would have been wasted effort.
May I please join the group who, when dining at Ohana, eats more veggies, noodles, salad :love: and the bread pudding! :cloud9: :lmao:

:rotfl: I imagine the group may be fairly large. I think a lot of us like the veggies and noodles. :goodvibes

I do like the Raglan Road bread pudding better. I adore bread pudding and I'm with you, a good reason to go just for that. I do like the noodles too! Not so happy the veggies changed. It's on our maybe list for next Dec.

Oh... I had forgot about the bread pudding at RR. I have only been there once and that was several years ago.

Congrats! Now I'm dying to know where....we did a little bit of work for a company that sounds like that...but it's like the dark side...can't mention their name. How exciting and pretty fast turnaround in this economy, really speaks to Steve's strengths, that's wonderful! Everything happens for a reason.

Na... don't think it is the dark side. The company is Blue Origin. This was actually pretty slow for Steve. In fact, I think this was the longest it has ever taken him to find work. Truth be told though, if he had just wanted to go with a temp to perm job...he would have been able to start something up immediately. He was holding out for this though...so I am glad it came through (since Disney didn't) And... I do think things happen for a reason. If a day were to come where the highways were say...iced over... there are main roads that go between home and his new office. If he worked in Seattle this would not have been the case. AND on a good day he may only have a half hour commute to work....on a good day.

I can be very productive on a plane work wise, if it's a mindless task. If it really requires thought, not so much. :rotfl: Very glad I didn't spend the time on it, it would have been wasted effort.

I can see where it would have to be something that doesn't require a lot of concentration. I am always amazed at how Steve can read or get totally into something. I find I start a puzzle... and stop. Start a game... and stop. Reading? :confused: I can't even keep my place. I must have a switch in my brain that turns on the ADD once I am in the air. ;)


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