Mickey's Very Merry Holiday WEIGHT LOSS Party! December 2016

Today started out not so good. We have snow and a lot of it that decided to come down right when I had to leave for work. My normal commute is about 20 minutes maybe 30 depending on traffic. I decided to take the rapid (train) to work since I get right inside my building and i wouldn't have to drive in the mess outside for too long. It normally takes me 10 -15 to get to the rapid but today it took me an hour. then the rapid usually only takes about 20 minutes but a train broke down in front of us and it took me another hour and 10 minutes to get to my desk. So in total it was a 2 hour and 10 minute commute. It was white out conditions. It came down so fast the roads where covered in like an inch or more of snow in less then 15 minutes. But I made it. Now lets hope the band of snow that we are supposed to get this afternoon waits until after I get home.

I feel a little bit better about our choice with my sons finger. It is so hard being a parent and having to make a decision on something that can affect them the rest of their life. The doctor said it is 50/50 either way. So one way was no better then the other.

I am feeling pretty good too. I don't want to start working out to quickly though. I think I will start either this weekend or on Monday. With being off it will be much easier to get to the rec. I do have a lot of my Christmas shopping to do so that will happen next week too. Oh and to kick off vacation we are going to see Rogue One on Saturday. I am so excited.

@pjlla Did you watch the last episode of Survivor?

Sorry about the commute! That sounds miserable! But glad you were safe.

OF COURSE I watched Survivor! It was a great finale.... but it definitely did NOT end the way I thought it would! I have one Facebook friend (she is just a casual aquaintance actually... just the Mom of someone that DS went to elementary school with).... and her cousin was on this season! He was Bret, the Boston cop! I've "liked" a few pictures on Facebook that she posted with him.... and the day of the finale she had "liked" a picture of a young man with (presumably) his parents and when I looked closely I realized it was Will (from this season also). I had a bit of a "fan-girl" freak out about it and of course had to "comment" and "like" it! So now I have just 2 degrees of separation from someone who was actually ON Survivor! I guess that was my WOOHOO WEDNESDAY!

Folks... I am heartbroken! 100ml of beileys have massive 327 calories. 1 hours of walking! Nooooooo

I guess I will enjoy one over the Christmas but will stick to sparkling wine for a go to drink

Going out tonight and making my research. Have unopened bottle from last year but don't think I will be having it

I am not big on Christmas movies. We went to see Star Wars last year and going again this and we will enjoy the Chrismtas lights in town and meal after if this counts?

327... this so sad.

But how GREAT that you figured this out ahead of time and made an INFORMED CHOICE! If you still choose to drink it at least you wouldn't be surprised with the calorie count AFTER the fact!!! That shows a HUGE positive change in your mindfulness!!

Hiiiiiiii friends! I'm back from Disney World and had an AMAZING time. I think the entire trip was a "woohoo" Wednesday celebration post. We ran into @Lady Marie and her husband and Magic Kingdom - she's super adorable and I enjoyed meeting her in person :D

Here's some awesome things that happened on our trip:
- MVMCP was amazing! Finally saw Holiday Wishes and enjoyed the Character meet-n-greets. Definitely worth it to attend, though I wish they had healthier alternatives for Hot Chocolate and cookies. We ended up grabbing the hot beverages and used them as hand warmers once the temps dropped ;)
- We got a random bit of pixie dust -- Disney called us when we were at AK on our first day and we got upgraded for RunDisney Princess race weekend. Now we're in the Animal Kingdom Lodge Savannah View with Club level! I guess the Coronado Springs resort is under construction and they had to move us - no additional cost. We're so happy to go back to our favorite hotel on property!
- We met so many characters. Photo pass is amazing.
- So many healthy meals! Picking our food ahead of time and logging meals really helped keep us in check.

I resigned from my job today and I start my new gig on Monday. Ready to weigh in tomorrow and get back on track! Missed all of you while I was away :)

WOW!! Lots of news in that little post! WELCOME BACK! You were missed, but I enjoyed seeing all of your photos on Facebook along the way!! And congrats on the hotel upgrade.... that's terrific!!

BEST of luck Monday..... they are lucky to have you!!

Do not go the gym makes your legs and stomach hurt. And I only went on Mon Tues and Wed. And do a small walk every other day.

Well hello there friend! :wave2: Where did you come from? :confused3 Care to join us??


Good morning all!! Waking up to a bit of a "winter wonderland" going on here. Not sure how that will impact the day. DD and I were supposed to run some errands this morning and then DH and I have an open house to attend later today (about an hour away). Guess we will play it by ear and drive slowly if we do go out.

Things are slowly but surely getting done for the holidays here. I went out with DD to buy a tree last night.... I knew of a place that sold cut trees 5 ft and under for $20 and with two tuition bills due that sounded like a fine price to pay (I think we paid nearly $50 at a cut-your-own-tree place last year)... but when we arrived they had just marked all of their remaining trees down to FREE!! YUP, FREE!!! We actually got a lovely tree.... full and just about 5 ft tall. We don't have very high ceilings so this is perfect for us! The man there encouraged us to take more than one if we wanted/needed so I took a second one and plan to offer it on Facebook to anyone in town who may have a need for a tree but not the funds to buy it. I was blessed with a lovely tree and would like to pay it forward, just a bit.

I also took some time to start wrapping yesterday and I forgot how much I enjoy it! Most of this year's gifts are large (both in terms of $$ and in terms of size) and so there will be fewer to wrap. I'm still unsure how to "present" one of my larger gifts.... gotta keep thinking on it.

I made "Grey Stuff" for dessert last night and it was yummy and FUN!! Both of the kiddos knew immediately what it was.... DH is the "non-Disney" person in our household and he guessed it was a plate of reindeer poo! :rotfl: I used Cool Whip Free (yup... it is "free" of anything resembling real food!) and chocolate cookie crumbs and decorated with just a few candy pearls and kept the portions small. It wasn't a terrible calorie bomb and it was sweet and a bit chocolately and fun! Winner, winner in my book!! I'll share a photo later.

Anyhow..... off to post the QOT weekend!.............P
Welcome to your QOTW for Saturday/Sunday December 17-18, 2016:


I had a Facebook memory pop up recently and it was actually about a kind deed someone did for me (actually, it was my kids!) that I had been thinking of a few days previous. It made me realize that sometimes a good gesture or deed can mean more than all of the gifts in the world. This "deed" had been done for me three years ago.... but I still remembered it! However, I would have a hard time telling you exactly what gifts were under the tree that year or what we ate for dinner.

Do you have any stories about good deeds/gestures or Random Acts of Kindness that have been extended toward YOU in the past (particularly holiday related)? Or would you like to share a story about a time you were able to be part of a RAK for someone else?
We ran into @Lady Marie and her husband and Magic Kingdom - she's super adorable and I enjoyed meeting her in person :D

Aw thanks!!! My DH said as we were walking down Main St after meeting y'all, "They seem like a lot of fun." And I was like "I was just thinking the same thing!" LOL Glad it was an amazing trip!!!

Do you have any stories about good deeds/gestures or Random Acts of Kindness that have been extended toward YOU in the past (particularly holiday related)? Or would you like to share a story about a time you were able to be part of a RAK for someone else?

Oh yeah... this one I truly hope to pay forward soon....

When I was 16, "Santa" brought me a car. Santa was actually my boyfriend at the time's parents who wished to remain anonymous. But through a series of events, I found out years later. They knew my mom (a single mother on an elementary school teacher's salary) could never have afforded to get me a car, and every year at Christmas they tried to find a family to do something big and nice for. After I got over feeling like a charity case (haha), I was astounded at their kindness. And I drove it for 7 years until it got stolen-- otherwise I may still be driving it to this day!

Now my cousin's daughter turns 16 in a year and a half-- her mother (my cousin that I'm always talking about on here!) is a widow of 3 years now, and I know can't afford to get her a car. I have a Jeep (that I bought with my insurance money from the stolen gift car actually) that DH and I are outgrowing if you will. We want to talk to her mom next year and see if she would like for us to give it to her daughter for Christmas. I think it's rather poetic for the first act of kindness to domino to the next, and maybe she can figure out a way to pay it forward when she grows up too. :)

Weekly check-in: 50% Still maintaining (a hair under for now still!). I did eat back my nice loss from last week last night at a Christmas party, but have plenty of plans to stay on track this week leading up to the big day!
Just checking in before I head off to dreamland. Still sniffly with post Orlando germs and tired from trying to catch up with everything at work. We spent the afternoon dashing between three holiday parties and then did some emergency grocery shopping. The stores were certainly busy with one week to go before holiday central!

Good morning everyone! I registered for my first race of the 2017 season this morning!! It's a Groundhog Day 10K. They had 5K and 10K options and it was only a $5 difference so that seemed like a no brainer to me :). I'm super excited because this race is in an underground "subtropolis" that we have here in KC so the temperature is regulated and 68 degrees throughout the whole course even though it's at the end of January. So that'll be awesome. My goal is 17 races in 2017. It's only lofty in that I'm a little strapped for cash and races are expensive. But I'm super excited. I wish every race I ran gave out medals. Then I'd make it my goal to get 17 medals in 2017 Either way, I should be super fit by the end of next year because I won't have money to spend on food if I'm spending it on all these races:rolleyes:

That sounds like a great race for mid-winter!

Hello everyone!! I am back from my long, long vacation (yes, it was 24 days off from work :cloud9:). We had a good time, but sickness and other circumstances did not make it the most awesome vacation ever. Still, any day with my partner off from work and in sunny Florida is a win over a November or December day at my desk. So I am very grateful for the time we had together!

Now I am back in dark wintery Germany without my BF... But I will see him again soonish and I get to enjoy Christmas with my family soon! So, not all is bad. :goodvibes

I stepped on the scale this morning and saw a horrible number. Which does not go with the way my clothes fit. So, I am counting on some bloating due to jet lag and such. But I know that I did not eat as well as I should have. I found eating out very difficult to combine with healty eating. But I think I did better than on previous vacations. So, I will wait until the beginning for next week for a weigh in that really counts and then see where I am. I went back to a healthy diet immediately today and have my chickens in a row for tomorrow as well. Saturday will be a big shopping day and I should be all set. The good news is that after so much time eating whatever I wanted (within reason, I still tried to make healthier choices and went for smaller portions when available) I am actually really craving my healthy standards and vegetables and fruits.

I managed to keep up my running routine for the first half of the trip, but then the second half was dominated by a horrible bronchitis and sinus issues, so no running happened anymore. This was actually one of the big disappointments of the trip as I had looked forward to running around the Wilderness Lodge and Fort Wilderness at WDW, but I never felt like I could go for a run. I am looking forward to restart this weekend though!

And @pjlla you wanted to do an exercise challenge with me!! We really should talk about this! I truly missed doing my DVD workouts during vacation. I definitely love the combination of running with other exercise the best!

Welcome back! How wonderful that you got such a long vacation!! I'm sorry that you were sick or part of it. Hope you are on the mend now.

Today started out not so good. We have snow and a lot of it that decided to come down right when I had to leave for work. My normal commute is about 20 minutes maybe 30 depending on traffic. I decided to take the rapid (train) to work since I get right inside my building and i wouldn't have to drive in the mess outside for too long. It normally takes me 10 -15 to get to the rapid but today it took me an hour. then the rapid usually only takes about 20 minutes but a train broke down in front of us and it took me another hour and 10 minutes to get to my desk. So in total it was a 2 hour and 10 minute commute. It was white out conditions. It came down so fast the roads where covered in like an inch or more of snow in less then 15 minutes. But I made it. Now lets hope the band of snow that we are supposed to get this afternoon waits until after I get home.

I feel a little bit better about our choice with my sons finger. It is so hard being a parent and having to make a decision on something that can affect them the rest of their life. The doctor said it is 50/50 either way. So one way was no better then the other.

I am feeling pretty good too. I don't want to start working out to quickly though. I think I will start either this weekend or on Monday. With being off it will be much easier to get to the rec. I do have a lot of my Christmas shopping to do so that will happen next week too. Oh and to kick off vacation we are going to see Rogue One on Saturday. I am so excited.

@pjlla Did you watch the last episode of Survivor?

That's just an awful commute! But I'm glad to hear you are feeling better.

Good morning and welcome to your QOTD for Friday, December 16, 2016:

Well, the holiday week is finally closing in! Hannukah starts next Saturday, Christmas is Sunday, and Kwanzaa is Monday! Are you ready? Gifts bought and wrapped? Meals planned? Decorations in place? Got the fancy dress ready for the office party? If so, I applaud you!!

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What is your favorite holiday-themed movie? Do you watch it every year? More than once? Any special traditions associated with watching?

As much as I love the Christmas season, I'm secretly glad that I don't celebrate it because my Decembers are never that hard. I just enjoy the pretty lights and decorations that everyone else puts up. :)

My family always went to the movies every Christmas. It was the one movie a year that we could have all of the popcorn, candy, and sofa we wanted. I always got popcorn with butter, sweet tarts, junior mints, and a cherry icee. I usually ate the popcorn and icee and saved the big boxes of movie candy to eat over the next week or two in front of my brother and sister. We just stopped going one year for no good reason. I think we should start up again!

As far as actual holiday movies, I love love love Love Actually. DH and I usually watch it on New Year's Eve while snacking on hors d'oeuvres and drinking something bubbly. He claims to hate it but always starts to ask when I've scheduled Love Actually a few weeks before Christmas. I also really like Meet Me in St. Louis. My mom would put it on whenever we were sick.

Folks... I am heartbroken! 100ml of beileys have massive 327 calories. 1 hours of walking! Nooooooo

I guess I will enjoy one over the Christmas but will stick to sparkling wine for a go to drink

Going out tonight and making my research. Have unopened bottle from last year but don't think I will be having it

I am not big on Christmas movies. We went to see Star Wars last year and going again this and we will enjoy the Chrismtas lights in town and meal after if this counts?

327... this so sad.

Oh that is a lot of calories!!!

Hiiiiiiii friends! I'm back from Disney World and had an AMAZING time. I think the entire trip was a "woohoo" Wednesday celebration post. We ran into @Lady Marie and her husband and Magic Kingdom - she's super adorable and I enjoyed meeting her in person :D

Here's some awesome things that happened on our trip:
- MVMCP was amazing! Finally saw Holiday Wishes and enjoyed the Character meet-n-greets. Definitely worth it to attend, though I wish they had healthier alternatives for Hot Chocolate and cookies. We ended up grabbing the hot beverages and used them as hand warmers once the temps dropped ;)
- We got a random bit of pixie dust -- Disney called us when we were at AK on our first day and we got upgraded for RunDisney Princess race weekend. Now we're in the Animal Kingdom Lodge Savannah View with Club level! I guess the Coronado Springs resort is under construction and they had to move us - no additional cost. We're so happy to go back to our favorite hotel on property!
- We met so many characters. Photo pass is amazing.
- So many healthy meals! Picking our food ahead of time and logging meals really helped keep us in check.

I resigned from my job today and I start my new gig on Monday. Ready to weigh in tomorrow and get back on track! Missed all of you while I was away :)

So glad you had such an amazing time! That upgrade is quite a treat for your next trip! Congratulations on the new gig!!

Welcome to your QOTW for Saturday/Sunday December 17-18, 2016:

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I had a Facebook memory pop up recently and it was actually about a kind deed someone did for me (actually, it was my kids!) that I had been thinking of a few days previous. It made me realize that sometimes a good gesture or deed can mean more than all of the gifts in the world. This "deed" had been done for me three years ago.... but I still remembered it! However, I would have a hard time telling you exactly what gifts were under the tree that year or what we ate for dinner.

Do you have any stories about good deeds/gestures or Random Acts of Kindness that have been extended toward YOU in the past (particularly holiday related)? Or would you like to share a story about a time you were able to be part of a RAK for someone else?

I would like to extend my RAK award for the week to the incredibly kind man sitting next to me on the train Thursday when I had a coughing fit that wouldn't end. Anyone else would have fled in terror since it must have sounded like I had the plague. He rummaged through his bag and came up with cough drops and an unopened bottle of water. My hero!

Aw thanks!!! My DH said as we were walking down Main St after meeting y'all, "They seem like a lot of fun." And I was like "I was just thinking the same thing!" LOL Glad it was an amazing trip!!!

Oh yeah... this one I truly hope to pay forward soon....

When I was 16, "Santa" brought me a car. Santa was actually my boyfriend at the time's parents who wished to remain anonymous. But through a series of events, I found out years later. They knew my mom (a single mother on an elementary school teacher's salary) could never have afforded to get me a car, and every year at Christmas they tried to find a family to do something big and nice for. After I got over feeling like a charity case (haha), I was astounded at their kindness. And I drove it for 7 years until it got stolen-- otherwise I may still be driving it to this day!

Now my cousin's daughter turns 16 in a year and a half-- her mother (my cousin that I'm always talking about on here!) is a widow of 3 years now, and I know can't afford to get her a car. I have a Jeep (that I bought with my insurance money from the stolen gift car actually) that DH and I are outgrowing if you will. We want to talk to her mom next year and see if she would like for us to give it to her daughter for Christmas. I think it's rather poetic for the first act of kindness to domino to the next, and maybe she can figure out a way to pay it forward when she grows up too. :)

Weekly check-in: 50% Still maintaining (a hair under for now still!). I did eat back my nice loss from last week last night at a Christmas party, but have plenty of plans to stay on track this week leading up to the big day!

What a wonderful thing to have done for you. I love your plans to pass it on!
Checking in at 48%. I am about 1000 calories over balance for the 17 days, it's nothing dramatic but I kept tracking. I gave myself 15 out of 17 days so far, but if i manage to catch up on it later during the month I will up my %.

We drove to one of the UK town to my favorite supermarket and I bought a lot of veggie and fruits for this, lovely salad dressing - things that will help me stay on track. It will be busy week, and I happy how things are going so far in December.
What is your favorite holiday-themed movie? Do you watch it every year? More than once? Any special traditions associated with watching?

I think I said the other day that The Santa Clause is our family tradition that we watch every year together. Also, when we are decorating the tree we put on Mickey's Once Upon A Christmas :-)

DS is turning the big
1-0 (where did the past 10 years go!!!)

Ooohh double digits - yes that is when you know they are growing up - I really struggled when each of mine turned 10 - it was very emotional - hope you are doing ok -

National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation is my absolute favorite.

Yes - I almost forgot this one - they typically have it on TV here on Christmas night - so I watch it when I am exhausted and full and just relaxing on the couch - its a good laugh.

Folks... I am heartbroken! 100ml of beileys have massive 327 calories. 1 hours of walking! Nooooooo

OMG - I haven't had this in years and I used to love it! Guess I won't treat myself with any this year.

Gift shopping is done... even pretty much for the gifts I've gotten myself :)

Awesome work - I also have bought myself a few little things this year as I have shopped - that I just decided it was ok to get and I deserved it lol.

I resigned from my job today and I start my new gig on Monday. Ready to weigh in tomorrow and get back on track! Missed all of you while I was away :)

That is great news - I hope the new job is everything you hope it will be. So jealous of your pre-Christmas Disney visit but glad you had an awesome time.

Good morning all!! Waking up to a bit of a "winter wonderland" going on here. Not sure how that will impact the day.

I saw some of your winter weather on the news here tonight - there had been a big pile up and a few people were killed - stay safe all my friends in the snowy regions.


It has been a busy few days here - I have continued the garden work - the other day my father wanted to do it in the morning as that is when he is at his best - but it is hot - whereas DS12 and I have been doing it all in the late afternoon when it is cooler. But the only way to make sure DF didn't overdo it was for us to get in and do it in the morning when he was here - so was hot but a breeze, shady under the trees, drank lots of water, stuck my head under the cold water in the shower .... we stopped by 12.30-1pm .... but no just as I suspected it was a BAD idea ... by mid afternoon when I was floating in the river the headache started ..... I was barely able to drive home .... stumbled in to bed .... sipped water and lemonade ... cold washer on the head.... head hurting everywhere .... slept for an hour .... woke up as DS16 had a work shift .... when I moved I felt like throwing up .... so in tears I had to get DS16 to call and say he couldn't get to work! more lemonade .... more sleep ... finally it eased and I was able to sit on the couch with the kids. I felt so bad about DS shift at work .... but they seemed understanding and asked after me when he went to work the next day :-) So I still have gardening to do but it will definitely only be done in the afternoons!

I have not bought myself any chocolate to keep in the fridge in a few weeks now ... so progress is being made. Food has been relatively good as being so hot the past few days it can dull the appetite and I have been wanting nice fresh food - got some more gorgeous dark red cherries and a yellow watermelon at the shop yesterday! Dinner tonight was a BBQ with salad - I had a mix of chicken and prawn kabobs. It was nice sitting outside under some of our Christmas lights for dinner ... even if it did decide to rain! but that was nice as it really helped the temperature drop a bit.

REPORTING IN: I am at 51.85% - I am on track with improving the amount of homemade meals we are eating.

Our local grocer had a little stand yesterday with fridge magnets and brochures for healthy eating - the magnet is good - it shaped like a plate with the split for protein, veg, grains on it - so I have stuck it on the fridge as a reminder for us all.

There has been a modest downward movement on the scale when I hopped on this morning ... I am happy to see a little movement although that is not my main focus at the moment.

Aw thanks!!! My DH said as we were walking down Main St after meeting y'all, "They seem like a lot of fun." And I was like "I was just thinking the same thing!" LOL Glad it was an amazing trip!!!

Oh yeah... this one I truly hope to pay forward soon....

When I was 16, "Santa" brought me a car. Santa was actually my boyfriend at the time's parents who wished to remain anonymous. But through a series of events, I found out years later. They knew my mom (a single mother on an elementary school teacher's salary) could never have afforded to get me a car, and every year at Christmas they tried to find a family to do something big and nice for. After I got over feeling like a charity case (haha), I was astounded at their kindness. And I drove it for 7 years until it got stolen-- otherwise I may still be driving it to this day!

Now my cousin's daughter turns 16 in a year and a half-- her mother (my cousin that I'm always talking about on here!) is a widow of 3 years now, and I know can't afford to get her a car. I have a Jeep (that I bought with my insurance money from the stolen gift car actually) that DH and I are outgrowing if you will. We want to talk to her mom next year and see if she would like for us to give it to her daughter for Christmas. I think it's rather poetic for the first act of kindness to domino to the next, and maybe she can figure out a way to pay it forward when she grows up too. :)

Weekly check-in: 50% Still maintaining (a hair under for now still!). I did eat back my nice loss from last week last night at a Christmas party, but have plenty of plans to stay on track this week leading up to the big day!

That is a GREAT story and what a wonderful way to pay it forward!

It has been a busy few days here - I have continued the garden work - the other day my father wanted to do it in the morning as that is when he is at his best - but it is hot - whereas DS12 and I have been doing it all in the late afternoon when it is cooler. But the only way to make sure DF didn't overdo it was for us to get in and do it in the morning when he was here - so was hot but a breeze, shady under the trees, drank lots of water, stuck my head under the cold water in the shower .... we stopped by 12.30-1pm .... but no just as I suspected it was a BAD idea ... by mid afternoon when I was floating in the river the headache started ..... I was barely able to drive home .... stumbled in to bed .... sipped water and lemonade ... cold washer on the head.... head hurting everywhere .... slept for an hour .... woke up as DS16 had a work shift .... when I moved I felt like throwing up .... so in tears I had to get DS16 to call and say he couldn't get to work! more lemonade .... more sleep ... finally it eased and I was able to sit on the couch with the kids. I felt so bad about DS shift at work .... but they seemed understanding and asked after me when he went to work the next day :-) So I still have gardening to do but it will definitely only be done in the afternoons!

I have not bought myself any chocolate to keep in the fridge in a few weeks now ... so progress is being made. Food has been relatively good as being so hot the past few days it can dull the appetite and I have been wanting nice fresh food - got some more gorgeous dark red cherries and a yellow watermelon at the shop yesterday! Dinner tonight was a BBQ with salad - I had a mix of chicken and prawn kabobs. It was nice sitting outside under some of our Christmas lights for dinner ... even if it did decide to rain! but that was nice as it really helped the temperature drop a bit.

REPORTING IN: I am at 51.85% - I am on track with improving the amount of homemade meals we are eating.

Our local grocer had a little stand yesterday with fridge magnets and brochures for healthy eating - the magnet is good - it shaped like a plate with the split for protein, veg, grains on it - so I have stuck it on the fridge as a reminder for us all.

There has been a modest downward movement on the scale when I hopped on this morning ... I am happy to see a little movement although that is not my main focus at the moment.

So sorry that you got hit so hard with a headache/dehydration/overheating issue. Believe me, you won't forget and you will get smarter! It happened to us (DH and I) many years ago. We were both overweight and out of shape and decided it would be a good idea to help shovel gravel at church on a hot summer morning! We worked for about 2 hours or so and came home and literally collapsed for the remainder of the day! We actually just could barely move.... we were exhausted and feeling slightly ill! I'm sure it was a combo of being SO out of shape and doing that hard work in the heat... but it was miserable. Take care to continue to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate for the next few days!


Good Sunday morning all! I see we have some good results posted! Excited to get Monday's results post done. Yesterday's weather was white and wintery and as a result DH decided that we would not go to the open house we had planned to attend. He knew I would NOT be disappointed, as I hate social events like that (where I know NO ONE!). It did clear later in the afternoon so that DS was able to go to his girlfriend's Christmas dance recital (but we chose to drive him.... he doesn't have much experience driving in the snow). I got some wrapping done and watched about 5 episodes of The Crown on Netflix with DD. As soon as she is up and moving we are heading out to do some shopping...... we were going to go yesterday but didn't because of the weather.

We got about 7 inches of snow yesterday (more than I had anticipated) but today we are expecting temps in the 40s and it has been raining hard for about an hour. I'm excited for a day way above freezing, but I wouldn't mind leaving a little snow for a white Christmas.

For those of you who might be fans of Halo Top ice cream (low calorie protein ice cream), have you tried the chocolate almond crunch? It was the first really disappointing flavor I've had. The artificial almond extract flavor was overwhelming. I took a few bites and put it back in the freezer. I plan to return it to the store today... I know they will take it back at and at $5/pint, I am not going to just toss it out! We also tried the Red Velvet and it was one of the BEST Halo Top flavors I've tried. I have a pint of the cookies and cream in the freezer and have read that it is the worst... so I'm wondering if I should return that one also. I wasn't a huge fan of the lemon (even though I generally like lemon anything), but it was edible. Chocolate mint chip, chocolate mocha chip, chocolate, and birthday cake are all delicious.

Okay.... time for breakfast! DD asked for eggs again today, so I guess to keep things easy that is what I will have as well. She had requested that I make avocado toast this week, but the avocados are still a touch under-ripe. ..........................P
Hello and happy Sunday!! Checking in for the week - I'm holding steady at 5 pounds down for the month and 1 pound down from my pre-Disney weight. Which puts me at 100%+ for the month so far. Woohoo!!!!!!!

I've spend the morning doing all the vacation laundry. My husband thinks I am crazy but I think our dirty clothes always smell so weird whenever we get back from a Florida trip. Some sort of variation on that awesome monorail smell of bandaids, sunblock, and sweat. We are headed out to lunch and then I think I'm going to make a big pot of soup. Someone has actually been craving vegetables. :)
Checking in at 48%. I am about 1000 calories over balance for the 17 days, it's nothing dramatic but I kept tracking. I gave myself 15 out of 17 days so far, but if i manage to catch up on it later during the month I will up my %.

We drove to one of the UK town to my favorite supermarket and I bought a lot of veggie and fruits for this, lovely salad dressing - things that will help me stay on track. It will be busy week, and I happy how things are going so far in December.

Great job!

I think I said the other day that The Santa Clause is our family tradition that we watch every year together. Also, when we are decorating the tree we put on Mickey's Once Upon A Christmas :-)

Ooohh double digits - yes that is when you know they are growing up - I really struggled when each of mine turned 10 - it was very emotional - hope you are doing ok -

Yes - I almost forgot this one - they typically have it on TV here on Christmas night - so I watch it when I am exhausted and full and just relaxing on the couch - its a good laugh.

OMG - I haven't had this in years and I used to love it! Guess I won't treat myself with any this year.

Awesome work - I also have bought myself a few little things this year as I have shopped - that I just decided it was ok to get and I deserved it lol.

That is great news - I hope the new job is everything you hope it will be. So jealous of your pre-Christmas Disney visit but glad you had an awesome time.

I saw some of your winter weather on the news here tonight - there had been a big pile up and a few people were killed - stay safe all my friends in the snowy regions.


It has been a busy few days here - I have continued the garden work - the other day my father wanted to do it in the morning as that is when he is at his best - but it is hot - whereas DS12 and I have been doing it all in the late afternoon when it is cooler. But the only way to make sure DF didn't overdo it was for us to get in and do it in the morning when he was here - so was hot but a breeze, shady under the trees, drank lots of water, stuck my head under the cold water in the shower .... we stopped by 12.30-1pm .... but no just as I suspected it was a BAD idea ... by mid afternoon when I was floating in the river the headache started ..... I was barely able to drive home .... stumbled in to bed .... sipped water and lemonade ... cold washer on the head.... head hurting everywhere .... slept for an hour .... woke up as DS16 had a work shift .... when I moved I felt like throwing up .... so in tears I had to get DS16 to call and say he couldn't get to work! more lemonade .... more sleep ... finally it eased and I was able to sit on the couch with the kids. I felt so bad about DS shift at work .... but they seemed understanding and asked after me when he went to work the next day :-) So I still have gardening to do but it will definitely only be done in the afternoons!

I have not bought myself any chocolate to keep in the fridge in a few weeks now ... so progress is being made. Food has been relatively good as being so hot the past few days it can dull the appetite and I have been wanting nice fresh food - got some more gorgeous dark red cherries and a yellow watermelon at the shop yesterday! Dinner tonight was a BBQ with salad - I had a mix of chicken and prawn kabobs. It was nice sitting outside under some of our Christmas lights for dinner ... even if it did decide to rain! but that was nice as it really helped the temperature drop a bit.

REPORTING IN: I am at 51.85% - I am on track with improving the amount of homemade meals we are eating.

Our local grocer had a little stand yesterday with fridge magnets and brochures for healthy eating - the magnet is good - it shaped like a plate with the split for protein, veg, grains on it - so I have stuck it on the fridge as a reminder for us all.

There has been a modest downward movement on the scale when I hopped on this morning ... I am happy to see a little movement although that is not my main focus at the moment.

Sorry to hear about the dehydration attack. That is scary! Great month so far!

That is a GREAT story and what a wonderful way to pay it forward!

So sorry that you got hit so hard with a headache/dehydration/overheating issue. Believe me, you won't forget and you will get smarter! It happened to us (DH and I) many years ago. We were both overweight and out of shape and decided it would be a good idea to help shovel gravel at church on a hot summer morning! We worked for about 2 hours or so and came home and literally collapsed for the remainder of the day! We actually just could barely move.... we were exhausted and feeling slightly ill! I'm sure it was a combo of being SO out of shape and doing that hard work in the heat... but it was miserable. Take care to continue to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate for the next few days!


Good Sunday morning all! I see we have some good results posted! Excited to get Monday's results post done. Yesterday's weather was white and wintery and as a result DH decided that we would not go to the open house we had planned to attend. He knew I would NOT be disappointed, as I hate social events like that (where I know NO ONE!). It did clear later in the afternoon so that DS was able to go to his girlfriend's Christmas dance recital (but we chose to drive him.... he doesn't have much experience driving in the snow). I got some wrapping done and watched about 5 episodes of The Crown on Netflix with DD. As soon as she is up and moving we are heading out to do some shopping...... we were going to go yesterday but didn't because of the weather.

We got about 7 inches of snow yesterday (more than I had anticipated) but today we are expecting temps in the 40s and it has been raining hard for about an hour. I'm excited for a day way above freezing, but I wouldn't mind leaving a little snow for a white Christmas.

For those of you who might be fans of Halo Top ice cream (low calorie protein ice cream), have you tried the chocolate almond crunch? It was the first really disappointing flavor I've had. The artificial almond extract flavor was overwhelming. I took a few bites and put it back in the freezer. I plan to return it to the store today... I know they will take it back at and at $5/pint, I am not going to just toss it out! We also tried the Red Velvet and it was one of the BEST Halo Top flavors I've tried. I have a pint of the cookies and cream in the freezer and have read that it is the worst... so I'm wondering if I should return that one also. I wasn't a huge fan of the lemon (even though I generally like lemon anything), but it was edible. Chocolate mint chip, chocolate mocha chip, chocolate, and birthday cake are all delicious.

Okay.... time for breakfast! DD asked for eggs again today, so I guess to keep things easy that is what I will have as well. She had requested that I make avocado toast this week, but the avocados are still a touch under-ripe. ..........................P

I've got The Crown queued up and ready to go as soon as my firm loses for the week between Christmas and New Year. It has been so hard not to crack and watch it!

I'm intrigued by this Halo Top ice cream. I might have to go search that out!
So sorry that you got hit so hard with a headache/dehydration/overheating issue. Believe me, you won't forget and you will get smarter! It happened to us (DH and I) many years ago. We were both overweight and out of shape and decided it would be a good idea to help shovel gravel at church on a hot summer morning! We worked for about 2 hours or so and came home and literally collapsed for the remainder of the day! We actually just could barely move.... we were exhausted and feeling slightly ill! I'm sure it was a combo of being SO out of shape and doing that hard work in the heat... but it was miserable. Take care to continue to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate for the next few days!

Thanks - yes I do think my unfitness is part of it ... but I have always been a bit sensitive to the heat - even though I live in a warm climate - so I kind of did know better but when you have a DF who turns 80 next year and doesn't like to admit he can't do all the things he used to in the same way - heading out there to do it AFTER you already tried putting timeframes on it - the only way to minimise what he will do is to step in and do it instead! Well hopefully - he knows now that it wasn't a good idea for any of us...

He knew I would NOT be disappointed, as I hate social events like that (where I know NO ONE!).

I can so empathise with this - I also really struggle in social situations like this where I know no-one or very few people.

Someone has actually been craving vegetables. :)

Great work this month - after being away from home doing a lot of eating out I also find I crave vegetables.
Good morning all! Welcome to your QOTD for Monday, December 19, 2016:


It is applicable all year round, but most especially during the holiday season....JOY. What brings you TRUE JOY?
It is applicable all year round, but most especially during the holiday season....JOY. What brings you TRUE JOY?

My kids - @HappyGrape - I know what you mean about watching them sleep - I love it too. Being on or near the water is also a big one for me.

It was a cool drizzly day here today which was a nice relief after the hot weather we have been having. So was out in the garden cutting trees again today in the cooler conditions - so lots of natural incidental exercise happening at the moment.

DS16 is on the 9pm-12pm shift at work each night until Friday this week in the lead up to Christmas with extended retail hours. That means I have to be up as well as I have to pick him up from work - I think we will both be exhausted come Christmas Day!
Forgot to check in! The bitter cold, ice, and snow kept me from working out this weekend so I'm at 33%. I'm really not happy with that number considering that the month is almost over and that I'd have to work out every day in order to hit my goal :worried: Oh well. I have a happy hour tonight so I won't get to the gym tonight either but at least I'm back to healthy eating and I'll be at the gym for the rest of the week for sure! I would love to head into Christmas weekend a little bit ahead.


True joy comes from spending time with my friends and family and my cat child. Of course anything and everything Disney! Planning trips I'll never take, reading Dis news, listening to the sounds of the parks. Disney is happiness.
Hiiiiiiii friends! I'm back from Disney World and had an AMAZING time. I think the entire trip was a "woohoo" Wednesday celebration post. We ran into @Lady Marie and her husband and Magic Kingdom - she's super adorable and I enjoyed meeting her in person :D

Here's some awesome things that happened on our trip:
- MVMCP was amazing! Finally saw Holiday Wishes and enjoyed the Character meet-n-greets. Definitely worth it to attend, though I wish they had healthier alternatives for Hot Chocolate and cookies. We ended up grabbing the hot beverages and used them as hand warmers once the temps dropped ;)
- We got a random bit of pixie dust -- Disney called us when we were at AK on our first day and we got upgraded for RunDisney Princess race weekend. Now we're in the Animal Kingdom Lodge Savannah View with Club level! I guess the Coronado Springs resort is under construction and they had to move us - no additional cost. We're so happy to go back to our favorite hotel on property!
- We met so many characters. Photo pass is amazing.
- So many healthy meals! Picking our food ahead of time and logging meals really helped keep us in check.

I resigned from my job today and I start my new gig on Monday. Ready to weigh in tomorrow and get back on track! Missed all of you while I was away :)
So happy you had a great time... sure enjoyed seeing your pictures on IG!
Good morning all! Welcome to your QOTD for Monday, December 19, 2016:

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It is applicable all year round, but most especially during the holiday season....JOY. What brings you TRUE JOY?

I'm probably starting to sound like a broken record, but... Saturday I had my second (and last :() color work class and it was even better than the first because we were no longer new to each other. After class I wandered around the shop squishing yarn, because how could I go all the way out there and not get some yarn, and realized I was totally relaxed, totally content, happy and smiling. This wonderfulness continued on the drive home, thru the country side with Christmas carols blaring on the car radio and even on thru Sunday (it's starting to wear off a bit now that I'm at work). There is just something magical about sitting and knitting in community with others. Another thing that brought joy over the weekend was that two other gals in my trailer/camping club posted requests for Christmas cards for folks they knew, and it was so nice to be able to return the favor: I sent off four cards this morning in addition to a few more for my SIS/SIL. Thanks again to everyone who sent them cards, I know they've been enjoying getting them.

Overall it was a lovely weekend: as mentioned, I went to knitting class Saturday early then had lunch down by the beach in my neighborhood. Sunday I went to the grocery store really early, then down to the packaging store mid-day to get some last minute wrapping supplies, love that store. I puttered around the house, knit for a bit and then in the late afternoon decided to suck it up and get outside to put up the rest of the lights... so glad I did as the house really looks festive now. I didn't start working on cookies till early evening. After watching so much Food Network lately, I was determined to actually follow the recipes and do things right. The first batch was peppermint candy cane cookies and they came out great. The second batch was to be fruitcake cookies, but Mike started fussing because he wanted to cuddle and I wasn't sitting down on the couch as desired (who's the boss, really) and I lost track of what I was doing and added and extra cup of flour. I tried to recover and baked a few test cookie but they were awful... guess I just got eliminated from the Holiday Baking Challenge :).

Really wanted to just phone it in at work this week, but we had a system crisis yesterday, so today is going to be a lot of hand wringing and heated discussion. Once again I am ever so grateful to have turned in my Queen of Prod Support Crown, and to just be a team player in this.

Yesterday one of my Disney travel pals pinged me saying she was planning her trip for November of next year and wanted to mention it, even though she knows I don't quite plan that far out. I was thinking I wouldn't be going next year, but November sounds really good... I've had in mind that I'd kind of like to be there for Thanksgiving at least once: her trip starts 11.11.17 and she's usually there for 10+ days, so I could overlap with her and do Thanksgiving, definitely something to think about.

Happy Monday before Christmas everyone!

OF COURSE I watched Survivor! It was a great finale.... but it definitely did NOT end the way I thought it would! I have one Facebook friend (she is just a casual aquaintance actually... just the Mom of someone that DS went to elementary school with).... and her cousin was on this season! He was Bret, the Boston cop! I've "liked" a few pictures on Facebook that she posted with him.... and the day of the finale she had "liked" a picture of a young man with (presumably) his parents and when I looked closely I realized it was Will (from this season also). I had a bit of a "fan-girl" freak out about it and of course had to "comment" and "like" it! So now I have just 2 degrees of separation from someone who was actually ON Survivor! I guess that was my WOOHOO WEDNESDAY!

That is awesome. He was not my favorite on the show but I still liked him. I did like Adam and was glad he won. It was a greal final episode but wish they would talk more at the finale show.

Good morning all! Welcome to your QOTD for Monday, December 19, 2016:

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It is applicable all year round, but most especially during the holiday season....JOY. What brings you TRUE JOY?

My kids give me the most joy. I love watching my daughter sleep. Expecially after a day that I am ready to pull my hair out with her. I like watching my son sleep too but he is always sweet so it is a little different. Another joy is disney planning. I would love to make this a job if I could.


I am checking in at about 200%.

I did gain about a pound to 2 pounds. I am not upset with because of how much I lost being sick. I finally got most of my shopping down today. Just a few small things to get.

I will get on as much h as I cam over the next couple of days but I am pretty busy getting last minute stuff done. I need to run now and wrap teacher gifts and my daughter want me to study with her one last time for a science test tomorrow.
So this happened tonight:

I think my kids believing in Santa is coming to an end. I went upstairs to get wrapping paper for my daughter's teacher gifts and I told her she couldn't come up stairs with me. She asks me if it was because their gifts are up there. (They are) I told her no but she smiled in a smile that she knows and then said they are gifts for others. I said yes and then went and got the wrapping paper and nothing else was said. My son still hasn't said anything to me.

I am not eating the greatest tonight. I have chocolate covered pretzels that I have been with only eating a few a night. Yep finished the rest tonight. Not sure I am ready for this next chapter.


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