Need Tips on Renting Stroller


<font color=CC66CC>The GooGoo Dolls rock!!!!<br><f
Oct 31, 1999
We are thinking about not bringing our stroller (we have 4 year old twins) but were thinking of renting each day. How hard are they to obtain, do you have to get there early (we are going end of August)? Do you have to re-rent if you leave the Park and re-enter later in the day? Do you have to rent for each park you visit that day, even if you've already rented at another park (for example, I rent at MK but later go to Epcot) Oh are they a pain to return? Oh one more, how much are they per day?


LoriZHappy Disney :D
Strollers are pretty easy to obtain. They are always as you enter the parks. Once you pay for a stroller, keep the receipt for various reasons: If you leave and go to another park, just show them at the other park. And you do not pay again. If someone takes your stroller, there are various spots in the parks to get a replacement, just ask a CM. And you do not pay again. At the end of the day when you return your stroller, you will be given a refundable Disney Dollar. No, they are not usually a pain to return at the end of the day. It can be congested but Disney does a pretty good job of clearing people out. We payed (I think) either 6 or 7 dollars a day with a refundable Disney Dollar. I cannot tell you how much the double strollers were. They weren't too much more than the single.
We rented a stroller everywhere we went on our last trip. Sometimes a double so our older child could ride too. It wasn't much trouble at all to rent or to return. Bring a bright colored bandana or ribbon to tie on it so you can spot yours quick when you exit a ride. Sometimes CM move them to the exit and yours can be hard to find out of so many exactly alike!
that sounds a lot easier than I thought, plus with the fact that you only have to rent once (even if you are going to another park) it beats bringing a stroller on the bus/monorail! Thanks again!

LoriZHappy Disney :D
In preparation for our trip last year, I bought a new expensive stroller. As soon as we got there, our kids wanted the Disney stroller. My husband and I preferred it too - it was easier to maneuver. Renting the stroller was easy, and we had no problems getting another stroller later in the day or at differnt parks (with our receipt).

Yacht Club, December 2000


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