May 23, 2009 (5/23/09) E. Caribbean w/Tortola

Gorgeous grandson you have there! Congrats again.

All this talk of Dug reminded me. Last weekend we were sitting in our living room watching tv and i spotted our friendly neighbourhood squirrel running towards the french windows (he likes to sit on the step by the french windows eating for some reason).

So i call out "Squirrel" to DH, which is what i have always done when the squirrel is in the garden. Normally, DH just kind of says oh yeah and carries on watching tv.

This time, DH had the quickness of thought to do a very exaggerated Dug style "squirrel" headturn towards the windows. It was really funny :lmao::rotfl::lmao:

Bill, how silly of me to not realize that the entourage cannot cruise alone!! :worship:

Here's me and my new boyfriend.....only one of about 200 pics so far. ;)


My shirt says "Too hot to be a grandma" :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: Yeah, right....

BEAUTIFUL baby!!! Congrats!
Who went to Ricky Kalmon's hypnosis shows? We were there, she got hypnotized, I just watched. popcorn::

So, to whom ever went, what did you think of him?
We thought he was fabulous! We roared and had a great time, especially when it became personal.....and weird....but awesome!:thumbsup2


I only saw him in the WD theater. I thought what he had people on stage doing was funny, but I am skeptical. I feel like too many people looked like they were laughing while they were supposd to be "sleeping". Not saying that I don't believe in hypnosis at all, or that he can't put people under...just skeptical of his "show".
I only saw him in the WD theater. I thought what he had people on stage doing was funny, but I am skeptical. I feel like too many people looked like they were laughing while they were supposd to be "sleeping". Not saying that I don't believe in hypnosis at all, or that he can't put people under...just skeptical of his "show".

We went to see both his shows - I enjoyed them but have been to hypnosis shows before so knew what to expect - I have been to a couple of Max Collie's shows where I had friends who went up and got hypnotized and who had no idea what they were doing up on stage :).
Those shows were hysterical :rotfl:
We thought he was pretty funny... although I can't help but be a TINY bit skeptical that some of the people up there aren't just good actors???

I hear you, believe me...especially where I am not able to get hypnotized. But, my partner did, and she told me how it felt, what she experienced, all very weird and yet amazing. There would be no reason for her to make it I dunno. The Rockin' Bar D night was my favorite.

I have plenty of food pictures - soon.

In the meantime, this one made me laugh - a lovely CM explaining what a salad is to 4 people who could probably write a book about food and wine.....

I hear you, believe me...especially where I am not able to get hypnotized. But, my partner did, and she told me how it felt, what she experienced, all very weird and yet amazing. There would be no reason for her to make it I dunno. The Rockin' Bar D night was my favorite.


I definitely believe it more when we hear from people like you that know the participants... :)
I am making up narrative to accompany these pictures, which were shot by DS19, using the Canon D10. Once posted, he may be able to provide more commentary....

This tour is very convenient - you walk off the ship, a short way down the pier, and board a boat. There were two tours on May 29 at 10:30 (for those who might be able to find themselves in the pictures).


You take a short ride - one boat stays on the beach side, the other goes around the Magic and uses the space on the "other" side (where your can see a construction crane doing something - forgot to ask what - presume it has to do with the new requirements for the Dream / Fantasy). While in transit, you can get cool, one-of-a-kind shots that you cannot get from any other vantage:


Parasailors are launched, and retrieved, from the boat. No getting wet, if you don't want to. You are offered the option to get a little "dunked" on your way back into the boat - toes, legs, not sure what the third option was. I left the crew members' arm on the left so that you have some sense of perspective:


and here is someone getting "dipped"


This is the view, from the boat, of another parasailor. You can see the Magic in the lower left corner (for scale / perspective):


Another view:



Perspective from the air - check out the fuzzy - I mean, FUNNY legs!!


More opportunities to get unique photos:


This looks like "maximum height", based on the taut-ness of the rope:


This contains a little of everything - the ship, the height, the weather, the apparatus, the person:


Miscellaneous unique shots:

Magic, from the water, from the front:


The Magic


The Magic, looking like it is trying to pull away from the dock (like a horse...)


I am making up narrative to accompany these pictures, which were shot by DS19, using the Canon D10. Once posted, he may be able to provide more commentary....

This tour is very convenient - you walk off the ship, a short way down the pier, and board a boat. There were two tours on May 29 at 10:30 (for those who might be able to find themselves in the pictures).


You take a short ride - one boat stays on the beach side, the other goes around the Magic and uses the space on the "other" side (where your can see a construction crane doing something - forgot to ask what - presume it has to do with the new requirements for the Dream / Fantasy). While in transit, you can get cool, one-of-a-kind shots that you cannot get from any other vantage:




Hi, I have to say- awesome pictures!! Defintely great views of the Magic! Thanks for sharing!
great pictures, it sure started out a pretty day.
Just checking in. Baby had severe jaundice and finally got to go home last night....with the promise of testing him Monday at the Ped's office.
Been a long week.
I can't wait until I have enough time to read the thread and really check out everyone's pictures and maybe post a few of my own!!

I am so glad everyone is still talking. Promise not to go away until I can catch back up!!
It was a dark and gloomy day - wait - Florida's days of rain and gloom followed us to the Caribbean?


Yes, it followed us on our ferry ride from Tortola to the Baths. Ferry ride was pleasant enough.


And remained with us through the "open air taxi" ride, stopping for pictures before heading to the Baths. Here is the islands landing strip (a miniature of La Guida.....). It looks like a driveway slightly left of center of the picture.


A scenic beach on the Caribbean side


The Atlantic side (more "wind-swept" and barren, with cactus) - across the street:


The Baths

You disembark the open air taxi at the top of the hill, and walk down the trail and steps. Once at the bottom, there is a bathroom where you can change. There are only two stalls for the women. My recommendation is to wear your bathing suit so that you don't have to occupy a stall trying to change (and if the plumbing jams like it did on our excursion, it will be a very odoriferous 5 minutes). I also recommend a two piece if you are a two-piece suit person, so that it is easy to use the facilities.

Anyway, once at the bottom, you begin to explore the beach and boulders.

Everyone in these pictures is from the DCL first excursion of that day. There are interesting descriptions and explanations for the geology of the Baths (google). Pictures here are for scale and wonder.


Lots of people climbing on rocks (still no sunshine):


Catamarans visible through boulders - another way to get to the Baths:


Nice beach - posted the picture mostly so that people who were on the excursion may be able to have a picture of themselves:


DS19 on the boulders




The most interesting part of the excursion, the self-directed walkthough the path of boulders - very interesting, unique

It starts out easy - walking on sand, sufficient head clearance.



Sometimes you walk through water


Sometimes you walk on rock (with the aid of a rope)


Sometimes you get a beautifully framed view


and finally, you make it to Devil's Beach


From Devil's Beach, we walked through this opening to see what was on the other side:


...another, small beach - clearly someone was here before us (not today):


On our return, another nice view


We took the long way back, arriving shortly after the buffet was scheduled to start:


Name of the facility:


Picture of "freshwater pool" referenced in sign


View from the top



Summary - copied from my original commentary. I thought about "integrating" the text with the pictures above, but prefer to move onto another thread.

Simply, Tortola is new to the whole tourism-destination on a cruise-scale thing - and it shows in many ways. Random thoughts, to be followed with a separate thread of MANY pictures (in process of uploading) at a later date:

1. DS21 did SCUBA on both Tortola and St Thomas. He thought St Thomas scuba was infinitely superior and Tortola "not worth it." He said the St Thomas dive team was very professional, that Tortola was not as friendly, informative, safety-oriented. He also thought the "view" (visibility, variety of marine life) and short dive (mentioned by WiscBill) on the Tortola dive not as interesting. I have pictures of Tortola dive - he didn't take the camera on the ST dive.

2. DH, DS19 and I took ferry / taxi / baths / lunch excursion $89/pp

2a. Ferry ride was OK, but after experiencing a sail to St John the next day, I would not ferry again.

2b. Delay - waiting for ferry return to return us to the Magic - our designated ferry wasn't working and a replacement one was sent. It couldn't dock, so they tethered them together and helped us cross two rocking boats (not bad, but not exactly smooth). I did not mind this, I am just describing EVERYTHING so the reader - especially the readers with arthritis (which I do not have - actually, I have good balance, as I am a black belt in karate - but a black belt carrying an expensive camera in one hand at all times - which makes me more conscious of balance issues - you'll see this theme throughout this post)

2c. While waiting for replacement ferry, another ferry arrives with passengers. The boat is a good 1.5 to 2 feet BELOW the dock. Two excursion people LIFT every single person out of the boat by their arms (I took pictures because I couldn't believe it at first). I'm saying to my family - "Wow, that couldn't be a Disney boat - they would never contract with an excursion company that can't even dock right" - then I started seeing the Castaway Cay lanyards...... I have to believe some of them had comments on THAT - not that anyone was visibly upset, but that had to be uncomfortable for most of them.


2d. Aside - when debriefing with a fellow passenger that evening, he noted that the natives were pleasantly puzzled by the Disney passengers - they said "what does Disney do that their passengers are so nice".....

3. Taxi ride - open air, per excursion description. Pleasant enough. Enjoyed view of Atlantic side and beach shot (you'll see), but not sure it was worth the time. You do have to climb UP into the taxi - again, no big deal but worth knowing if you have mobility limitations.

4. The Baths - truly a unique and enjoyable site / beach (the pictures will save a thousand words) ABOVE

4a. Path DOWN to the Baths - not a problem - stairs, uneven surfaces, but no steep grades. HOWEVER, you need to PAY ATTENTION to where you are stepping. I consider this not terribly physically taxing if you use stairs often. And still, I scrapped my shin on one of the steps... No big deal, just reporting the facts.

4b. Path UP to the Bath - we took the long way up from Devils Bay - and really enjoyed the experience. However, it did require stepping down from rocks to sand. In my attempt to avoid a rock buried in the sand while stepping down (about 24 inches) and protect my camera, I landed on one knee in the sand - which scraped a 1 inch by .5 inch swath on the center of my knee (still weeping today). This would not have happened if I had taken more precautions (hand off the camera, put it away, etc.) - but I can't imagine my mother, with one arthritic knee, doing any of this. Just FYI - this does take longer than the main path - we were rushing a little to return in time for lunch. Turns out, we were in good shape time-wise, but we couldn't tell how far away we were to pace ourselves. You're not at risk for getting lost - but you don't know where you are exactly, either.

4c. Path from beach to beach - we crossed from main beach to Devils and whatever the beach beyond Devils was. It was all fascinating, but challenging for someone with mobility issues - you have to duck, crouch, climb, wade through narrow passages, use rope (one), etc.

5. Toilets on the beach - two stalls for women - some blockage while we were waiting to use it - horrible smell - but unclogged just as we were walking away.

6. Excursion description promised "delicious lunch". It wasn't bad, but it wasn't delicious either.

6a. One drink - rum punch (served by scooping punch from an open air container - if there was rum in it, I couldn't tell), can of Coors lite, cup of soft drink.

6b. Buffet - fish, macaroni, similar to picnic fare - I didn't study it or take pictures.

6c. Top of the Baths restaurant - was cute, had a little pool that some of the kids were enjoying, pleasant surroundings, lovely grounds, beautiful view.

7. Snorkeling - the description said snorkeling was available. I thought, for $89, it was included. DS19 was a little disappointed, but it wasn't a huge deal.

In summary, applying what I learned and am reading from others, IF I were to return to Tortola:
(a) it would be to see the Baths again
(b) I would like to snorkel (another family brought their own equipment - $29 at Target - and were pleased with the fish they saw in the caves; easier to do if you are driving than flying)
(c) I would avoid the ferry and the up/down hike, and SAIL to/from the island, swimming to shore
(d) I would try to be back on board for lunch.

AND it is worth knowing that Tortola is not a seamless, end-to-end Disney experience (yet). I suspect Disney will either get the experience in line with their cruise "brand" or cease to port there.....

8. The Town - we walked through town after our return. We are not shoppers, but we wanted to see what it was like. They have basically set up a "tent city" to sell stuff to tourists. I suspect it will be more like St Thomas over time - permanent stores, nicer walk to it, etc.
Lots of people climbing on rocks (still no sunshine):

My son is in this picture!! He's the one on top of the big boulder...the tallest one in the back. He had a blast climbing and exploring. We did the baths on our own...not through DCL. It really is an amazing place. Pictures simply do not do it justice! You have some great them!
Great pictures of the baths. It was a stunning place and so peaceful even with all the people there. We had a great day.
Thanks for sharing.
The pictures are WONDERFUL....and they are killing me!! I want to go back now. NOW. I'm beat. I must already be too old to be a live-in Grammy. I wish I lived close enough to come over in the a.m. and go home in the p.m.

Hope everyone is enjoying their summer!!
The pictures are WONDERFUL....and they are killing me!! I want to go back now. NOW. I'm beat. I must already be too old to be a live-in Grammy. I wish I lived close enough to come over in the a.m. and go home in the p.m.

Hope everyone is enjoying their summer!!

I want to go back too...I keep trying to think of a way to get back on that brilliant ideas yet!

Hang in there!! You'll miss that baby when you go home!
I want to go back too...I keep trying to think of a way to get back on that brilliant ideas yet!

Hang in there!! You'll miss that baby when you go home!

I think there are only 2 ways - pay Disney more money or offer to wash dishes :rotfl:.

Hope you've got some good washing up gloves ;)
We took an open air taxi to the marina


where we boarded the Adventuress


The skipper, talking through safety instructions


A nice, relaxing sail (helped that there was, finally, some sunshine)


Putting smiles on sailors


Gilligan (Joe), Ginger (Andrea) and Skipper



We didn't take pictures snorkeling - thought DS21 was going to take the D10 scuba diving.

Still, we enjoyed this excursion. Once we arrived at Honeymoon Beach, the boat dropped anchor. Most of us snorkled off the back of the boat. Some elected to take the dinghy to the beach. The snorkeling hour passed very quickly. Currents are strong and you can drift from the boat without realizing it. I had to kick my swimming up a notch to get back to the boat (moral of the story - swim up-current, then drift toward the boat).

On the return trip, Andrea brought out fresh fruit, cheese and poured a whole, large bottle of rum in each gallon of rum punch that she made. It was very good and everyone was laughing it up in no time.

Happy customers - and fellow passengers



Returning to the ship


Sailing away from St Thomas


Yeah more pictures, was this a dcl excursion?

Stacy where are the baby pictures?????


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