New Fireworks Remix Game

I sort of like the new Fireworks. I'll have to play it a few more times, though. When I played it yesterday I was playing against really good people and that was not fun because I was trying to figure out how to play and I would get knocked out early on.
I'm frustrated by the credit payout just because Fireworks is pretty much the only game I play. I don't play HM because I hate waiting for a game to start. I play pirates against the AI, for the same reason I don't play HM. Sometimes I'll play JC to try to get a top score, but that doesn't happen often. I can't play all day so playing Fireworks was my way of building up credits when I actually could play. This is just my input on it for now since it's still new and I need to play some more to have a better judgment.
Just wanted to say that my DD Mintchip reactivated her green car quest, verified that she needed to hit 4500 in fireworks, immediately got into a fireworks game, scored over the required 4500 (close to 4600), and earned her silver pin. Then she rechecked her green car quest to see what was going on. While she was playing fireworks, vmk had changed the requirements to 5500! :faint:

Poor Mint! Still no green car! :sad2:
Just wanted to say that my DD Mintchip reactivated her green car quest, verified that she needed to hit 4500 in fireworks, immediately got into a fireworks game, scored over the required 4500 (close to 4600), and earned her silver pin. Then she rechecked her green car quest to see what was going on. While she was playing fireworks, vmk had changed the requirements to 5500! :faint:

Poor Mint! Still no green car! :sad2:

We were all talking about how this would happen!! Didn't really think it would be this soon, but how predictable... :mad:
Thank you Goofy_Bob for your post.

While I am very happy that people who couldn't get credits before can now get credits, I still am unhappy with the credit payout. Especially for the better players.

Why do the better players have to be punished? And why are players so happy to see those people punished?

I can still (currently) go play JC and get more credits.
But, I also see the change in credits as a way to get people to not have so many credits. Things were just becoming too common for VMK's opinion. :rolleyes:

And Deba: As I was looking at the high scores yesterday, I also saw that coming soon. I'm sorry she has no green car. Neither do I. I had no hope of ever getting it due to my computer before, and I still have no hope due to my computer.
So far I have stayed out of this conversation, just because I can clearly see both sides. However, I have to chime in here. I am one that is not happy at all with the payout system. I think VMK really messed this one up. I agree that there was a huge gap in payouts before and because of this I like that everyone gets credit, but I do feel that good players have been punished. I think someone else in this thread tried to make the point that if you went to work one day and were told that you would have to do twice as much work for less than half of your pay, any of us would be upset and would quit! That is what I feel has happened here. While it is great that everyone now gets credits, those of us who were good at the old game, now have to do twice the work for half the pay. That is absolutely ridiculous! They could have fixed the gap issue by simply giving everyone credits for the levels completed. As many people have stated here, this game takes considerably longer than other games and should have a payout that reflects that. Some of the other games could use a credit revamp as well.

As for the game play itself, there is just too much to look at on the screen while playing. I for one can't even glance at that "up next" box without missing what is up next! And I just don't get the sequence bonus thing. The fireworks almost never come up that way, so sre you supposed to just sit and watch the others go by until the next in the sequence comes up? It is WAY too confusing.

just my $.02
I agree. The Fireworks Remix changes the dynamic of the game too negatively.

Most important, whereas the old game encouraged you to hit all fireworks - it didn't matter if you hit them a little before the last moment, as long as you didn't miss it entirely, in the new game the goal is to go for that all-important Flawless moment, even if you end up missing a bunch of fireworks to get it. You can get a higher score by missing half the fireworks than you can by hitting all the fireworks early. I'm glad that real fireworks shows aren't graded this way!

The "Up Next" and "Sequence Bonus" items are interesting, but ultimately useless, since the player's attention has to be focused on the fireworks themselves.

The game has become extremely frustrating because the window for getting "Flawless" is so excruciatingly small, and hitting too early and getting an "Awesome" can ruin your score.
As for the game play itself, there is just too much to look at on the screen while playing. I for one can't even glance at that "up next" box without missing what is up next! And I just don't get the sequence bonus thing. The fireworks almost never come up that way, so sre you supposed to just sit and watch the others go by until the next in the sequence comes up? It is WAY too confusing.

just my $.02

Yep. I also don't even look at the side bar unless I'm in between screens. I can't be bothered to see what's coming up next because then I will miss whatever is already on the screen.

I also don't like that we get odd amounts of credits. Same as with POTC. What in VMK can we buy that ends in anything beside 0 or 5? :confused:
Why do the better players have to be punished? And why are players so happy to see those people punished?

This is not directed toward cteddiesgirl, she just siad the issue I want to address most concisely.

The better players are not being punished, robbed, setback, or getting a "paycut." Others are not happy to see them "punished" - because they are not being punished.

What happened yesterday is the playing fied has been leveled.

For 9 months I have "survived" in vmk off of 250/game in pirates and usually 150 in fireworks. I practiced and practiced at fireworks and on occasion would break 200, but only if I played during the "slow" times.

VMK truly is made up of 2 divisions of players, those who can buy just about anything they want and those who are shopping on Sunday night after earning what they could for the week. It is not a coincidence that those who are excellent at fireworks are in the first group.

Yesterday - the field got evened out for everyone. Is fireworks a longer game? Yes. And with the new scoring / reward system, excellent players will receive 2x the credits as others. I watched this occur yesterday, so I know that it is true. No one has been punished or robbed. We are now just all playing with similar opportunity (aka: bank account).

Important Note to a very select few that may read this, and they know who they are. Yes, I have been very fortunate to receive some help from "rich" friends who are strong fireworks players on 2 very desperate occasions - for which I am very thankful. I realize that without the excessively high payout in fireworks, their generousity would not have been possible. So in some way, it DOES affect us all.
As for the game play itself, there is just too much to look at on the screen while playing. I for one can't even glance at that "up next" box without missing what is up next! And I just don't get the sequence bonus thing. The fireworks almost never come up that way, so sre you supposed to just sit and watch the others go by until the next in the sequence comes up? It is WAY too confusing.

just my $.02

There is a side screen ROFL. I was too busy trying not to have a seizure or getting my spastic hands to works. :) Fireworks sure not a game for people with neurological issues LOL.

I found when there was so many in the sky I just gave up trying to hit the right star with right fireworks and just aimed at anything. I actually just cracked up laughing. Being in the 5th level was a miracle I got there I think I got 10 points in that round. But since that pay out was really not that different I did not stress myself out. I always go so stressed in the other fireworks game that I got a head ache after two games.

This was fun and made me laugh.
The better players are not being punished, robbed, setback, or getting a "paycut." Others are not happy to see them "punished" - because they are not being punished.
So you see that going from 1300 down to only maybe getting 600 as not a paycut?
So... if you were working at a job and was paid say $13 an hour and all of a sudden your pay dropped down to $6 an hour, you would not consider that a paycut?
That is exactly what happened.

They made it so that those that didn't get anything before now do but gave a more than 50% paycut to those that could play it better.
So you see that going from 1300 down to only maybe getting 600 as not a paycut?
So... if you were working at a job and was paid say $13 an hour and all of a sudden your pay dropped down to $6 an hour, you would not consider that a paycut?
That is exactly what happened.

They made it so that those that didn't get anything before now do but gave a more than 50% paycut to those that could play it better.

If I was working at a job making $13 an hour and the guy next to me doing the same job is making $30 an hour, I would either want my pay increased or his decreased. Thats what VMK did. I am excellent at HM andmy wife is great at pirates, so they either have to increase the payout in mansion and pirates, or drop the payout in fireworks. They chose the latter. it is a SMART move on their part and the RIGHT move. Before it was bad because only a small percentage of players could get those score and they spent ALL DAY playing it, effectively shutting everyone else out. So they get these mega scores and kick everyone out at the lower levels so the fair to middling player does not even have a chance. Now we have a chance.
Well I hope they put a whole lot of codes into the Yeti game. Takes you a couple of minutes to play every 5 and you get 250 credits. Less time then it takes to play Fireworks. ;)
Well I hope they put a whole lot of codes into the Yeti game. Takes you a couple of minutes to play every 5 and you get 250 credits. Less time then it takes to play Fireworks. ;)

Oh yeah. That's a Huge help.
I can't play it.

And doc: No. That's not the right anology. People who work more and do a better job should get paid more. After all, isn't that the American way?;)

They still could have given those that don't do well in fireworks credits and increased the amount of credits in the other games instead of killing those that can do well in fireworks.

And for the record, I can't do that well in fireworks anymore (not that I was ever great) due to the more resources it now requires.
It bothers me that so many in VMK take pleasure in others losing a benefit or being taken down a notch or losing a privlage or having their stuff become no longer rare. I don't understand why people who make less and will still make less would be happy for lower credits for the people who make more. Frankly If you are good at any of the 3 major games they are all work and all pay about the same if you are good and fast. When I am playing I have no trouble making 10 grand no matter which game I choose. If i won Fireworks before I was paid about what I can get now, maybe 350 credit. Maansion most games average at least 350 credits on 2 rounds and pirates rolls in 100 - 200 easy but goes faster. So its all the same to me. How anyone pulls of that Jungle cruise thing I'll never know, that 20 credits for me no matter what but if I crash boats for an hour I can also get about 400 credits and even the music game is good for close to 100 credits an hour, but now I went way off topic.

The reason people are happy is not because other people are sad, but because the system is now fairer. Why wouldn't they be happy about that, except of course for the few top FW players? FW scoring was way out of whack with other games' scoring. You, Daz, made the same off mansion and FW because you are masterful at the mansion game. For that, I would not begrudge you getting 350 credits in a game where I come usually away with 250. But when the best mansion players typically score 350 credits for 10 minutes of play (assuming a three round match, which is how you get to that 350 level), and the best FW players typically play 12 minutes and get 1300 credits, that is not good.

Sure FW could pay more to reflect the longer time for each full game, but not that much more. A short POTC game pays very little usually. Only CTF games are over quickly. Some battle games can last four minutes per round, and often many players can "win" such a game and only score 100-200 credits for 12 minutes. The highest scores of the day usually run between 400-500 credits, and those are usually long games.

If a game consistently rewards some people more than others, particularly in a game that is supposedly aimed at little kids, I won't like it as much as a game that gives more people the same chance to earn the same credits.

Besides, personally, I think all the games give people too many credits already. Like I said above, I think a lot of the fun is ruined when there are a large number of players who earn enough to horde a bunch of almost everything. My favorite things are the ones that no one could easily get a lot of, like the "red" baseball costume, but anyone who put in the effort could get at least one. If people disagree, just be glad I'm not Yavn.
If I was working at a job making $13 an hour and the guy next to me doing the same job is making $30 an hour, I would either want my pay increased or his decreased. Thats what VMK did. I am excellent at HM andmy wife is great at pirates, so they either have to increase the payout in mansion and pirates, or drop the payout in fireworks. They chose the latter. it is a SMART move on their part and the RIGHT move. Before it was bad because only a small percentage of players could get those score and they spent ALL DAY playing it, effectively shutting everyone else out. So they get these mega scores and kick everyone out at the lower levels so the fair to middling player does not even have a chance. Now we have a chance.

If you were both doing exactly the same job, then that would make sense, but if you were making more money for doing better work, you would not want any decrease in pay. And THAT is what VMK did. Should they increase pay for other games, YES! but to decrease the pay amount for those who were gaeeting paid that high, is absolutely an unfounded pay cut!
Besides, personally, I think all the games give people too many credits already. Like I said above, I think a lot of the fun is ruined when there are a large number of players who earn enough to horde a bunch of almost everything. My favorite things are the ones that no one could easily get a lot of, like the "red" baseball costume, but anyone who put in the effort could get at least one. If people disagree, just be glad I'm not Yavn.
Kind of an assumption here. Credits can only be used for buyables, and I don't know many players who buy stuff just for the sake of "hoarding" it. Any time we build a new ride/game/room it takes an enormous amount of credits. (Just ask anyone who entered the Space Race competition! ) Prices get raised for items periodically, too, and they don't go back down. Believe me, there's no such thing as too many credits!
So in some way, it DOES affect us all.

Yes my inability to get high credits anymore will affect many of my friends. If I have a quest, prizes will not be as valuable. I can no longer afford to gift to others. During Christmas and Halloween, if my friends could not afford to buy something, I would gift to them because payment was just 1 fireworks game away for me. That has to change now.
If I have a quest, prizes will not be as valuable.

You said it girl. They should keep going with their track record, and make quest engines tradable.

Nah, that would be too helpful for quest hosts who are no longer interested in multiple engines.
Well, I hope to one day make this a game I can play.

Minute for minute Pirates gives the best credits!
And doc: No. That's not the right anology. People who work more and do a better job should get paid more. After all, isn't that the American way?;)

They still could have given those that don't do well in fireworks credits and increased the amount of credits in the other games instead of killing those that can do well in fireworks.

actually it is a spot on analogy. They had two choices, make all the games pay for the best players in the same way, or reduce the credits in fireworks, they chose to reduce.

fireworks is not more work, or even harder work, than the other games, it is just different.

three guys work an assemly line, all three doing different jobs, one puts it on the belt, one takes it off a third puts it in a box. You going to tell me that the guys who put it on and take it off the belt should get half the pay of the guy who puts it in a box? No, they should all make about the same. and since the box guy was way over paid, they fired him and replaced him with someone who is equal in pay to the other two. Now the other two would have liked a raise, but this will satisfy them for now.

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