No more character lunches at Confisco's Grill



I just got a phone call from Univeral. As of April 22 there will be no more character lunches at Confisco's grill or anywhere in the parks. There will be character dinners at the Trattoria in the Portofino. This is a real bummer to me as a character meal is one of the few things my young daughter would really enjoy. This just reaffirms to me that Universal is going for the teen market and not really interested in being as good a theme park for young children. I can take my daughter to a character meal in every Disney park but not one at Universal. :(
The first thing I thought when I read this was someone was trying to pull a fast one.

But I then called my machine at home and had the same exact message :eek:

I am so disappointed. This was the one thing I was really looking forward to at IOA. Between this and Poseidon's Fury not being open (missing it by 3 days, missing this by 2), I've really bummed out my boyfriend, because these were the only two things he was looking forward to at IOA besides Spid... oops, I'd better not say it or it might be closed then too :(

We don't want to do the character dinner. Does anyone know if Confisco's will still be open to eat at for lunch, just no characters?

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Port Orleans - December 1999
Wilderness Lodge - April 2000
All Star Movies - July 2000
All Star Sports - August 2000
All Star Movies/Hard Rock Hotel- April 2001
Polynesian - June 2001
All Star Movies - November 2001

I just called them to whine! "We realize it was a very popular thing"... so why get RID of it???

Oh, well, I guess I'll have to get my Spiderman fix at the Character Meet and Greets... :(


Mother of Michael
Proverbs 3:5-6


<font color=purple>Co-Moderator of the Community and Universal/IOA Boards</font color=purple>

That's really a bummer!

Robin - I hope they still have the character meet and greets. If they haven't laid off the employees playing the characters, then what would be the reason for cancelling the character lunches? If the characters are still there, they might as well hang out at Confiscos during lunch. This is puzzling.
Well, the employee I spoke to went into detail about the "meet and greets" that will continue, especially when she heard how disappointed I was. I prefer being in a sit down atmosphere with AC when I meet and greet though.

Luvpooh, there WILL be lunch, just no characters.

All good things can't last I guess...


Mother of Michael
Proverbs 3:5-6


<font color=purple>Co-Moderator of the Community and Universal/IOA Boards</font color=purple>


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