NateNLogansDad + party of 25 + AKL + MNSSHP = a few thousand pictures (Bonus Video!!)

The young warriors were then congratulated for their bravery and were sent all over the world to defend against the dark side. (Nate and Logan are currently keeping Philly safe.)





The End. I hope you have all enjoyed this trip report.

Ba bye.



Time to go do a little ROCK AND ROLL!!!!!!

Yep, we’re still going!

Had a couple of fastpasses left to use, so off we went to catch our limo at the Rock N Roller Coaster!!!

Right this way sir! Welcome to G-force Records!











I know it’s a little hard to see, but within a few minutes, we were strapped into our limo and heading across town…..




Our driver was INSANE. As soon as he hit the gas, I had to put the camera down before it flew out of my hands!!!!

I had forgotten just how much that coaster really does ROCK!!!! Between the music, the neon, the billboards, and the speed, you just can’t ask for too much more!
Sadly though, all good things must come to an end.

But I think you can tell by the look on our faces that we were loving it from the second it took off……literally!

From here we made our way towards the exit. We were all hot and tired and a little bit of hotel time sounded REALLY good right about now. I even snuck in a tiny little nap.

Chuck and Fran headed out to Downtown Disney while I was snoring and we followed suit after a few cups of coffee.

Brian came with us to grab a bite to eat over at Wolfe Gang Puck Express but Sean and Chuck Jr stayed back at the hotel to relax and pack up a little bit. From here on out there really isn’t many pictures, and I really sincerely apologize for that, but I will post what I have……

On the bus heading over to DTD….



I love those two pictures. Granted they are hard to make out but it was Brian and Nate quietly playing a game on Tina’s phone. The bus was pretty empty and watching them concentrating so hard and helping each other just seemed really sweet to me at the time. Anytime someone does something with my boys that they enjoy and treats them like an equal, not just little kids, really means a lot to me. That’s one of those really simple quiet moments that I’ll probably never forget.

We arrived Downtown just before 8pm and headed over to Wolfgang Pucks for some pizza. We had so many credits left over it was ridiculous. We grabbed a couple pizzas, Brian got spaghetti and meatballs, and I grabbed fettuccini alfredo. Amazing. Simply amazing. I tasted a meatball and it was to die for. At first I bashed him for ordering spaghetti there, but it was a GREAT move. And my fettuccini? OMG. So good. The chicken was tender and had some really great flavors to it.

Chuck and Fran met up with us there but really wanted to get back to the room to relax. We headed over to the World of Disney to do a little shopping. Fran was up for it but Chuck decided to just hang out and do a little people watching. He made a good call. The place was packed. I grabbed this on the way in,


But that would be the last pic of the night. It was just too crowded to get any kind of pictures in there. Plus, we were shopping and keeping the kids in line. It just wasn’t happening. From there Brian and I grabbed 5 more pizzas and took them back to the hotel for Chuck and Sean. Yea, we’re that nice. Our last night there and we figured we’d do it up good. With Pizza in hand, I swung by the gift shop and cleaned them out of rum! 2am Tina and I went to bed. I think everyone else was up till 3:30 or 4.

Which ties into………

Day 8!

This is a day that I’m going to ask you to use your imagination a bit. I have 32 pictures and we’re done. Consider that the warning. The end is finally upon us.

So here’s where we’re at. Mostly everybody wanted to fly out early today except for me, Tina, our boys, and Tina’s 3 brothers. We chose the later flight. The rest of the group had it in their heads that they would be at the Magic Kingdom by 8am, hang out for less than 2 hrs, head back to the hotel, and catch the Magical Express.

Plans change.

Apparently, they all overslept and never left the hotel.

Tina and I woke up around 6:30 somehow (remember we were enjoying a few nightcaps till after 2am???) and started packing. Somehow I slipped into the living room and made coffee in the dark while Tina’s brothers were sleeping. I tried to wake them up to get them moving, but they apparently had just fallen asleep. They told us to head out and they’d meet us in a little bit at the Magic Kingdom.

No problem.

Luggage services came for our bags, and we left the room with everybody else still sleeping.

Down in the hotel lobby, I made a decision that would hurt my trip report but would let me really enjoy every last minute with the kids in the most happiest place on earth…….I left my DSLR camera with the luggage. :eek:

I did, however take my small waterproof camera.

With an almost dead battery…… :scared:

Now, during this report, I’ve tried to cover up some of the tension that everybody was feeling, being pulled in different directions. I didn’t want it to seem like we weren’t having a good time because we really were. It’s hard not to. But this was the first time when we walked out the front door where we felt totally free to do whatever we want. We had no stroller, no camera bags, and no worries as to who was in what park.

Life was really good.

On our way over Tina was getting nervous while watching the time. The one thing I said I really wanted to do was make a rope drop. It didn’t make a difference to me what park, but I wanted to make at least one…..and what better park than the Magic Kingdom?

However the closer we got, the more we realized that it just wasn’t in the cards. Tina actually looked devastated. She is way too good to me. I was fine. There’s always next trip right??? I tried to tell her that today was going to be a good day in spite of no rope drop but she seemed a little hesitant. Poor thing.

Finally the bus pulled up, about 20 minutes after the park opened. There must be a long way….and we sure took it. It was about 45 minutes to get there, but there we finally were…

We sent Sean and Brian text telling them to hurry up. There was no lines for anything yet. They assured us they would be there soon…..riiiight.

In the hub, I realized that we didn’t get any pictures with the boys and the Halloween decorations so….

One thing that the boys have always wanted to get on, but the lines were always soooo long for it, was the Astro Orbiter. Always wanted to do things we’ve never done, we headed over and got in line. Tina found a nice bench to people watch from.









It’s crazy how a ride so simple could be so much fun when you have to giggling kids in the same car as you. Now, I stand 6 foot and after eating my way though Disney I had to be weighing in around 215-220. Those cars are NOT meant for taller people with kids! The inside is TINY!!!

And that’s when I saw the low battery warning on the camera. My heart sunk.

I tried to tell myself that I didn’t need a camera to have fun, but I felt panicked. I think I may have a photography addiction. Hmmm…..

Anyways, we moved on to Logan’s favorite ride…..


I can hear some of you rolling your eyes, but I really enjoy it too. The scenery is beautiful and when you’re out trying to do as many rides as humanly possible, it forces you to calm down and relax for a few minutes.

Man am I ready to go back.



The boys took a few pics for us….


As soon as the ride finished we headed right over to Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin. With no wait time, we were in and out in minutes. No pictures inside, but I can tell you that Zurg will think twice before showing his face around here again….


One thing I really wanted to go see before we left was the Tiki Room after the refurb. It was nice to hear the original songs again. Before we left, I grabbed a quick pic of the boys.

Our time was really coming to an end way too fast. I knew we needed to leave time to wait for the busses but the kid in me refused to leave yet.

One more ride?

Sure one more. What haven’t we done yet?





Logan was SOOO happy he got to drive the cars before heading out!!!

Doing the math in my head on when we needed to be back at the hotel, minus the time it takes to retrieve our luggage, minus the time it takes a bus to get to Animal Kingdom Lodge, minus the time we’d probably have to wait for said bus, we probably had enough time for one more ride.

Let’s end it off with a thrill!

Spaceship Earth!!!






Still watching the clock (and refusing to head back to reality a minute too soon) we speed walked over to Pecos Bills for a VERY quick lunch. Than it started to sink in. This trip. This World. Our Fantasy. It could never be a real reality. If this were reality, it could never be this good. If our every day was like this, it would become just that….just like every other day. In order for there to be highs this good, you must eventually head back to the every day reality of the real world. We headed back down the street that just 8 days ago brought us butterflies in the stomach and the fountain of youth to our hearts.

Today that same magic brought a tear to our eyes. We stopped for some snacks for the ride home and magically, as if on queue the parade started. I’ll admit it. I lost it a little. I snapped this picture just before the battery completely died on the camera.


As soon as it shut off, I grabbed Nate and Logan and just squeezed them as much as I could. I promised them that we’d be back. With magic happening right in front of us, how could we ever not.

I hope you all enjoyed following along with our trip. As always, I really enjoyed reliving the whole thing with all of you.

Have a magical day, and squeeze your kids before bedtime tonight…it is magical after all. pixiedust:

I understand busy schedules. We have been running around like headless chickens for the last 6 weeks. Kids, work, kids' activities, etc, etc. It is just part of life.

Great trip report!! I am glad to hear you guys are heading back this fall. I would love to say we will be there too, but it won't be this year for us. We are talking about heading to CA next year. If so, we will check out Disneyland for a few days. Hopefully we can head back to WDW again the following year. Although, I am hoping my sister & I can head to WDW next February for the Princess half marathon!!

I am looking forward to the next report!!

Thanks for sharing!
Loved these last few updates--the pictures of the boys are absolutely priceless.

I agree, the one on the bus with Brian is most definitely a keeper: so precious!

Just looked at your ticker, looks like we'll be missing each other by a few weeks! Hope you have fun on your trip, and I look forward to another NateNLogansDad TR :)
I understand busy schedules. We have been running around like headless chickens for the last 6 weeks. Kids, work, kids' activities, etc, etc. It is just part of life.

Great trip report!! I am glad to hear you guys are heading back this fall. I would love to say we will be there too, but it won't be this year for us. We are talking about heading to CA next year. If so, we will check out Disneyland for a few days. Hopefully we can head back to WDW again the following year. Although, I am hoping my sister & I can head to WDW next February for the Princess half marathon!!

I am looking forward to the next report!!

Thanks for sharing!

Nice!!! Disneyland sounds like fun, and a sisters weekend even more so! Cali seems like such a beautiful state. Tina's cousin decided to pack up everything and move out there last year. So far, he's loving it. The pictures he puts on facebook look like it's a living paradise. I hope you guys have a blast! Take plenty of pictures! If you do make it in February to WDW, and happen to do a Trip Report, stop back here and post it...I'd love to follow along:thumbsup2
Loved these last few updates--the pictures of the boys are absolutely priceless.

I agree, the one on the bus with Brian is most definitely a keeper: so precious!

Just looked at your ticker, looks like we'll be missing each other by a few weeks! Hope you have fun on your trip, and I look forward to another NateNLogansDad TR :)

AWE! Wait till I tell the kids...."Sorry guys no Cinderelly, we just missed her" :rotfl: Will you be doing a TR for the next one?

Thanks for all the compliments throughout the whole trip and for hanging in there this long:thumbsup2 I can't wait for October!!!!:cool1:
Wonderful trip report. Thanks for sharing.

I know it can be hard going on trips with lots of people. We've done that many, many times. We actually love it but you have to do what feels right for your family. Everyone is never going to want to do the same thing at the same time. We start out our days together and do the things that we know everyone wants to do then sort of split up during the middle of the day and gather up again at night. It works for us.

Your pictures are amazing. I always look forward to the great shots you get. So when is the next trip?
Wonderful trip report. Thanks for sharing.

I know it can be hard going on trips with lots of people. We've done that many, many times. We actually love it but you have to do what feels right for your family. Everyone is never going to want to do the same thing at the same time. We start out our days together and do the things that we know everyone wants to do then sort of split up during the middle of the day and gather up again at night. It works for us.

Your pictures are amazing. I always look forward to the great shots you get. So when is the next trip?

Thank you so much! That was a first for me, and it just felt so overwhelming for the most part. I think the biggest thing was that most of them have never been there before and you want to make the most out of it for everybody. I guess we were worried about everybody else not enjoying themselves so much that it took a bit of it away from our time there. Does that make any sense? :confused3

Next trip will be a huge difference. We will all arrive at the Beach Club October 29th. The group is going to be Tina's parents, her 3 brothers, and us. On the 31st, my mom will shoot down to come join us. That was all Tina's idea. She knows I need my mommy there:love: On November 2nd, the in-laws head home. And we will stay with my mom until November 5th:cool1: Every day we get a little more excited......173 days left to go!!!!:woohoo:
Quick question..... what model waterproof camera did you use. It takes great shots and I am looking to pick one up for our trip. Can't argue with $100! :)
YAHOO!!!! an update!!!! loved it!

Quick question..... what model waterproof camera did you use. It takes great shots and I am looking to pick one up for our trip. Can't argue with $100! :)

Thanks Susan!!!

I have the Fuji XP10. I bought it last year (I think) on clearance from Staples. I know there's already been several newer models out since mine but I saw my particular model on Ebay earlier today selling for $70 new. Canon makes a really nice one but I didn't feel like putting out the extra $$$.
I'm contemplating the Nikon - Coolpix AW100. I want a point and shoot, waterproof camera that also does video. But i know nothing about cameras. ANYWAY, loved this TR and am looking forward to your BC one this coming october!
Hey neighbor (seriously, we're in Springfield;) )! LOVED your trip report! We are very excited to take our girls for their first time this Sept/Oct and our first ever MNSSHP! Love picking up little tips here & there on these boards.

Looking forward to reading your next report later this year!


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