New to the DIS Board


Jan 18, 2002
Been reading a lot of the postings. Just wanted to know the difference between DIS veterans and Welcome guests. Furthermore, what's DIS CON 2? Could welcome guests be invited?
Welcome to the DIS.

The "veteran" status starts when you have 75 posts to your credit. (Very easy to achieve as you can see.)

Everyone is welcome to DIS CON II. I'm going to direct this to the board where they're discussing the event.

Have fun!!
Thanks Dvcreg.

I'm still new at this, hopefully, DIS veterans will teach me along the way in using this wonderful board. BTW, when the board was down, I was so disappointed. I think I'm addicted to this. DW is complaining that I'm spending way too much time on this.:D
DIS-Con II is the second DIS convention to be held at WDW December 4-8, 2002. The first convention was around the same time last year, and we had a complete blast. We had character breakfasts, a special showing of Fantasmic, dinner at one of the World Showcase restaurants, followed by a showing of Illuminations on the French Island. In between times, we had lots of "mini-meets" like a Thrill Rides tour, a Fantasyland meet, pin trading meets, etc. Everyone is welcome for the second convention. Continue to watch this board for details. Hope this helps.
LOL SINK! I think it's funny that you've only just started and you're addicted to the DIS!! Boy, are you in trouble! :D :D :D Now you're one of us-welcome to the club! :)
DIS-CON 2 is the second annual DIS convention. We held last year's convention at WDW early in DEC. DIS-CON 2 is being held Dec. 4-8 (as of right now-there's talk of adding a day). We have a wonderful group of people that will put together the most amazing special events for us. Last year we had special dessert parties-one for Fantasmic and one for Illuminations. We had special reserved spots for both! Let me tell you, there is nothing better than standing in a private viewing area for these! We had a 2 hour private Tower of Terror Marathon where we were able to ride the Tower of Terror over and over and over! That was amazing, too! We had a special dinner at certain restaurants in EPCOT, and a character breakfast. We spent some great evenings at Jellyrolls (singing and dancing to beat the band), an night at the Adventurer's Club and a night of karoake at Kimono's. We're being told that this year's will be bigger and better. We are anxiously waiting to hear the details. Keep watching this board for announcements. And, again, welcome!
TO THE DIS CONVENTION BOARD Sink.. nice to see you here..

Regina, thanks for guiding the way..
Thanks for moving my posting to the proper area. Quick Q?, how do I update my profile?
Go to User CP and then click on update profile and then just hit submit after updating.
<marquee><font color=red><font size=8> Welcome to the DIS, SINK!!!!!</font></font></marquee>
Thanks all for your Welcome and info/assists. Here's another Q related to DISCON 2 (2002). How much is the "conference fee"?
Glad to have you aboard.

As to the fee for the convention. We are all patiently awaiting the official annoucement with all the particulars and such. Actually I should say that some of us are patiently waiting while others are climbing the walls. LOL.

Last year just the convention events (no room) was $229 per adult (don't know about kids or with room). This will give you a good starting point for this year.
Thanks Tammy.

Wow, not bad considering being able to have reserved seating at Illuminations (on French Island!!!), special DIS conventioners event at WDW. Cool. Hopefully, I can sweet talk DW in "skipping a few days at school".
I think that for all of us that went it was definitely worth the money.

There's talk it may be even longer and bigger this year. Start working on the DW now and saving them pennies.

And if you can, we are having the Best Coast DIS meet at Disneyland Feb 22 to 24. Come on down and introduce yourself. Doing WDW or Disneyland with a bunch of disney crazed people is great fun. All are welcome.

I was just telling my DH about something that happened to us at the convention. We had a mini meet in Fantasyland and we were to wear festive hats. We had minnie ears, Dayna's dumbo special, reindeer antlers, etc. Some lady that we didn't even know stopped us and took our picture. I guess we just looked like we were having a great time. Things like that just don't happen if you are by yourself or with just your family.
Welcome to the family, Steve! I'm not surprised about you getting addicted to the DIS so fast. My DH was hooked within an hour of finding it last Thanksgiving! We didn't know what all the talk about DIS con was about, went to WDW the following week for my birthday and ran into the convention head-first!!! These folks here on the boards are wonderful, full of info, fun, and caring. Took me a little longer to get hooked, but now my DH and I "fight" over who gets control of the keyboard!!!

Hope to see you at DIS Con II, we'll be there with bells, or maybe ears, on!!:D Only 309 days:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:


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