Ms. Shuttergirl's dreaming of a White Christmas...Days 28-32 done, Boston & Washingto

Day One
The morning our adventure was going to start dragged on and on. Why is that always the way. Finally it was 10am, a friend arrived to take us to the airport and we were off. Canberra flight smooth, then on to customs which was also very quick and relatively painless. Considering how many people they are moving through there each day they really do a fantastic job. Had a lovely lunch and champers in the International Qantas Club, very civilised really but ultimately I just wanted to get on the darn flight.

The luggage


Qantas this was our first time flying Qantas internationally and I was interested to see how they differed from our Delta experiences. I thought they were good, say a 7 out of 10. Sometimes I thought the female flight attendants couldve been friendlier, the guys were lovely. I thought their movie selections were small compared to the abundance of choices on Delta but I did feel like the seats were very comfy and the food selections were tasty. I didnt see the snack bar Ive heard talk of but that wasnt a problem because I had packed little lolly/snack bags for us all anyway. Sleep was elusive but I think if the kids hadve slept better, I would have. I cant relax if I know they arent sleeping.


Finally after god knows how long we arrived at Dallas. We had nearly 5 hours stopover here. Again customs was smooth as a babies bottom and we were soon settled into the American Airlines lounge for a rest and some eats. The time went surprisingly quickly thank goodness because we were dragging by then. When we were walking to our gate we saw lots of great places to eat, most especially a cool tequila/taco bar and an irish bar. I wont bother with the AA lounge on the way back.

A view that became very familiar along the way, me trailing behind everyone

We eventually made it to Orlando and made the exact same mistake as we did last time. Once we collected our baggage we didnt cross back to the right side of the airport before going down to the ground floor to catch Magical Express. Grrrrr. We seriously did this same thing last time. I found the lack of signage annoying on both occasions. We finally found them and were on the bus on the way to the resort. I love it when that movie starts. Embarrassingly I started to have a little cry watching all of those real home movies of little ones being surprised with Disney trips. My husband just smiled and shook his head. The kids groaned hahaha. What can i say, I was tired, emotional and I was at Disney. Happy tears were mandatory.

Port Orleans French Quarter our home away from home for 11 nights. What an absolutely quaint and charming resort. Everything is so close by and the theming is spot on. I love the jazz music playing as your walk along the little streets, overlooked by the beautiful buildings with the ornate wrought iron trim. All of the tree lined streets and details are gorgeous. Im totally in love. Our room is lovely, very regal, and all of the beautiful mardi gras colours of purple gold and green are included into everything. Im really impressed with this resort for the money. The buses are good too. When its busy we have our own bus and when its quiet we share with Riverside but POFQ gets picked up and dropped off first which means you always get a seat and always get home first. And the pool is just so cute with the big serpent water slide and all the alligator musicians watching over you. The boat to Downtown Disney is a nice touch and having the river so close is a bonus.

We arrived at the resort at a few minutes after midnight, I worked it out that it was a little over 30 hours door to door, mainly due to the long stopover in Dallas. Very long and tiring but oh so worth it when we arrived.
We were had our garden grocer delivery dropped straight to the room and we were in bed unpacked by 1pm.

The street our room was on. So pretty


Absolutely gorgeous pool

We woke up by 8am and were in the food court scoffing down a Bounty Breakfast by 9. We then headed off to Animal Kingdom for a leisurely first day in the parks. Headed straight to Dinosaur and Primevil Hurl then wandered over through Asia and then into Camp Minnie Mickey to see the beautiful themed Christmas trees and then onto Festival of the Lion King. What a great show it is. Even better than I remembered. Everyone is so talented and the colours are vibrant and the whole 30 minutes is wonderful. A real favourite.



We completely skipped lunch because we simply werent hungry and we were booked in for an early dinner elsewhere. I then made my biggest mistake of the day. Agreeing to go on Kali River Rapids. I love this ride but I hate getting wet. I had ponchos in the backpack but my husband talked me out of wearing it because no one else had one on. Well needless to say I got fairly wet the first time around so when the kids begged to go on again, stupidly I said, well hell, I cant get any wetter. Sigh, why would I tempt the gods with such a statement. This time I seriously got dumped with water to the point where water was continually dripping off the bottom of my pants and my shoes would leak water every step I took. Yes there is a photo, and no Im not ready to share it publicly, maybe one day haha. How very silly of me to try that ride again hahaha. That of course put an end to the day and we sloshed home. You should have seen the big puddles on the bus seats when DH and I got up hehe.


Home for a quick shower and change then off to Hollywood Studios for an early dinner at Sci Fi Diner. We dined here last time and loved the atmosphere, I mean where else are you going to be able to sit in a car, watching tragic old black and white movies, while eating. The food was just okay last time but alas this time it was bordering on the blech. I adore the theming here but we wont go back now, the food just isnt nice enough. Its not that hard to make a nice burger surely.





With that we quickly rode Star Tours and I had totally forgotten how fun that ride was. It was being refurbished last time so we hadnt ridden it since DL in 2009. That is such a great family fun ride, love it.

Then we hightailed it over to Fantasmic. We have missed this the past 2 visits and I was determined to see it. I thought scheduling it for the first night might be a big mistake but I felt it was important that we didnt go to bed too early. Boy was I glad we soldiered on for this. I couldnt believe how beautiful the outdoor amphitheatre was and how large. That baby must fit quite a few thousand people in it. The show blew us all away. The way they project the images onto the screens of water is stunning and just the whole show was amazing. Even my husband loved it and thats not an easy feat.

We still had enough left in our energy tanks to wander over to Osborne Lights. Sigh, what an amazing, festive, beautiful, stupendeous sight to see. All of those Christmas lights displayed so beautifully. It is truly a magical sight.


We finally decided to call it a day. Headed back to the resort, picked up our refillable mugs and some beignets (which Im sorry to say I didnt love) and then drifted off into the sleep of the dead.

Im so happy we managed to get through the day and accomplish everything we had hoped to even though we were tired.

Highs - Festival of the Lion King, Port Orleans French Quarter, Fantasmic, Star Tours

Lows - Sci Fi Diner, tiredness, Kali River Rapids

Weather - high of 27 low of 18​
At Dallas airport I headed into Starbucks looking for a caffeine shot but when I saw the "Holiday Offerings" all thoughts of coffee left my head and I walked out of there with a gingerbread latte. People, this stuff is pure christmas in a cup and I love love loved it. Hoping to get many more before this trip is over.:laughing:
Oh Lisa, thanks so much for posting! Glad you like POFQ - POR also has the same peaceful, calm setting by the river which we loved. I am stunned that the weather has been warm enough to go on a wet water rides like Kali - I never dreamed temps like that were possible in winter!
wow it sounds like you had the most amazing, fun filled first day. you're totally selling me on POFQ now :) so sorry you got dumped on while on KRR. when i was in universal doing the popeyes barges (similar ride) i made the same mistake. rode it 3 times and i think i was drier during the shower i took later that night than i was on that ride :( ugh. being drenched in public is never fun...

thank you for the live updates - makes us feel like we're there along with you.

hope you continue to enjoy yourselves :)
Day Two

We were up early to try and make it to rope drop at Magic Kingdom. We were doing pretty well until the bus took a while to arrive so we only pulled up right on 9am so we missed the opening show but oh well, it was no problem. The crowds were really not bad at all. All of the Christmas decorations are just stunning. They take my breath away, everywhere you look there are perfect decorations and all of the poinsettias, wow they must spend millions on them. They are everywhere in all of the parks and resorts and just so perfect. Not a blemish on them. The big Christmas tree was beautiful and all of the garlands and wreaths down Main St are gorgeous. Christmas carols playing and the characters in holiday gear just makes it all perfect.







With Fantasyland expansion just opening we knew that’s where the most crowds would be so we headed straight in the other direction h:lmao: and hit Big Thunder Mountain Railroad and Splash Mountain. Both were walk ons so we rode Big Thunder 3 times and then Splash. We then wandered around Adventureland and nibbled on a corndog which we all loved, yum. Then off to Tomorrowland to get all competitive on Buzz Lightyear. DS10 ended up being the star performer with the overall high score from our 2 rides. Again, walk on, no wait. Then I made the ultimate sacrifice as a mummy and rode Space Mountain with DD14. I hate this ride, it goes too fast for my comfort and the whole speeding through pitch black thing does not appeal but no one else would ride and I couldn’t let her go on alone so off I went. It was less scary last time because I didn’t know what to expect. This time I was sweating bullets in the line, only 10 minutes, but I got through it but told her I hope she enjoyed it as I wouldn’t be doing it again this holiday hahaha.
We did briefly wander into Fantasyland and rode Goofy’s Barnstormer which none of us particularly liked and since it is the shortest ride ever hardly worth the effort. Now don’t laugh but we couldn’t seem to find our way into the new part and up to Beasts castle. I have no idea why. We weren’t using a park map, first mistake, and I just couldn’t see where to go. I have since scanned the map and will be much better prepared when we go back. I know I know, how silly am I hehe.

Then it was time for lunch in Cinderella’s Castle. I have longed to do this, I’ve heard mixed reviews about the food but I was willing to risk it to eat in the castle hahahaha. I’m very very glad we had an 11.45am booking because it wasn’t very crowded and our table was right at the window with lovely views, I felt very special. We thought the menu selection was small but there was something everyone liked so that was good. The food was beautifully presented and just delicious. We were all happy with it. Dessert was equally as good. Meeting the characters when your kids are older is a much different experience from when they are younger I think. The characters don’t stop and chat for as long, your kids are awkward with the characters and don’t know what to say to them, and just simply some of the cuteness and magic is gone. I did notice it this time but of course when Snow White came along, I was the kid and was skipping around her like a little puppy hahaha. I just love Snow, she’s my favourite!!!!! Yes, everyone has a favourite princess, don’t deny it. They all came around and said hello, took a pic and most engaged in cute “relevant to their character” chatter. My husband pointed out that Sleeping Beauty was looking a little long in the tooth and not as pretty these days and my daughter mentioned she may have gained a few pounds (how rude) but the rest of them were gorgeous and sweet and perfect for their character. This was a really great lunch, so glad we have finally eaten in the castle.



Afterwards we wandered up and down Main Street in the shops and at one stage we stumbled across the Main Street Philharmonic brass band playing Christmas carols and everyone started singing along and clapping. The kids and I sat on the curb and I was a singing fool, clapping and laughing. I felt like I was in a Disney movie. Thank goodness DH was in a shop, he would’ve died at my Christmas merriment but it was just so perfect and wonderful. The band members were funny and really put on a sensational show. This was the highlight of my day hands down, loved it.


We also saw the Dapper Dans barbershop quartet doing a few Christmas tunes and they were fabulous also. DS10 finally chose his “mickey ears” going with the R2D2 ones from Star Wars. They are super cute. DD14 went with some hot pink sparkly headband ears this time. I want to get a headband too but apparently the family think I’m too old so I will have a think about that one.

We then headed back to the resort for a swim and some washing and then on to Downtown Disney via boat along the river that runs behind our resort. That was a fun way to travel for sure. Downtown Disney was busy busy and it was raining slightly which made for a more frantic pace of things. We loved looking in all the shops, DS10 most especially loved the Lego store and those prices are so cheap compared to ours, I can only imagine what we will find in other lego stores.

We then headed to T-Rex for dinner. What unbelievable theming this place has and the meteorite event every 15-20 minutes was lots of fun. I had heard the food was good here and plentiful so we skipped a starter and just had mains. Soooooooo muchhhhhhhh fooooooooood. It was all delicious but only about half was eaten, there was no way to eat it all and with our Free Dining Package, we then had to have dessert, we thought we might all explode from food heavenly joy. Yum. The boys then headed back to the resort because DH wanted to buy Bruce Springsteen tickets for Sydney and the presale was starting (he got tickets and is very excited for him and DS10 to go) and DD14 and I shopped some more then headed back for another early night.

A great day but the legs are starting to ache – already!!!!!

Highs - Main Street Philharmonic Brass Band, eating in the Castle, the decorations in Magic Kingdom, TRex

Lows - Space Mountain, crowds at Downtown Disney

Weather - high of 27, low of 20​
Ms Shuttergirl what a blissful first day you had. Really glad you are enjoying POFQ it certainly holds a place in my heart.

Everyone says you should see Las Vegas at night for the lights but I'd trade them for another viewing of the Osborne lights in a heartbeat. They truly are beautiful.

Here's hoping the weather holds up for you.
Sounds like a fantastic first couple of days, Shuttergirl. And yes, I was the drowned rat on Kali when we went on it. Fortunately, I came prepared.....I made sure that we all had a spare set of clothes....even underwear. So, I just headed into the ladies and changed. Next time, I will bring ponchos.
Ms Shuttergirl, über planner, didn't have a map??? I can't believe it! LOL

If you love music, and time permits, take a walk along the Sassagoula River to POR to see Ye Ha Bob. Lots of audience participation which is a sure way to embarrass your children.
Ms Shuttergirl, über planner, didn't have a map??? I can't believe it! LOL

If you love music, and time permits, take a walk along the Sassagoula River to POR to see Ye Ha Bob. Lots of audience participation which is a sure way to embarrass your children.

Thanks for the awesome updates.

We too encountered that problem with finding Magical express at MCO - it was well after midnight when we were there and there was noone around to even ask, it had me in tears at the end of our 30 hour journey! They really should put more signage for that.

It sounds like you had a lovely lunch in the castle. Can't teenagers and husbands with their sarcastic wit be just adorable!! At least you got them there, mine flatly refused to do character meals ! :(

Have a great day!
Ms. Shuttergirl said:
At Dallas airport I headed into Starbucks looking for a caffeine shot but when I saw the "Holiday Offerings" all thoughts of coffee left my head and I walked out of there with a gingerbread latte. People, this stuff is pure christmas in a cup and I love love loved it. Hoping to get many more before this trip is over.:laughing:

I told you. I have gingerbread latte my way through the Us last winter and Europe this winter. Oh gingerbread latte. Back to the awesome trip report.
oh MS.Shuttergirl your not the only one who tears up watching those kids get surprised with trips to Disney ;)
Thanks for updating sounds like you are having a great time :)
What a wonderful couple of days you have had.

I can't do Space Mountain. I can't even stand going through it on the people mover. That weird Alien Encounter ride in MK from back in the 90's has put me off dark rides forever.
Missed saying bon voyage-long trips-ugh-remind me why do we live in Australia? Sounds like you have had a magical christmassy first 2 days. You have sold me on POFQ too-I always figured I'd like it-this convinces me. Christmas in Disney-is there anything more magical? well, maybe shushh in Paris is getting close. I can just picture it all-the decorations and Xmas Trees, the Osborne lights, the singers. Enjoy it for all of us sitting at home and wishing we were there too and keep having a wonderful time.
I'm loving reading about your first few days. Everything sounds so wonderful.
I particularly enjoyed the bit about the band playing Xmas carols. I love it when special memories are formed from the things you least expect. :-)
Terminal B is for Bus


now go and buy yourself some ears, otherwise you'll get ear regret and thats not pretty...i bought 2 sets as i couldn't choose.......:rotfl:
It all sounds wonderful. It's nice when the little moments just happen and are often what you remember most about a day.
Day 3

This morning we were off to Hollywood Studios. The main aim for anyone going to HS is to go on the wonderful magical amazing ride called Toy Story Midway Mania. It is the most loved and coveted ride throughout all of the 4 parks and getting yourself onto that baby without lining up for 3 hours is no easy task. You think Im joking about that wait time dont you? Ummm, no. I have seem people in the line where the sign was saying 180 min wait. Now this ride is really really good but its only 5 minutes of really really good, who in their right mind would line up so long. Certainly not I, and well I wont tell you what DH would say if I suggested it. Anyway we made sure to be at the gates for park opening and then I sent DH as a runner to get fastpasses for TSMM. So the kids and I ran along as quickly as we could behind him so by the time he had the fastpasses in hand we were also able to jump straight into the line to ride straight away, well the wait time was already 15 minutes but that is pretty good. Our family loves this ride because we love to compete for the highest score and this is the ultimate virtual carnival style competition. We all had a blast and it goes without saying I am the reigning champion  both times, legend!!!!!
We did the usual Backlot Tour, Star Tours, went and watched the Little Mermaid show (very sweet) and had a lovely morning tea of 3 of the most decadent cupcakes ever at Starring Rolls yum but I felt very sick afterwards. The crowds were super low first thing in the morning (which is why I like to get there early) and we were able to meet quite a few characters with no lines whatsoever. DS was beside himself to meet Phineas and Ferb, we met the Cars characters and then much to DHs delight we saw Sully and Mike from Monsters Inc. I dont know what it is about the big blue monster Sully, but DH loves him. We all got our photos taken with them and it was a big highlight.




After much looking in shops and wandering around we headed to the 50s Prime Time Diner for lunch. This place is so fun with the 1950s style decor, the funny waitresses who make you set the table and growl at you if you dont eat your veggies or if you put your elbows on the table. The food here is absolute American 50s comfort food. Between our family we had fried chicken, meatloaf and pot roast with mashed potato and beans. We loved the food here just as much as we did last visit. So delicious.

Even though it was only day 3 DH had itchy feet to get to the outlet malls. The man sure does love to shop so after lunch DD and DH grabbed a cab and hit the mall while DS and I headed to the Lights Motors Action show at HS. It was loud, fast and furious and we both loved it. We then headed back to the resort for a little nap and then DS begged to swim, even though it was raining. Fool me agreed but I wish I hadnt have. It was cold in there and I didnt like the rain hitting my head, it felt weird. I dont think I will repeat that in a hurry.

By the time we were finished swimming the shopaholics arrived back loaded down with bags and so begins the credit card carnage. They bought so much stuff, wowsers. I cant believe how much they managed to accumulate in such a short amount of time. All total bargains Im assured and DH whipped out his favourite line  it would have cost me money not to buy it. Hahahaha, yeah sure. They seemed very impressed with their haul and it would seem the daddy cant say no to his baby girl. I wont make the mistake of letting them go off shopping together without supervision again I dont think hehe.

Since I know you will be interested to hear what they got here goes:-


1  Addidas tracksuit pants
1 - Gap Hoodie
1 - Addidas sneakers
3 - pairs socks


2  Addidas tracksuit pants
1  Gap hoodie
1  pair of Vans shoes
1  Addidas sneakers
1  Addidas running shorts
6  Nike/Addidas/Converse tshirts
2  NY Yankees/Giants t-shirts
9  pairs socks


2  pairs Addidas basketball shorts
1  Gap Hoodie
2  Knicks/Celtics Basketball jerseys

After a quick shower and change we headed over to the Polynesian Resort for our dinner reservation at OHana. I have read mixed reviews for this place but I thought it sounded like a fun experience and to me the food sounded delish so I was excited to try it. We hadnt been to the Poly before and Ive always wondered what the hype was about. It looks okay in photos but Ive never felt it warranted the prices you have to pay to stay there. I have to say at night it is very very pretty and I was able to see what the appeal is. Very tropical and relaxing, I enjoyed looking around. I had some amazing Pimms cocktail while we were waiting for our table  delicious. The food at OHanas is served family style which I love because then you can get more of what you like and less of what you dont like. They bring out bread and then chicken wings and potsticker/dumpling things, then salad, then you get noodles and broccoli and then the waiters come around with massive skewers with different meats on them that have be roast over the fire. The meat was absolutely delicious, truly the flavours were excellent. Of the 4 things on offer  chicken, beef, pork and prawns  I thought the pork was the most flavourful and yum. We stuffed ourselves silly here unfortunately. Essentially we rolled out of there, jumped into a cab and came home for a big sleep.
Another great but busy day.

Highs -  OHanas amazing food, Lights Motor Action, riding Toy Story Midway Mania twice in one morning, woot woot, cupcakes, 50s Prime Time Diner (so many highs)

Lows - rain

Weather - high of 26, low of 18(still very warm)​


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