May 10, 2008 Ship of Thieves! Stealing the Magic..AGAIN!!! Panama Canal FL to CA!!! Part 4

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RodAndTina, Warner Robins, GA
me, Rod, 40's, and DW Tina, 40's
Cat 11
Late dining
20th wedding anniversary is 14 May, this is our celebration cruise!
We are traveling with a group of 6 (us and 4 others) and plan to meet a lot of people on the cruise and do both WDW and DL before/after cruise.
01/06 East Carribean 7 day on Magic
01/07 West Carribean 7 day on Magic


Any kids in your group?
Do you guys still have your house at Lake Almanor? I try to spend a good portion of my summer there every year.

We do still have the house, as it didn't sell last summer. Hopefully in the next few years it will go. The market just dropped like a rock last year up there. We don't really have the desire to keep the house, as us 4 girls would NEVER agree on owning it jointly. And mom can't be there alone so no sense in keeping an empty house. Paul and I would rather be on the beach than the lake.

RodAndTina, Warner Robins, GA
me, Rod, 40's, and DW Tina, 40's
Cat 11
Late dining
20th wedding anniversary is 14 May, this is our celebration cruise!
We are traveling with a group of 6 (us and 4 others) and plan to meet a lot of people on the cruise and do both WDW and DL before/after cruise.
01/06 East Carribean 7 day on Magic
01/07 West Carribean 7 day on Magic

Welcome to our group. :welcome:
That sounds a great way to try them. I just cook them for 20 minutes, too long for many! They can be served with crispy bacon and chestnuts in butter too - nice at christmas.

The blanching first takes the bitterness out of the taste. When you bake for a short time, then they are still crisp and crunchy. I will have to remember to add the bacon and chestnuts next time!!
Welcome Rod and Tina!!!!

Well dinner is cooking!!! Watching the Gators try and beat SC (baseball)......
We do still have the house, as it didn't sell last summer. Hopefully in the next few years it will go. The market just dropped like a rock last year up there. We don't really have the desire to keep the house, as us 4 girls would NEVER agree on owning it jointly. And mom can't be there alone so no sense in keeping an empty house. Paul and I would rather be on the beach than the lake.

Welcome to our group. :welcome:

We LOVE Lake Almanor is the summer for both the weather and the kids programs. All of my kids and GK's have learned to water ski, windsurf wake board, play tennis and golf in the children's programs at the Lake. DH and I love to go out on the boat and drive over to Plumas Pines just for lunch. We love the bandshell concerts on Sundays. The 4th of July Parade in Chester, the Pine Shack and just the atmosphere of the Lake during the summer is so relaxing. It is one of the few places my GK's can ride their bikes by themselves and be gone for hours.

My sibs and I own our house jointly at the Lake. Sales price as you said have dropped dramatically over the last year but we have a large valuation now as opposed to the capital gains we would have had to pay if we would have sold it prior to my Dad's death.

Just my thoughts...
Welcome Rod & Tina! And Happy Easter and Passover everybody too!

I've managed to do a bit of puttering about this morning (don't worry, nothing much). I did find all my tax stuff so I guess I'd better break down and do that pretty soon, huh? :confused3 Don't know why I procrastinate...only takes a couple of hours. Turbo Tax, on line, just mortgage interest and a bit of medical for deductions, wham, bam, send me my checks. One of the benifits of living a simple life!:lmao: :lmao:

Tiime to check on Peg and her DH...they headed off to the science museum knowing they'd be able to get in to the special exhibit today. Hope they enjoyed it...sounded kind of gory to me :scared1:

Later kids.......
Are you celebrating Angie? You must have been very young when you married. I can't believe we have almost reached this milestone, it sounds such a long time when you see it written down.:eek:

We don't have any great celebration planned. We are doing our 7 day cruise in Dec. We could quite happily consider that our celebration, but I am sure our family will have some sort of get together in Oct. We were young, I was 17 and Dennis was 22. He would be in prison by today's standards. :lmao: But he was and is my prince, my savior, my knight in shining armor. :love: Sorry for the mush.

We LOVE Lake Almanor is the summer for both the weather and the kids programs. All of my kids and GK's have learned to water ski, windsurf wake board, play tennis and golf in the children's programs at the Lake. DH and I love to go out on the boat and drive over to Plumas Pines just for lunch. We love the bandshell concerts on Sundays. The 4th of July Parade in Chester, the Pine Shack and just the atmosphere of the Lake during the summer is so relaxing. It is one of the few places my GK's can ride their bikes by themselves and be gone for hours.

My sibs and I own our house jointly at the Lake. Sales price as you said have dropped dramatically over the last year but we have a large valuation now as opposed to the capital gains we would have had to pay if we would have sold it prior to my Dad's death.

Just my thoughts...

It was a great place to grow up and if my folks were still there I bet we'd enjoy the summer visits now that our kids are old enough to "enjoy" the life too. All of my sisters kids did spend lots of time with their Grandparents at the lake. By the time my kids were born my parents couldn't take on the job of having them visit without us there to help.

We all learned to water ski at the Lake. My dad had the trick of always getting people up. He sold the boat a few years before he died, again, none of us wanted to handle the upkeep.

We do want to sell the house soon as we can use the cap gain exclusion and avoid the gain (she's under the 500K mark). It's also sad to have the house now that dad is gone. It was his baby so mom really is glad to be back here with us girls.

I'm sure you'd know which house was theirs. It's the barn shaped house accross the street from rec 1. My dad also sat on the BOD for a few years. So you might even have known him (or his name) Don Dodson. I bet we even have family friends in common. The place is so small it just seems that way. What was your father's name? I'll ask my mom, she is sometimes still ok at remembering people. They lived there for about 20 years full time.

We also love brussel sprouts. Paul steams them then moves them to a pan with olive oil and toasted almonds...yum one of my favorite.

Well we have had a VERY lazy morning. (I'm still in jammies) the kids got us up at 7:30am to get their baskets and had fun finding the eggs in the house. We opted for less candy this year and hid cash in one special egg for each of them. Wilson is palying with his balloon animal kit and Molly was excited about the Bunicula books.

I have to get dressed and get's cold over at the beach I'm not sure today is convertible day or not, it might be better to go in the comfort of the mini van.

I'll check in later....Happy Easter!
RodAndTina, Warner Robins, GA
me, Rod, 40's, and DW Tina, 40's
Cat 11
Late dining
20th wedding anniversary is 14 May, this is our celebration cruise!
We are traveling with a group of 6 (us and 4 others) and plan to meet a lot of people on the cruise and do both WDW and DL before/after cruise.
01/06 East Carribean 7 day on Magic
01/07 West Carribean 7 day on Magic

WELCOME!! Glad to have you sailing with us. :dance3:
We don't have any great celebration planned. We are doing our 7 day cruise in Dec. We could quite happily consider that our celebration, but I am sure our family will have some sort of get together in Oct. We were young, I was 17 and Dennis was 22. He would be in prison by today's standards. :lmao: But he was and is my prince, my savior, my knight in shining armor. :love: Sorry for the mush.

Don't apologise - it's lovely!!:love:
We don't have any great celebration planned. We are doing our 7 day cruise in Dec. We could quite happily consider that our celebration, but I am sure our family will have some sort of get together in Oct. We were young, I was 17 and Dennis was 22. He would be in prison by today's standards. :lmao: But he was and is my prince, my savior, my knight in shining armor. :love: Sorry for the mush.

Tell them about missing math(?) class. Angie! :lmao:
Parmesan Crusted Calamari Sandwich on Grilled Focaccia

1 Calamari steak, lightly breaded
1 whole egg, beaten
1 oz flour
3 oz Parmesan cheese
2 Tbsp clarified butter
Focaccia bread (6 x 6) oiled
2 green leaf lettuce
1 oz alfalfa sprouts
2 tomato (5 X 6) slices
½ Ripe medium California avocado, seeded, peeled and fanned
1 pickle spear
1 raddicchio leaf
1 belgian endive feat
1 oz grilled zucchini, sliced
1 oz grilled yellow squash
tartar Sauce
¼ oz prepared tartar sauce
¼ oz prepared cocktail sauce
freshly grated horseradish to taste


Slightly pound calamari. Flour, egg, and dredge in parmesan cheese, making sure cheese coats well. If not, dip in egg and cheese again.
In Teflon sauce pan, heat clarified butter. When hot, briefly saute calamari until brown on both sides.
Remove from pan and drain on paper towel. Brush foccacia bread with clarified butter and grill.
Cut on bias giving you a triangle. Grill zucchini and yellow squash ahead and cool.
Assemble sandwich with green leaf, sliced tomatoes, alfalfa sprouts, and avocado.
Drizzle tartar sauce on top. Garnish plate and serve.
Tartar Sauce Preparation
Combine all ingredients and mix well.

Will you adopt me? What awesome food you eat!! Food is pretty far down my list right now...which is how I gained weight over the last few years. I really wish I had time to cook......but this is what comes first :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

3 kids
1 dog
3 cats
full time job
2 houses
a sick DM (83)
and a DFIL who often needs help!!

I am so lucky to get any meal on the table.

Today, we spent several hours in church today and then went out to lunch. We were home at 3:30 and I napped until just now, 2 1/2 hours. It was like heaven!!

RodAndTina, Warner Robins, GA
me, Rod, 40's, and DW Tina, 40's
Cat 11
Late dining
20th wedding anniversary is 14 May, this is our celebration cruise!
We are traveling with a group of 6 (us and 4 others) and plan to meet a lot of people on the cruise and do both WDW and DL before/after cruise.
01/06 East Carribean 7 day on Magic
01/07 West Carribean 7 day on Magic

Yeah!! more friends!! Welcome

:welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome:
Happy Easter everyone. We had a lovely day, marred only by the fact that DH is not here. He misses most Easters as he is usually sitting in Crawford, Texas. This year, however, he was working in Atlanta. So the boys and I do the Easter thing. We dyed our eggs yesterday, and this morning they were up bright and early to check out their baskets and look for eggs. It was only 20 degrees when they went on their Easter egg hunt. :scared1: What is with the weather? At least we didn't have snow like John & Amy.

Beautiful church service this morning, followed by another egg hunt at church. Then I hurried home to cook dinner for us and my parents. With all the talk of parents who are ill or already gone, I am feeling really blessed the last few days. We moved back to Iowa to be close to our parents when we were ready to have our own family. Sure there are plenty of more exciting places to live, not to mention warmer. But it has been wonderful to have the boys grow up with their grandparents right here. I have always been grateful that the boys have wonderful grandparents close by. But the posts of the past few days have me realizing how much it means to ME to be close to my parents. I take their good health and close proximity for granted, but life is too short and unpredictable. I gave DM and DF extra hugs and kisses today.:grouphug: Sorry for the mush.
We went to see Meet the Robinsons last night. The whole family enjoyed it and we will probably go again. I love William Joyce, so it was great to see his artistry come to life on the screen. Also, the film pays homage to Walt Disney in a few ways (I won't provide any spoilers). And they showed a classic Disney cartoon prior to the feature. :thumbsup2 I've been less than thrilled with Disney's animated movies the past few years (Chicken Little? Ugh), except for Pixar. This film gave me some hope.
Good evening everyone...and a belated Happy Easter to you all:hug:
We've had a busy day as we had Mark's sister (also a Rebecca) and her little boy over for the day (they live on the south coast near Portsmouth). She and her dh have just split so its a bit stressful for them just now, it was nice to spend some time with her and we had a long chat. DD and her bf also spent the day in with us, so we had a good family time:) I do miss doing things like painting eggs etc but it was lovely to have people around!:goodvibes


Good luck with your mom today. My good thoughts will be coming your way this weekend and herein forward on this issue.

I have the other issue on my hands. My mom is turning 80 this summer. Her body is in pretty good shape, but her mind is going more and more each day. We moved her into a retirement staged care (independent, assited and skilled nursing as needed) community last year (after dad died) it was hard to tell her she couldn't go back to her home (@ Lake Almanor 6 hours by car from us) again, even harder moving her without her input. She is still upset about that. She thinks she should have been there to move everything, but if she was it would have been impossible to pack her stuff up. My family and I did the last weekend with her at her house and packed up the precious stuff, then my sister went up the following weekend with movers and hauled all the rest of it out. I handle her finances and medical care (funny I have 3 other sisters, one who helps all the time the other 2 are pretty removed and just don't see what has to happen to keep up her care.) If only it could be a shared job then each of us could feel ok, rather than one (me) or 2 feelings exhausted with it all the time. Oh well, I'm the one who knew it would be me to do it, so I guess that's just life I can't just ignore it, that's not the daughter my mother raised.

Happy Easter to all, see ya later,


Sending you hugs Nan :hug:


Can I come for dinner​

would have loved you to!:thumbsup2

DH picked up fresh clams and oysters down the coast yesterday. He and DD are going to make fresh clam chowder and oysters on the half shell for friends of ours that are coming up to the coast to see us.

Can't wait, so yummy!!:banana:


sounds scrummy Karen and would have gone well with our seafood platter which was delicious!

sounds awesome!:banana:
I just started a book "My Sister's Keeper" and so fr it is great....this 13 year old just walked into an attorney's office to sue her parents for right's to her own body. Their first daughter has leukemia and they had her via egg and sperm in a clinical sense so she would be a perfect match to help the daughter with treatments, etc.

Oh I loved that book! So very sad and very thought provoking, I bought it my school library and it's being used for ethics lessons.....
Reading everybody's pots, just to tired to reply to anybody. After picking up Tyler, he reminded me that he wants to leave carrots for the Easter bunny for a snack, so we had to go to the grocery store. Standing in line, I started to sweat. Long the time it was my turn to check out, I was shivering with the chills. This is absolutely nuts! Fortunately, Tyler is completely over it, so I hope I don't give it back to him. Yucky stuff. :sad2:

Goodnight all! I'm headed back to burrow under my new, warm, luxurious llama blanket! :goodvibes Of course, first, "the Easter bunny" has to assemble Tyler's basket, eat some carrots, and hide some eggs inside and in the front yard.

sounds like you've had a really rough time!:hug:

For anyone wondering about the champagne girls...AuntyBrat posted all the info on page one. Check there to get the scoop and to stay informed.;)

cheers Deb!:thumbsup2

Tom works for my neighbor behind my house. He has all kinds of animals, lions, tigers, bears, yes all of the above, and Tom helps feed, water, and clean the animals for him. So it was easy for Tom to get to work these past two days...yes, we live in a very rural community. Everybody has acreage and no one can see their neighbors house from their own. I like having my privacy with lots of land and space around me.

wow that sounds so cool! Lucky boy!

V....I know that most people from here are heading out of the world at the beginning of may, right when my trip starts. When are you heading there? We are at OKW from 5/6-5/13 and VWL from 5/16-5/18. Maybe we will pass while there....:wave2:

we're there from 27th April til 12th May but cruising 5th to 12th...we'll be around most of the day on the 12th if anyone cares to meet up!:cool1:

DH made clams with Linguine, white sauce, butter, garlic, wine, cream... Fresh Clams too!!!

It was OUTSTANDING!!!!!!

Of course, the kitchen is anialated (sp?)


our kitchen was like that too after Mark's seafood fest!;)

RodAndTina, Warner Robins, GA
me, Rod, 40's, and DW Tina, 40's
Cat 11
Late dining
20th wedding anniversary is 14 May, this is our celebration cruise!
We are traveling with a group of 6 (us and 4 others) and plan to meet a lot of people on the cruise and do both WDW and DL before/after cruise.
01/06 East Carribean 7 day on Magic
01/07 West Carribean 7 day on Magic

Ahoy there! good to 'see' you on here !:banana:

We don't have any great celebration planned. We are doing our 7 day cruise in Dec. We could quite happily consider that our celebration, but I am sure our family will have some sort of get together in Oct. We were young, I was 17 and Dennis was 22. He would be in prison by today's standards. :lmao: But he was and is my prince, my savior, my knight in shining armor. :love: Sorry for the mush.

Thats so lovely! Thats my one regret with Mark, that we only met 5 years ago and won't have so long together. Still, 20 years with him will be a billion times better than a lifetime with the wrong person....
Beautiful church service this morning, followed by another egg hunt at church. Then I hurried home to cook dinner for us and my parents. With all the talk of parents who are ill or already gone, I am feeling really blessed the last few days. We moved back to Iowa to be close to our parents when we were ready to have our own family. Sure there are plenty of more exciting places to live, not to mention warmer. But it has been wonderful to have the boys grow up with their grandparents right here. I have always been grateful that the boys have wonderful grandparents close by. But the posts of the past few days have me realizing how much it means to ME to be close to my parents. I take their good health and close proximity for granted, but life is too short and unpredictable. I gave DM and DF extra hugs and kisses today.:grouphug: Sorry for the mush.

Yes, we need to not take them for granted. Dennis is working over on the Oregon coast again a couple of times this month. I am going with him in the MH at the last of the month. I asked him this morning if I should invite my mom to go with us. I told him I really, really enjoy the alone time with him, but...and he said "yes, she should go with us, I like alone time with you too, but Granny (my mom) is not going to be with us forever." Then he said, well she may outlive us all. :lmao: She is 81 and still mows her own yard. Anyway, I need to call her and see if she wants to catch the train down and join us. She lives about 2 hours away and we don't let her drive it anymore, but my sister can put her on Amtrak and I can pick her up in Portland.
RodAndTina, Warner Robins, GA
me, Rod, 40's, and DW Tina, 40's
Cat 11
Late dining
20th wedding anniversary is 14 May, this is our celebration cruise!
We are traveling with a group of 6 (us and 4 others) and plan to meet a lot of people on the cruise and do both WDW and DL before/after cruise.
01/06 East Carribean 7 day on Magic
01/07 West Carribean 7 day on Magic

Welcome aboard! You'll find some very kind, caring people here. I just can't wait to meet them all.:grouphug:

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