New Kiosk! (Express) I SAW IT! Report!


DIS + IOA Veteran
Dec 11, 2000
Outside Back to the Future today I saw 4 kiosk stations (Yellow YUCK!). They were Touch Screens with a slot. Screen Saver said, touch the screen to use Universal Express. It was blocked off with baricades. I touched it (OH NO DON'T TELL EARL!) Nothing was up behind the screen saver.

Looked Interesting!

Does weekly attendance to a theme park constitute an addict?

If so, I am Doomed!

Disney, USF, IOA, BGT, SW weekly since 1997
Quarterly since birth!
Yep! Those were the new Express kiosks.

As of 2/14 - All kiosks have already been installed and are being tested throughout USF. In addition, most signage and queue work is already complete (although there is still more to be done by 3/1)

Over at IOA, kiosks are still being installed, with only about 30% of the work complete. However, work is going on around the clock - and everything is right on schedule to be ready by 3/1.

The testing of the "new" Universal Express begins Thursday, 2/15 at 4 attractions at USF and 4 attractions at IOA. Each park will add an additional attraction each day - with 100% of the parks operational by 3/1.

By the way - yes, the yellow kiosks are ugly - but each attraction/island has it's own color to match the theming of the area! So don't worry, you won't be seeing that ugly yellow in many places
You can tell I'm a mom when the first thing I think of after reading "touch screens" is.....
Ewwww - all those people touching the same place all day! Better bring a napkin to cover your fingers unless you want all their germs too. Even though I realize I'm touching germs all day in a public place, the thought of it still "bugs" me (LOL) :rolleyes:


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