Need help...never been...New years day and after????


Cast Member
Jan 15, 2000
We have never been to Disneyland, WDW too many times to count. We will be in Arizona for Christmas and are thinking of heading up to Disneyland on New Years day for a few days. Where is the best place to stay? Will Christmas decorations still be up? Will crowds by overwhelming? Should we try to do this before Christmas instead? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


{Dreams Do Come True at Walts Place}

In my experience New Years Day is moderatly crowded but the few days after New Years there are very light crowds. Disneyland Hotel, Pacific Pier Hotel and Grand California are my first choices to stay but if you looking for something on the less expesive side, I'd go for the Howard Johnson or the Raddison Main Gate. Both are less expesive than the Disney Resorts and almost just as good. Christmas Decorations stay up I believe to Jan 7th..I would not do it before Christmas as the time between Thanksgiving and New yeas are usually very busy.

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Thanks Swinginevilmike for the info. I will check out these hotels. We will also plan on visiting after new years day. I appreciate the help.


{Dreams Do Come True at Walts Place}

<font face="Comic Sans MS"><font color=#00009c>I have a different experience between Thanksgiving & Christmas. I've found that during the first week in December, the crowds are moderate and very doable. But, as Mike says, the closer to Christmas, and especially during Christmas week, the crowds are tremendous, especially with the Christmas fireworks and the snow.

<font face="Comic Sans MS"><font color=#FF0066>Mary Jo

Disneyland & Techie Boards Co-Moderator

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The weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas are normally very pleasant! The week of Christmas is a mess! Last year the park was CLOSED after 10 am every day--that was a first and I am sure will only be worse this year! Decorations stay up at least a week after New Years and are so beautiful. Please come visit my favorite park--you will be
glad you did!

ilovemky :cool:
Actually, my family used to make a tradition of going to DL for New Years' Day. It's usually relatively uncrowded until midday... my theory is that everyone is either hung over or watching the Rose Parade that morning. :)

And yes, the decorations are still up.


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