New policy when making PS at Cindy's?


DIS Veteran
Sep 14, 1999
We haven't been to WDW in almost a year (ok, ok, so we go kinda frequently!) and are planning our next trip. I just read about needing to give a credit card number when making a PS at Cindy's Castle for breakfast? When did this start, do they charge a deposit or no-show fee, etc? Have there been any other major changes in PS ressies that I should know about? Thanks!!
This policy went into effect last summer, if I remember correctly. Deposit is $10/adult and $5/child (3-9) and is deducted off your final bill.

You can read all about it here.
I think most of the info is in the Cindy's tread and if I remember correctly it is $5.00 pp deposit. If you do not show or cancel 24 hrs prior they keep the deposit. It is credited to you at the time your check is presented after breakfast. They were doing it in August (or should I say June when we made the PSs). We didn't have a problem with it. Just be sure you use a credit card in your name b/c that will be the name of the person the PS is for and you can not change that once it has been booked.
Adults are $10/ and kids are $5/. They credit your bill when you pay it.


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