Official 2012 Princess 1/2 marathon thread part 2

Regarding nutrition......I do Cliff Shot Blocks or GU Gel WITHOUT Caffeine. I drink only water when running, not sports drinks. And I have come to prefer Coconut Water to Gatorade or Powerade when I am finished.....but I will can and will drink it, just the coconut water is all natural which to me is a good thing. I prefer the Shot BLocks tot he GU, but they are chewy. I eat them on a walk and down some water with them. I like the GU as well, my favorite flavor being Strawberry banana. I am afraid to try the caffeine ones as that caffeine can make me need to go potty. :lmao: I have also done luna bars, they are yummy. I do the recommended 45 minutes in and then no longer than every 45 minutes.....the thing I heard from my Boot Camp training last year, once you start, don't stop or you could crash. Hey, I just want to finish!

Patti, you have such a great attitude, I will be thinking of you and praying for you while I run for as easy a time with the chemo and for heeling. Glad the surgery went well. Fight the fight Princess......You can do it and beat that stupid C.

Off for 8 today with some new tunes thanks to Amy who introduced me to That 80's mix is AWESOME...and it was free! Also downloaded a household favorite right now The Fresh Beat Band to think about my daughter while I run and how I want to stay healthy for its upbeat and heck we watch it so often I know the words and dance steps. Cee Lo, Fresh Beat Band, Eric Clapton, Outkast, Clapton, Beck, Beastie Boys, Queen, and of course Princess tunes, my IPOD is quite eclectic. I need to download some Ride songs next!

Hoping everyone has a great day - off to suit up for my run!
I think I will need to buy a few items for cold weather running. I woke up this morning and it was in the 30s. I don't want to do 9 miles on the treadmill unless I have no other choice. Luckily I have the day off tomorrow so I can get the run in. I guess I get to go shopping today in case it's cold tomorrow too. ;-)
I think I will need to buy a few items for cold weather running. I woke up this morning and it was in the 30s. I don't want to do 9 miles on the treadmill unless I have no other choice. Luckily I have the day off tomorrow so I can get the run in. I guess I get to go shopping today in case it's cold tomorrow too. ;-)

Try Target or Old Navy. Both have some affordable colder-weather items. Target has a nice jacket I have been eyeing.

I always check out Ross and TJ Maxx, too. I was able to get my water belt at TJ Maxx for $20 when it was $40-50 at running stores and online.

I think I am almost ready to start training again. Leg still has a little pain but it's almost gone. Starting to feel like I will at least be able to walk the Princess!!
I think I will need to buy a few items for cold weather running. I woke up this morning and it was in the 30s. I don't want to do 9 miles on the treadmill unless I have no other choice. Luckily I have the day off tomorrow so I can get the run in. I guess I get to go shopping today in case it's cold tomorrow too. ;-)

Target had super cute Champion puffy jackets on clearance for $11 when I was there yesterday. I got a few pairs of shorts for $3 each and a new bra for $6.
Hi to all you pretty princesses!

I am happy to say I did 8 miles yesterday--my longest run since W&D! The foot seems to be on the mend. Thank goodness! My legs felt extremely beat up but my cardio was good, which is what I was very worried about. I finished the 8 miles with an average 12 mpm pace, which while it is slow for where I was last year, overall I am pretty happy with it.

I highly recommend pool running to anyone who is nursing an injury. It is the only reason I can even contemplate completing the Princess at this point.:goodvibes My physical therapist went on early maternity leave, so I am taking a break. I could have seen someone else, but honestly, I was ready to be done and close to being released anyhow. So I am taking this as a sign that it is time to stop going for a bit.:goodvibes

I am off today to look for some cold weather clothes and I am getting new running shoes, which I am very excited about!

I am enjoying reading everyone's updates.:goodvibes
It's 14 degrees Fahrenheit and feel like -1 with the wind chill here in CT today, so I will be hitting the treadmill for my 10 miles. This does not make a happy princess.
Completed 7 miles this morning and am happy with that. It was a little chilly (-4 celcius) and our route had to be changed due to slush and ice, but we got it done. Gotta love trainingoutside in Newfoundland winter! Need to up the miles now in the next few weeks to ensure 13.1 is going to happen! LOL! Between my running buddies and myself we have had injuries and illnesses so we are a little behind in the training plan but we are determined!! I have been having some knee pain which is new, so may begin to use my orthotics again. This getting healthy business is going to kill me!LOL!
Happy training everyone!!
Got my 8 in just at my target pace. ended up walking another mile, so did 9! Good run except in mile 5 I twisted my ankle on some gravel. luckily i was able to recover and hopefully didn't mess anything up as its the tendonitis side and ankle.

Men and all others the rest may me TMI.......woman topic....


SO, because um its "that time", had on a pad with wings. Ended up chaffed where the wings hit my inner leg........I am guessing that was the problem. Never any problem before with those tights. SO come race day IF its again "that time", you better believe I am body gliding all over cuz um the shower today....OUCH! Anyone else have this issue....I really think that is what it was. I usually only need a pad 1 day.....hopefully NOT the day of the Princess. Funny the weird stuff that comes up during the race.

Last year, I had a bad chafe from my running bra. I bought and wore and awesome Fiona by Moving Comfort today for first issues there! I am buying another one or 2 of those bras.....they are awesome. My girls didn't move a bit.....and I normally double bra but not today.
Thanks for answering my question. Bummer I can't get my picture with the pyramid. Now I have another random question: are the food courts open early at the host resorts on the day of the race? I mean early enough to grab something before heading to the bus? Will probably grab a bagel or something the night before to keep in my room but in case I forget....

Not all of them. Check at the food court. A couple of years ago, DD and I went down to get something to eat prior to the race. Nothing was open!! You should have seen the looks on our faces.:scared1: There were a couple of workers there. We told them the situation and they said to go ahead and take what we wanted. Fortunately, a couple of things like bananas and yogurt were available. We paid when we got back after the race. So, I am now very careful about making sure that I have arranged something for breakfast before every race. (We still laugh about this!)
Got my 8 in just at my target pace. ended up walking another mile, so did 9! Good run except in mile 5 I twisted my ankle on some gravel. luckily i was able to recover and hopefully didn't mess anything up as its the tendonitis side and ankle.

Men and all others the rest may me TMI.......woman topic....


SO, because um its "that time", had on a pad with wings. Ended up chaffed where the wings hit my inner leg........I am guessing that was the problem. Never any problem before with those tights. SO come race day IF its again "that time", you better believe I am body gliding all over cuz um the shower today....OUCH! Anyone else have this issue....I really think that is what it was. I usually only need a pad 1 day.....hopefully NOT the day of the Princess. Funny the weird stuff that comes up during the race.

Last year, I had a bad chafe from my running bra. I bought and wore and awesome Fiona by Moving Comfort today for first issues there! I am buying another one or 2 of those bras.....they are awesome. My girls didn't move a bit.....and I normally double bra but not today.

Last week was my "time" and I use the type with wings too, plus I double up by using a tampon too. I Body-Glided all over that area and it worked well for me so you should be fine! I am praying - actually contemplated lighting a candle in church this morning - that I don't have that "time" for the Princess. If I stay on track with having it within a normal time I should be able to avoid it!! These annoying things we girls have to deal with!!
I'm really sad today b/c I've realized that running/walking the princess in 6 weeks its not going to happen. Last week I couldn't run due to my sciatic nerve pain and today I started having contractions while running. The hubby and I decided it's just not worth me risking this pregnancy or having issues afterwards. I have 2 toddlers to take care of and if I'm hurting its hard to keep up with them. We are still going to disney but I'll be cheering yall along from the side lines.

Oh and I'm already planning 2013 :goodvibes

Does anyone know if I call run disney will they give my number to someone else? I hate that if it sells out I'll be taking a number that someone else could have. I know there is no refunds and that's fine.
I'm really sad today b/c I've realized that running/walking the princess in 6 weeks its not going to happen. Last week I couldn't run due to my sciatic nerve pain and today I started having contractions while running. The hubby and I decided it's just not worth me risking this pregnancy or having issues afterwards. I have 2 toddlers to take care of and if I'm hurting its hard to keep up with them. We are still going to disney but I'll be cheering yall along from the side lines.

Oh and I'm already planning 2013 :goodvibes

Does anyone know if I call run disney will they give my number to someone else? I hate that if it sells out I'll be taking a number that someone else could have. I know there is no refunds and that's fine.

I know they said the 15th (today!) was the last day to defer, so maybe if you email them NOW, you'll be able to do that.
Wendy call them and ask about a deferral. One of the other ladies on the Facebook group had to do this already. The deadline is today, 45 days pre race. Call today! 407-938-3398.
I'm watching the Marathon Olympic Trials...they just announced that the men are still running sub-5 minute miles after mile 7. WOW!!! And the women started with 6:15/mile and just reported a 5:32/mile at mile 3!

These people are CRAZY fast...and don't look like are putting out any effort.

The men on on track to finish around my DREAMS.

There's a guy in the lead pack that has never run a marathon...or half marathon before!

Sorry for the play by play....
Did my longest run yet yesterday 11 miles!! I am pretty disappointed in the time though (2:27) I was on track for 12mm and I had to stop at the potty for 4 min and call my ride for 5 min (so I can take 9 min off) BUT come race day and I'll have other hold ups too (pictures, potty, etc) and I was hoping to finish before 3:00. I guess it will still be possible if I speed up in the beginning when I'm feeling my best in order to make up for possible hold ups.
The good out of all of it was my recovery, I feel 100% perfect today and SO excited about it. I took Aleve, put biofreeze on my knees, stretched my IT band alot yesterday, and moved as much as I could and all this was new to me. I always moved after my runs but didn't make sure to stay on my feet like I did yesterday (I was doubting the parks after the race) but now I know I can do it :) I will be sore cause I was at 11 miles BUT I know I can walk it out and still feel good the next day.
TMI ALERT: It was also my TOM (time of the month) this run and when they say you try anything new before the race, there not kidding!! I had my TOM at my 8 miler and wore a super duper tampon and was SO uncomfortable that run that this time I tried the regular size and felt great. I am not scheduled to have my TOM during the race but should I, I learned from my experience I'd rather change x2 than be uncomfortable the whole race. Make sure to try EVERYTHING before race day ;)
I finally managed to get out and do a long run today. I've been slacking off when it comes to running lately and given how the Princess is in 45 days...this is unacceptable.

I was heading to the gym to do 6 miles, which is shorter than many of the long runs you ladies are posting, but it'll keep me in my 'plan' for the Princess.

I mostly ran 6.2 miles and was actually feeling good...I ran for 23 minutes straight at a slight slower pace than I usually do (6.3 vs 6.5-7.0). Then I planed on cooling down for another 10 minutes (walking with a 2.5% incline and at 4.5 mph - I usually run at 1.5% incline) when I realized that I've had a mental block at 6.5 miles for a few weeks and decided I was going to cool down until 6.51 miles to break the block. Long story short, the next thing I knew it was 3.8 miles of a 'cool down' that all walking with brief spurts of jogging - it took me 51:01 to do 3.8 miles vs the 58:54 to do 6.2 miles earlier.

My planned 6 miles turned into 10 miles! So what do I do for my NEXT long run????
I'm watching the Marathon Olympic Trials...they just announced that the men are still running sub-5 minute miles after mile 7. WOW!!! And the women started with 6:15/mile and just reported a 5:32/mile at mile 3!

These people are CRAZY fast...and don't look like are putting out any effort.

The men on on track to finish around my DREAMS.

There's a guy in the lead pack that has never run a marathon...or half marathon before!

Sorry for the play by play....

Wow...these women make a 6 minute mile look effortless....if I try to run at 8mm for a minute I look like I'm going to pass out! I would be beyond ecstatic if I could do a half in the time it will take them to do a full! :rotfl:
SO, because um its "that time", had on a pad with wings. Ended up chaffed where the wings hit my inner leg........I am guessing that was the problem. Never any problem before with those tights. SO come race day IF its again "that time", you better believe I am body gliding all over cuz um the shower today....OUCH! Anyone else have this issue....I really think that is what it was. I usually only need a pad 1 day.....hopefully NOT the day of the Princess. Funny the weird stuff that comes up during the race.

Last year, I had a bad chafe from my running bra. I bought and wore and awesome Fiona by Moving Comfort today for first issues there! I am buying another one or 2 of those bras.....they are awesome. My girls didn't move a bit.....and I normally double bra but not today.

That happened to me once at the gym. I was wondering why my inner thigh looked bruised! I now stick with a super Tampax and a heavy liner. I was a few days early this month so I'm praying that really works in my favor next month.
Me too! I was early by 3 days this month and got it today. I was hoping I'd have it next week, as it's a 3 mile week, but my body didn't agrree with my planning!

I use wings too, and haven't had a problem with chafing. What brand are you using? Maybe that might help? I've never had a chafing problem with a Kotex liner with wings or an Always pad.
What do you guys do to rehydrate after long runs? I obviously did something wrong last week because it took two days for me to stop feelings thirsty!


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