Official 2011 Princess Half Thread Part II!!!

I'm late here, but congratulations, fellow Princesses!! I ran the half with my BFF and spent the next two days in the parks, then left on Wednesday which meant I got home on Thursday, jetlagged but bursting with pride!

This was the first race for either of us and we both had just the most amazing fun! I was jumping out of my skin with excitement and nervousness in the two days leading up to the race. I'm so glad we slept well on Friday night, because Saturday night was not what I would call relaxing. I think I didn't sleep more than 17 minutes at a stretch before waking up and lunging for the clock to make sure we hadn't overslept. 2:30 am was a relief -- at least no more lunging!

The race was just such a blast and I can't wait for next year! I'm so proud of myself for setting this goal and achieving it -- and no blisters! The worst part afterwards was that both second toenails were terribly sensitive; also, stairs were not a favored sight in the next couple of days. Also, who knew how painful toilets could be? On Monday especially, I was taken by surprise by how much my upper thighs protested when I took my place on the throne, so to speak. :rotfl:

I'm back to training tomorrow and I'm looking for local 5ks and 10Ks to keep my focus going.

One question: I've been asked a few times since the race, "So, how did you do?" I always answer that I finished, which was my goal, and I'm totally happy about it. But they always seem to push it: "No, really, how did you do? How many people were behind you?" As far as I'm concerned, there were three people who won the race, and everyone else was running either for a PR, or to finish, or to have a great time, and asking about my placement is missing the point entirely. Or am I missing the point? What answer can I give beyond what I've been giving? (Which is: "I don't know and I don't care. I was running my race, and my goal was to finish, and I did, so go me!")

Go all of us! :cheer2::yay::cheer2:princess:

I've been asked the same question and always answer "I won!!!" :laughing: (heck I'm a winner to me, right???) and then I continue about how this is wasn't your typical race.
ouchie! i just finished a 4 mile run and now my toenails are hurting again. well, i guess technically it's whatever's under my nail but you get what i'm saying.

has anyone been running? i did 3 yesterday and 4 today and i can't tell you how awful i've been feeling! could my legs just still be tired? i ran both times SO slowly and still felt like stopping the whole time.

Are you kidding I ran 13.1 miles Sunday, well okay last Sunday now. I'm not ready to run again. My husband said I'm milking this for all it is worth.:rotfl:

I did run from the baseball field to my car on Wednesday and my legs felt like jelly. However, it could have been that I lifted weights that day also. This is the week that I hope to get back in a routine, but with work, college classes and now the boys playing baseball it will be hard to squeeze everything in. I have toyed with the idea of going ahead and registering for the Food and Wine so that I have spent the money and committed to it. I need motivation!!!
I wanted to share this pic of the cute car sticker my BF found for me! He said he found someone that makes them on ebay. He gave it to me as I was laying down for a nap after the race last weekend, but I just got around to getting it on my car this morning.


LOVE LOVE LOVE :love: :love: Heading over to ebay!
ouchie! i just finished a 4 mile run and now my toenails are hurting again. well, i guess technically it's whatever's under my nail but you get what i'm saying.

has anyone been running? i did 3 yesterday and 4 today and i can't tell you how awful i've been feeling! could my legs just still be tired? i ran both times SO slowly and still felt like stopping the whole time.

You will probably lose the nail. Are your shoes big enough?

I have not done anything since last Sun (other than walk tons in the park), but am starting training for the May 15th Marine Corps Historic Half, this week. I am planning on being MUCH better trained for this one than I was for the Princess!! :laughing:
I'm late here, but congratulations, fellow Princesses!! I ran the half with my BFF and spent the next two days in the parks, then left on Wednesday which meant I got home on Thursday, jetlagged but bursting with pride!

This was the first race for either of us and we both had just the most amazing fun! I was jumping out of my skin with excitement and nervousness in the two days leading up to the race. I'm so glad we slept well on Friday night, because Saturday night was not what I would call relaxing. I think I didn't sleep more than 17 minutes at a stretch before waking up and lunging for the clock to make sure we hadn't overslept. 2:30 am was a relief -- at least no more lunging!

The race was just such a blast and I can't wait for next year! I'm so proud of myself for setting this goal and achieving it -- and no blisters! The worst part afterwards was that both second toenails were terribly sensitive; also, stairs were not a favored sight in the next couple of days. Also, who knew how painful toilets could be? On Monday especially, I was taken by surprise by how much my upper thighs protested when I took my place on the throne, so to speak. :rotfl:

I'm back to training tomorrow and I'm looking for local 5ks and 10Ks to keep my focus going.

One question: I've been asked a few times since the race, "So, how did you do?" I always answer that I finished, which was my goal, and I'm totally happy about it. But they always seem to push it: "No, really, how did you do? How many people were behind you?" As far as I'm concerned, there were three people who won the race, and everyone else was running either for a PR, or to finish, or to have a great time, and asking about my placement is missing the point entirely. Or am I missing the point? What answer can I give beyond what I've been giving? (Which is: "I don't know and I don't care. I was running my race, and my goal was to finish, and I did, so go me!")

Go all of us! :cheer2::yay::cheer2:princess:

My daughter wanted to take my medal to show her kindergarten class, so I told her I would bring it in for her to show when I came to volunteer. She held it up to ooohs and aaaahs, and then one of the kids asked me, "Did you win?" I said no, and another child said, "Did you come in second?" I said no and explained that I finished 3000 something. One of the kids said, "Wow. They shouldn't have even let you have a medal!" I thought that was so cute. I guess that does sound really high to a five year old, but I was proud of my 3000 something finish!
Another "better late than never" princess (hmmm, that could refer to my posting habits, my race time, or my life in general :lmao:), wanted to post in and say congrats to all of you, and thanks for all the encouragement and positiveness along the way, both here and on the course!

As for what to say when people ask how you did, I also stick with the "I finished" and leave it at that. In ths case, I was truly grateful and proud of simply surviving 13.1 miles (I signed up at the last minute and went into it with minimal training -- it was wonderful but also a bit "fugly" at times). If pushed, i will say "I meade my goal" (which was, in this case, to finish), and that is about it. When I run, I compete only with myself and the voices in my head trying to tell me to stop, and i won't let anyone turn it into something more than that.

Oh, and Nat, great video!!!! It was like reliving the whole experience, minus the blisters, heat, and stench of port-a-potties.
My daughter wanted to take my medal to show her kindergarten class, so I told her I would bring it in for her to show when I came to volunteer. She held it up to ooohs and aaaahs, and then one of the kids asked me, "Did you win?" I said no, and another child said, "Did you come in second?" I said no and explained that I finished 3000 something. One of the kids said, "Wow. They shouldn't have even let you have a medal!" I thought that was so cute. I guess that does sound really high to a five year old, but I was proud of my 3000 something finish!

I did the Half at Marathon weekend and took my medal to school (I teach). My answer to that was "Yes! I finished!" Because really? Finishing WAS winning for me!
NAT GREAT JOB! I am going to post it on my blog if you don
t don't mint since I was camera battery challenged that day.

Totally agree about doing with friend...even though my group did not run together, we all had a blast. And the just hanging with the girls leading up to and afterwards was amazing. it was so much video shows it all.

We weren't planning on it but stayed out to see the firework at MK....that was the best day ever! So much fun.

Yogamom aka Mary, there is an 8ish minute video on youtube I totally saw you at the end. :-)

OMGoodness! Thanks for telling me, I just watched it!
I'm late here, but congratulations, fellow Princesses!! I ran the half with my BFF and spent the next two days in the parks, then left on Wednesday which meant I got home on Thursday, jetlagged but bursting with pride!

This was the first race for either of us and we both had just the most amazing fun! I was jumping out of my skin with excitement and nervousness in the two days leading up to the race. I'm so glad we slept well on Friday night, because Saturday night was not what I would call relaxing. I think I didn't sleep more than 17 minutes at a stretch before waking up and lunging for the clock to make sure we hadn't overslept. 2:30 am was a relief -- at least no more lunging!

The race was just such a blast and I can't wait for next year! I'm so proud of myself for setting this goal and achieving it -- and no blisters! The worst part afterwards was that both second toenails were terribly sensitive; also, stairs were not a favored sight in the next couple of days. Also, who knew how painful toilets could be? On Monday especially, I was taken by surprise by how much my upper thighs protested when I took my place on the throne, so to speak. :rotfl:

I'm back to training tomorrow and I'm looking for local 5ks and 10Ks to keep my focus going.

One question: I've been asked a few times since the race, "So, how did you do?" I always answer that I finished, which was my goal, and I'm totally happy about it. But they always seem to push it: "No, really, how did you do? How many people were behind you?" As far as I'm concerned, there were three people who won the race, and everyone else was running either for a PR, or to finish, or to have a great time, and asking about my placement is missing the point entirely. Or am I missing the point? What answer can I give beyond what I've been giving? (Which is: "I don't know and I don't care. I was running my race, and my goal was to finish, and I did, so go me!")

Go all of us! :cheer2::yay::cheer2:princess:

When my daughter saw my medal she screamed "YOU WON"..then she saw the videos and saw people ahead of me and said, "mommy you weren't first there were people ahead of you." :rotfl: I told HER , I did my best and I finished it was a long race and it was HOT! I won for me.

Everyone else I just say, I didn't win, but was surprised there was a sea of people behind me....which you know I did it in 3:29 and hey, its no lie, there WERE a sea of people behind me......just not as many as in front of me! :laughing:

Good job!
I'm late here, but congratulations, fellow Princesses!! I ran the half with my BFF and spent the next two days in the parks, then left on Wednesday which meant I got home on Thursday, jetlagged but bursting with pride!

This was the first race for either of us and we both had just the most amazing fun! I was jumping out of my skin with excitement and nervousness in the two days leading up to the race. I'm so glad we slept well on Friday night, because Saturday night was not what I would call relaxing. I think I didn't sleep more than 17 minutes at a stretch before waking up and lunging for the clock to make sure we hadn't overslept. 2:30 am was a relief -- at least no more lunging!

The race was just such a blast and I can't wait for next year! I'm so proud of myself for setting this goal and achieving it -- and no blisters! The worst part afterwards was that both second toenails were terribly sensitive; also, stairs were not a favored sight in the next couple of days. Also, who knew how painful toilets could be? On Monday especially, I was taken by surprise by how much my upper thighs protested when I took my place on the throne, so to speak. :rotfl:

I'm back to training tomorrow and I'm looking for local 5ks and 10Ks to keep my focus going.

One question: I've been asked a few times since the race, "So, how did you do?" I always answer that I finished, which was my goal, and I'm totally happy about it. But they always seem to push it: "No, really, how did you do? How many people were behind you?" As far as I'm concerned, there were three people who won the race, and everyone else was running either for a PR, or to finish, or to have a great time, and asking about my placement is missing the point entirely. Or am I missing the point? What answer can I give beyond what I've been giving? (Which is: "I don't know and I don't care. I was running my race, and my goal was to finish, and I did, so go me!")

Go all of us! :cheer2::yay::cheer2:princess:

i'm dealing with people asking me how i did too. a guy down the street runs BIG TIME with his perfectly perfect bodied wife and he asked my time and i was like 2:22 but i felt like i needed to tell him that really my goal was 2:45 so i did great. he was just like...oh. nice. good for you. meh.

bite me! as far as i'm concerned, I WON!!

You will probably lose the nail. Are your shoes big enough?

ew. ugh. i think maybe i need a bigger size. ever since we got caught in a torrential downpour in WDW at the end of january and i tried to dry my shoes they haven't been the same. goodbye toenails. perfect for the beach vacation i'm going on next month!

My daughter wanted to take my medal to show her kindergarten class, so I told her I would bring it in for her to show when I came to volunteer. She held it up to ooohs and aaaahs, and then one of the kids asked me, "Did you win?" I said no, and another child said, "Did you come in second?" I said no and explained that I finished 3000 something. One of the kids said, "Wow. They shouldn't have even let you have a medal!" I thought that was so cute. I guess that does sound really high to a five year old, but I was proud of my 3000 something finish!

lol! my friend's kids kept saying that i shouldn't have gotten a medal since i came in "three thousandth place" and i a little bit wanted to smack them. yes, i realize they are 7.
When my daughter saw my medal she screamed "YOU WON"..then she saw the videos and saw people ahead of me and said, "mommy you weren't first there were people ahead of you." :rotfl: I told HER , I did my best and I finished it was a long race and it was HOT! I won for me.

Everyone else I just say, I didn't win, but was surprised there was a sea of people behind me....which you know I did it in 3:29 and hey, its no lie, there WERE a sea of people behind me......just not as many as in front of me! :laughing:

Good job!

Very funny! I was a few people behind you and there was still a sea of people behind me!
Also a late poster (just got back on Friday). Congrats to all the racers!

I'm doing up a race report so it might be a bit but I hope to share my thoughts (and photos) with you all. So many of you encouraged me when I thought I was down and out for the count. Thanks! I managed to finish with a chip time of 2:37:08. :goodvibes
For anyone that asks me how I did, I tell them my time. 3:17:09, and I tell them I assumed I'd finish around 3:15. So right on track. But everyone KNOWS I am not a runner, and that I just got hooked on this running thing while training for this race. Everyone has been super-supportive, especially my coworkers. Well, the police I work with at least. My fellow dispatchers are all *#&#@*#& and didn't even ask me how it went. They also contributed a whopping $0 to my fundraising, while my cops gave hundreds of dollars. Yeah, I hate my coworkers.:mad:
Does anyone know if 2012 will be the 5th anniversary for the Princess Half? (For some reason I was thinking it will be, but I don't know why) I wonder if they will do a special medal? I know they did last year for the 5th DL half...if they do, that's reason enough for me to sign up again!!
Hi Princesses!

It is so hard to be back to my normal routine, without having the Princess 1/2 to train for and look forward to! Reading everyone else's experiences here helps with the withdrawal!

This was my first 1/2, and I loved it and can't wait for next year. My sisters and I definitely want to go back and do it all again. (Minus the screaming 10-month old in our room that kept us awake the night before the race!)

I ran 3.5 miles this weekend and I felt really slow, is that normal? Hopefully I'll be back to my normal pace (still slow) soon!
Hi Princesses!

It is so hard to be back to my normal routine, without having the Princess 1/2 to train for and look forward to! Reading everyone else's experiences here helps with the withdrawal!

This was my first 1/2, and I loved it and can't wait for next year. My sisters and I definitely want to go back and do it all again. (Minus the screaming 10-month old in our room that kept us awake the night before the race!)

I ran 3.5 miles this weekend and I felt really slow, is that normal? Hopefully I'll be back to my normal pace (still slow) soon!

I hope it is the norm because I just did 3.5 and was s.l.o.w. too. It's been super hard to jump back in. I've got another 1/2 next weekend! What was I thinking? :eek:
I ran a 5k on saturday and another 5 miles Sunday. I ran my best 5k time and ran much faster on my five mile run than normal, I feel like i have jump in my step right now. I do have everest coming up in may and looking for a race in April to run.
Just finished my video TR of the Princess Marathon. Let me know what you think!


I LOVED your video. Thanks for posting it. I watched it with my husband and we both had tears in our eyes at the end (to be honest I was crying :)). He stayed home and kept our kids so I could do this and he said the video enabled him to catch a glimpse of how special this was for me. After we watched it he looked at me and said, "You ARE running that again next year!"

As for what I tell people about the race...I just say I finished and that satisfies them.

The finish line video at the end only shows about 2 or 3 people in front of me. After we watched it my 7 yr old said, "I think mom came in 3rd." :rotfl2: Am I a bad mom since I didn't correct him?


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