New Game!!! Whazzup With That Username?!?

Minnie Apple Mouse

Confused about fairytales. Thinks Snow white was given the apple by Minnie Mouse. :teeth:
Okay I'll try "Greenban" does it have something to do with a peace of cheap jewelry turning green?

** sorry double post tried to edit, see my next post
DrTomorrow Has recurring amnesia (see "Fifty First Dates") and every morning he thinks he is graduating from med school that day. :cool1:
Okay I'll try "Greenban" does it have something to do with a peace of cheap jewelry turning your skin green?
I wish I had half the wit of some of you guys! This is hilarious! :rotfl2:

Here's my go:

GREENBAN--Is colorblind, so there is a ban on anything green in your wardrobe..... :confused3
Moms Gone Goofy

Obviously this is a medically incurable disease. Symptoms: running around frantically trying to confirm hotel reservations and priority seatings while packing, cleaning, and trying to plan a purely spontaneous trip for herself, DH, and her lovely children to what is supposed to be the happiest place on earth :crazy: !! (Which if absolutely is, once you get there).
Tooneric said:

... or maybe just someone whose words are "marked by unthinking boldness; with defiant disregard for danger or consequences" (source: elook Online Dictionary).

"Greenban" - is actually nab Neerg spelled backwards (under a black light, for full effect), referring to the mythological creature Neerg from the island of Margueritaville that obsessively polls all other mythological creatures.

"Spiceycat" - obviously named after her favorite cajun recipe.

I especially like the SpiceyCat recipe idea.....
Named after their favorite spice used in curries.

danders2 is allergic to cat hair but has 2 of them?
TammyAlphabet has a font fetish! She frequents font websites, searching for freebies, and has amassed over 1,000 fonts on her computer. She owns CK Font Organizer and when not on the DISboards, she spends her free time organizing her fonts. She has never used any of them as she has no time left.

Hates the color (or lack thereof) of US Currency. Organizes grass roots effort to change to the more colorful Canadian currencies.

A special kind of nut that travels on Mission Space before being fed to Chip and Dale.

Only person alive who knows Roger Rabbit's middle name is Eric.

The oldest of the famous Jones quintuplets. Her sisters are KathleenB, KathleenC, KathleenD, and KathleenE.
A magician... a gigolo... a price that's advertising. ;)
I can picture it now- a computer mouse in one hand, an iv drip in the other, begging family to intravenasly (spelled wrong, I know) feed him his/her (sorry, I don't know which) wdw info or he's going to go totally bezerk, and it won't be pretty!!!! :rotfl2:

(I know my screen name isn't exciting enough for anyone to guess)

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