Official 2015 Disney Marathon Thread

Looks like I'm packing two costumes/dresses then. Original plan was just to pack my Captain America dress I like but if it's humid I'm not running in that for the marathon. Would rather wear one of my tanks.

Really hope it's not humid. How I handle humidity seems to vary from race to race. And I really would like to have a good back at the marathon race.

Can't decide if I don't want it to rain or not. On one hand clears out humidity. On the other gets soaked again. And this would make the third straight Disney race I get caught in some sort of weather.

Had a good last big run at least. 18 miles in the books in just under four hours (no really time was 3:59:56 for the 18 miles). And well within the min race pace I'm looking for. Ran negative splits the whole way around so I'm hoping I can pull that off in the marathon. As long as I don't get too over excited with racing I think I can do it. Will be interesting to see what happens.
Looks like I'm packing two costumes/dresses then. Original plan was just to pack my Captain America dress I like but if it's humid I'm not running in that for the marathon. Would rather wear one of my tanks.

Really hope it's not humid. How I handle humidity seems to vary from race to race. And I really would like to have a good back at the marathon race.

Can't decide if I don't want it to rain or not. On one hand clears out humidity. On the other gets soaked again. And this would make the third straight Disney race I get caught in some sort of weather.

For what it's worth, it's 68 and 100% humidity in central Florida this morning. Made for a very sticky run. I sure hope it gets better by race weekend.

Had a good last big run at least. 18 miles in the books in just under four hours (no really time was 3:59:56 for the 18 miles). And well within the min race pace I'm looking for. Ran negative splits the whole way around so I'm hoping I can pull that off in the marathon. As long as I don't get too over excited with racing I think I can do it. Will be interesting to see what happens.

Congrats on a good last run! Now it's taper time! :cool1:
My 'costume' will be Mickey stickers on the back of my shoes and Donald, Mickey, and Goofy tattoos.

My last long one of 16 is in the books. I'm still following the Hanson plan which is more of a one week taper, so I've got another 'busy' week ahead.
Here is the Hay is in the Barn post from last year. Reading it made me feel better.

The Hay is in the Barn!
‘They hay is in the barn!’

Coach Lackey used to yell that as we finished up practice before the big game. It was a groaner to a teen as we really did not understand the meaning of the phrase. It’s a simple way of saying trust all the work you have put in this fall and let the race come to you. You may not feel well trained or are suffering through injury or illness or worse; both. Relax.

Think back as you pack and think of how hard it was to run 2 miles last July and now how short a 10 mile run feels. Think of all the trials you went through and how you developed the tool set to pull a run out and finish it rather than throw the towel in and head home. There is an inner peace that you have now that will help carry you through the race(s) this weekend.

If you are in the lack of training or injured camp, trust that the miles put in will help get you to the finish line. I know some have run little since Thanksgiving and yes, you too are able to finish. Keep a positive outlook as you start and it will help carry you to the line.

It is very normal to be a little nervous today; especially if this is your first event. It may be difficult to work as you loop through the what more could I have done list, over and over and over. Note that even those with 20+ marathons have some of the same nerves. The causes may differ just a bit, but the nerves may be just the same. Take a deep breath and relax as you work through this short work week.

Hydrate starting today. You may be snowbound and think that is silly but if you amp up the daily intake by just one glass or two every day this week your body will thank you. Make sure to buy a bottle of water for the plane. Air plane will suck the hydration down.

Make sure you have everything on your check list. I have seen a couple versions floating around, make sure they fit what you have trained with this fall. Carry your race shoes and clothing in a carry on. It does not happen often, but you really do not want your running shoes in Hawaii while you are in Orlando.

Make sure you do not amp up eating once you arrive. Disney has really amped up portion sizes and buffets are just bad news if you fail on self control. You want to maintain a nice balanced and well portioned diet from now until race morning. You simply do not need to gorge on a ton of pasta, a simple and light pasta meal should be more of a celebration of race eve than a thanksgiving meal wannabe.

The weather looks warm and worse humid, I urge a cautious pace on race morning. You know what your training pace has been; start with that or maybe 30-60 seconds slower. Dew point (or wet bulb) temperatures are the statistic to look for. When they are above 60F, caution is needed.

Race morning can be an all nerves on deck period. Take a few deep breaths and make sure you do not walk out the door missing something important – like your bottoms. Ok Bib. I find that I allay most nerves by laying out my clothing in a stack; especially in a hotel type room. The first thing or bottom of the stack are my shoes then socks, HR monitor, Shirt, Bottoms…. That way you are pulling the first item needed from the top of the stack, then the next and so on.

OK gut check time. I know there are a few folks who are worried about the balloon ladies, sweepers, or just failing. I cannot emphasize enough that you especially need to trust you training. Come on and start with us. It is a great experience to be at the race and in the start. The forward momentum of the morning can create a newer level of energy that may well carry you 5-6 extra miles beyond expectation. Keep one very simple thought as you move through the race …………… The Relentless Pursuit of FORWARD Momentum. It’s that simple. Rather than worry once you pass Start, focus all thought, effort and action to the simple goal of the Relentless Pursuit of FORWARD Momentum. Keep you stride light. Head up. Shoulders back and arms freely swinging with a RELAXED grip. Smile, yes SMILE and take a deep and cleansing breath every so often…. Make the Relentless Pursuit of FORWARD Momentum your race day mission. Track your personal time from the start line. Make a pace list if you need so that you can check your personal time at every mile point i.e. :16; :32; :48…. If you are not building a buffer on those splits stay focused on your race day mission; the Relentless Pursuit of FORWARD Momentum. That may mean skipping a photo op, pushing through and avoiding a potty break, or simply knuckling down.

I know that there will be a few who try and try with all their might yet find themselves in a bus seat. It’s ok. Understand that you are part of the 1% of the world’s population who will start a marathon event this year. Hold you head high and enjoy the fact that you are not sitting on a couch or you are not the grumpy guest miffed at the runners who are keeping him from easily walking to a ride. You are one of the few who decided to be healthier and fitter last year and this is YOUR celebration and party. Enjoy the race while you are in it and know that even in an apparent failure, you are still a winner. You have moved off the couch. Take lessons learned and apply them to your next race.

Everyone, have safe travels and enjoy the race.

One final thought….
I wish I could say something classy and inspirational, but that just wouldn't be our style. Pain heals. Chicks dig scars. Glory... lasts forever. – Shane Falco

Get out there and make it a great run!
Coach Charles
Perfectly Goofy 2006-2014
Endurance Coach
Running Disney since 99

I don't want easy - just possible
My 'costume' will be Mickey stickers on the back of my shoes and Donald, Mickey, and Goofy tattoos.

My last long one of 16 is in the books. I'm still following the Hanson plan which is more of a one week taper, so I've got another 'busy' week ahead.

I'm still with you on Hansons OSGG...a couple tough workouts left for us and then come Friday we can start our tapers too! Hopefully you've been able to get a bit of rest in after your huge PR at Rocket City!
Tapering is starting to get to me a little bit...I found this article on yesterday ("Taper Traps") that was really reassuring so I thought I would post it here:

For me personally, I can relate to Craving Carbs, Pressure to Perform, Recovery Rebound (as of this morning), Phantom Pains and the Heavy Legs ones. Again, reassuring to read this and see that it's NORMAL. And this is my 3rd time tapering for a marathon! I'm sure this stuff has happened to me before and I just forgot. :confused3

Also, my friend sent me this awesome video yesterday that shows the marathon course - it's a combination of "on the ground" shots and the course flyover runDisney posted in 2013. It gave me goosebumps to watch it and this video, combined with reading more about tapering, has me pretty excited for next weekend (!!). :goodvibes
Started my two-weekish taper today. Its my first marathon so I'm not too concerned with time. The two 20-milers I ran were around the 9:40ish mark but I was hurting towards the end. The 23-miler I got in before Thanksgiving, I ran about 10:40 and felt GREAT! I could've run a 5K later that day!

However the usual pre-race/lead up to race nerves are starting to work their way into my mind. No matter what race length, I always get them. But once the gun goes off, I instantly feel great.

But to combat the taper and nerves I've started packing for both the race and vacation! We take off a week tomorrow! Never thought this day would arrive!
I am also worried about weather, but here is the deal. Last year on wednesday the forcast for Sunday was in the upper 70's lower 80's, and high humidity, but the time we got there, it was high in the low 60's and perfect. Don't stress, we can't do anything about it at this point anyway.

I am also worried about weather, but here is the deal. Last year on wednesday the forcast for Sunday was in the upper 70's lower 80's, and high humidity, but the time we got there, it was in the low 60's and perfect. Don't stress, we can't do anything about it at this point anyway.


Thank you. I needed to read this. :thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2

As a backup, I'm already working on my "whatever will be will be" attitude so I can deal with potential warmth and high humidity during the run. :)
I am also worried about weather, but here is the deal. Last year on wednesday the forcast for Sunday was in the upper 70's lower 80's, and high humidity, but the time we got there, it was high in the low 60's and perfect. Don't stress, we can't do anything about it at this point anyway.


Very true. Weather is one thing that can't be controlled. You are right. Last year, there was a record high on Saturday, and the it was very warm and humid for the half. A front then moved through dropping the temperature overnight to the low 50's. It was a little humid at the start of the marathon, but got much better as the morning went on.
Looks like I'm packing two costumes/dresses then. Original plan was just to pack my Captain America dress I like but if it's humid I'm not running in that for the marathon. Would rather wear one of my tanks.

Really hope it's not humid. How I handle humidity seems to vary from race to race. And I really would like to have a good back at the marathon race.

Can't decide if I don't want it to rain or not. On one hand clears out humidity. On the other gets soaked again. And this would make the third straight Disney race I get caught in some sort of weather.

Based on my history with Disney races, the forecast will change daily all the way to race day. Coming from Colorado, I also don't like the heat. Since I can't control the weather, I pack these items along to make me feel like I'm in control :)
  • Cold weather: gloves, HotHands hand warmers, "throw down" sweatshirt and pants from Goodwill, ear band, arm and calf compression sleeves for warmth
  • Rain: thin rain shell, plastic grocery bags for feet (put your socks on, then feet in the bag, then into the shoe), trash bags for pre-race
  • Heat: salt tabs, extra visor (for family to hand me during the race),

If it is hot, I make sure to grab a sponge/towel when offered, usually at the entrance to WWoS, then carried it with me the rest of the race, re-soaking it at water stations. I really liked that they had towels last year, instead of sponges. I put it on my head, then put my visor over it to hold it in place. I'd pour a cup of water on it at each station and it kept me cool.

I love Lee! His video is just what I needed right now to stay on track and focus on the rest of my training. Thanks for sharing!! :banana::woohoo::cool1:

Love Lee Hoedl! Those are the videos I mentioned earlier! Since our weather turned too cold to run outside, I've chrome casted Lee's videos (he has tons on youtube) for all of my treadmill runs in the basement. I've run anywhere from 10 - 21 miles on that treadmill every weekend for the past few months while watching Lee's videos. His half marathon video from 2012 with his son (I'm guessing that's his son) makes me laugh - that's what my teenager looks like when leaving the resort for a runDisney event. Although it looked like Lee's kid was actually wearing all his clothes when leaving the room AND had a bag packed.
Tapering is starting to get to me a little bit...I found this article on yesterday ("Taper Traps") that was really reassuring so I thought I would post it here:

For me personally, I can relate to Craving Carbs, Pressure to Perform, Recovery Rebound (as of this morning), Phantom Pains and the Heavy Legs ones. Again, reassuring to read this and see that it's NORMAL. And this is my 3rd time tapering for a marathon! I'm sure this stuff has happened to me before and I just forgot. :confused3

Also, my friend sent me this awesome video yesterday that shows the marathon course - it's a combination of "on the ground" shots and the course flyover runDisney posted in 2013. It gave me goosebumps to watch it and this video, combined with reading more about tapering, has me pretty excited for next weekend (!!). :goodvibes

Ariel, just clicked on your trip report to see your Minnie marathon outfit and WE ARE TWINS. Almost exact. My top is looks exactly the same, but it's an Athleta chi tank in black. And my skirt is the exact same print, but made by iglow running on etsy. Although my headband is a sparkly soul red headband - I was two seconds away from ordering the polka dot, but wasn't sure it would match the skirt. Too funny! Not like it's crazy that two people would have a Minnie-themed run outfit at a Disney race, but those pieces are nearly identical!
Are any rides typically open for the half? I've heard Everest is open during the full. Can't imagine I'll have extra time to go on rides during the half, but if by chance I end up being faster than normal on the way to the MK it might be fun to hop on a ride!
I have not run in a long time, but Disney magic inspires me to try for the Castaway Challenge in 2016. I have no idea how any of the registration works or any of the insider tips and tricks so if anyone has helpful information, I'm all ears!
For me personally, I can relate to Craving Carbs, Pressure to Perform, Recovery Rebound (as of this morning), Phantom Pains and the Heavy Legs ones.

:) Two or three days before the Disneyland Half I hurt myself during a stretch-out run during which I, why did I do this, started skipping.* I was barely walking once I got home. I was hiding it from my brother because he was running with me and he had paid all this money to run in it and I knew he wouldn't do it if I wasn't going to start, etc. I finally confessed (because I needed to use the ice pack in his fridge). He really sweetly and gently let me know that it's very very common to have very scary pains shortly before runs like that. And he was right.

*goodness, I'm 45, I should NOT be skipping! what was I thinking?

I have not run in a long time, but Disney magic inspires me to try for the Castaway Challenge in 2016. I have no idea how any of the registration works or any of the insider tips and tricks so if anyone has helpful information, I'm all ears!

I answered a little on your DCL board post.

Check out Notice how far in advance registration is before the races. As I mentioned there, I registered for the WDW Half (coming Jan 10, 2015) back in April of this year. The Castaway Challenge was announced and then I signed up for that and booked the cruise as soon as I convinced myself I "had to" do it.

If you have an annual pass or DVC membership, they generally get to register a week early for the 10K and up (or at least this year the DVC early registration didn't allow me to sign up for the 5K). It's a lot of money, plus with the Challenge you have to be on the cruise, too, and pay something like $70 for a 5K.

They are also having it for the Princess weekend in February. Guess we'll see how the first one goes Jan 14, and the next one in Feb, before they know if they'll have more of them! :p
:) Two or three days before the Disneyland Half I hurt myself during a stretch-out run during which I, why did I do this, started skipping.* I was barely walking once I got home. I was hiding it from my brother because he was running with me and he had paid all this money to run in it and I knew he wouldn't do it if I wasn't going to start, etc. I finally confessed (because I needed to use the ice pack in his fridge). He really sweetly and gently let me know that it's very very common to have very scary pains shortly before runs like that. And he was right.

*goodness, I'm 45, I should NOT be skipping! what was I thinking?


Because skipping is fun!? :goodvibes

I get it. 3 weeks before the 2012 Goofy (unofficial Dopey), at age 48, I took a trapeze class and partially tore one of my glutes! (and a rotator cuff):rolleyes2


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