OFFICIAL Jan 2011 Half Marathon, Full Marathon, Dopey or Goofy Challenge Thread

Coach Charles --- can you share some wisdom on what you would recommend for fueling options. I don't tolerate any of the GU's, beans, shot blocks, etc. They all seem to make me ill. Is there anything else you would recommend??

I'm half-tempted to bring a turkey sandwich with me. The main problem for me with WDW races is that you have to get up so early before you even start the race that I'm starving half-way through. I ate my bagel with PNB while driving to the race this year and this time I'm thinking about eating it in the corrals or while walking to the corrals for January.

The great thing about the types of nutrition you mentioned as not so good is that they are portable. The deal is that you could have eaten 2-3 PBJ as late as the gun going off and you would feel hungry in the back half of the race.

I am not sure how hard you are pushing in the race. There is a fine line between being able to tolerate solids and having them set in the stomach consuming energy and fluids. It really depends on effort and dehydration levels.

I am assuming that you follow the 'standard' rules for takinf in the gels, beans, etc... Sip of water, food then a cup or two of water. If you are getting enough water and still having issues then lets move to foods I know on the bike

You could attempt to eat a bar of some sort. I am thinking a non-iced bar like a cliff bar (or other brand). You could try to eat about a half a clif bar when it would be time to gel. I am thinking non-iced because the icing would be a mess once the bar is warm. You could try dried fruit. A small handful would equate to about 120 Kcal. Finally, a packaged snack like a lunchable PBJ. That would keep well in a fanny pack or other transportation method.

These could require that you slow up a bit to allow for the solids to be processed. The dried fruit tends to have a fiber issue. But absent anything else these are thoughts on alternative to a highly sugared sport gel, etc.
WELCOME lolakat!!! You and I are in the same boat. I have never been a runner and like you am doing my first 1/2 in January. I'm also doing C25K and it's amazing. I never thought I could run for 25 mins straight. I have a couple more weeks on C25k then I'm moving on to the 10K program.

Thanks for the welcome, (and KAA1972 too, I'm not sure how to double quote yet) It's great to hear you are nearly done with the C25K program. I did W2D2 last night. I'm working so hard for those 90s intervals it's hard to believe I will soon be running much much longer. I'm trying to just relax and trust the process. It would be better if I could just take my body out for a run and leave my mind at home.
I keep thinking I will enter but can not get anyone in my travel party to join. So I run a quick little 3-5 mile run that morning around the home reosrt for the weekend. I find that I really need a good leg stretching run as it clears the head and gives me some feedback on what Charles is in Orlando :) Then it is off to Cape May for the traditional rubbing of the elbows with Sir Goofy himself.

Not sure what other ntrition you have looked at..... Personally I think I would move from the peanut intake. You are wanting to avoid substances that are hard to digest and a nut is in that catagory.

Coach Charles - Let me know if you do. I'm debating whether to register. One thing stopping me is that I'm afraid I'll run it like a race.

How about pretzel M&Ms? :laughing: I love those! Actually I'd be worried about the chocolate melting and making a big mess. I'm trying to figure out nutrition past 18 miles.
I always use cherry jelly bellys for my fuel, seems to work for me. I was a little worried going into goofy last year that it wouldn't be enough but they where great, and they are juicey so makes chewing them really easy.

Also treats along the course are more then welcome :)

I think I'll try some during training. I might go pick up some for my 10-miler this Sunday.

Probably the only thing that bugs me while running is the rattling of the M&Ms in my pockets. They don't get too hot so there's no chocolate melting mess to deal with.
I like the sports beans instead of the regular jelly beans mainly because I like the individual packets. It makes it so easy to grab and stash and no ratteling:). I also love jolly ranchers during long runs. I let one sit in my cheek so I get the quick sugar but it is drawn out over about a mile.
Does anyone have suggestions on hydration drinks? I like the powerbar brand ok and really like the gu brand but can't find it in a large canister. I don't like gatorade or hammer at all.
Thanks for the welcome, (and KAA1972 too, I'm not sure how to double quote yet) It's great to hear you are nearly done with the C25K program. I did W2D2 last night. I'm working so hard for those 90s intervals it's hard to believe I will soon be running much much longer. I'm trying to just relax and trust the process. It would be better if I could just take my body out for a run and leave my mind at home.

I started C25K in January and completed it a while back. I remember how hard those intervals seemed at the time. I was able to run for 30 minutes straight at the end, but I had always planned to stick with run/walk intervals so I don't do that often. I can easily run 5 - 10 minute intervals now. Stick with it and you will get there! :thumbsup2 And yes - it is very much mind over matter.
I like the sports beans instead of the regular jelly beans mainly because I like the individual packets. It makes it so easy to grab and stash and no ratteling:). I also love jolly ranchers during long runs. I let one sit in my cheek so I get the quick sugar but it is drawn out over about a mile.
Does anyone have suggestions on hydration drinks? I like the powerbar brand ok and really like the gu brand but can't find it in a large canister. I don't like gatorade or hammer at all.

Bephus -- I used Accelerade or Endurox -- I can't remember which one but one is for recovery and one is for during the runs -- I like it b/c it has a little protein in it. I just noticed that you are in Julington Creek. We lived in Jax before moving here a year ago. I miss Jax everyday... sob, sob.
I like the sports beans instead of the regular jelly beans mainly because I like the individual packets. It makes it so easy to grab and stash and no ratteling:). I also love jolly ranchers during long runs. I let one sit in my cheek so I get the quick sugar but it is drawn out over about a mile.
Does anyone have suggestions on hydration drinks? I like the powerbar brand ok and really like the gu brand but can't find it in a large canister. I don't like gatorade or hammer at all.

Much like gels and other supplements your sprt drink can be a case of individual taste. It is ok to train with what ever works for you but would point you to trying PowerAde green from powder at some time during training. Mix it about 50-75% strength and try that. That is just about what you will get on course.

With regard to Sport Beans over jelly beans there is an additional reason to go with the sport beans - electrolytes and a better form of carbs. Many if not all regualr beans come from HFCS, not a real clean fuel for the body. THe electrolytes will help through those nasty little cramps in the late miles. Oh and the nice little packs.

Coach Charles - Let me know if you do. I'm debating whether to register. One thing stopping me is that I'm afraid I'll run it like a race.

How about pretzel M&Ms? :laughing: I love those! Actually I'd be worried about the chocolate melting and making a big mess. I'm trying to figure out nutrition past 18 miles.

TWO IFS - first, if I can talk my brother, SIL and DW into the 5k will definitely be there. Or, if I am still in BCV I will be there.

As far as past 18.......
1) You will more than likely NOT want but one gel if any at all - SAVE your most favorite flavor that is loaded with caffiene for the last gel.
2) mile 20-22 is the last gel you really need unless you have dropped off to a eath marching really slow pace
3) There is candy at mile 23. In the old day it was little packs of Sprees. Best candy ever created for mile 23.... The last 5 years seem to have been chocolate something or other. Not really user friendly. The are melted, the choclate can stick to your throat and the water stop always seems to be too far after the choclate
Anyone doing the 5K on Friday before the races?

I'll be doing the half marathon the next day.

I haven't signed up yet, but plan on doing the 5K with DD (19). I'm pretty excited about that, DD's doing it for the shirt. Whatever gets her going, right? :banana:

Happy training everyone!:thumbsup2

One other gel trick I learned from during an IM.......

Try to find as many flavor combinations through training that you can during training. You may, more than likely will grow tired of gels before the end of the race (even more so if the marathon starts at mile114 of your day). Make sure you have enough gels in your arsenal to assure 2-4 left post race. Place all gels in a fanny pack (or pocket) devoted exclusively to gels. Mix thoroughly and zip closed. As you come to the first gel spot in the race reach around and without looking grab a gel. It may be your favorite, so-so or least favorite in the pack. Take that gel. Continue through the race taking what comes out. The thought is that you will most always get a gel that is different from the last - or at least not use all your favorites in the first half the race. Anyway you are likely to not just get sick of strawberry banana if that is your favorite.

Also, another trick learned the hard way. Fuel belt and others have gel flasks that attach to the belt. These flasks can be loaded from bulk gel containers. They work great in a warm season race....but if the temps hover below 45-50F during the race you will be searching for the freebie and lost gel packets all race long. The flask will thicken to the point that you will not be able to dispense any gel. - no matter how hard you warm with hands and squeeze.
Finally, for sale one gel flask - CHEAP
Coach Charles- thank you so much for the tip on the drink on course. I haven't tried powerade yet, who knows it may end up being my favorite. I actually prefer the diluted versions of the sport drinks to full-strength, too sweet. Maybe because I normally drink only water?
Good point on the electrolytes in sport beans. I have kindof forgotten about that;).
Bephus -- I used Accelerade or Endurox -- I can't remember which one but one is for recovery and one is for during the runs -- I like it b/c it has a little protein in it. I just noticed that you are in Julington Creek. We lived in Jax before moving here a year ago. I miss Jax everyday... sob, sob.
We just moved back here from NC. Love being closer to family (and WDW!!), miss the milder weather. Lol.
I was thinking of trying the one with protein but don't like gritty drinks. How is the texture? The endurox recovery is good texture-wise.
I'm trying to talk my wife into doing the 1/2 with me, but we have two girls, (9,13). They could just stay at the Resort, (Caribbean Beach), but I think it would be neat for them to be there at the finish... They obviously don't want to get up at 5am, and sit around for 3-4 hours. I could set an alarm for them, and have them get on a bus themselves, but my wife would shoot me before we got to the starting line... I don't think it's a good idea either. Anyone have other suggestions?
I started C25K in January and completed it a while back. I remember how hard those intervals seemed at the time. I was able to run for 30 minutes straight at the end, but I had always planned to stick with run/walk intervals so I don't do that often. I can easily run 5 - 10 minute intervals now. Stick with it and you will get there! :thumbsup2 And yes - it is very much mind over matter.

Thank you for the encouragement. I just read through most of your PTR. It is so motivating to see lots of people who are just starting our running an being successful!

I'm also learning a lot by reading everyones comments above about fueling options etc. I'm looking forward to the day when I'm running far enough to have to worry about that :)
Thank you for the encouragement. I just read through most of your PTR. It is so motivating to see lots of people who are just starting our running an being successful!

I'm also learning a lot by reading everyones comments above about fueling options etc. I'm looking forward to the day when I'm running far enough to have to worry about that :)

Thanks for reading. :goodvibes I agree about the fueling. I haven't had to worry about that yet. My longest run so far was 4 miles. It's something I'm going to need to think about soon though.
is there any way you could bring a grandparent, family friend or babysitter to help with this? I know of a lot of single teachers who act as a nanny of sorts on family vacations. We have my parents come with us just for the weekend because DH often runs too (although it doesn't look like he will this time). My kids are much younger, and it works great. I also would not feel comfortable having them get up and on transportation by themselves.
rebarone said:
I'm trying to talk my wife into doing the 1/2 with me, but we have two girls, (9,13). They could just stay at the Resort, (Caribbean Beach), but I think it would be neat for them to be there at the finish... They obviously don't want to get up at 5am, and sit around for 3-4 hours. I could set an alarm for them, and have them get on a bus themselves, but my wife would shoot me before we got to the starting line... I don't think it's a good idea either. Anyone have other suggestions?
I'm trying to talk my wife into doing the 1/2 with me, but we have two girls, (9,13). They could just stay at the Resort, (Caribbean Beach), but I think it would be neat for them to be there at the finish... They obviously don't want to get up at 5am, and sit around for 3-4 hours. I could set an alarm for them, and have them get on a bus themselves, but my wife would shoot me before we got to the starting line... I don't think it's a good idea either. Anyone have other suggestions?

If you can't bring a relative, you could hire the baby sitting agency Fairy Godmother's to come to the room and take your girls to meet you at the finish by bus. I've heard pretty good things about Fairy Godmother's. There is another nanny service too but I can't remember the name.
I'm trying to talk my wife into doing the 1/2 with me, but we have two girls, (9,13). They could just stay at the Resort, (Caribbean Beach), but I think it would be neat for them to be there at the finish... They obviously don't want to get up at 5am, and sit around for 3-4 hours. I could set an alarm for them, and have them get on a bus themselves, but my wife would shoot me before we got to the starting line... I don't think it's a good idea either. Anyone have other suggestions?

I was going to suggest the babysitting service too, but wasn't sure if they would accompany your DD's to the finish. Would your DD's be interested in taking part in the kids races the day before the half, get them feeling part of the whole weekend maybe :)

There will be me, DH and DD (14 months when we go), we too don't want to get DD up at dark o' clock so I'll be going to the half on my own then meeting up with them at the finish and vice versa when DH does the marathon.

So, about my training, well it's been a bit non existent the last week or so :rolleyes1. I'm not too worried as I've got a pretty good base of about 6-7 miles and got a few 10k's under my belt. Going out first thing tomorrow, as long as the good old British weather holds out for me:laughing:, so I'll post how I get on :)
Does anyone have a Garmin Forerunner 110? Or any other pacing watches that you would recommend? I currently use my Nike+ with iPod and I like it but I would like a device that I can see while I run and I can't really see my iPod that well. Plus, the tracking gets messed up if I skip a song or if I stop and go to the bathroom -- standing in line last year the Nike+ just stopped tracking my info because I was standing still for too long.

Any feedback would be appreciated!!

I'm trying to talk my wife into doing the 1/2 with me, but we have two girls, (9,13). They could just stay at the Resort, (Caribbean Beach), but I think it would be neat for them to be there at the finish... They obviously don't want to get up at 5am, and sit around for 3-4 hours. I could set an alarm for them, and have them get on a bus themselves, but my wife would shoot me before we got to the starting line... I don't think it's a good idea either. Anyone have other suggestions?

Honestly would not have them sitting around the parking lot while you are out and about on the half. Options:

  • Allow them to be 'big' and take the 7:30 marathon bus to the start area. There they could find a spot to watch your finish. Would require pre-planning where is a good spot
  • Bring them with you to the start and head them out on the monorail to TTC then come over to the start. Should be able to drop them at the monorail around 30 minutes pre-wave start and make it to the line with no issue. They could wait for you at the TTC then walk to the Poly and see you again. Practice this pre-race. At TTC they will want to be on the TTC side of the course not the bathroom side. After you pass the Poly they could head to the TTC again and ride back to Epcot. Point out a spot near the exit from Epcot the day before.
  • You could bring them out with you for the start then park then in the grandstands with a Cheer Squad Package.
  • Or- since one is a teen, let the sleep in.
Does anyone have a Garmin Forerunner 110? Or any other pacing watches that you would recommend? I currently use my Nike+ with iPod and I like it but I would like a device that I can see while I run and I can't really see my iPod that well. Plus, the tracking gets messed up if I skip a song or if I stop and go to the bathroom -- standing in line last year the Nike+ just stopped tracking my info because I was standing still for too long.

Any feedback would be appreciated!!


I have a Garmin Forerunner 101 which I've had for quite a while. I don't even know if you can find that model these days. Anyway I love it. Use it everytime I go out. I've used it at multiple races and it keeps tracking you even when you're standing in line waiting for Mickey!


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