MR BACK'S & CO home for repeat offenders Part 3

Cadburysmom - get outta here already! You don't belong here with us merefolk. Go! Off with you now! Get your princess-self to your Princess cruise where your kingdom is waiting to serve you. Get fat and drunk while you're at it!

Have a great time! :wave: Can't wait to hear how many men you left swooning for you. :rolleyes:

I'm off to the pharmacy to see what I can find for the boy. Wish me luck!
Good Morning again...

llebrekniT, just so you know, when we met castlegazer at the Tag Meet, she was quite the looker. I could compare you and her, but alas, I have yet to meet you ;) (OK there is also an element of self preservation). Also, thepics were posted by Dan Murphy...;)

cadburysmom, enjoy the cruise!!!! I hope Jordan is having fun with Daddy...

ibouncetoo, yes, it goes back to my lap-top/Vacuum cleaner story...

Oh Well, Gotta Scoot!

Not much here except meeting the infamous Dan Murphy last night.

How's it going down in the N Y C? How's the new job (notso new now)?
The not-so-new job is GREAT! I've been working a TON getting a volunteer services program launched. Everything went off with nary a hitch. Couple of minor bumps but all is good. Lots of events going on this summer. I'm plenty happy!

Joe, by the by, is in the process of doing a career change like I did a few years back. He's been studying for a couple of teaching certification exams (scheduled to take them tomorrow). He's also been taking classes and oberserving at a local high school. With the contacts he's made, he will very likely be working as a teacher this Fall. He really wants to leave the big publishing world behind and devote himself to being the great American teacher. He'd be FANTASTIC at it!

What's new with everyone here? How was it meeting Dan?
RickinNYC said:
He'd be FANTASTIC at it!

What's new with everyone here? How was it meeting Dan?

I could not agree more!!! ::yes:: Please tell him good luck and that I long for a teacher like him to educate my child - he will be such a good teacher.

Dan is a very sweet man who transferred a ton of DIS knowledge to us last night. It was very nice of him to take the time to have dinner with us as both of us can't be at a big DIS meet saturday night - I will be at the beach.
Hi Rick... that is great news about Joe.. tell him hi for us and lots of PD that he gets a great teaching job.. what subjects will be be teaching?

How was your past trip?

RRBB and ohanafamily Happy Anniversary..

cadburysmom Have a great cruise ... what ports are you stopping at? what new chocplate will you be having?

castlegazer - great pictures.. looks like you had a great time and the kids survived without Mom for a night..

Deadheadbelle great pics.. little lanie isreally a cutie. glad you had a great time..

BlueBayou when will we hear about the Trip.. diasters and all..

llebrekniT - cpongrats on all the Baseball honors.. you have some real super stars at your house...
RickinNYC is Here!!!!!!!!!

Hello RickinNYC!!!!!!!!!

Good Luck to billysotherdad on his test!!!!!

Please don't take this the wrong way, but I HOPE JOE CAN'T MEET UP WITH US IN OCTOBER... But if the possibility presents itself we WILL EXPECT at least your presence at Dinner one night (Minimum) and a picture with TagBabyIan and Mickey at his place in TOONTOWN!!!!! (Yes, there is an inside joke). When is your trip to Canadia? Is it still on and on the small side?

OK, Mommy question... What's your opinion...
We have a 1BR at SS, should we take a babysitter with us? It will have to be an adult if we do because it is during school. GrannyB might be available, or we might be able to take our maid's sister. Thinking about it, RRBB won't want him out of her sight too much, soTHIS TRIP, having a Nanny may not be justified. Maybe next year when he is 2YO... Whaddya think???

geffric said:
Hi Rick... that is great news about Joe.. tell him hi for us and lots of PD that he gets a great teaching job.. what subjects will be be teaching?

How was your past trip?


Hey geffric! I'll definitely pass on the PD to Joe. He's super nervous about the exams tomorrow. He wants to teach English, he's incredibly passionate, not just about the subject but about the whole gig. Last week I asked him if his goal was to teach college level and get a PhD but he said which shocked me. I asked why and he said, "Name your college English professor your freshman year." I drew a blank. Then he said, "Name your high school freshman English teacher." I immediately told him her name and ta-da! Point made. I'm really proud that he's working so hard at this.

As for our recent trip to WDW, it was great! We stayed at Coronado and had a blast. Beautiful place, albeit HUGE! We were right behind the main pool and a five minute walk from the bus so it was good for us. We didn't do any commando park hopping. We rode everything and did everything, but we did lots and lots of people watching, snacking and strolling. Most relaxing trip yet.
ohanafamily said:
RickinNYC is Here!!!!!!!!!

Hello RickinNYC!!!!!!!!!

Hey there Ohana! No offense taken, LOL! Part of me wishes he wouldn't get the job because then we can still take our mid Fall WDW trips without problems. But that's just the tiniest selfish part of me.

At this point, I've already paid a deposit for our Fall trip, and am willing to sacrifice it if he can't go. I was gonna go solo but that doesn't appeal to me too much. I'm such a wuss but I'd miss Joe too much. If it were anywhere else, i.e. a beach resort, or the Keys or whatever, I'd have no problem going by myself. But in Disney, I want him with me. Stupid, eh? So if he gets the job, we will likely be cancelling any hope of going.

Right now we're in the wait and see mode for at least another month or more.
Well, My fingers, toes and eyes are crossed that Joe gets the job. I will keep you in the loop as far as PS's, if for no other reason that if the unthinkable were to happen and Joe were to get really depressed... he would have something to look forward to... (heheh)

See you around the water cooler...

:bride: :groom: Happy Anniversary to Ohana and RRBB!!!

Good luck to Joe on his tests!

:hug: Hugs and PD to Daniel--I hope his poison ivy clears fast.
llebrekniT said:
Last night Holly's softball team was in the championship game, but they lost. :sad2: Second place ain't bad though. :cheer2: I have a couple pictures from that, I'll download and post them later.

Right now I am dealing with one bad muther of a case of poison ivy all over Daniel's arms and chest. BOYS! He doesn't "remember" where he got it. Anyway, does anybody out there have a reliable, quick fix for it? I'm using Caladryl, which seems to be taking its' sweet, lovin' time about working. He's got two ballgames in the next twenty-four hours AND it's going to be 96 freakin' degrees here tomorrow!

Oh, btw, he made the All-Star team!!! :cheer2:

aaww, im sorry they lost!! but yes, second place is great too!!!

ugh, im immune to poision ivy/oak THANK GOODNESS. when i was younger i stayed at my grandparent's house and i was ALWAYS in the stuff!! but the i would play in the spring and either somehow the spring washed it off :rotfl: or im immune. poor daniel!! i dont know of anything for it. :confused3

YAY FOR DANIEL!!! :teeth: :teeth: :teeth:
deadheadbelle said:
I'M BACK!!!!!

The trip was great, but too quick. The Red Sox Whooped up on the Indians & we got to see 3 HR's (2 by Papi & 1 my Manny) and a bunch of hits. Jacobs field is awesome, a great place to watch a game. I have lots of pics & I'll post them tomorrow. I need to do some laundry & eat some dinner.

bluebayou, I'm sorry your trip stunk. Now I'm skeert for our trip on July. When you get settled in, please elaborate on what specifically were the bad decisions, K?

Caroline, George is way cute.

Ashton, what's going on? Any new Mark news?

YAY!!! OKAY how STUPID is this?!!?!? We're staying IN boston, right in the heart of the city{westin at copley place} and they DON'T GET NESN?!?!?! So no red sox game!! and I really wanted to see if I could spot you guys{pretty easy with such cutie kids and handsome/beautiful mommies and daddies!} but I saw the score and was happy you guys went to such a great game!!!

:hug: sorry about your trip!!

::yes:: I have more pictures of ian and ben I must post!!! :teeth:

does this mean with cameron being such a jerk, no connection with mark?!?! say no! OH MY GOSH! This is WEIRD!!! Ashton loves mark, my sister is in love with a guy named Mark{he comes into the bakery every morning at 7 and compliments her and everything...finally today he asked for her number!!!!} and liane is going out with a mark!!!{AND! her mark is WAYWAY hot! Remember my darling 6th grader kevin who's HOT?!?! it's his older brother! he'll be a soph this year at khs!}
oddball27 said:
aaww, im sorry they lost!! but yes, second place is great too!!!

ugh, im immune to poision ivy/oak THANK GOODNESS. when i was younger i stayed at my grandparent's house and i was ALWAYS in the stuff!! but the i would play in the spring and either somehow the spring washed it off :rotfl: or im immune. poor daniel!! i dont know of anything for it. :confused3

YAY FOR DANIEL!!! :teeth: :teeth: :teeth:

I'm pretty allergic to it---my worst case was when I was about 8 and visiting my grandparents in Alabama. We were hiking on some land that was once belonged to one of my great-uncles (and before him--my great-grandparents).
oddball27 said:
omg caroline did you watch kept?!?!?! it was the GREATEST thing ive EVER watched!! i was crying laughing!! :rotfl: :rotfl: oh my gosh it was HILARIOUS!! and YAY he's gone!! im hoping that before you read this you watched it!! if not, STOP READING THIS YOU IDIOT!!! :rotfl: ;)

SIZE=1]RETARDO IS GONEEEE!!!!!!!! im SO HAPPY but at the same time kinda upset. im gonna miss watching him and his cocky self. but oh well. omg you know what's FREAKY?!?! my brother and i were watching it together, and when chris was calling out the boys names at the end, i was calling them out IN ORDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! except for devonric, i didnt call him out as the first one. but after that, i nailed it, lol!! name after name i KNEW who they were!! after devonric i was like "OMG SLAVCO!! JERRY NEVER REALLY SAID ANYTHING ABOUT SLAVCO!! WHAT IF HE LEAVES?!?!" and i was SO worried!! but then i saw seth stay so i was really happy, then slavco!! YAY!!! i love anwar and seth and austen and slavco!!!! maurizo{yeah, i know i spelled that all kinds of WRONG!!} little jon and devonric need to go next. but after that, im gonna be SO nervous, oh my gosh. but for the happy stuff, omg i LOVED watching them dance!! i missed the first 20 minutes because i was cooking, but i saw the rest...i turned it on to see anwar end his date w/jerry and then them all in their ridiculous little outfits!! :rotfl: i cried from laughing at that!!! then when they put on their COSTUMES, i just went CRAZY, i didnt stop laughing from then on out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotfl: :rotfl2: and MAN did you see slavco dancing?!?! that was TOO funny, he's an AWESOME dancer!! he's full of surprises!!!::yes:: and OMG the powder blue group had to dance to ms jackson!!! while i was crying laughing, i told shelby "OMG that's caroline's FAVORITE group EVER, outkast!!!" and he was like "whos caroline??" and once again, i said ", a friend from school!!" :rotfl: oh my goodness, im gonna be watching it again tonight...that was GREAT, i loved it!! i know iom forgetting stuff, but im still laughing about the whole thing!! oh, also, ricardo's striptease....nice body but VERY inappropriate for the occasion. my brother looked at me and said "what ARE we watching?!?!?" :rotfl: he enjoyed watching the guys make complete fools out of themselves!! we were crying watching them dance, oh my gosh!! the first group!! aahhhh it was horrible!! but TOO funny!! the gold group did way awesome!! well, this is getting really long, adn for all i know you may not have seen it yet soooo....until i know for sure that's all, lol!![/SIZE]

AHHH!!!! I'm SO MAD I'M GONE!!!!!! :rotfl: :rotfl: but the dancing was SO GOOD!!!! You're an AMAZING dancer slutco! I never knew!!!! :rotfl: :rotfl: anwar did SO good! I LOVE anwar!!!! I want it to be him, Austen, or Seth! I think Anwar or Austen fit into Jerry's world the best though! OH MY GOSH ASHTON!!!!! You know what is SOSOSOSO weird!?!?!? We were in Burberry on Newbury street when we were in Boston...GUESS WHO'S PICTURE WAS ON THE WALL?!?!?! Jerry and that brown haired one that's always with her!!! It was so funny!!!!! I thought of you when I saw her for some reason! She's SO GROSS!!!! :rotfl: Anyway...the dancing was hilarious! I agree! Me, andy, shawn, and vickie were dying laughing! Yep shawn liked it this time!!!! :teeth:

SUCH CUTE PICTURES!!!!! I love them all! Especially that one of cute is she?!?!?! :teeth: :teeth:

I'm so sorry about Daniel and his poisen ivy! I've never gotten I don't know what to say! I hope he's better soon! Congrats to him making the allstar team!!! :cheer2: And congrats to holly's team...second is NOTHING to be ashamed of!!!

hey long time no see Rick!! glad you're still loving your job, good luck to Joe in his tests...I'm sure he'll be a great teacher!!
TalkisCheap said:
does this mean with cameron being such a jerk, no connection with mark?!?! say no! OH MY GOSH! This is WEIRD!!! Ashton loves mark, my sister is in love with a guy named Mark{he comes into the bakery every morning at 7 and compliments her and everything...finally today he asked for her number!!!!} and liane is going out with a mark!!!{AND! her mark is WAYWAY hot! Remember my darling 6th grader kevin who's HOT?!?! it's his older brother! he'll be a soph this year at khs!}

yeah, pretty much. i can always call matt and get mark's number though :rotfl:. that'd be HILARIOUS!!!! omg that's so freaky!!! :earseek: :rotfl: i still like mark, but its kinda a 'yeah whatever' thing right now. he and cameron are like, best friends. so mark could be a cheater too. :confused3
we had such a pretty view from our room :teeth:



these two are going to be realllly big... :rotfl:


Ian :love: wow his hair looks huge right there :rotfl: aww but I love him...except AHH HIS MOM SHAVED HIS HEAD!!!!! :(:(:( BUT that means that by the fall{school} his hair will probably be like it was 7th grade when I LOVED it, short with a wave and this one curl on his forehead..awww :teeth:


BEN!! :love: he looked much better in the first picture, because his hair is really flat right there{he was wearing a hat for most of the day} and beside him is PIPER his girlfriend


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