Make a Wish (and other organizations) ~ Wish Trippers UNITE! Volume FOUR!

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no, we won't be making it. our trip is thru the sunshine foundation and we get 3 park days...ev is not into suess, but is obsessed with disney, so we are going to use them all there...mama is taking one for the team=D
I want to introduce us while we are waiting to be contacted through MAW.

DeAnna's wish - In September of 2010, DeAnna's teacher said she was having a hard time keeping up in class and she began having seizures and headaches. I immediately took her to the pediatrician. A CT scan found a tumor located directly in the center of her brain, separating her the two halves of her brain. After an MRI, and a trip to a neurosurgeon they decided is was most likely benign but she also had 4 tumors on the outside of her skull. The intracranial tumor was the greatest concern so focus was placed on it. There was significant blood involvement with multiple vessels and therefore it was determined that it was too risky to operate or radiate. That lead us to a surgery to try to block the blood vessels in the tumor. This would be a long and tedious processes. In November of 2010 she had the first surgery. Two weeks post surgery the seizures stopped!! We had a great Christmas and beginning of the new year until DeAnna began to have visual disturbances. We progressed to surgery two to try and block a few more vessels. In the mean time, MAW called us in March to tell us that DeAnna's doctor had recommended her to MAW. Next week we are having an MRI to check on the tumor, hoping that it has shrunk some.

When I told DeAnna that she was going to get a wish she asked if she could meet Lilo and Stich on a Disney Cruise and a few days in Disney. At this point we are waiting on contact from our wish granters so that DeAnna can make her wish and we all are getting more excited each day!!

The full story of how we became a forever family with pictures is on the pre trip report link in my signature line. Thanks for reading!
Hey everyone!

I can't believe we leave in just 11 days! I haven't had a chance to do much planning in the past week or so, but we are finally getting back to a more normal day now so I can jump back in to it! But I did print out luggage tags today with a cute Mickey on them! I needed my Disney fix!

We found out that MAW is picking us up in a limo! The kids are going to be so excited about that. They were also able to get us the CARES airline harness and a bath chair for GKTW.

I also found out that one of our absolute favorite specialists from the National Institutes of Health is going to be in Disney World the same week, so we are going to plan to meet for a hug and hello while we are there. We just love this lady, and she is one of Hannah's biggest supporters. It is very exciting!

We have SO much to do before we leave that is not Disney related. We are having to fit all of Hannah's appointments that we would usually have that week before we leave, so these next 10 days are going to be crazy packed!

But we did get her abdomen CT out of the way today finally, and the best thing is she was calm enough that they didn't have to sedate her!
Hey everyone!

I can't believe we leave in just 11 days! I haven't had a chance to do much planning in the past week or so, but we are finally getting back to a more normal day now so I can jump back in to it! But I did print out luggage tags today with a cute Mickey on them! I needed my Disney fix!

We found out that MAW is picking us up in a limo! The kids are going to be so excited about that. They were also able to get us the CARES airline harness and a bath chair for GKTW.

I also found out that one of our absolute favorite specialists from the National Institutes of Health is going to be in Disney World the same week, so we are going to plan to meet for a hug and hello while we are there. We just love this lady, and she is one of Hannah's biggest supporters. It is very exciting!

We have SO much to do before we leave that is not Disney related. We are having to fit all of Hannah's appointments that we would usually have that week before we leave, so these next 10 days are going to be crazy packed!

But we did get her abdomen CT out of the way today finally, and the best thing is she was calm enough that they didn't have to sedate her!

have a fun trip cant wait to read all about it - i hope everything goes smoothly and i hope that this dream is more then you could ever dream of! safe traveling!
any one here ever hear of asking to ride in the first car of the monorail? has anyone done it and is it really more special?
we are counting down the days till may 9th! ari is so excited - he already has the sign for micky mouse and blues clues down pat! we are working on making him a coloring book bec his fav thing to do is color and we were hoping to ask some of the charachters we meet to color with ari for a second.- any ideas on construction something like this that will be treasured forever? :donald:
In 48 hours from now we will be in bed waiting for our 4:30 am ride to the airport! So much to do .... so excited, so nervous! :yay::yay::yay:
any one here ever hear of asking to ride in the first car of the monorail? has anyone done it and is it really more special?
Since the fatal accident almost two years ago Disney no longer allows any Guests to ride in the front (driver's) compartment of the monorail trains.
any one here ever hear of asking to ride in the first car of the monorail? has anyone done it and is it really more special?
we are counting down the days till may 9th! ari is so excited - he already has the sign for micky mouse and blues clues down pat! we are working on making him a coloring book bec his fav thing to do is color and we were hoping to ask some of the charachters we meet to color with ari for a second.- any ideas on construction something like this that will be treasured forever? :donald:
Riding in the front of the monorail is not allowed any more. There was an accident where one monorail backed into another, severely damaging the monorail and killing the driver.
Since that accident, they have no longer allowed riders in the front of the monorail.
Thanks for the pin suggestins and GKTW. I didn't even think of that.

Another question that I meant to post above. Where are Mickey and Minnie's house now? I think they were in Toontown, right? But with Toontown being closed, what did they do with the houses. Please tell me they have moved them somewhere? All Monkey keeps asking about is visiting Mickey's house, I know he would just love it.
I believe Minnie and Mickey's homes were destroyed :(
That is what I have heard.
thank u maroo- u have been so helpfull- so full of info- im deff gonna print the park maps and talk to rosie about what she want to do because ari is very easy- for him its all about the charachters ! our wish granters said they would be coming around with the gktw sechedule and maps and stuff but i have no clue when- but in the meantime is there somewhere i can go to see the upcoming sched. for gktw and party nights and so forth?
also do u know anything about sign interpeters at disney parks? because ari signs i thought it might be good to have someone with us at the charachters so he can "talk to them" i mean, we know signs and stuff but alot of disney signs clue and ari learns the signs so fast it would be great learning for him too. just dont know if they do that sort of thing.
now secondary i just felt the need to comment that i have been reading around the forum and i came across ur trip with lucas. reading it just gave me goosbumps and brought me to tears! i hope one day to meet u and be able to thank u in person. just ur info alone has calmed me down a bit!!! and im begining to not feel so overwhellmed. thank u.:wave:

You are so sweet! :)

I saw that Alison gave you the info on finding the hearing impaired interpreters.

The other characters (furry friends) don't talk at Disney anyway...I think they may talk at Universal...but the princesses and fairies do talk (Face characters)...the furry characters don't talk, but they sure do communicate!!! He won't have any problem understanding what they are saying to him at all. :)

Quick Question: Disney Characters at GKTW, are they always Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse? Disney Characters is on MOnday and Thursday

Yes! and Yes! Mickey and Minnie area always there and you can find them in the big theatre, usually - someone can direct you to wherever they are.

Interestingly enough, it can be the longest line you wait in (that and Santa on Thursday) because they spend a lot of time with each family and everyone has to wait since they are all wish families. :)

What would be the best park to see Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse?

I personally like seeing them at Epcot. There is a character spot there where you can "line up" (it will be a VERY short line for a wish kid!) and then go straight through Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, Donald, etc, etc...there are usually about 4-5 characters in there. It is inside - so a good thing to do in the rain or heat of the day. And it is fast...and you don't feel like you are breaking a line for each of the characters.

The bonus at GKTW is that they are together and you get a cool backdrop to your I would probably do that, too...but you can also see them in the parks.

I am looking for suggestions on where we should eat dinner on Friday night. We arrive in orlando at 9am and plan to hang out at GKTW most of the day. That evening we will be going to downtown disney to explore. We are hoping to eat dinner somewhere there. But since we have 5 kids 4 -14 we need somewhere kid friendly. We don't want fast food since we will probably be doing many counter service meals in the parks.

TRex is now at Downtown Disney, too...Dinosaur theme - very loud! And Rainforest Cafe is a lot of fun, too! Especially if you don't have one in your area - it was a great place for us to eat! It can be loud, too, though if you have a sensory aware child. It is kid friendly, though! It is a sit down meal, but you can split meals.

Also...there is Earl of Sandwich, which is one of my very favorite places to eat counter service and it is at Downtown Disney.

You could also "eat" dinner at Giardelli...they have great ice cream sundae's!! Awesome, healthy dinner! :laughing:

Hey another question. I referred my daughter to maw several weeks ago thru the internet. I have also called and left several messages with our local chapter but no return phone calls and we have not heard ANYTHING from the internet referral. My dd's doctor is ready to provide all needed medical info but obviously we have not gotten anywhere close to giving info as we have not heard back from anyone with MAW...any suggestions???

Hm...not sure on this one? Does the website give you any clue as to how long it usually takes them? I would think 4-6 weeks unless there is an urgency about granting the wish. If the wish is urgent, I would call the national office just to make sure you have the right contact info... If the wish isn't urgent, then I might wait 4-6 weeks and then try them again...wait a week or so and then call the national office.

thanx so much for helping me figure out how to do this. i was hoping that ari would be included in the big give but never heard from anyone-so im being the best mommy i can be! there is this amazing lady i found on etsy who said she would love to make us all tie dye mickey shirts and i am so grateful and thankful that she is going to do that for us- i deff can see why the kids love the big give ,because it does add magic and get them all excited for the big trip..even from this one t-shirt she has offered to make for us- has got us all excited and checking the mail to see when i comes! well when i saw those shirts(twinmum) while i was getting ideas from ur pre trip i just loved them so,maybe.........i can try..............whats the worse that can happen??? ok maybe dont answer that!! but im gonna try. who knows maybe it will actually work! and my rosie and ari can have cool mickey wish trip shirts if they come out ill deff post pics. and when we get back and the shirts come out nice im gonna sign up to donate on the big give- and send some to other wish kids. so if u know anything bout the template let me know ill be hear on the disboard counting down the days till aris wish comes true!

For one idea...I would buy the transfers from HERE - they have the best transfers! Buy you will want to practice a few times with your iron...the right temp on the iron is vital to the process! (And make sure your iron doesn't have ANY water in it...:rolleyes1 I have had some practice ruining shirts. :))

Then go to the DISign board...there are some wonderful people over there that help with shirt designs. tberi helped me with one for Lauren on our trip we just went I know she is still active over there. :) Just hop on a thread and say hello and see what someone can help you design. If you have a design you are thinking of...just post it and what you want changed about it (like changing names, etc).

I also have some generic ones...if it comes right down to the wire...PM me and I can help you get at least a generic wish trip one.

We were not picked for the big give either...Not every child can be and with our dates being so close I think it would be hard....Look through the threads you can get some really great ieadas of things to make...I have done luggage tags, autograph books and soon I am doing penny tubes. I found disigns I liked and asked the person who did them to customize them with Anthony and Eva's nome. They were WONDERFUL about doing it!!

Also there is a place where you can request a post card from Disney to be sent to your child..they are called Fairy Godmailers The catch is that when you are in Disney you reciprocate.

I think you are right about The Big Give - they have a harder time if they don't "find" you until it is just a few weeks to a month takes a while to get the info they need, etc.

Aren't the DISigners awesome!!!! :)

so sorry about little connor...i can't imagine. will be thinking of them.:hug:

i got a bunch of pins on ebay for less than a dollar a piece, but i don't know about shipping to canada...think you could get them sent to GKTW and just give them a heads up that it is coming???



When you ship to GKTW make sure it is shipped to the GKTW address...but also include the Wish Child's full name AND arrival date...that helps them to sort packages.

They receive all kinds of packages for the kids such as medical shipments and they will be glad to help you...just make sure it has the child's name and arrival date and you should be set! :)

Thanks for the pin suggestins and GKTW. I didn't even think of that.

Another question that I meant to post above. Where are Mickey and Minnie's house now? I think they were in Toontown, right? But with Toontown being closed, what did they do with the houses. Please tell me they have moved them somewhere? All Monkey keeps asking about is visiting Mickey's house, I know he would just love it.

They are not in Toontown anymore. :sad2:

I believe Minnie and Mickey's homes were destroyed :(

Oh no!!! I really, really don't think they have been destroyed!

Rumor has it that they will be moved to either the front of the MK (somewhere around Main Street) or to DHS...but I am positive that Disney isn't going to destroy them...they are icons!!!!
You are so sweet! :)

Oh no!!! I really, really don't think they have been destroyed!

Rumor has it that they will be moved to either the front of the MK (somewhere around Main Street) or to DHS...but I am positive that Disney isn't going to destroy them...they are icons!!!!
I've read a few posts on here that they have been destroyed.

I think you are right about The Big Give - they have a harder time if they don't "find" you until it is just a few weeks to a month takes a while to get the info they need, etc.

Big Giver here- Just to add to what Maroo said-they way the Big Gives "work" is we find you. We are all volunteers from all over the country and Canada. As much as we would like to sew for everyone, it is just not possible due to time constraints. We have seen last minute trips and folks who did not find the Dis until just before their trip. In most of those cases it is not possible to get the info we need, get volunteers signed up, get items made and shipped in time before your trip.
any one here ever hear of asking to ride in the first car of the monorail? has anyone done it and is it really more special?
we are counting down the days till may 9th! ari is so excited - he already has the sign for micky mouse and blues clues down pat! we are working on making him a coloring book bec his fav thing to do is color and we were hoping to ask some of the charachters we meet to color with ari for a second.- any ideas on construction something like this that will be treasured forever? :donald:

I've been planning on making the kids colouring/activity books for the flight, but I never thought to have any of the characters sign them! What a great idea!

There are a number of websites you can check out for colouring pages and printable activities (puzzles, travel journals, dot-to-dot pictures, word searches, etc.)--here are some: (Disney-specific as well as general pages), (wordsearch puzzles), (travel journals and word searches, as well as luggage tags and autograph pages), (Disney and general themed puzzles, colouring pages, mazes and other printables), (for Blues Clues' specific printables)

--as well as all of the Disney specific websites (Disney Princesses, for example, has tons of Princess-themed puzzles and activities, should Rosie be interested in them--which I imagine is the same for Disney Playhouse (for Mickey), Pixie Hollow (for Fairies) and Pirates of the Caribbean websites).

Then, I would probably print the pages off on cardstock (for durability) and then take them all to Staples to have a laminated cover put on them and bind them with those plastic binders. Will make it last longer and give it some sturdiness when flipping pages.

My final advice: Bring some fat crayons or thick, stubby markers for the characters to colour the pages with. Those gloved hands make holding tiny crayons pretty difficult I imagine!

Have fun!
You are so sweet! :)

I saw that Alison gave you the info on finding the hearing impaired interpreters.
Just wanted to point out that there are some additional resources in post 3 of the disABILITIES FAQs thread near the top of this board (or follow the link in my signature).

The other characters (furry friends) don't talk at Disney anyway...I think they may talk at Universal...but the princesses and fairies do talk (Face characters)...the furry characters don't talk, but they sure do communicate!!! He won't have any problem understanding what they are saying to him at all. :)
Some of the furry characters do some signing, but because they have clumsy fingers (and most have only 4 of them), they don’t do a lot of signs or very exact signs. (My DD is not deaf, but does not speak and does do some signing).

Yes! and Yes! Mickey and Minnie area always there and you can find them in the big theatre, usually - someone can direct you to wherever they are.

Interestingly enough, it can be the longest line you wait in (that and Santa on Thursday) because they spend a lot of time with each family and everyone has to wait since they are all wish families. :)

I personally like seeing them at Epcot. There is a character spot there where you can "line up" (it will be a VERY short line for a wish kid!) and then go straight through Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, Donald, etc, etc...there are usually about 4-5 characters in there. It is inside - so a good thing to do in the rain or heat of the day. And it is fast...and you don't feel like you are breaking a line for each of the characters.
The character spot at Epcot is very nice - you can see a lot of characters there in a short time. You are in line once. The characters are in one large room, with a section for each character. You see the first one and proceed down the line from one character to the next as the group before you finishes with that character.
The backgrounds for each character are cute and colorful.

The bonus at GKTW is that they are together and you get a cool backdrop to your I would probably do that, too...but you can also see them in the parks.

TRex is now at Downtown Disney, too...Dinosaur theme - very loud! And Rainforest Cafe is a lot of fun, too! Especially if you don't have one in your area - it was a great place for us to eat! It can be loud, too, though if you have a sensory aware child. It is kid friendly, though! It is a sit down meal, but you can split meals.

Also...there is Earl of Sandwich, which is one of my very favorite places to eat counter service and it is at Downtown Disney.

You could also "eat" dinner at Giardelli...they have great ice cream sundae's!! Awesome, healthy dinner! :laughing:

Hm...not sure on this one? Does the website give you any clue as to how long it usually takes them? I would think 4-6 weeks unless there is an urgency about granting the wish. If the wish is urgent, I would call the national office just to make sure you have the right contact info... If the wish isn't urgent, then I might wait 4-6 weeks and then try them again...wait a week or so and then call the national office.

For one idea...I would buy the transfers from HERE - they have the best transfers! Buy you will want to practice a few times with your iron...the right temp on the iron is vital to the process! (And make sure your iron doesn't have ANY water in it...:rolleyes1 I have had some practice ruining shirts. :))

Then go to the DISign board...there are some wonderful people over there that help with shirt designs. tberi helped me with one for Lauren on our trip we just went I know she is still active over there. :) Just hop on a thread and say hello and see what someone can help you design. If you have a design you are thinking of...just post it and what you want changed about it (like changing names, etc).

I also have some generic ones...if it comes right down to the wire...PM me and I can help you get at least a generic wish trip one.

I think you are right about The Big Give - they have a harder time if they don't "find" you until it is just a few weeks to a month takes a while to get the info they need, etc.

Aren't the DISigners awesome!!!! :)


When you ship to GKTW make sure it is shipped to the GKTW address...but also include the Wish Child's full name AND arrival date...that helps them to sort packages.

They receive all kinds of packages for the kids such as medical shipments and they will be glad to help you...just make sure it has the child's name and arrival date and you should be set! :)

They are not in Toontown anymore. :sad2:

Oh no!!! I really, really don't think they have been destroyed!

Rumor has it that they will be moved to either the front of the MK (somewhere around Main Street) or to DHS...but I am positive that Disney isn't going to destroy them...they are icons!!!!
Sorry to say that they have been in all likelihood been destroyed.:sad2:
The rumor that they were not destroyed came from a comment from Disney that Mickey would “find a new home in MK”.

This is a blog (with video) of Mickey’s “new home” in MK in the Town Square Theater.
This is copied from post 1 of the Official Fantasyland Renovation Thread.

Where are Mickey and Minnie's Houses going?

Disney has not made an official announcement regarding M&M's summer homes, but all sources and video indicate that they have already been demolished.

Keep in mind, Mickey and Minnie live in Disneyland. The homes in WDW are their country cottages, so it's not as if they are losing their day to day houses. That should make your kids feel better (or you).
hi everyone i just wanted to come on and post something very important. a couple days ago i posted that i was hoping ari could be part of the big give but have not heard anything from them. what i was trying to say was that i was hoping one of the big givers would see that and ask ari to be a part of it. but what i should have wrote was that i tried to contact them and i received an email stating what exactly they do and that they choose whom to help . and that because of timing issues and because they too have their own family its impossible to help and include everyone.
i apologize if i hurt anyone in this process -that was never my intention
my intention is and was always to add magic to aris wish trip for ari and rosie. my kids are my life- and this trip is about celebrating aris life and his accomplishments and thats why i wanted them to be a part of the big give.
i understand that i hurt someone because it must be very hard for them not to be able to help everyone- because they would if they could. and for the ones that they can,they poor their heart and soul in to it and u can tell by the smiles in the wish kids faces when their big give packages arrive. they are amazing people, and i applaud them and i hope this will clear the air.
Originally Posted by mommy2girlswv
Quick Question: Disney Characters at GKTW, are they always Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse? Disney Characters is on MOnday and Thursday

Yes! and Yes! Mickey and Minnie area always there and you can find them in the big theatre, usually - someone can direct you to wherever they are.

Interestingly enough, it can be the longest line you wait in (that and Santa on Thursday) because they spend a lot of time with each family and everyone has to wait since they are all wish families.

Originally Posted by mommy2girlswv
What would be the best park to see Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse?

I personally like seeing them at Epcot. There is a character spot there where you can "line up" (it will be a VERY short line for a wish kid!) and then go straight through Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, Donald, etc, etc...there are usually about 4-5 characters in there. It is inside - so a good thing to do in the rain or heat of the day. And it is fast...and you don't feel like you are breaking a line for each of the characters.

The bonus at GKTW is that they are together and you get a cool backdrop to your I would probably do that, too...but you can also see them in the parks.

Thanks for the info. Thursday is are last day. We fly out around 2.. We want to be at the airport at 10-11am. We thinking about see Mickey and Minnie Mouse at GKTW before we leave.
I'm getting so ready for the trip!!!!! Friday will be three weeks til' we leave!!!! Ok here is my question...Three weeks to go..When did everybody received their MAW stuff in the mail(Are chapter doesn't do a party before you go) and when do you get GKTW stuff in the mail. I feel like when I see them in the mail it will be so real. I just want to make detail plan for each day, but our flight times aren't 100%. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are 100%planned, but can't plan the other day's til' we know the right flight time!!!
I'm getting so ready for the trip!!!!! Friday will be three weeks til' we leave!!!! Ok here is my question...Three weeks to go..When did everybody received their MAW stuff in the mail(Are chapter doesn't do a party before you go) and when do you get GKTW stuff in the mail. I feel like when I see them in the mail it will be so real. I just want to make detail plan for each day, but our flight times aren't 100%. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are 100%planned, but can't plan the other day's til' we know the right flight time!!!
I called and asked about our flight times and our coordinator emailed them to me. I did not receive anything from GKTW until about 2 weeks before we left. I did not receive our MAW stuff until days before we left!
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