Official Wii/DS Q/A thread. FAQ in first post! Game reviews in second post!


<font color=red>Wishes she could take photos of th
May 22, 2003
No need to read through the old thread if you don't want. Just ask away! Between myself and DH, we can answer just about anything.


If you want a specific review for a specific game go to this site FIRST!!! --This is a family site that explains WHY the ESRB rated a game a certain way and where to find the questionable material in each game.

Game recommendations are at the end of this post!

If you’re just getting started go here, it’s much prettier than this little FAQ:

If you ever have any problems with any product made by Nintendo--call them!! They have fantastic costumer service and are known for going above and beyond to help. Their website also has tons of great troubleshooting walk throughs.

What do I get with the system?
For $249.99 you get the Wii Console with a built in flash memory(so you don’t need to buy additional memory right away); one Wii-mote and it’s nunchuck attachment; the sensor bar to be mounted to your TV (we just taped ours, so we can remove it); and Wii Sports (the perfect introductory Wii game). You get an equipment guide and a registration card too. Also included are a set of standard composite cables (480p cables are available to be purchased seperatly for about $30), a power adapter and a nifty stand for the console.

What else do I need?
Nothing, really, but you should consider Wii Play (for the second controller) and possibly a nunchuck.
Here's some info from other members of the thread:

Originally Posted by spectrum-turbo View Post

* Two, three or even four people can play golf or bowling at the same time sharing one Wii-mote.
* For two people to play baseball you at the same time, one pitching & one hitting, you will need two Wii-motes.
* For two people to play boxing at the same time you will two Wii-motes AND two numchucks.
* For more than one person to play tennis you will need as many Wii-motes as you have players, up to four.

You can have a good time playing with friends and family with one Wii-mote. That being said, I think two is an ideal minimum for Wii-motes so that you can play almost all of the games in a multi-player format.
Originally Posted by Justin the Hook
I thought this would be good for all people that don't yet have a Wii and are looking to buy one for Christmas

1. Don't buy a bundle, it is putting more money in the hands of the stores. Bungles usually include things that the store gets for next to nothing and you don't ever use. They usually also include games that no one will ever play so you are just wasting you money.

2. Don't rush out and buy rechargeable station of batteries right off the bat. Save your money. AA batteries at the highest settings last 30 to 40 hours in your Wii Remote. Spending the extra money on the charging station and then the additional cost of the batteries (which are much more expensive) you could find that you don't need to spend the extra cash. Especially if you have a wholesale club (Sams or BJ's) you can get a brick of their brand Alkyline for 10 bucks.

3. Research games, make sure you get games that you know people will play. If you have younger kids (4,5,6) Wii Sports will most likely be plenty for them. Also spend the money on Wii Play, it is a $49.99, but comes with a Wii remote so the game is really only 10 bucks. Then add a another nunchuck. That would give your family 14 games to play on christmas day. Then get the kids a gift card to Eb games, game stop, or toys r us, that would be enough to buy a game and let them go pick one out.

4. The NEW Wii Owner essentials

Cost of the Console 249.99
Cost of Wii Play 49.99
Additional Nunchuck 19.99
Total 319.97 without tax and have a great christmas

Is it easy to set up?
The basic system is very easy to set up and comes with super clear directions. If you can I always recommend a test run before it's given as a gift just in case you get one of the few systems with a problem, but this isn't that big of a deal. Everything comes out of the box ready to use. The only tricky thing can be the WiFi which I'll get to in a minute...

If I buy a second (or third or fourth) Wii-mote do I need to buy nunchuck attachments?
Yes and no. The vast majority of games use both the Wii-mote and the nunchuck for single player, but not for multiplayer. That trend is changing and many multiplayer games need them too. All the games will be marked on their boxes for what they need. I say don't buy extras until you find a game that needs them.

What's with the three different controllers?
The Wii can use a bunch of different controllers in different situations.
1. For playing old Gamecube games, you primarily use the old GC controllers (there are ports for them on Wii).
2. For playing downloaded games you can use the old GC for old GC games. Some downloaded games will use the Wii-mote. Some will use the "classic controller" that you can buy seperately. Before you download the game, it will tell you what you need.
You basically should not purchase a classic remote until you find something you want to buy that only uses it.
3. The Wii-mote is used for the new Wii games. There is talk that future games might use the GC controller (or the classic controller if you don't have the GC controller). But for now, if you want to play a Wii game (non downloaded) you need a Wii-mote and in some cases the nunchuck.

All the games will say what they need to be played on either their box or before you download them.

How do I save batteries/adjust controller volume?
This simple explanation brought to you by pkgman!
Press the home button on the Wiimote that you want to adjust volume on. When the screen changes to Wiimote screen, click on the picture of the Wiimote. You can adjust the volume level, rumble feature and reconnect Wiimote to Wii. Also, you can check battery strength on this screen.

Turning off the rumble will give you longer battery life.

Do I need a wiimote charger?
Not in the sense that you have to have one to play, but I do recommend buying one. The wiimote sucks batteries up very quickly. You can also choose to use regular recharageables if you'd like, but I like having the dedicated wiimote charger so I don't have to hunt for batteries or worry if they are chargered or how long the charge will last.

I own this charger (Nyko) and it is the only one I recommend since I have personal and very good experience with it. It works great!
Nyko Charger Station

What’s a Virtual Console?
If you have broadband internet access you can download a ton of old games for about $5-$10 each. There are about 15 available now and more will be added before Christmas. This is a great way to bulk up your game library for young kids who’ve never played Super Mario 64 or Sonic the hedgehog.

Games cost Wii Points, and 100 Wii Points=$1. You can buy Wii Points throgh the Virtual Console with a credit card, or buy them at a store. The nice thing about buying them at a store is that they can go on sale. Games from NES cost 500 points; games from TurboGrafx-16 cost 600 points; games from SNES or Sega Genisis cost 800 points; games from N64 cost 1,000 points. Nintendo will be releasing new titles every Monday for a long, long, long time to come.

How do I connect to the internet?
Info from Ned!
connecting the Wii to the internet.

There are three possible methods :

#1 - Using a wireless router, connection should be effortless. If you prefer that method, connection with your Wii is pretty easy - just telling your Wii where to look.

#2 - Using the Wi-Fi USB Connector, the same one that works with the NDS and NDS Lite. This connects to the USB port in your computer, not your Wii, and creates a wireless access point for your Wii and NDS to use. They cost about $40 and can be found in many stores (Best Buy, Target, etc.) and are available from Nintendo's store ( You must have a broadband connected Windows XP for it to work, and it is incompatable with some firewalls (you may need to shut them off when you use it).

#3 - Nintendo has a Wired LAN Adapter through their website (same store above). This is for people like myself who have Ethernet wired homes or Routers and prefer not to use Wireless connections because of security issues or whatever other reason. This adapter connects to the USB port on your Wii, and then you plug an Ethernet cable into one end, and the other end of the cable into your router. It is unknown at this time if the LAN Adapter will be available in stores, but you can order it from the website for $25.

Many people confuse the LAN Adapter and the WiFi Connector since both use USB, and it's an important distinction to make.

All that said, there is an unoffically supported Wired adapter out there (that quickly sold out at every website once it was posted around the Internet) that I've been using and it works great. The assumption by the fan community is that it must have the same chipset as the official Nintendo version.

Will I look like an idiot when I play?
Umm…probably, but you don’t have to. I personally like to go all out when I play tennis, golf, and bowling on Wii Sports; it’s good exercise. So if you’re afraid to look like someone bowling without pins, just get over it!!! It’s so fun. Anyway, my point is you can use very small movements to do everything you want. You don’t have to stand up and swing your Wii-mote like a tennis racket, simple wrist movements will do.

Can I play my old Game Cube games on the Wii?
Yep. The Wii has 4 ports for old GCN contollers (cordless or corded, doesn’t matter), and for your old memory cards.

How will I save my game?
The Wii has a built in 512 MB flash memory that will last most families forever, but if you’re a crazy gamer like me or want to transfer a game from one system to another, the Wii uses SD cards for external memory. Yes, any SD card. Without a SD card your game will automatically save to the hard drive when you save your game. For perspective Wii Sports and Zelda take up 3 blocks of the over 2000 block hard drive.

What else should I know?
Make sure everyone uses the wrist strap on the Wii-mote. Many people have tossed their $40 controllers through TVs and walls. It sounds silly, but it can happen. The strap doesn’t always work, so encourage over-enthusiastic gamers to turn it down a notch!

What's the best way to find a Wii?
Most retailers will get shipments of Wiis all week that they will save for Sunday, because that's when their ads with the system in them are released. Pay special attention to Sunday ads that say that the store will guarentee "x consoles per store."

Don't forget your smaller gaming stores like Game Stop and Game Crazy. They will put systems they get durning the week out when they get them, because they usually don't advertise on Sunday.

Game recommendations:

General (our favorite games):
Mario Galaxy, Zack & Wiki, Harry Potter, Rayman, Guitar Hero, Paper Mario, Zelda, Madden (football), Wii Play (for the extra remote)...

Best Party, Family or mulitplayer games:
Mario Party 8 (not as good as old ones), Rayman Raving Rabbids (2 especially for multiplayer), Wii Play (just for the extra wiimote), Wario Ware, Carnival Games, EA's Playground, Mario Kart

Ages 5-7:
All of the Party games + Mario Stikers (soccer), MySims, Cooking Mama, most movie games if the child really loves the movie/character (be careful and check IGN first though). High School Musical Sing It?

Ages 8-12:
Party games + Lego Star Wars/Indiana Jones/Batman, Madden, MySims, Mario Stikers (soccer), Paper Mario, Harry Potter, Zack & Wiki, Mario Galaxy, Dance Dance Revolution, Da Blob, Cooking Mama, Animal Crossing

Ages 13+:
Zelda, Guitar Hero/Rock Band (only b/c it's rated Teen for the song lyrics, younger kids can play and will enjoy), Metroid, Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles & House of the Dead for the older teens (bloody zombies).

This list will grow and evolve. Don't hesitate to ask for more personal recommendations!
I'll add more as I think of it!
Not recommended games now in post #4:

Reviews from other Disers!!! Thanks so much everyone!

We got Big Brain Academy Wii Degree-- I, DH, DD13 have had a great time with it. From what we've found, there is only one 'game' top play 2-player, though and I was disappointed in that. I think my DS10 doesn't want to play it because it would frustrate him if he didn't get high scores right off the bat.
Carnival Games - The whole family loves it. We will have a lot of fun playing this one as a group.
--Carnival Games - 9 Lots of fun for everyone and saves us a ton of money by not having to go to Dave & Busters
--This is an incredible collection of mini-games that you would find at any carnvial around the country. You start with about 20 games available and can unlock 7 or 8 more. Some of the games include: Basketball shot, duck shooting, tank dunk, knock the milk cans over, dime toss, dart toss, mini-golf, and many more. Another great feature of this game is the unique and varied use of the Wii remote. You will be swinging, tossing, turning, shaking, thrusting, circling and wiggling the remote in a different way for almost every game. The game is easy enough for anybody to play, yet it does offer quite a challenge to get the high scores. You can also unlock a whole bunch of different outfits and gadgets for your characters (one of the biggest drawbacks is that you can't use your own Miis). I highly recommend this game if you are a fan of mini-games.
Cooking Mama-- I LOVE LOVE LOVE this game, bought it on a whim but haven't regreted it yet
Chicken Little--They've played it, but aren't ecstatic over it. 5
DD15(who doesn't play video games at all) got DDR and she LOVES it! Santa had brought the Mario version for the game cube in the past and it wasn't a big hit as it wasn't the real DDR with good music and things. This version is fabulous and just what she wanted! She doesn't care for the hand motions and it seems you can turn those off in some modes but not all. We also pulled out the Mario dance pad and she and DS were able to play 2 player! They were so happy! You can unlock additional songs and stages by playing. I know DD's gonna get a lot of use out of this! So far so good. Score: I'd give this a 9 for the teenage set. DD15 is not a gamer but really likes this and DS12 who's not a dancer in any sense of the word also really likes this. Being able to use the gamecube dance pad for 2 player mode was a real plus too! I'm sure adults would like it too (but if I played I'd have to set it on "beginner" for sure! It looks like it could be pretty strenuous)
We also picked up Dave Mirra this Christmas. It does take a bit of getting used to, but once you start figuring it out, it offers a huge variety of tricks and moves, plus a good variety of locations that you can unlock. We loved Dave Mirra for the GameCube, so for us, this was a must get. So far, we have enjoyed it, but not as much as the one for the GC. Hopefully, the more we play it, the more we will learn to enjoy it.
Disney Princess - 9
This is a super fun game if you are into the princesses. You get to dress up your princess and then run around the castle using your magic wand on special missions (helping Jasmine find the monkey, picking up jewels). My almost 6 year old loves this game. The only reason I didn't give this game a 10 is that the controls are a little hard for my DD but she will probably get better with practice.
We love Godfather for the Wii. My husband and I had a blast playing it.
-- Essentially it is Grand theft auto set in the time of the god father. It is quite playable for Adults only due to its Mature rating. I (DH) is the one playing it. I find the controls easy to use and the game very complex yet fun because you can do other things than what you have listed as your game objectives. it will take a lot of time to complete it is is no old school mario.......
Rating an 8 due to maturity rating and the violence
Guitar Hero III Rating: 10
Everyone in our family loves it - great for all ages! (rated T for Teen)
--GH III--everyone loves this one, even DS5 is getting in on the action! 10
Happy Feet - 8 This was for DS3, so he could have his own game. Cuter than I expected, great songs. (Note from Sarah--I've played this one and thought it was terrible--but it is a GREAT game from very very young children).
HSM Sing It! - 5
My DD (9) has played it once or twice, but that's about it.
--HSM Sing It - very disappointed in this one. DDs are all big HSM fans but they have only played this a few times. They don't really seem to like it.
---HSM Sing it - 9 I was surprised to hear negative reviews on this. We love this game! It definitely gets better as you unlock songs. It is a big hit with DS5 - we bought an extra microphone for Duets.
Lego Star Wars, DS8 gives it 10, DD11 gives it 8.
--both DD13 and DS10 have had fun at this--we had both SW games for PS2 and they''ve enjoyd and beaten those so it isn't that new, but was necessary for my 2 SW freaks!
--Lego Star Wars-the Complete Saga--DS9 plays this the most 8
--Star Wars Legos - 10
This is all my DS7 wanted for Xmas and he loves it. Very cool that you can have two players in the same game and switch characters. Very intuitive and the wielding of the light saber never gets old.
I bought Links Crossbow training (with the gun) for $19.47 at Target the other day and that has been the best game we have bought! I know it is just a minigame, but for a dunce like me, it is perfect - I am enjoying trying to beat my high scores over and over. I highly reccomend it for anyone who had the first nintendo system and liked Duck Hunt and Hogan's Alley.
Madden 08 - DH likes it but says he has to get better with the nunchuck
MLB Power Pros - 8 Great baseball game. The whole family really enjoys it!
Grandma got him Mario and Sonic at the Olypic Games. He was very excited for this one and opened it first but he's irritated at it and says it's "stupid". Apparently he's doing the motions that the game instructs him to do but his guy isn't running, jumping, whatever, properly. He's a big video gamer and definitely knows how to work things so I don't know what the problem is. I told him he might just have to practice at it to get the hang of it but he thinks it's just not properly responsive and therefore "stupid". He's put it away for now and will hopefully revisit it another day. Anybody else get this one? Do you find that the character responds properly to your commands? Score: It looks like it could be a great game! But at this point I think DS would give it a 3 or so because he couldn't get his character to do what he wanted and he found it very frustrating.
--Mario & Sonic at the Olympics We tried it yesterday and it was not well liked by anyone. I can't put my finger on exactly why none of us liked it. We all thought it would be much more fun than it actually was. I think I might be heading to Amazon/Ebay with this one.
--Mario & Sonic at the Olympics is our FAVORITE--so far! We have had a ball with the rowing and archery, particularly. You have to play the games to unlock all the new ones. I think the only thing left for us to unlock is the 10,000m diving. Can't wait for that one! The only thing I don't really like about it is that when you set world records or earn medals, it only 'counts' if you are playing in 1P mode.
--Mario and Sonic Olympics--DH loves it and plays it more than the kids. 10
--Olympics - 7 - swimming is my fav & hilarious to watch. None of the kids enjoy it much after the first few days but I think it still has potential. A little hard for DS5.
Mario Party 8--fun our families favorite
--Super Mario Party 8 - This is getting the most play time at our house (DS13 and DD9).
--Mario Party - my 3 DDs love it, especially playing it together.
Another fun game is Mario Strikers: Charged (Mario soccer). Unlike many other soccer games, this game is not so worried about traditional soccer skills, as it is in making soccer fun for everyone. If you are at all familiar with the Mario sports line of games, than you will know how Nintendo incorporates out-of-this-world features into traditional sports. One of the funnest parts of Mario Strikers is tackling other players. You shake the Wii remote up and down when you are near an oppenent to take him out. Some times my son and I will let the ball just sit there while we focus instead on trying to tackle each other. There are also special pick-ups throughout the game that give you either special powers or off-the wall traps to catch your opponent. Another nice feature of Mario Strikers is the fact that it's WIFI, letting you play against opponents from all over via the internet.
He got Metroid 3 from Santa (which he's rented before and likes but hasn't gotten far in it at all). He didn't open that one today as he knows what it's about and wanted to try the other games. He likes this one a lot though and Santa also brought the players guide for this one. Score: I haven't played this but DS12 as well as DH have checked this one out. I guess it's complex enough to keep DH interested but simple enough to keep DS interested. DS isn't up yet but I think he'd give it a 7 or an 8 and I'd say ages 10 and up. We invested in the players guide for this as DS couldn't get very far in it without googling walkthroughs.
MySIms - 8 - fav of DD13 & DD7, I haven't played it and don't see the appeal as much as the DDs.
Nicktoons Attack of the Toybots - 6 DS5 gives this a 6 because he says that it is fun sometimes but can be boring as well
Petz Catz-this one is for DS5, it's kind of like Nintendcats for the DS, cute, but for the younger ones! 6
Pirates of the Caribbean, At World's End-- I haven't played or even seen it played but DS10 says it is confusing. It was only $20 so I don't feel too bad about it.
Pokemon Battle Revolution, DS8 gives it 9, DD11 gives it 9.
--Don't buy unless you own Diamond or Pearl. You don't create your own team unless you download from D or P
Rayman Raving Rabbids 2 - DS#2's favorite.
Spiderman Friend or Foe - 7
The kids seem to like playing it, my DH & I could care less about even trying it. It doesn't really look fun. Plus, we can't figure out how to get 2 players going, so that's been aggravating.
Super Mario Galaxy, DS8 gives it 10, DD11 gives it 9.
--LOVE IT! (although it can make you a tad dizzy at times) Glad DS#1 got the guide for this for Christmas. We got the Collector's edition. It is very nice & really helpful so far.
--i LOVE mario galaxy, i have gotten 2 stars already and its not so hard so far (im an 27 isnt that pathetic that i find these games hard..LOL) but anyway i wa afraid cuz im not very good at gaming but so far its pretty easy to understand and to play an dits a lot of fun.
--Super Mario Galaxy - 10 (this is my favorite game of ALL TIME! I'm up to 36 stars)
Thrillville off the Rails - DS#1's favorite. Everyone likes it as well. Really fun if you like minigames and amusement parks.
Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam - 9 DS5 & DH are addicted to this!!!
WarioWare Smooth Mooves - I LOVE this game. Super fun but I wish there was a way to go over the little mini movies faster.
Wii Play, both give it 8.
--We had a good time learning about the wii using this game. Haven't played a ton, but will go back.
Wii Sports, DS8 says 3 (he has co-ordination issues), DD11 says 7.
--Too many other good reviews to post them all.
Aunt and Uncle got him Zack and Wiki. He and his dad are checking that one out right now. They've been at it for about 45 minutes. Seems like an interesting puzzle/quest kind of game but a little slow moving(at least in the beginning) and lots of reading. They've cleared the first stage, met Barbaros and are somewhere in the middle of the next stage/level now. Score: Unknown at this point as they've just gotten started. From what I could see, I'd say a minimum age of about 8 or older, lots of reading and thinking involved. I'll have to ask DS12 for a score and see how he rates it.
Do you know when Best Buy will get another shipment, or make it available on their website?

do you think that I have a chance of walking in and picking one up before Christmas?

The remote doesn't come with the nunchuck thing (not sure if that's the right spelling).. right? Do you have to have both for the sports games?

Our *goal* is to find the console and one extra remote for the kids for christmas. Game recommendations for three boys? We like mario games, the kids love football and zelda, we like action adventure (like taz the tasmanian tiger, crash bandicoot, ect..)

Not recommended games:

1. Brunswick Bowling (not based on ign)
2. Cars (not recommended for young, inexperienced players. Based on thread reviews)
3. Alvin and the Chipmonks
4. Mini Desktop racing
5. Balls of Fury
6. Offroad Extreme SE
7. Hooked Real Motion Fishing
8. Pool Party
9. Dave Mira BMX
10. Anubis II
11. Chicken Shoot
12. Bratz: Movie Stars
13. Legend of the Dragon
14. Hot Wheels Racing
15. Cruis'n
16. Looney Tunes Acme Arsenal
17. Rapala Fishing
18. NBA Live 08
19. Spider-man Friend or Foe
20. Victorious Boxers
21. Boogie
22. Donkey Kong Barrell Blast
23. Ant Bully
24. Happy Feet
25. Tony Hawk's Proving ground
26. Escape from Bug Island
27. Far Cray Vengence
28. Rampage
29. GT Pro
30. World Series of Poker.

All of these were rated under a 5 from IGN (except Cars). The ones at the bottom of the list are better than those at the top.

If you see something you really love let me know. And if you play anything really horrible let me know and I can add it.

Note: Nothing on the list hasn't been rated by IGN, which means there are a ton of other games that weren't even good enough to be reviewed.

New Bad reviews:
1. Ninjabread Man (1.5 by IGN, 2.4 by other gamers)
SOOO excited to give this on Christmas. I have the console extra controller- with the chucks and Zelda, excite truck and Elebits(i think that is the name of it) So Super Mario Galaxy won't be out until next year? any idea of the launch date for that? Oh and is super monkey ball any good? We like the gamecube one- but is it different in anyway?
Guitar Hero World Tour/Rock Band FAQ
1. Which is better?

I can’t emphasize this enough—it is all about personal preference. The best suggestion is to try both games out first either at Best Buy or with someone you know. Otherwise find a song list (google is your friend).

2. Which is sturdier?

Another toss up. You show me 8 people who swear RB is a piece of garbage and I’ll show you 8 who say the same about GH. The bottom line is to treat all the instruments like they are made of gold. If something breaks contact the manufacturer or the store if you buy the warranty.

3. Should I buy the warranty?

Is the game going to be played? Then yes, chances are you could use a warranty. I joke, but every single person I know (including my uber careful DH) has at the very least snapped the RB drum pedal (POC). Just check to make sure the instruments are covered and that you’ll get new ones quick.

4. Are the games family friendly?

Depends on your family, but they both offer about the same exact level of friendliness. Both games cut nearly all swearing out, but these are rock songs so adult material is always there. Now Lego Rock Band is a different story.
Both games have family friendly options for play modes.
RB has the no fail option. You can’t get easier than that. With it your 2 year old can wail away on your (already broken) guitar.
As far as will my 3/5/10 year old have an easier time with RB/GH? The prevailing opinion is that RB is easier on guitar, but that it really doesn’t matter. The object of the game is to get better, both games are accessible to most ages just about equally.

5. Are they compatible? Will my guitar for RB work for GH?

Rock Band 2 works with everything so far, so the best idea money wise if you want both is to buy the RB2 set and just the GHWT game.
I’ll try to update when we know for sure about Lego…

6. I have an Xbox/PS3 and a Wii, which version should I buy?

With the exception of the PS2 version, I highly recommend you buy for any system other than the Wii if it is an option. The other versions have more available songs and better download interfaces.

7. Where can I find more information/reviews?
I was lucky enough to pick up a WII at Best Buy this past Sunday. What else would I need if more than one person wants to play on Christmas Day? Thanks!
DisneyMomJen said:
I was lucky enough to pick up a WII at Best Buy this past Sunday. What else would I need if more than one person wants to play on Christmas Day? Thanks!

You have nothing else? That's fine. In order for more than one person to play, each extra person will need a Wii-mote. The nunchuck is only necessary for Boxing on Wii Sports. SO if they want to box, they need the nunchuck too.

If you are going to download games, you can plug in old game cube controllers for most of the games if you have them. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, don't worry about it! :teeth:
Has anyone played Game Cube games on the Wii yet? Is it pretty much like playing on Game Cube? My DS already has Madden 2007 for Game Cube and I'm hoping not to have to re-buy it for Wii IF we can ever find it!! If it is not a big difference, I won't worry about it, but if there is, I'll have to consider it since it is his favorite game.
Thanks for starting this thread. I'm mainly here to subscribe and comiserate that I CAN'T FIND WII ANYWHERE. :sad:

Here's hoping the predictions of ample supply come true before Christmas.
I am also here to comiserate with others who are trying to score one of these.

A friend and I have a plot worked out to try for one this week-end at our local WalMart! I feel so sinister!!

Thanks for starting this thread. I appreciate the information.
I ran to TRU on my lunch and discovered 2 games in stock that my kids want: Call of Duty 3 and Rayman Raving Rabbids.

While I was at the check out the electronics supervisor rolled a cart over to the register and said "please display these remotes when no one is in line."

HUH?!?! Did she say remotes? Right then and there I made the guy open the boxes and check to see if they're Wii remotes. YES!!! They were! He opened them while I waited and sold me 3 remotes and 3 nunchucks on the spot! YIPPEE!! :cool1:

Now all I need is the $%&#* system console. :santa: :headache:
minniebeth said:
Has anyone played Game Cube games on the Wii yet? Is it pretty much like playing on Game Cube? My DS already has Madden 2007 for Game Cube and I'm hoping not to have to re-buy it for Wii IF we can ever find it!! If it is not a big difference, I won't worry about it, but if there is, I'll have to consider it since it is his favorite game.

Since Madden games come out so frequently, I wouldn't plop down any more money for another copy of 2007. Yes, I think it's very, very different and worth getting, but Madden 2008 for the Wii will be out soon enough (not literally, but you know what I mean.)

I have played my old GCN games on the Wii and it is exactly the same, so no worries there.
KelNottAt said:
I ran to TRU on my lunch and discovered 2 games in stock that my kids want: Call of Duty 3 and Rayman Raving Rabbids.

While I was at the check out the electronics supervisor rolled a cart over to the register and said "please display these remotes when no one is in line."

HUH?!?! Did she say remotes? Right then and there I made the guy open the boxes and check to see if they're Wii remotes. YES!!! They were! He opened them while I waited and sold me 3 remotes and 3 nunchucks on the spot! YIPPEE!! :cool1:

Now all I need is the $%&#* system console. :santa: :headache:

Finding those nunchucks is a big victory!! Yay! :banana: Your pad's gonna be the place to be with four controllers!!

BTW I'm working on a FAQ to put at the beginning of the thread with all the basic info and more!
I'll be around most of the day if anyone has questions...
harleyquinn said:
Since Madden games come out so frequently, I wouldn't plop down any more money for another copy of 2007. Yes, I think it's very, very different and worth getting, but Madden 2008 for the Wii will be out soon enough (not literally, but you know what I mean.)

I have played my old GCN games on the Wii and it is exactly the same, so no worries there.

Thanks for the advice!! :thumbsup2
I read somewhere on these vast disboards.. that best buy will have more this sunday. Can anyone confirm that?
Plantlady said:
I read somewhere on these vast disboards.. that best buy will have more this sunday. Can anyone confirm that?

I'm sure that many BBs all over the country will have more this sunday, but I can't confirm that EVERY BB will.

Stores will typically get systems in all week that they will hold until their ad comes out on Sunday.

My advice is to get your paper as early as possible on Sunday. Go through the ads to find the stores advertising the Wii and get to those stores as or right before they open.

If you have a cell phone, you can call the other stores while you're at the first (if they are out). The stores will tell you if they have them.

Also don't forget about your Game Stops and Game Crazy's. Those smaller stores will sell what they get all week instead of holding it til Sunday since they don't normally advertise.
I'm glad I found this thread. I'm hoping to find one at Toys R Us since I'm sitting with $200 worth of gift cards. I'm not one to line up at the crack of dawn so hopefully I'll just get lucky with calling them. If not, my 7 year old DS is so laid back, a promise of the Wii should be enough for Christmas morning and a January purchase should be fine. But of course I'd rather have it Christmas morning!!


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