Not ALWAYS a Happy Ending to the "Discount Code" Stories


<font color=red>On Thread Killer Patrol<br><font c
Aug 19, 1999
Just thought that perhaps some of you might be interested in this Thread on the Resort Board .
Emme, unfortunately did not have such a happy ending to her Discount Story.
This, unfortunately, is what we have been trying to help the people at the DIS to avoid...

<font face="papyrus"><font size=2><font color=blue>BethR
Budget BoardCo-Host
Co-Host of The Rewards Board</font>
Emme emailed me tonight I gave her the non Fl code for the allstars. she said she would let me know how it turns out.

The first CM I spoke to also tried to give me the FL only coded reservation but she realized her mistake. She couldn't find a non FL rate so I said I'd call back.

When I called back knowing the actual code for non FL residents I didn't have a problem.

So, it seems this $49/$89 rate sage seems to have more to do with knowing the proper information rather then trying to get the CM at CRO try to find a needle in a hay stack. And blaming them when the can't find it or find the wrong information.


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BWV Aug '98, Mar '99
ASM Nov '99
BWV Oct '00, Mar 01
Zurg, Barbie, Buzz, Buzz, Jessie & Tinkerbell

that Emmee did not ask for a discount code. She was actually quoted the 49 rate instead of the 99 rate (without codes). It is obvious the CM messed up the quote. Luckliy the board member are going to help her out with a good code for her trip.

I think it is really sad when the CM is the one making the mistake and then Disney won't support it. Especially if they really are offering that price to someone outside of Florida. And you can't convince me that a Supervisor didn't know that was available and the correct code to use to help satisfy this poor person.

Just my opinion though.!!
Our hearts go out to Emme, but let's not throw out the baby with the bathwater! The vast majority of people that got in on these rates are thrilled!
Emme's thread didn't have anything to do with code posts on these boards. She would have benefited if she had the code from the boards.

The situation is that Emme was quoted a price by a CM. There was no discussion of or request for a code.

If she was able to help the CM with the appropriate code, she may not be in this situation right now.
In defense of myself, I did not have a code the first time I called. The CO told me it was a "Fall Special Rate" I was being offered. I gladly took it, she gave me a confirmation # and everything, going as far as telling me I owed $54.88 by March 25. Then when the little yellow slip came in...It's $99 a night and they don't honor verbal agreements over the phone! Thanks to some great people here, I might still be O.K. You know who you are ;) . I will keep you all posted!
I am so sorry you did not get this rate. When I first found this board I was quite suprised by all the talk about discounts. I had always been told that Disny does not offer discounts. I believed it becasue I could never get one. When I found this board I was excited and skeptical too! i immediately jumped on this $49.00 & $89.00 deal. I only had to call twice and I never did use a code. I booked for August 10th at a moderte for $89.00. Then I worried when I read that someone had a problem with their conf. letter, but I finally received mine yesterday. The dates and the rate were correct and under Special Packages it said "April/May rates (Fall Special)" I honestly believe there is a rate of $49.00, and It stinks that the CRO messed it up for you. Frankly I am very dissapointed in Disney. I love Disney, but it doesn't seem fair. I don't know how they can get away with all these codes. It's so unfair when so many of us are traveling on a tight budget and just want to have a really magical vacation. I hope you can still get this rate, and even though CRO has not been wonderful the All-Stars are wonderful resorts and I'm sure your trip will be awsome!
I'm not complaining but, at least you are able to get discount codes for the States. When you live up north, the chances of getting a discount seems slim to none unless you have the DC card. $49 a night seems so unreal, I have never been quoted under $77 for All-Stars. I, too often wonder about the codes for Disney hotels. You would think Disney would cater to all people from near AND far.
Something I have always done with Disney Ressies. When I am on the phone with the CM I have them repeat back what I booked and the $$ amount. I then request that they FAX it to me while we are on the phone. If the fax goes through ok, I no longer have only a verbal agreement - I have a written document.
I willing to bet you haven't had any problem using your method. Wonderful suggestion! :D :D :D

AS Sports 1/98'
AS Sports 1/99'
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Will hubby ever let us stay anywhere else? :rolleyes:
I have seen someone from Canada get this rate. I have the code if you are interested just e-mail me. This code is supposed to be valid for everyone.

Disneyland Paris Halloween 1999 & Christmas 2000
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I don't know if they still do this or not but we found a way to get a discount by accident. One time we were staying a just a couple of days and got a call the day before we were due to check out offering to extend our stay for $49 a nite. The next couple of years we just booked a couple of nites and were always extended. Don't know if they still do this or not as we skipped a couple of years and have been booking for a week or more at a discounted rate the last few years. Just a thought. I am sure others know more about this than I do.



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