Moo'vers 2012 Edition! come on in!

Glad that you had a great time...I am the type of person that would BARF...if I rocked back and forth...but sometime I shall try it.
will check up later
Welcome Home NAB!! :hug:

We got your Christmas card with your good looking family. My hubby looked at it and said, I don't know who these people are.:rotfl2: Well, honey, no you don't because they are my 'imaginary' friends. :rotfl:

Sandy - Did you DH find his medals? :sad2: She posted on FB that he lost his medals somewhere in the 'World'. :sad2:

Ok, logging off to go watch some football!! ROLL TIDE!!! Even though my son goes to their arch rival, he still cheers for his Crimson Tide!! ;)
Oh no I hope he finds his medals too. He had to do a lot of running for them. :hug:

Marita -- glad you liked your ordament. Hannah picked it out. I really wanted to get you wine but don't know a thing about it other then you like red. Then we say this and got the idea to put Backstage Gal on it. Then we went to pick it up.....and it said Backstage Gel :eek: Hannah laughed hard about that , they had it written down right but the person that wrote it didn't get it right. Wonder what she thought it meant. :laughing:

The room was perfect ,thank you! Building 14 was close to the building and close if you went the back way to the bus stop. When you said you went in a door by the bathroom I thought it was by the store. Heck I didn't even know those washroom existed. :lmao: Hannah loved the new pull down bed with the aligator marual.

Went to the New Years Eve Party over by the mansions. Hannah wanted a hat too. We were on the hunt for the top hat one, they were giving them out at the lounge at 11:45 but we didn't stay up that late. Got one at MK the next day at town hall.

We went to three parks in one day. Found Moo at MK. Actually Nicholas did. Then we met up at the Studios to see the Osborne lights. They were more then the last time I saw them.

The second day Hannah and I went to the hotels on the monarail. The Ginger Bread house was already mostly down when we got there. Then she got a flower lai at the Poly. She wore that in her hair most days of the cruise. The guys went to Universal and said the lines were crazy, hours wait for Harry Potter rides. That was the same night we froze going to Downtown Disney on the boat. Took the bus back.

Weather was really cold the first and second day of the cruise. Very windy too. Made it to Castway Cay , made a sand castle and went back to the boat.

The Dream is beautiful. And big. Lots of walking and getting lost. We were Foward. Next time I would like to be midship. Only because our elevator open to the Adult side when you get to the top. Loved that you could put your luggage under the bed now. Didn't like that the washroom doors open out, instead of in. Almost took out Hannah one day.

Spend a lot of time in the store looking at charms for my new pandora bracelet I got for Christmas. Lots of cute Disney ones. I bought one at Downtown Disney. It was a spacer one with cut out of mickey's head. I lost this one at the airport when I took it off for security. Only noticed when we were on the plane it was missing. I have to get a lock charm so they don't come off the end now.

Saw Moo everywhere and every night for dinner except for one night they went to Palo's for dinner. They seemed to have had fun. Maritini tasting anyone....

Kids loved the clubs. Nicholas stayed out very late. Hubby got up at 4:00 the third night to go look for him since he hadn't come in. The Vibe closes at 1:00 then all the kids went over to D Lounge on the adult side of the boat. Everyone else was gone by then so they took it over. That was the same night he caught him on deck 4 with a girl . Hannah got in at 12:00 she became every independant this tirp. Left us notes that she was dressed for dinner and would met us there, stuff like that. She made 4 friends on board. Usually she doesn't talk to anyone.

I need to get some pictures looked at to see what I can post.

It is so nice to see all of you posting again. I missed you all.

And welcome to the "new" Lauren! :)

Allie-- my hubby said the same when we got your card. Love the picture. Your son is so tall.
Just wanted to pop in quickly and say HEY! :wave:

It snowed here tonight and Jake was SO excited.


(Please don't mind the trees on the ground. My husband is clearing out the back of our yard... slowly, but surely.)

I noticed we have a Bama fan in here... and my response to that? GEAUX TIGERS! ;):cheer2:
Nab, wlcome back! Thank Hannah for the ornament, I love it! Did you get room 1409? I went to look at it, I thought it was a great location. I have no clue what you mean about bathroom doors, LOL,

Glad you made it to the parks.

I agree about the big ship, a ton of walking. I liked the Wonder (yikes, 4 years ago now).

I had a horrible night sleeping (or rather not sleeping) last night and ended up calling in. Not what I want to use my sick days for given my recent episode, but no way I could make it to work today.
Marita-- Yes we did get 1409. I was talking about the washroom doors on the ship. On the Magic they go in like a normal door but on the Dream they open out into the cabin. So if someone is looking in the closet or even coming in the door and someone comes out of either washroom they get hit with the door.

Wow it has been 4 years already. Time flies doesn't it. You need another vacation. How come you couldn't sleep, stressed about something or just one of those nights? :hug:

Wonder how Moo is doing, she flew back yesterday and had to go into a meeting in the afternoon.

Lauren-- pretty snow picture. We do not have any as of yet and is suppose to be above 0 most of the week. Best day being Wed. so hubby is going to take down the outside Christmas lights that day. We live in Canada so this is a very warm and not normal winter.
morning all..
Today is 23 degrees out not bad at winds..

I got up and looked out the window and someone hit our mail is broken...makes me upset ..but at least they laid it back on the grass/snow area...maybe it was our newspaper lady...I dont know...but they DONT GIVE THOSE AWAY..hahaha..maybe the hub can screw it back in...hope so..

So Lauren where on earth did you get that snow...we have a little but you seem to have more then us Mainers do...

A good deal of accidents involving teens in Maine lately...two killed this past weekend...alcohol party and texting...very sad to think your childs life is over at the age of 16...very sad...

Guess I will do some needed floor washing today...those laminate floors get spotted easily...especially where Megara drools when we are eating supper...geesh dogs...hahaha..

see ya gals later..
OH YAH...we were in bld 14 at Dixie quite few times...our favorite bld when we were there with our daughter and the two kids when they were little..they are 22 and 20 now...time sure flies...but it was the best room for getting to the bus, food court and anything else...good choice
Hope everyone had a great weekend! We did.

Welcome home Nab! Hope you had a wonderful time! I've been drooling over all of Sandy's pictures from Disney.

Everyday one of my kids says, "I wish we could go back to Disney again." It is going to be so magical and special when we do get to go back.

We've finally found a magic babysitter. My cousin, she lives a mile away, can't get a job and is a night owl. It's perfect! We can go out without a curfew(because really as kids you have one and once you HAVE kids you have one. lol) and she requires little to no money. haha. Plus she really seems to enjoy watching the kids and they LOVE her. It's perfect!!!

Saturday night we went out to a Country "Club", not a "Country Club", but a club/bar that specializes in country music. lol. It's so fun, but I'm not doing so well in learning the line dances. Thankfully after 10 they mix in some non country music for us uncoordinated dancers.

In Feb. Vanilla Ice is coming to concert there. WOOOOT! I cannot wait for that. I <3 him!

Anyhoo, Chad took the day off yesterday because he worked OT on Saturday and we could afford it. It was nice, we took the kids to the river for a walk and picnic and then stopped at a nice park on the way home. We were the only people there, which is always nice.
Nab-Sounds like you had a great trip! I so wish I had a Disney trip looming on the horizon, but nothing is in the works for now.

Lauren-I'm glad your son enjoyed the snow. I LOVE LOVE LOVE hot weather. I would rather it be 110 than snowing any day of the week. This weekend was awesome here. So UnJanuaryLike (thats a word. ha). Blue skies. 60's. I wish it would stay that way all winter long.

MommyP: way to score a babysitter. :thumbsup2

I'm off to the boys basketball games. Have a great evening y'all.
Welcome back travelers! Can't wait to see some pictures!

MP: Vanilla Ice, that's a long time ago. When I worked at the radio station we did a promo with him. Was not nice like he is now. He was young and had a big head due to his famousness! One of our listeners won a limo ride with him. He had the biggest attitude, wouldn't talk much, kept his hat and sunglasses on the whole time. The winner was a young girl and a good sport and overlooked alot. She was just happy to be in his company.

LE: We have a burm like that behind us. My DH and I spent most of Saturday taking down the choke vines growing all over the trees. I hate losing those trees. The association that "owns" the burm does no maintanence what so ever and we rake the leaves and cut the grass and care for it. They once had the nerve to stake my property and tell me to move my fence over because it was on "their" property. 12 years later I am still the primary caretaker of that area. The developer never gave them their park he promised them. It just a beautiful wood and I like it like that.

Pumba: my mom made Yorkshire pudding when she made a roast. She poured a batter into the drippings from the roast and baked it in the oven. You had to be careful with it, it came out all wavy and airy and it could drop it you bumped it before it set. We dipped it in the gravy. Sooooo good. I haven't had that in years!

Everyone here is loving the warm January days. I have yet to wear a winter coat. It's coming though, Friday we get the cold snowy weather.

My son has stumped the drs. :sick: His toes are turning purple.:scared1: I have to take him to a rheumatologist. Long story short, they are thinking raynaud's. My dad had that but in his hands. OY! This is my oldest.

I got my pre student teaching placement. K-3 resource room. I am excited for this placement.

Allie from Alabama: Praying for Eli daily. His story has tugged at my heartstrings. I just contacted one of the ladys at my church and she is starting to contact the ladies of the prayer group and they are adding Eli to their prayers. I think they are 28 strong!

Yes, new Lauren, I am a BAMA fan. Funny story, so is my son, but he goes to Auburn which is their arch rival. Long story, but it is the better school for him to be at. ;) He is still a BAMA fan at heart, he just keeps it quiet down there at Auburn. :rolleyes1

Mony - That is scary stuff about your oldest!

Oh and keep praying. Looks like Eli will have to have a shunt (and his port for chemo and radiation) put in tomorrow. This means another surgery and recovery at this hospital before moving on to St. Jude's. :sad1:

- Glad you got my card before Valentine's. :rotfl2: I took it to the actual post office this year, and got proper postage so that it would get to you. ;) Yes, he is tall. I measured him while he was home. He is officially 6'5"! :eek:
Heya everyone! It's late, and I have to get to bed because I have to get moovin early tomorrow, but I wanted to say hello. Sooooo......hello! :)

I LOVE LOVE LOVE hot weather. I would rather it be 110 than snowing any day of the week. This weekend was awesome here. So UnJanuaryLike (thats a word. ha). Blue skies. 60's. I wish it would stay that way all winter long.

^ You sound so smaaaht when you post like that. ;) Oh, and please send some of that weather thisaway.

Mony, I'll keep your son in my prayers too. Do his feet hurt?

Allie, I am also following little Eli's story, and he and his family are in my prayers daily. The thought of his struggle just tears at my heart.

MP, I didn't realize that Vanilla Ice still performed. I have seen some episodes of his home improvement show...pretty interesting. If I'm going to go for some old-school music, I'm more a fan of LL Cool J. :cool2:

Lauren_Elizabeth, you may keep the snow you received. In fact, I will also send you any snow I happen to receive here in Massachusetts. Cuz I'm cool like that. ;) I'm pretty sure that Pumba will also donate any accumulation of snow she receives too. See how giving we Moovers are? :rotfl:

Okay, off I go! See you later, y'all!
Good grief - I'm HOME - but am having the hardest time getting internet - in my own home!

Dogs are ornery - keep interrupting!

LOVE :lovestruc the snow picture (even the honey'do' trees! :rotfl:)

Ali - Still praying for Eli - and of course Mony you and your son are in my prayers as well

Nab - love hearing the stories - I'm with Pumba rocking on the boat does not sound like fun! But I love the idea of the cruise!

Gal Glad you are taking the day off - hope you get in some sleep!

I keep losing posts, and getting kicked off - Hope to do a better post next time!
Can't get into the specialist until Feb 16. They think based on the phone conversation that it is not raynaud's. But possibly acrocyanosis, something like that. It is like raynaud's, but the discoloration doesn't come and go, it has not gone away and it's more of a cosmetic problem. He has good pulses in his feet and the xray showed there was no injury.

I was more worried about losing tissue but that supposedly doesn't happen with what they think he has. If they get a cancellation they will call me to get in sooner. I will none the less will worry like crazy.

There is no pain, thank God because he has the lowest tolerance to pain because of his Asperger's. I remember when he was little if he didn't have gloves and it got below 70 he was a screaming, which makes sense with what we are finding out with purple toes.

I have class tonight.

Purchased the wrong plastic to put on my windows, makes me mad, wasted money and time.

DH left for AZ for work. And its my first week of school. Glad the boys are now old enough to take care of the girls.

So my favorite band from my young adult days is back together and touring, Van Halen and I am a dork and purchased one ticket for me to attend. It's my birthday present to me! I can't wait!
Thanks for all the prayers everyone! :grouphug: Eli did NOT have to have the shunt put in today. He is moving to St. Jude's in Memphis this afternoon. He was already at a Children's hospital there, they are just transferring to St. Jude's.
Lynette - Me neither. Chad and I saw him at Epcot(walking around with his family) a couple years ago, it was the highlight of my trip. ;o) The first "celebrity" I've ever seen(not counting when we *think* we saw Toby Mac(Christian artist) at WDW one year when we were there the day he was going to be preforming(at Night of Joy).

Anyway, Vanilla Ice has a special place in my heart because Chad has always since the beginning of our relationship sang Ice Ice Baby to me.
I love reading all the day to day stuff here...Makes it feel like YAH I know them.

we are in for a storm......I hate snow but I think I already told you that...(HAHAHA)...we are in the six to ten inches area...YUCK...

My first celebrity sighting was in our home town...Saw Robert Goulet and Cassius Clay(aka as ALI )...the fight was in our civic center many many years ago...
THen our first year in Disney ...Ann Margaret was being interviewed in MGM studios..past Honey I Shrunk the kids play was awesome..Then I went to a concert (22 years ago actually) and saw Kenny Rogers...but first act was Eddie Rabbit ..I thought he was Roger Rabbit but I was wrong...and then next act before Kenny Rogers was shoot the guy with the big hat..and awesome eyes..Garth brooks..had to google male country singers...hey it was 22 years ago...cute butt too...
I love to go to the American pavilion during Flower Power days and watch oldies but goodies...Chubby checker was the best I have witnessed there...Paul Revere and the raiders was a big disappointment...and some of th eothers were not bad...

soooooo I guess will go and watch tv...our granddaughter went to her moms for a while to hem her pants...I will miss her ..saturday she is packing up and going up north to her other place and finish off her second year of pharmacy school...
I'm way behind, sorry, promise to catch up soon. Although I have no idea with what, life has been boring, except for the drama over on the POR thread about the delay of the Royal Rooms. I guess I got distracted, but that seems mostly settled now. Poly bookers are ticked off at POR upgrades though, cant blame them.

Where's Moo?
Marita-- What are Royal rooms?

Moo is probably as tired as I am , it goes with the saying I need a vacation after my vacation just to rest. Today is hubby's first day back to work. He got rest , slept in everyday then we went out so I didn't get extra sleep or time to take my Christmas stuff down. All I got done was the suitcases emptied and wash done. My house is a wreck.

Only famous person I saw at WDW was Matt from the Today show with his family. They were waiting to get on Dumbo. That was a few years ago. And the only other famous person I saw in real life was Conway Twitty. He was at a local bar in my home town. It was a big bar , boosted the worlds longest bar. Had headliner bands, lots of older bands too. He was there just visting, my first husband went to the washroom and said he saw him in there I didn't believe him until he came and stood at the bar. I love his music , I must admit I have a CD of him and Loretta Lynn. My parents listended to them a lot when we were young.
everyone in the neighborhood that doesnt put the cars in the garages...backed in their driveways...get out easier with snow...well hasnt happened as of yet...but very grey outside..

I am sitting here waiting for ava and thinking I HATE SNOW>..

see ya later


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