New pool heat policy? ***update see post 549 ****

I just returned from an 8 day stay at BWV....wanted to stay out of the controversy here until I experienced the pools for myself. Weather was very warm for this time of year, very comparable to the air temperatures of my usual vacations (late April/early May). I used each pool at the Boardwalk, Luna and the 2 quiet pools.Each pool was very chilly, not unbearable but certainly not comfortable. Many people were commenting on the cold water and at several times during quite hot afternoons there was no one in the quiet pools. The manager of the Boardwalk was in the lobby one afternoon, greeting guests. I did mention the pool water being much cooler than past visits. His response was that he would have someone check the pools water heaters to see if there was a mechanical problem, totally avoiding any inference that others may have complained or that this was an "issue". We also went to Typhoon Lagoon, water was just as I remembered,warm enough to be very comfortable but refreshing. Boardwalk pools were definately not as warm as Typhoon or as I had remembered them. I was there 3/30 to 4/7, if they increased the water temps, it certainly is not like it used to be!!
Based on the negative feedback, they have raised the temps to 82, according to OKW / SSR manager. I spoke to him while I was down there April.

And when I asked him to check the temperature on the OKW main pool... He said well yes, the pool was at 80, but the heater was set to 82, but they performed backwash procedure in the morning, so that this lowered the temp 2 degrees, and don't worry, it'll heat up in a few hours...

But 82 is still too cold for me to be comfortable.... Bearable yes, but not fun......

Still unhappy, Goldi
This is just another example of the cost cutting I have seen over the years at WDW. It really is to bad. Guest comfort in the rooms and in the pools should be of paramount importance to DVC and WDW. It isn't unfortunately. They can spew diesel fuel aroung the "world" all day long, run the park lights ALL Night, but they seem to want to inch down the pool temperature and inch up the temperature in the rooms with this sensor system they now use. 82 degrees is a little too cool for the majority of guests. 84-86 really is a perfect swimming temperature for any season. This stuff frosts me because my wife won't want to go in the pools leaving me to watch my son all day. We used to do it together or switch off for some down time. Those days are over. It is just another attempt by WDW to get guest where they really want them and that is in the parks spending money. Get ready for extra waits and lines at the parks. They are accomplishing there mission. Right or wrong? You decide, but you can see where my vote lies.

johnny, have we met? You seem very familiar.

Anyway, I pretty much agree with your point about cost cutting. If it affects guest comfort, it's not a good idea. Things cost money and when I go on vacation I want to be comfortable. So I'll pay for that "luxury". Just fix the dang ACs and warm up the pools and whatever else. If the day comes when I'm willing to sacrifice comfort for a few dollars, I'll be selling my DVC and staying home to watch tv. Or reading books if tv becomes too expensive. By candlelight.
minster22 said:
I just returned from an 8 day stay at BWV....wanted to stay out of the controversy here until I experienced the pools for myself. Weather was very warm for this time of year, very comparable to the air temperatures of my usual vacations (late April/early May). I used each pool at the Boardwalk, Luna and the 2 quiet pools.Each pool was very chilly, not unbearable but certainly not comfortable. Many people were commenting on the cold water and at several times during quite hot afternoons there was no one in the quiet pools. The manager of the Boardwalk was in the lobby one afternoon, greeting guests. I did mention the pool water being much cooler than past visits. His response was that he would have someone check the pools water heaters to see if there was a mechanical problem, totally avoiding any inference that others may have complained or that this was an "issue". We also went to Typhoon Lagoon, water was just as I remembered,warm enough to be very comfortable but refreshing. Boardwalk pools were definately not as warm as Typhoon or as I had remembered them. I was there 3/30 to 4/7, if they increased the water temps, it certainly is not like it used to be!!

I am very sorry to hear this. It is starting to look as though enjoying Disney pools, as many of us have done for years, may be a thing of the past. It is very sad indeed.
goldilocks_63 said:
Based on the negative feedback, they have raised the temps to 82, according to OKW / SSR manager. I spoke to him while I was down there April.

And when I asked him to check the temperature on the OKW main pool... He said well yes, the pool was at 80, but the heater was set to 82, but they performed backwash procedure in the morning, so that this lowered the temp 2 degrees, and don't worry, it'll heat up in a few hours...

But 82 is still too cold for me to be comfortable.... Bearable yes, but not fun......

Still unhappy, Goldi
I'll be different here and say darn. I hate how warm the pools are. Last year in July it was blazing hot so I thought, hey lets go in the pool. Bad idea, the pool was so warm it wasn't the least bit refreshing. :sad2:
CheezDoodle said:
I'll be different here and say darn. I hate how warm the pools are. Last year in July it was blazing hot so I thought, hey lets go in the pool. Bad idea, the pool was so warm it wasn't the least bit refreshing. :sad2:

I totally agree with you that the pools do not need to be heated in the summer because I am sure the Florida sunshine does that all by itself!!

The real problem was the temperatures of the pools during the cooler months and them not being warm enough.
It seems to me that as long as this thread has been going on, maybe it's time for some objective data rather than subjective thoughts. Does anyone want to take a thermometer and actually get a reading on the pool/s where they're staying? We have an old engineering thermometer of my dad's that we leave in the car for my compulsive husband to play with. My guess is that if you have one of those little sealed keychain thermometers they sell at outdoors stores, that would be a start. We don't have a trip home planned for 6 months, so I can't be the first to post a reading. This way, we might be able to get an idea of whether or not management is sticking to the latest policy, or not. Anyone?
Machta said:
It seems to me that as long as this thread has been going on, maybe it's time for some objective data rather than subjective thoughts. Does anyone want to take a thermometer and actually get a reading on the pool/s where they're staying? We have an old engineering thermometer of my dad's that we leave in the car for my compulsive husband to play with. My guess is that if you have one of those little sealed keychain thermometers they sell at outdoors stores, that would be a start. We don't have a trip home planned for 6 months, so I can't be the first to post a reading. This way, we might be able to get an idea of whether or not management is sticking to the latest policy, or not. Anyone?

Been there, done that.
We went for spring break in mid-March. We stayed at Old Key West and both the main pool and Turtle Pond Pool were enjoyable. I would have liked them warmer but they were OK as long as the sun was out. The air temps that week were in the 80s. If the weather had been cooler we probably could not have used the pools at all.

We pool-hopped one afternoon to the Polynesian and it was chilly. I did not stay in very long, despite wanting to have fun with the kids. The pool would have been a lot more enjoyable if it was a few degrees warmer.

We also had to call maintenace to our Villa to fix the thermostat. It would not cool below 72 degrees and my Mom has asthma and needs it really cool to sleep at night.

Why do all the cost-saving measures seem to come at cost to the guest? DVC cost us $30,000 and the dues are almost $1800. Heat the pools and cool the rooms!
While I too am in favor of a warm pool, I think that no one yet has failed to realize one really important issue with warm pools...(or maybe they have but I wasn't about to read 42 threads to find out) BACTERIAL GROWTH. Maybe they had a high count of bacteria in the pool so they lowered the temperature. If Disney is doing it to keep heating costs low, I don't think that it would make much of a difference cost wise compared to how much they might lose/gain in other ways. Just a thought though, I hope they turn them back up soon and no one else has a cold pool experience again! :thumbsup2
doombuggy3 said:
While I too am in favor of a warm pool, I think that no one yet has failed to realize one really important issue with warm pools...(or maybe they have but I wasn't about to read 42 threads to find out) BACTERIAL GROWTH. Maybe they had a high count of bacteria in the pool so they lowered the temperature. If Disney is doing it to keep heating costs low, I don't think that it would make much of a difference cost wise compared to how much they might lose/gain in other ways. Just a thought though, I hope they turn them back up soon and no one else has a cold pool experience again! :thumbsup2

I think that was brought up-especially since the pools are well above 86 (even 90) all summer long-how would they cool it back down?
doombuggy3 said:
While I too am in favor of a warm pool, I think that no one yet has failed to realize one really important issue with warm pools...(or maybe they have but I wasn't about to read 42 threads to find out) BACTERIAL GROWTH. Maybe they had a high count of bacteria in the pool so they lowered the temperature. If Disney is doing it to keep heating costs low, I don't think that it would make much of a difference cost wise compared to how much they might lose/gain in other ways. Just a thought though, I hope they turn them back up soon and no one else has a cold pool experience again! :thumbsup2
Several of us sent email to Disney to express our disappointment over the lowering of the pool temperatures. The official response was that the pool temperatures were lowered to save energy.
colleen costello said:
We went for spring break in mid-March. We stayed at Old Key West and both the main pool and Turtle Pond Pool were enjoyable. I would have liked them warmer but they were OK as long as the sun was out. The air temps that week were in the 80s. If the weather had been cooler we probably could not have used the pools at all.

We pool-hopped one afternoon to the Polynesian and it was chilly. I did not stay in very long, despite wanting to have fun with the kids. The pool would have been a lot more enjoyable if it was a few degrees warmer.

We also had to call maintenace to our Villa to fix the thermostat. It would not cool below 72 degrees and my Mom has asthma and needs it really cool to sleep at night.

Why do all the cost-saving measures seem to come at cost to the guest? DVC cost us $30,000 and the dues are almost $1800. Heat the pools and cool the rooms!

I live up here in Mass. and expect when I go "home" to OKW, the pool will be at least 86! I have a beautiful pool here that I open in mid-April because I have a heater and I'm not afraid to use it. Sure, the gas is expensive, but it's the only way to get full enjoyment from it with the New England weather. I heated the pool to 88 last weekend for a get together. The air temp was only 62 and it was breezy. No one wanted to get out! That's what I expect in the winter months at DVC. 86-88! Nothing less. They will certainly pass on the costs in our annual assessments, but I think it's necessary to get full enjoyment and value out of our ownerships...M
We were at OKW in late January. The temp the first day was 84-ish, but then it dropped for the rest of our stay. Outside it was only about 74, so we looked forward for the warm pool, but it was gone!

They too turned it down.

Anyone know how or who we should write directly?
Mr. Disney 652 said:
We were at OKW in late January. The temp the first day was 84-ish, but then it dropped for the rest of our stay. Outside it was only about 74, so we looked forward for the warm pool, but it was gone!

They too turned it down.

Anyone know how or who we should write directly?
Hi Mr. Disney 652,

I'm not really sure whom to respond to regarding this issue, but I'm sure you can email someone at the DVC member website listed in Vacation Magic.
Don't know how much good it'll do, but it can't hurt to try...M
Definitely worth writing to MS and DVC over this one; the pools are a big part of the resort's appeal--being too chilly is a huge turnoff.
During our January visit (SSR) my daughter wouldn't swim in the pool--and she LIKES cool water. I'm pretty thin-skinned and like my pool water warm, which meant I was not going to go in the pool, that's for sure.
Growing up in WI with a heated pool spoiled me for chilly ones; seeing the steam coming off the water at night was the neatest sight :)

I can understand keeping the heat turned down during months when the summer provides natural heating, but turning the heat down during the cooler months is not what I expect from my resort vacation stay.

It's always been my impression that Disney has been a leader in environmentally friendly policies--if energy costs are hurting, it would seem that they sure do have a good shot at feasible solar power/battery charging to pick up the slack. And, yes, that would affect our dues, I'm sure. :( but might prove financially feasible in the long run. Perhaps they are already looking in to it, who knows??
Ksp said:
...It's always been my impression that Disney has been a leader in environmentally friendly policies--if energy costs are hurting, it would seem that they sure do have a good shot at feasible solar power/battery charging to pick up the slack. And, yes, that would affect our dues, I'm sure. :( but might prove financially feasible in the long run. Perhaps they are already looking in to it, who knows??
I think Disney Imagineers could probably handle this assignment. They're geniuses in many ways. Let's hope they're already working on a favorable solution, what with all the solar power (and possibly wind power) available...M
Me and the DF are heading to Disney in two weeks. Has anyone been lately and if so did you notice the pool being warmer? I can't stand cold water and know both my DDs will want to swim everyday. :eek:
DisneyDadof2 said:
Me and the DF are heading to Disney in two weeks. Has anyone been lately and if so did you notice the pool being warmer? I can't stand cold water and know both my DDs will want to swim everyday. :eek:
We just returned. We used the pools at AKL and BWV and both of them were great. It was sunny with highs in the high 80s/low 90s every day we were there. The pools were refreshing but not cold. I don't like cold pools and I had no problem getting right in to the water.

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