new univ. hotel and 4 days stay


Earning My Ears
Jun 13, 2001
Is the new Universal hotel open yet ? (should be Royal Pacific).

I read that for a 4 night stay in an Universal Hotel there r good discounts and some other advantages...can someone tell me more, pls?

How about dining in a Universal hotel or at citywalk? can someone suggest me some good rest, pls?

thx alot
Is the new Universal hotel open yet ? (should be Royal Pacific).

I'll take part one! :rolleyes:
The Royal Pacific has a scheduled openening date (last I ready, anyway!) of July 15th 2002

I don't know anything about possible package deals etc.

Also, there have been a LOT of threads on where to dine in Citywalk, try a search with the words "dining Citywalk" or just "CityWalk" I'm sure you'll find some good suggestions!

There is a thread currently with the title "Palm" - I believe that is one of the resort restaurants, so it might be of interest to you.

I'm sure others will be along with more info soon! :)



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