Never say never...New Year New Plan **a NYE 2018/2019 PTR** Updated 12/26


Snow White
Oct 19, 2013
Back again DisFriends!!

If you already know me, you know I waffled around a LOT about starting a PTR for this trip. Life was so busy after our last visit that my previous TR suffered and took for-EV-er to write.

But...since I've spent my morning crying through the Illuminations and Happily Ever After soundtracks while working, I figured it was a sign that I oughta go ahead and start this thing!

Who is going on this trip?? You have had a lot of different ones over the past year!

I know! There's been a solo visit, a trip with my mom, a trip with just me and DH...this time, the gang's all here!! Yep, all four of us are heading to WDW for the new year!

Ok, cool...but who is this "gang" you speak of??

Me, DH, and our two boys (referred to most of the time on here as X (15) and L (13) we are from our last visit as a family in December 2016:

That's a weird picture, I'm not sure why I chose that one, LOL!! Here we all are more recently in San Francisco:

As you can see, things have changed just a little bit! The last time the boys were in the parks they were 11 and 13! Now they're 13 and 15 and both taller than I am!

This is X...our 15 year old:

Nothing like celebrating your birthday with some Ben and Jerry's, right?? :rotfl:

He's a freshman in high school this year, which has been more of a challenge for me than him. He is very adaptable and fits into any situation.
As for Disney visits, he wishes I'd let him sleep in and spend entire days by the pool, but he's mostly agreeable and still meets characters, so it's all good!
His favorite meal is Ohana dinner, favorite character is Stitch, and he loves the Japan pavilion in Epcot.

Here is L, our 13 year old:

I call this shot, "Sit still and let me use portrait mode!"

He's an 8th grader, which is so bizarre. Surely my youngest child is not in EIGHTH GRADE!!
L enjoys the parks but also likes his pool time. He also loves Ohana dinner, but his favorite character is Jack Skellington. He thinks the Country Bears are creepy (if you know me, you know i'm in love with the country bears, so this hurts!)

They are good boys and good friends...but they do have their moments when they drive me crazy :rolleyes::sad2:

Up next, me and DH (also referred to as M):

That's us at a Dave Matthews Band concert in May.
DH is a Disney convert who did NOT understand my planning on our first family trip back in 2014. Now he listens to park music while working, too :cool:
I think his favorite meal is Sanaa usually, but we had such a great meal at Citricos last year that it might have switched to that! He loves Epcot, but like me, doesn't feel "home" until we get to the Magic Kingdom.

My favorite is EVERYTHING!!!!!! The Disney parks are my happiest of happy places. But if I have to choose...My favorite park is Animal Kingdom (it's amazing!! But MK is home!), my favorite meal is a toss up between Citricos and Tiffins (but I also really love Sci Fi...not necessarily for food, but for atmosphere. And Skipper's Canteen...ugh, I cannot pick!)
I love meeting characters, and my favorite princesses are Snow White and Tiana.

You guys seem like fun!
(we are!)
Where are you staying??

Well, we're going Polynesian for this trip!
If you have read my reports in the past, you know the Wilderness Lodge is our ultimate favorite resort, but with the boys being so big, the lack of a daybed is an issue for us. You also know I did NOT love the Poly on my October trip last year. But, after DH and I went last NYE, we realized that location was more important than almost everything else. All of my family members wanted to stay at the Polynesian at some point, and even I couldn't deny the convenience factor, so we'll be there from 12/30 - 1/5. We fly in the night before and will be staying at the Hyatt in MCO. DH and I stayed there last year as well, and it's so convenient! Fly in, go to bed, wake up and hop right on the Magical Express!!

I feel like this could be a really magical trip!

We sure hope so!! I can't wait for all four of us to be in Walt Disney World together again.
Last year I had an annual pass, and the plan is to upgrade again on this trip. I'm casually planning another solo trip for late April/early May, and maybe even a Food and Wine visit just for me and DH next September or October.

I can't wait to share our plans with you! We always try to do something new each trip, and that trend carries over to this one, too.

I hope you'll stick around to help me navigate the planning for this trip, it helps me to talk it out!
If you're curious about past trips, my TRs are in my signature!

Thanks for following along as we plan our next great adventure!

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I'm here!!

But...since I've spent my morning crying through the Illuminations and Happily Ever After soundtracks while working, I figured it was a sign that I oughta go ahead and start this thing!

This is so real. :lovestruc:sad:
Yesssss I'm glad you've decided to do a PTR! I can't wait to hear what you have planned! The boys are so big now!
I am here too! I usually start reading your trip reports when you are half way done. I am excitied to be starting from the beginning.
Following! I didn't keep up with your last TR. I tried to but then got so far behind I couldn't catch up. I'm jumping in on the PTR.
I'm in! :) I agree that you can't beat the Poly for convenience, especially with crowds. We stayed a year ago in July for a few nights and we LOVED the bag check in the hotel, easy access to several parks and the chill atmosphere :)
Ah I didn't know you started a PTR! Following along!

He thinks the Country Bears are creepy (if you know me, you know i'm in love with the country bears, so this hurts!

Did you show him the creepy Country Bears movie when he was a child? :rotfl: I was scarred for life after seeing the commercials for it on a VHS as a child, and only recently accepted the Country Bears weren't super creepy after I saw the show in MK.
Joining in. Waiting to see your dates, I think we might be there around the same time... My trip report is in my sig
I'm here!!

This is so real. :lovestruc:sad:

Yay!! :dogdance::dogdance: I need to go catch up on your reports...i think that's going to be my Friday reading for tomorrow: TR-a-palooza!

Right?? Singing through the sobs is a thing I have done and will continue to do!!

Yesssss I'm glad you've decided to do a PTR! I can't wait to hear what you have planned! The boys are so big now!

I couldn't handle it anymore, I need some guidance as the trip gets closer!!
It's always strange for me to see the pictures of them from earlier trips and compare it to how they look now. They're way too big :sad:

I am here too! I usually start reading your trip reports when you are half way done. I am excitied to be starting from the beginning.

the very, very beginning this time!! I need advice, I had to start the PTR :rotfl:

Following! I didn't keep up with your last TR. I tried to but then got so far behind I couldn't catch up. I'm jumping in on the PTR.

Welcome back!!

Following!! What an awesome trip this is sure to be over NYE!!!

I hope that we are able to take the things we learned last NYE and make this one better!! Welcome aboard!!

I'm here!! Looking forward to it! I have to take notes for next year's NYE!!

I hope i can be a good resource, LOL!! We'll see!! We're basically doing the opposite of last year, so we'll see what ends up working and what ends up failing this time around!!

Yay! I'll be here reading instead of working on my own TRs...

That is what happened with my last TR...I read and did not update, or just avoided the Dis entirely b/c the trip report was sitting on my shoulder and judging me :rotfl2:

I am SO here. Can't wait :dogdance:

Yay!! Welcome back!

I'm in! :) I agree that you can't beat the Poly for convenience, especially with crowds. We stayed a year ago in July for a few nights and we LOVED the bag check in the hotel, easy access to several parks and the chill atmosphere :)

My trip to the Poly last fall was kind of "eh", but I think that was my own fault b/c of high expectations. We were also upgraded to club level and placed in an accessible room with a slow close door and a shower that flooded the whole bathroom, so it's only fair I give it another shot.

And really, anything that keeps me off a bus on NYE during the afternoon automatically wins my vote for a resort stay, LOL!!

Ah I didn't know you started a PTR! Following along!

Did you show him the creepy Country Bears movie when he was a child? :rotfl: I was scarred for life after seeing the commercials for it on a VHS as a child, and only recently accepted the Country Bears weren't super creepy after I saw the show in MK.

It was a last minute decision fueled by emotional Disney music :rotfl::rotfl:

I've threatened him with the Country Bears movie, but he hasn't seen it :rotfl2::rotfl2: Maybe he'll get a copy for Christmas...:rotfl:

Following along and so excited for you!

Hooray and welcome back to another one of my crazy PTRs!! I'm so curious to see how my plans change completely from the original, haha!

Joining in. Waiting to see your dates, I think we might be there around the same time... My trip report is in my sig

Hello and welcome!! We'll be there 12/30 - 1/5!! I'll check out your report this weekend, how fun!
I'm here! We fly down for another trip 1/10 and are staying our last two nights at the Poly (first time). Can't wait to read all about your plans!
Following along. Enjoy reading to your TR and obviously your PTR too.
I'm here! We fly down for another trip 1/10 and are staying our last two nights at the Poly (first time). Can't wait to read all about your plans!

Hello hello!! I hope your January plans are coming along well, too! The good thing about the Polynesian is even if it's cold outside, somehow the music and atmosphere there make you feel warm!

Following along. Enjoy reading to your TR and obviously your PTR too.

Welcome to the newest adventure!!
Good morning!!

It's October already. How did that happen?? Not that I'm complaining...October wins hands down in the contest of "best months ever". Why, you ask??


Halloween!! If you need me I'll just be over here like...

pumpkin dance.gif

October doesn't come without stress...every year I say, "don't let me be in charge of fall festival at school"...and every year I do it anyway. This year I decided against the regular carnival type event and went with a dance instead, in an effort to make it less work.


Bless my poor little naive heart!! Now I somehow get to figure out a way to turn a hallway into a scare zone. Let's hope it doesn't end in disaster. We'll know in two weeks, I guess!

But enough of that...let's move on to some PTR-ing!

Chapter One: The how, the why, the what have we done?!?

Ok, so the title of the report is "Never say Never", which might be confusing if you've not followed some of my reports in the past. In particular the last two.

In October my mom and I stayed at the Polynesian. We didn't have a great experience and I said I wasn't in any hurry to go back. Why?? Everyone loves it, right?? It had been my dream resort since my first ever visit in 2001. It turns out, I like the atmosphere and the lobby - 100% for sure! But I felt really removed from what I loved out in the Hawaii building. We didn't spend a lot of time in the lobby, we spent more time in the CL lounge. I know, I know. First World Problems. We also had a room with issues, so that didn't help. But for me, part of the Disney resort experience is actually feeling like I experience the resort! It's why I love Wilderness Lodge so much. You leave your room and get to walk right into the beautiful lobby before starting your day. The longhouses at the Polynesian made me feel very removed from all that.

But...thanks to convenience, "I never need to go back" turned into, "Hey, why not the Polynesian?"

Last New Year's Eve, DH and I were traumatized by Epcot, LOL. We said, "I'm so glad we experienced the new year at WDW, but we are NEVER doing that again."

Well, that part is self explanatory, isn't it??

Thanks a lot, school schedule!! The kids don't go back after the holidays until January 8th, so it gave us the perfect opportunity to take a trip with the kids and still be back home a few days before they have to jump back into classes.

So, here we go again!!


One thing that was very much like last year is...we booked after the 180 day mark. Here's what I have learned after many trips under my belt. That 180 day mark doesn't mean a whole lot in terms of being able to book whatever dining you want. If you can't find something, just use the Touring Plans reservation finder, and carry on living your life. But, we also don't care **too** much about the hard to get places. At this point, we are more interested in trying new to us restaurants. If I were trying to get a coveted spot at California Grill or CRT, you'd better believe I'm up with the sun and online!

Right now we have the following meals planned (with a couple already on the chopping block):

12/30 - first day on property, coming over early (staying at MCO Hyatt)

Nothing planned!

Maybe a visit to the kiosks at Epcot before they go away, maybe Disney Springs, maybe Twilight Feast in the room that evening...I have no idea!
This was originally going to be the date we flew in, but since we're coming in the night before, we now have a full extra day.

If the Snow White dinner at Artist Point is available, this evening will be an option for booking that.

12/31 - New Year's Eve

Current plan is to go to DHS early in the morning, and spend the evening at the resort.

We have lunch booked at Mama Melrose...mainly b/c it's the only TS meal we've never done at DHS. I have booked this a few times before and always's currently one on the chopping block already, too. Will we stick with it??

For dinner we have Citricos, which was the best meal ever last year. We can end 2018 the way we began it! There's a chance we might move this to another night. Why?? You'll see when I get into daily plans (yes, those are still up in the air, too :faint::eek: )

1/1 - New Year's Day

Per DH's request, we have lunch scheduled at San Angel Inn today.
I have BOG scheduled for dinner but am going to cancel it. I have it up on the Cancelled Reservations thread AND the January thread, but so far no interest from anyone.

We're cancelling b/c I've booked the After Fireworks Dessert Party, and we'll probably just do QS.


Pre-Park Opening Crystal Palace this morning!! Haven't done this in a few years, so I'm looking forward to it. It's another I'll let go, though...if the kids want to sleep in, I don't know if DH and I would go to this on our own. We might! I love Pooh and Co. Not to mention the breakfast lasagna!

Dinner tonight will be Shula's!! This one is a non-negotiable. @Raeven has been very good at convincing me that this is a must do, and all four of us are excited about it.


This is our Animal Kingdom day. We're going to try and make a full day of it. DH and I are planning to get here really early and try to rope drop Pandora, but if the kids want to sleep in we'll let them. They just have to be in the park by 10:30, b/c we have something VERY exciting planned on this day.

Our FPs will be in the afternoon, and our dining reservation for dinner will be Yak and Yeti. A first for us. We usually do Tusker House breakfast for TS here, and QS for anything else...and then leave for dinner at AKL or our own resort. But I know DH and the kids will like this, so time to check it off the list.


Our final park day (maybe! We have a late flight the next day)!
The only thing I have scheduled food-wise is dinner at SciFi - a personal favorite. We want our last evening park to be DHS. Their holiday offerings will still be going on, and I loved Sunset Seasons Greetings so much last year. I'm also planning to get a Fast Pass for Slinky Dog in the dark. It'll be a festive way spend our last night in the parks.


This is kind of a flex day for us. Our flight is around 6pm-ish if I recall, so we could go to a park on this day if we want. We might need to add a day to DH and the boys' tickets if we also end up in a park on 12/30.

Another option for Snow White if they offer breakfast at Artist Point. Also on the list are Kona Cafe, Grand Floridian Cafe, and Whispering Canyon breakfast.

As far as booking and pre-planning, that's the only phase we've reached so far. Fast Pass day is coming up on...Halloween! Yep, the best day in October is also FP day. Let's hope for more treats, less tricks that morning.

Since we'll be at DHS on New Year's Eve (for now, anyway), I'm not holding my breath for Slinky Dog, but it would be a nice surprise. We're not getting picky for that day, but by making our last night at DHS I feel confident we'll get one then. Same reasoning behind planning AK next to last...looking for an afternoon Flight of Passage.

Ok, that's it for me! When I started typing it was around 9:30am, but I had to leave to take X to a consultation at the oral surgeon. Now we're adding wisdom teeth extraction to our Thanksgiving break plans, and will be paying roughly the same amount as my budget for the as yet up in the air solo trip in May. Blech!!

I'll update again soon, hopefully with something a little more fun!!

In the meantime...

sleepy hollow.gif



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