May Fourth be with you

chickapin parterre

DIS Veteran
Dec 18, 2014

legit today, because after surgery, I can no longer say the word THE

......a hot july night in Bosie, Idaho,g my older cousins home on Stanley lane. Sister and I decide to go see this movie making news.....8:00..Sold Out????? seats available for midnight showing....what did we know, we had been at the base of the Idaho Sawtooth mountains for two weeks celebrating my 21st birthday.
The was the last time that sister and I went midnight wilding....1.5 years later she got married

When did you see first see the force on a big screen
My mom and her friend took me - I think I was 13? Anyways, saw it, was awestruck by it all. Then a friend of mine wanted to see it, and I was like "of course I'll go with you!" This was before it became popular to see a movie in the theaters over and over again. I'd never thought of seeing a movie again, so this was the first movie I saw more than once in a theater. When it came to our local theater in the town where we had a summer cottage, I went to it almost every night with one of my cousins. And when the Star Wars Theme Pop Mix was on the radio? I used to scan through the stations to find it. I finally was able to record it on my tape recorder so I could listen to it all the time. I was the ultimate Star Wars nerd. (or geek?) Anyways, it's fitting that my oldest child's birthday is today :)
I remember it well! That summer my brother and I took turns picking movies and we would go every weekend. His pick, "Star Wars". I had a close friend that was already raving about it but I wasn't interested. Since I always used to hate it when I had to watch Star Trek reruns when my brother hogged the TV, I assumed it would be something similar to Star Trek and that I would hate it. I went to the movie as a pouting, grudging, little brat. And then, was just blown away right from the opening note of that theme and that excitement didn't let up until the end credits. I must have seen it 15 times that summer LOL.

And May the 4th be with you as well!
When did you see first see the force on a big screen?

I was pretty young when the first one came out, but I distinctly remember going to Return of the Jedi with my brother. - It was so crowded, we had to sit one behind the other in separate rows!

legit today, because after surgery, I can no longer say the word THE

......a hot july night in Bosie, Idaho,g my older cousins home on Stanley lane. Sister and I decide to go see this movie making news.....8:00..Sold Out????? seats available for midnight showing....what did we know, we had been at the base of the Idaho Sawtooth mountains for two weeks celebrating my 21st birthday.
The was the last time that sister and I went midnight wilding....1.5 years later she got married

When did you see first see the force on a big screen

When I was....six years old.


Got my parents to do a drive in movie night, and Star Wars: A New Hope :darth::chewy:was playing (I can't really remember if it was the first or second movie of the night, lol. Probably first, since I was awake for it. :rotfl2: )

I remember playing on the swings, eating hot dogs and popcorn:: and soda (that my parents brought in...oiy), visiting the concession stand to get a candy, sitting on the tailgate of the station wagon...and not much of the movie. :confused3 I liked it, I just don't remember watching it. lol

I do remember going to see ESB, though, and RotJ. Remember getting them on laserdisc and betamax at the library (along with Raiders of the Lost Ark) and watching them over and over again at the library. (back then, at our library, you couldn't borrow the disks/tapes, only watch them there, with headphones, on their machines. You could borrow regular LPs and Cassette tapes, and yes, we borrowed and recorded them on blank cassettes. pirate:Get off my lawn.
I was too young to see the OT in theaters, but I can remember when they were going to show the movie "Star Wars" on network TV. I think I was in Kindergarten and everyone was abuzz about it. We all watched and talked about it the next day. Back then, that was the only way to see it. VHS copies weren't out yet as that was still in it's infancy (we didn't even have a VCR or I would've taped the TV broadcast - we got one soon after as I recall). Anyway, it was still super exciting. Eventually I was able to see them all, and I of course watched the Ewoks and Droids cartoons and bought C-3POs cereal for the paper masks on the box. It wasn't until the Special Editions that I saw them in theaters. I remember finding out tickets were on sale early - unheard of back then as tickets were always only day-of - and the girl hand-wrote them because the computer wasn't capable of printing tickets for another day. It was awesome to see those, then the Prequels. I must have seen Ep. I a dozen times, and I don't care what anyone says, I still love it!

FYI, the Clone War finale is up TODAY - no waiting until Friday. If you're watching that check it out as the spoilers are flying.
I was 10 years old - a country boy in the deep south. Star Wars changed the way I thought about movies. I have been a huge movie buff ever since, watching about 50 movies/year in theaters.
Meet TomTom, my Porg.

The real life island where the scenes on Ahch-To were filmed is called Skellig Michael and it is located off the Kerry coast on the south west of Ireland.

My grandparents lived in Co Kerry and as a child I remember going on family days out and my grandpa pointing to the island in the bay and telling me about Skellig Michael. My grandpa's name was Tomas, so that's why I named my Porg TomTom

It was the year my cousin's parents split up. I went to see Star Wars (wasn't called A New Hope then) within the first blush of it opening. Not even any hype for it yet. It cost $2.50 for the movie and probably at least as much for the popcorn. Then I saw it a few times afterward with my friends, as well.

I do remember seeing Empire Strikes Back 11 times in the theatre. We were trying to figure out if Yoda was saying "Yes, no, no" or "No, no, no" when Luke asked "Is the dark side stronger". The arguments we had over that one! I finally bought the published version of the script years later just to find the answer. Because, well, you can't read the lips of a muppet.
I was 9. It was when the movies were re-released in theaters for a time - I think maybe the Special Editions?

I had seen the films themselves long before that, though, when I was 4-5. Leia was amazing to me as a young girl. She was smart, beautiful, and in-charge, and she looked like me. Growing up, all the superheroes were either blonde, redheads, or black-haired, and all had blue or green eyes. Leia was the first female character I remember being brunette with brown eyes, and that was a big deal to me. She was also why I always wanted to have very long hair (and now my hair is the same length as hers in ROTJ on Endor.) I haven't finished my ANH gown, but I made appearances at the theaters for the new trilogy in one of her other costumes.
I still haven't seen any of them.

My DS asked if I would watch The Mandalorian with him... after he had already watched it once. It was fantastic and I can't wait for season 2.

So, if 65" is a big screen, then I have seen The Mandalorian about 6 weeks ago for the first time.
My first theater SW was episode 1 with DH. My family never watched SW before that.
I was 7 in '77. Saw Star Wars 3 times and was hooked. Only got to see ESB once, but saw ROTJ 6 times, and during that time was really when I became a super fan. Joined the fan club, got the Bantha tracks newsletters, etc. ESB vinyl albums still my favorite keepsake (and all time favorite album. Just so incredible.)
Fast forward to now. Loved the clone wars finale (and the whole final arc of Ahsoka) yesterday. That series was SO well done. Hard to recapture that first experience of seeing the originals in the theater, but so very thrilled that new generations will carry on the love with new movies, series, comics, video games, etc.


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