Need homemade coupon ideas for my mom (from an adult child!)


Mouseketeer<br><Font color="red">The Tag Fairy thi
May 19, 2004
Remember those fun little coupons kids made for their parents with crayons and construction paper that say things like "Good for 1 free car wash"? Well I'm thinking of doing that same thing for my mom except the only difference is that I'm in my 30's and I need some more grown-up ideas for the coupons!

I just recently got laid off from my job and everyone in our family knows we are extremely tight on money right now, so I know my mom isn't going to expect anything for her birthday from us when we go there tonight. But I wanted to do *something*, and the coupon book idea popped into my head out of the blue. Trouble is, I'm having trouble thinking of what to make the coupons good for... a lot of the things I used to write as a kid would be too childish to use now. The car wash is definitely something still good, but can you think of anything else I could put that wouldn't involve spending money? If you were the one receiving the coupons, what favors would you appreciate?

Besides the coupon book, I'm going to have my son decorate a picture frame with his picture in it and that will be his gift to her. I just thought the coupon book would be a neat way to show her we still care even though we couldn't get her a physicial gift. Thanks for any thoughts you might have!

1. Two hours of your time to do anything.

2. Assistance with cleaning out the garage.

3. Time with your child with no requests or comments from mom. (i.e. three hours of ice cream, or two hours of book-reading with the granparents).

4. Do they have pets, if so, one vacation of free pet-sitting.

5. Dinner at your house.

6. Three hours of gardening. (or whatever your mom's interest is...mine my would fawn over me going with her to a quilt show, for example).
Thanks Handbag Lady, those are some great ideas! Item #2 reminded me that they have been wanting to clean out their basement so I can give her some help with that.


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