March meet places and dates -- what do you think?


DIS Veteran
Aug 20, 1999
OK, I've finally figured out dates and times for meets. Let me know what you think...

March 9
Anheuser-Busch Hospitality Center
Sea World
12 noon

March 10
In front of Hard Rock Live
8:30 am

In front of Men in Black:Alien Attack
Universal Studios
12 noon

Universal globe
3 pm

March 11
In front of Hard Rock Live
8:30 am

Benches by Storm Force Acceleratron
12 noon

Universal globe
3 pm

March 12
In front of Hard Rock Live
8:30 am

12 noon

Universal globe
3 pm

I won't be able to meet everyone right at opening at Sea World, so if you want to go and need transportation, please arrange transportation. We can set up a carpool if necessary.

Let me know. I will post the times on the Magic Meets page in a few days.


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

The schedule sounds great. I appreciate all of the different times to catch up with you guys!
My initial worry was getting my family to COMMITT to a specific morning meet. I am the only one in our family who likes a vacation on a schedule!!!!

Now I feel certain I will get to meet yall, if not Fri. then Saturday. yepee!

My children are easily enticed by the idea of other kids. Who will have kids and what are the ages???? Will any be going to camp HRH?

Thanks to everyone for all the info they are supplying. We plan on having a busy week! Only wish we could join JessicaRs' family at DC!WOW!
Barry, thanks for all the planning (must be hard deciphering all of our posts!).



This is a perfect schedule Barry! It gives everyone a chance to make a meet! Thank you for your hard work it is greatly appreciated. :D

Bump for more replies.

I will post these dates at Magic Meetings on Tuesdays if there aren't any objections.


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards
My kids will be there with me - two boys ages 10 & 11 !! They will love to meet other children there! How old are your kids again?
Bumping this so Barry can get it posted! Everyone happy with this schedule?

Hey Linda,

My DS is 7 and my DD is 9. I had intended for them to go to HR kids camp on Sat. nite the 10th so DH and I could have an adult dinner and evening yet, I would love for them to see the B52s!!! They need to be exposed to some of the great early 80's music!!!

Ya wanna rush the stage? giggle

Are your kids coming?

Is this schedule OK for you Donna and the Florida guys? Anyone else??



Looks wonderful to me. Ordered a cd by B52's (could only remember Sugar Shack - but I personally remember those beehive hairdos!)and one by Bond (hope it is the same group). We don't want to seem too old to everyone, especially since Barry posted on another thread that people in their early 50's would prefer Portofino to HRH!!! My goodness, HRH is our teen years - of course we want to stay there! :D

Wonder which place Earl picks to meet JessicaR? I am going to lurk at that one! ;)
I have missed your ALOHA for the last few days.
Sugar Shack? I believe its Love Shack!!hehe
Sugar Shack sounds like a place you might find on a dark alley here in TN!!!
I agree HRH sounds like the place for everyone esp. during Mardi Gras!


Aloha Valarie,

You are right. As I typed it, I knew it wasn't Sugar Shack, but couldn't remember the correct name. There was an old song Sugar Shack that started playing in my head (you know how the song from Small World does?) and I couldn't for the life of me remeber the correct name for the B52's song.

What happens in the SS in TN? ;)
Thanks for the schedule. It sounds great! :) We will be sure to take it with us. (please post changes) We are not sure of our schedule right now, but would love to meet you all at least one of the scheduled times. Last year we stayed at WDW and did "commando scheduling", so we hope this trip will be a bit more leisurely. :)
You sound like a great group and have help us sooo much!! :)I am sure in the days ahead we will be learning even more from you!
My twelve year old daughter is looking forward to meeting the other kids too!! Let me know what the other ages are and if you are staying at the HRH? Pool time would be fun too! :)
Thanks again!
Any more objections? I will be posting these dates to the Magic Meets page tomorrow after 6 pm EST if there are no objections.


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards
Wow, Barry I am beside myself with <font color=green>JEALOUSY</font color=green>!!

I know you all will have a great time. Don't forget to have a "Happy Birthday" drink for me on 3/11!

I'll be 23.. <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif" alt="razz">


Mother of Michael
Proverbs 3:5-6


<font color=purple>Co-Moderator of the Community and Universal/IOA Boards</font color=purple>

To look really GOOFY and wave at the web cam by the globe :D .
Hey, DisorBus, I am sure a webwave on Sat. would be in order, or would you prefer Sunday when we could be sportin' some new BeeHives.



Sunday would be good and see if you can get that beehive in lime green ;)!

Hi Valarie,

Sorry, I missed you asking me if my kids were comming. Not this trip! We just took them in December. I am looking forward to being able to tour the parks without baby swap! I plan to go again in December, (Just loved this time of year in the parks) the kids will go back again then. They loved Universal/IOA so much, I am having a hard time not taking them with us! But...everyone needs a break and this is mine! :)

All this talk of meetings in March.. has got me... well... SNIFF SNIFF...
I want to go!!! LOL... Well as long as you all promise to ride Spider-man an extra time for me plus spin yourself silly on the Storm ride until one of you throws up. LOL. :D :D

<IMG width="107" height="123" SRC=""</IMG>

<font size=4 color=blue>Kevin</font>

<font size=2 color=navy>Mariah: The Collection - 69 CDs and Counting.</font>

<font size=2>"I Will Be Alright, If I Can Find That Rainbow's End." - Mariah Carey</font>
Now all have to do is convince someone at the airport that Hawaii is a foreign country. Wait, I forgot, I have connections, yes, I know someone. So, how do you say body cavity search in Hawaiian?

Would it be Kino napbo huli?

Molokai, you know I'm kidding. I just remebered how I have all of these relatives that are federal agents, including one in customs. And since Barry was offering up money.....


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