My New Year's Resolution


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May 4, 2001
This is something I never do, but this year, after looking over our finances, it's WDW in October for our wedding anniversary. Yeah! Let the planning begin.
Hi Cath! 28 very happy years. Sorry we didn't get to meet at WDW last month.
What a great way to celebrate your anniversary. Enjoy the planning :)
Originally posted by ILUVDXL
Sorry we didn't get to meet at WDW last month.
Add ME to that list, Kathy!! :( :(

Here's to your resolution!! Have a great Anniversary!! :)
Great news, Kathy! I think 28 years definately qualifies a trip to WDW! Have fun planning. :)
Me too, Kathi!! Jay told me he met you and I wish I had been as lucky!!
Originally posted by ILUVDXL
This is something I never do, but this year, after looking over our finances, it's WDW in October for our wedding anniversary. Yeah! Let the planning begin.

Have a great trip, KATH, but please don't schedule any conflict with the WORLD SERIES..............the CURSE dies in 2003:) :) ......
Sounds great to me, Kathy!!!! WDW should be a great place for an anniversary trip. And it was great meeting you both last month, though it took a bit of doing. Get the planning going!!!! :sunny:


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