My Experience at the Polynesian

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Your certainly helping. Maybe if our expectations were higher, Disney would raise the bar. I have high expectations, especially since I pay thousands to vacation there.
Because I do not care about the same stuff that you care about, I am helping to ruin Disney? Do you really believe that?
Isn't that sad. My first thought is so what's the difference between the Poly and motel 6, if you check into a hotel and then say, "well you never know what's on the floor better keep my shoes on". the very least I expect is to be able to walk around my room without injuring myself.

I've got no horse in this race though, because when I pay cash I stay at the Orlando Waldorf. LOL where when my husband got sick one night, we had about 7 different managers with 2 hours checking on us and an offer to drive us to the nearest wellness clinic.

My sister stayed at the 4 season in hawaii one year, after she checked in the manager called to see how the room was, she made a joke about how the toilet handle was loose and "jiggled", she came back and they were replacing the entire toilet and told her they would be happy to move her if it was still a problem.
Totally see what you're saying but both of these hotels are leaps and bounds ahead of any disney deluxes. The disney deluxes are great when compared the moderates/values but when you go outside the bubble they really aren't premium taking everything into account.
Because I do not care about the same stuff that you care about, I am helping to ruin Disney? Do you really believe that?

A lot of people have your same sentiment on these boards. And I just don't get it. Just because I'm at the most "magical" place on earth doesn't mean I'm gonna let them get away with treating me any kind of way. OP should of been given a new room. Their so called apology sucked. I've been treated better staying offsite. Part of the reason we're splitting our time off Disney property.
Honestly, something mine what happened in the OP wouldn't take up much space in my head for long. As long as the injured person was okay and the problem was fixed (all we do in our house after having glass break is vacuum so I wouldn't expect more from a hotel) I'd be done. I don't see where the service ball was dropped here.

Continuously contacting the company whilst saying you're not looking for compensation is incongruent especially after such a small issue. I think the expectation has been set that because Disney has good customer service that they are going to comp people for minor inconvienences that have been made right via an apology and correction of the issue. That's not bad customer service.
Totally see what you're saying but both of these hotels are leaps and bounds ahead of any disney deluxes. The disney deluxes are great when compared the moderates/values but when you go outside the bubble they really aren't premium taking everything into account.
The poly is on par, expense wise, with the four seasons that opened near wdw (and possibly even more expensive than the 4 seasons at times). If Disney is going to charge that price point, they need to deliver that caliber service.
It was a small cut on a heel for goodness sake. A bandaid and on with your day. The rest is just drama.
Really??? Sounds like more than a small cut! Glass is super dangerous and it sounds like her husband was bleeding all over. If anyone in my family was injured in a hotel room by any kind of dangerous condition in the room you bet I'd be furious and expect at least a new room and some compensation in addition.

For the price we are paying I think we deserve at the very least a safe floor to walk on.
Disney gave the OP a specific representative to contact and a specific case # to reference when doing so. IME, companies don't provide that kind of information if there is no expectation of further communication. If that information is given, it is poor customer service, imo, to ignore a customer who uses it. Again, I'm not saying they should be telling her internal policy information - to be clear, I'm not sayijng that at all. But even a form email response would be better customer service than radio silence.
Honestly, something mine what happened in the OP wouldn't take up much space in my head for long. As long as the injured person was okay and the problem was fixed (all we do in our house after having glass break is vacuum so I wouldn't expect more from a hotel) I'd be done. I don't see where the service ball was dropped here.

Continuously contacting the company whilst saying you're not looking for compensation is incongruent especially after such a small issue. I think the expectation has been set that because Disney has good customer service that they are going to comp people for minor inconvienences that have been made right via an apology and correction of the issue. That's not bad customer service.
Actually I think its the opposite, many people who stay at hotels at that price point, know the difference and we cant understand how every other hotel that are Deluxe or luxury can manage outstanding customer service yet Disney cannot.

Not sure if you've stayed at Waldorf's or 4 seasons or Mandarin Orientals but sorry, at the very least she would have been moved.

And I 100% have knowledge of how the Ritz Carlton in Philly treats guest.

At waldorf the nanosecond the call went out (oh and That's the first differece, you don't get rerouted to a call center, op should have never had to go to the lobby in the first place) that someone was injured on their property she would have had folks looking after her.

You are right though, the service ball wasn't dropped. you have to have customer service in order to drop it

Most people don'te "continuously" contact the company because they want something, most do it because they feel they are ignored.

Lol, personally I demand better customer service from my credit card company
Rather than respond anymore to specific posts, I will say this.

OP - I am so sorry that happened to you. Broken glass in a bathroom is not ok in any hotel, much less a Disney deluxe resort. The lack of appropriate customer service is also, IMO, unacceptable. You were right to be appalled, and to run it up the flag pole. I would have done the same. You have actually given them multiple opportunities to step up to the plate and acknowledge the issue. They seem to have declined at every turn. It's disappointing.

If others are willing to happily bandage wounds caused by Disney's careless employees, clean up the mess, go merrily to their next ADR, and then pay the hefty bill with a smile and not another word, that does not mean you have to react that way, or are weird for not reacting that way.

Different strokes, I guess.
I think they should have offered to move her to a new room, at a minimum. When you're in the midst of a stressful situation with 2 young children, it's sometimes hard to figure out what you need. We stayed at AKL Kidani Villas, and one of the kids broke a ceramic bowl. I got down on my hands and knees with a wet paper towel to get up the tiny shards after sweeping. I told the kids no one was to walk barefoot the rest of our stay. I left a note for housekeeping so they could double check behind me when we checked out. Staying at the Poly on cash, if I were the manager, after moving them, I would have done some type of fancy gift basket to be delivered to their room. It's human nature to not dwell on the situation, but more on how it was handled.
The poly is on par, expense wise, with the four seasons that opened near wdw (and possibly even more expensive than the 4 seasons at times). If Disney is going to charge that price point, they need to deliver that caliber service.
I agree that they should deliver the same quality of service but they simply don't need to because in terms of pull and drawing ability Disney is at the top of the mountain. (not saying i condone that)
Actually I think its the opposite, many people who stay at hotels at that price point, know the difference and we cant understand how every other hotel that are Deluxe or luxury can manage outstanding customer service yet Disney cannot.

Not sure if you've stayed at Waldorf's or 4 seasons or Mandarin Orientals but sorry, at the very least she would have been moved.

And I 100% have knowledge of how the Ritz Carlton in Philly treats guest.

At waldorf the nanosecond the call went out (oh and That's the first differece, you don't get rerouted to a call center, op should have never had to go to the lobby in the first place) that someone was injured on their property she would have had folks looking after her.

You are right though, the service ball wasn't dropped. you have to have customer service in order to drop it

Most people don'te "continuously" contact the company because they want something, most do it because they feel they are ignored.

Lol, personally I demand better customer service from my credit card company

I'm going to start off by agreeing with you about the call center. It's economics, of course, but that's an issue that feels penny wise and pound foolish, to me.

OP has been dealing with this issue for three months. She says she's not seeking compensation, just verification that there will be a policy change or retraining. I don't think she's going to get that after all this time. She's not going to get information on retraining or disciplinary action. She, frankly, doesn't have the right to that information.

Let's be 100% honest here. You are paying deluxe prices, but few of Disney's amenities actually touch true deluxe hotel and dining options. You are paying theme park prices and their associated mark ups. Yes, you are getting better service at the Waldorf and the Four Seasons and I'm sure no one is surprised by that, but when you stay at a Disney Resort, even a deluxe, the experience you're paying for is NOT a Waldorf level or similar experience. It just isn't. Disney is not the gold standard of either dining or hoteliers. They are not comparable.

Fine hotels must provide a level of service Disney doesn't have to. They have nothing to sell you but themselves. Disney has PLENTY to sell you.

There is a greater issue that I see on Disney sites and that's the expectation that Disney must provide something MORE than what you paid for to make sure your vacation is "magical". A few people get lucky upgrades and everyone wants them even for run of the mill problems that are taken care of both properly and quickly. I'm not going to make excuses about their being glass on the carpet. There's just no excuse for it. Whether the room was never properly cleaned to start with or housekeeping broke something and didn't do a proper re-cleaning, it doesn't matter. It was wrong. Period.
Let's be 100% honest here. You are paying deluxe prices, but few of Disney's amenities actually touch true deluxe hotel and dining options. You are paying theme park prices and their associated mark ups. Yes, you are getting better service at the Waldorf and the Four Seasons and I'm sure no one is surprised by that, but when you stay at a Disney Resort, even a deluxe, the experience you're paying for is NOT a Waldorf level or similar experience. It just isn't. Disney is not the gold standard of either dining or hoteliers. They are not comparable.

Yes, but I got better customer service from the Homewood Suites in Macon, GA.

I agree that Disney deluxe is not real world deluxe. But in this case, they didn't drop the deluxe ball. They dropped the "any old hotel" ball. It's not that they served the wrong accompaniments with the caviar.
I have a reasonable expectation that any Motel 6 I'd stay at would clean up glass shards from the floor without a guest needing to complain to get it done. In this case, it was not done at a $500/night hotel. I don't think anyone who'd expect the Poly to at least match the service of the least expensive chain motels is being unreasonable in their expectations.
Let's say that Bob Iger was staying there for business meetings (which he was recently at the Grand Floridian)

If Bob had come back to a room with broken glass shards all over the place, I wonder what would have happened? I wonder if he would have been treated the way the OP was? I wonder if he wouldn't have been moved, immediately?

I think this story is horrendous, absolutely despicable. I can't even come up with enough words for it. I thought I could write a book on bad service at the Disney resorts, but this one takes the cake. And this isn't despicable because it's the Poly or Disney, it would be despicable at any hotel.

It's not about stuff going wrong, stuff goes wrong everywhere. It's about what they do when stuff goes wrong. That's what customer service is about. And yes, in this case, the OP did deserve compensation IMO. SOMETHING. I don't care what it was, it's not about the money. It's about showing that they care about your business.

But Disney doesn't care. Period. I guess they have so many people and their occupancy is so high that they don't have to care. So good for them I guess.
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I think the expectation has been set that because Disney has good customer service that they are going to comp people for minor inconvienences that have been made right via an apology and correction of the issue. That's not bad customer service.

Disney has set that expectation- We had a broken tub with no hot water at the Grand Floridian, and the front desk manager comped us a night at rack rate AND gave us 3 additional fast passes per person in our party. I didn't ask for any of that, I just wanted a working tub with hot water so I could bathe my daughter after a full day at the parks. I'd think broken glass all over my room because of a mousekeeping mistake warrants at least a new room and some extra fast passes to go along with that apology.
People in this thread with such "low expectations" is the reason why Disney feels they can get away with this crap.

How is it low expectations? The OP had a problem (glass on the floor), they solved it (came and cleaned it), and felt bad (numerous people kept apologizing). I'm not saying I wouldn't be mad too, but OP says they didn't want compensation, which I don't believe since they have been contacting many people. It was taken care of, then they emailed about what they thought should happen, then they should just let it go. Unless of course they feel they need to be compensated and aren't being.

I personally feel there should've been some type of compensation. However, since the OP doesn't want it, I feel they need to let it go.
Yikes, I missed quite a bit of conversation! Let me first say, I am the very last person to ever ask for anything. I understand accidents happen, but it was important to me that Disney understand that the management of the situation was very poor; and as someone who has invested more money than I care to admit into Disney, I'd like to see that they take their guests opinions seriously. I genuinely had good intentions, whether I am believed or not. The manager had no problems sharing with me that they do not document when damage occurs. If they're willing to make this public, then it would be just as easy to say "We will take your recommendation into consideration." Instead I was ignored.

Second, yes it was a small puncture, but there was a lot of blood. Four hand towels were solidly crimson. No adult should go through that on a vacation, and no child should witness it. When you ask my daughter how her trip was, 3 months later, the first thing she brings up is that daddy got hurt. I want her to remember the princesses, the fireworks, the parades, not that! With that said, I've learned from this experience. I've learned that I should be more cautious when walking on hotel floors barefoot, I've learned that if I'm injured not to expect the world class service that Disney is known for, I've learned that Disney is more concerned with liability than their guests well being. My post, admittedly was in part to vent my frustrations to a group of people who I have found invaluable. The DIS has helped me for so many years with my travel and planning, I felt this was something I could do, to bring aware the potential dangers and maybe to bump Disney a bit off their pedestal. Will I go back? Of course! I have a trip planned in December. But I will carry with me a bit of disdain.
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