Need Serious Sneaker Help!!


Mar 16, 2000
Hi, We're going to WDW the 1st week of December but I want to buy some new sneakers now to start breaking them in. Except I don't know what to buy. I heard that running sneakers are the most fexible and comfortable but I think their so ugly! But if that's true, who cares comfort over looks I say! Can anyone confirm? I've also heard good things about Saucony and New Balance. There's just sooo many. I have Reebok walking sneaks now and after a couple of hours at the mall, my feet hurt. That just won't do in the world!! Please help!
New Balance are very good running shoes. Like walking on air. Which ever pair you purchase, make sure you wear them around first. Two pairs of socks or nylons and socks help as well.

I still love my tevas the best. I could walk for ever in them


CS - 04/98
FW - 04/99
CS - 11/00
CS - 05/02

Two different doctors told me to get New Balance. I bought them in January for our May trip so I could break them in, and they are wonderful. Splurge on one of the better walking shoe models. You won't be sorry.

have you tried any of the walking sneakers? this is what I have an I love them. I have the nike ones and a pair of reeboks. unfortunately reebok no longer make the model I have. I love my teva's and think they are the most comfortable too!

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I usually wear cross trainers. Real running shoes are made for actual running, and they may get uncomfortable wearing them a long time. What feels best on your feet depends largely on the shape of your foot, but I like Easy Spirits. They're a lot more "modern" looking now than the used to be, and they are super light. They are a little pricey, but you can usually get them on sale, and I find that they last longer than Nikes.

By the way, you may want to check out the Budget Board. They have a bunch of shoe discussions over there.

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I work at school during the day, so am on my feet a lot and I haven't worn any other sneaker besides Easy Spirit for the past 5 years, they last longer and are great-I also do a lot of walking with friends and have no trouble with my feet or legs. Also, I only wear Clark's sandals, they are great-you can wear them all day long too and they are as durable as Easy Spirit! Esp. great if they go on sale!
I have gone through so many pairs of sneakers in past years I feel like I should work at Lady Foot Locker!

Myself, I have very wide feet so Reeboks are great for me - but I only like their DMS ones - very cushiony. They do make a litte bit of noise because you are literally walking on air and the air moves around. Also good for wide feet are ASICS and they are reasonably priced.

If your feet are narrow, I think Nikes fit better. Mine were always tight and never seemed to break in.

I agree with the others to look at walking types or walk/run or maybe cross-trainers. I feel that the ones made specifically for running don't have enough cushion in the front since running, your heel takes most of the impact so that's where they are best padded. In running shoes I always felt like I was on a "tilt" forward if just standing.

Meredith :) has walking shoes on sale!! I have very wide feet so Simple shoes are great for me!! and they have the same kind of cushioning as Teva's!!:earsgirl: And my Simples were great at WDW!! and they have Simple sneakers!!:earsgirl:
All I can say is get them early.

I have worn Reboks and Nike for YEARS and many people advised me to get a pair of New Balance. So two months ago I did.

After just three weeks I was experiencing heel pain that was unbelievable. I could barly walk.

I couldn't believe it was the new shoes and tried everything.

Finally two weeks ago I switched back to my old beat-up Nikes and now the pain is GONE!

It may be a co-incidence, but it taught me to try shoes out EARLY before going to WDW. New Balance are great shoes, but obviously they didn't work for me. Make sure you allow yourself enough time to break-in and test out your new shoes.
Unfortunately my feet wore some holes beyond the cushioning in the back heel of my Nike shoes and now the foam is gone and the shoes hurt. It took me a year to do this. In fact the last 2 pairs of Nikes did the same thing. I don't know, maybe I walk funny, but Nike has gotten shotier in quality IMHO. Can't believe these are only a year old and 'normal' wear and tear has made these painful to wear.

I should have worried about this earlier, but I realized 6 days walking around at Disney World in these torture devices was going to tear holes in my heels. :(

I didn't really budget to buy more shoes, so I picked up a no-name brand of sneaker at Target a week ago and have been wearing them hard all week trying to break them in for our trip in 4 days! I've played basketball in these things for 2 hours straight, walked up and down the malls.. at least 11 hours everyday and my feet don't hurt yet. Do you think my facilitating break-in period will be significant enough to keep my feet from enduring pain in the Disney parks? Truthfully I don't think I have ever owned sneakers like these, especially for only $19.99! Maybe to be safe I will slip a gel sole in each shoe. These are a heck of alot better than those Nikes that drill holes in my heels.


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