Lulu201's Healthy Living Journal--Just trying my best to walk the walk! Come on by!

Hey, it's Sunday, October 23, 2005

Had a nice time at K of P with Doreen and Todd. I love talking with Doreen. . .she's such a sweetie. Anyone who lets me talk about my extended family like she does deserves a medal. :p

Let's see, what's on the plate for today: church, cleaning, in-law visit, choir practice for DD, walk on treadie. That about sums it up. I took my vitamins yesterday, and tried to drink more water. I guess I accomplished that, I was up twice in the night. Biggest healthy living achievements yesterday? Eating right at the mall (no yummy treats), no donuts even though I bought them for "Donut Day" at the studio, and no dessert when we went out to eat. I feel good that I didn't have the junk! I also did my planned walk on the treadie for 15 minutes.

Today my lower back is giving me a little grief; I'm going to take some ibu after I get home from church. The plan is pretty much the same as yesterday:

1. Devotions
2. Vitamins
3. Water
4. Exercise--20 minutes on the treadie before the day is over
5. Food--no sugar (not even birthday cake!)
6. Scale--188
7. Caffeine--none after this a.m.

All right, I've outlined my objectives for the day and I'm my quest for a day of healthy living. :cool1:

:grouphug: to all,
I enjoy hearing about your extended family, believe it or not. :hyper2: I have a good feeling about today. :goodvibes Know that I'm with you in spirit, sending positive thoughts your way and surrounding you with love. There are many people in your life who think you are wonderful, who wouldn't trade you for anything in the world. If there are a few others who don't feel the same way, it's their loss. ::yes:: They obviously are not good judges of character. :teeth:

Take today in stride, dear Erin. :love:
:hug:, Doreen. Thanks for all your good thoughts. They helped a lot: the day was very nice. My niece and nephew wanted to learn how to crochet (!) so I spent a good chunk of the afternoon teaching them. By the time they left they had plans to take their work into show and tell (they're in 2nd grade) and to use their chains on the Christmas tree! It was nice. As far as the little pokes and jabs that came along with the day. . .well, I tried to remember that some of the discomfort that I feel is not intentionally created by them--it's my degree of sensitivity. Don't get me wrong, some of it is intentional :p , but they just have a different way of operating and you'd think after 25 years of involvement with the family I'd get it! :p Eventually I'll learn!

So, let's see about today. Yesterday I woke up with some back pain; I decided not to take any ibu but rather "watch" the pain and see what made it better or worse. From what I observed yesterday, moving and cleaning helped loosen things up--I felt better all afternoon. When I woke up again this morning, however, I was stiff and tight and sore. I'm trying to stretch out. I'm going to walk on the treadie at 8 a.m.; I think I need to move toward physical activity rather than away from it when I have this discomfort.
I'm pretty sure I know what it is--I have some degenerative disc disease (like my mom and my sister)--and I think it's aggravated by the extra weight I'm carrying.

Speaking of weight :rolleyes:, I didn't get on the scale this morning. For as "good" as I was on Saturday, I was doubly "bad" yesterday. I had pizza, wings with blue cheese, veggies with sour cream dip, and TWO pieces of German chocolate cake (Hey, it was a birthday party!), one when my in-laws were here and one after they left. Today, though, I'm back to no overt sugars. . .I even told my "muffin man" friend--the one who likes to bring me blueberry or coffee cake muffins that he had to stop. Looking at me, he knows why! :p

Even though I'm "big" right now, there are times I feel OK about how I look. Yesterday I got lots of compliments on a fitted blouse I wore--DH said it's one of his favorite outfits because it shows my curvy features. :blush: The sweater I wore on Saturday, Doreen? Well, that didn't get high marks from DH--too baggy he said. I appreciate his comments--at least after 21 years he's still looking! :p He surprised me, though, because he usually doesn't comment too much.

I have a prayer request, WISH buddies. . .it's for my dear friend Dora (also known as Dorene :) ). She's taken in her brother's daughter who is 16 and very troubled. She's assuming financial responsibility as well as emotional responsibility for this young girl and it's draining her in so many ways. The whole family situation is such a mess; she needs to be lifted up. Thanks.

OK, now to the business of today:

1. Devotions :)
2. Vitamins--on the counter; they're next
3. Water--have to drink gallons today!
4. Exercise--today's a 20 minute day on the treadie. I didn't get on yesterday. :rolleyes:
5. Food--I'll try to cut waaaaay back today.
6. Scale- :rolleyes:
7. Caffeine--nothing in the p.m.

I'm off and into the world, looking Upward and moving forward!
Hi Erin!!

Today is a new day - look to it with a smile!!

Thinking good thoughts for your friend - what a kind gesture for her to take responsibility for her neice.

No caffeine this afternoon!!! Promise!!

OK, here's my journal entry today:

I am in one baaaad mood. My back aches and had me up in the night. It's raining cats and :pug: outside. We've got some sadness going around here on the WISH :guilty: . . .ugh.

All right, here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to get to the bank and to the DMV to get my picture taken for my driver's license (which expires TOMORROW). I'm going to teach all my classes and students, go to Old Navy for some shoes DD wants, and THEN I'll walk on the treadie. I'm not doing it this morning, though, out of respect for my deep, blue funk. ;) I'm going to try not to think about how darn fat I am and how it's my own stinking fault because not only did I have sugar yesterday :mad: , I had the left over chicken wings and a BEER before going to bed! How many ways can I bloat myself?!?! :mad:

The plan:

1. Devotions :) (ok, got a little smile in there)
2. Vitamins--laid out on the counter
3. Water--have had a little
4. Exercise--20 minutes on the treadie when I come home tonight NO MATTER WHAT
5. Food--let's just forget about this, shall we???? I had an English muffin w/pb for breakfast, a couple of pieces of banana and a couple of walnuts. Coffee w/milk. Lunch will be a tuna sandwich and some s.f. apple sauce. Dinner will be salad. Major detox today
6. Scale--I don't need to get on it, I know how bad it'll look.
7. Caffeine--I may have overdosed on sugar yesterday, but I remained caffeine free!?!

All right, the Blue Meanies and I are outa here. :umbrella:
:bday: to you, princess: Erin!!!

I know the day is looking bleak and you're feeling blah, but this world has been a better place for so many people because you are in it!

Today I'm celebrating (even though I'm feeling a bit bleak myself). You've inspired me in my quest for healthy living and in all the other areas of my life. I'm grateful to God for getting us together. I'm grateful to you for the wonderful friendship we've shared.

I'm going to do something healthy for me in honor of you, dear WISH-sis! Not sure what it will be just yet but I'll post back later and let you know.

I hope today has some pain-free, wonderful moments in it for you.

:hug: and :love:
DoeWDW said:
:bday: to you, princess: Erin!!!

I know the day is looking bleak and you're feeling blah, but this world has been a better place for so many people because you are in it!

:bday: Erin!

I agree, Doe! :goodvibes Erin, you have brought so much kindness and :sunny: to my life. My world is definitely a better place with you it in! ::yes:: I appreciate you and pray that God blesses you in His abundance in the year ahead and always. :hug:

I hope your day gets much better. ::yes::




:bday: :bday: :cake: :bday: :cake:
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy birthday Dear Erin,
Happy Birthday to you

Wearing a bit of red always makes me geel better when I am feeling blue. I hope that today brings happiness and a few positive surprises. Happy Birthday princess: Erin. You have brought much happiness and comfort to my life.

I will certainly pray for your friend Dora.

Be good to yourself today,
:grouphug: Your love and kindness sure brought :sunny: to my day. How blessed I am to have you all in my life.

Yesterday I cried. It's the first birthday that I can remember that challenged me so--turning 30, turning 40? No problem. This one, though, hit me hard.

I think it has to do with the physical condition that I'm in now. I'm watching the scale climb ever upward, I'm having lots of back pain (and it's related to this weight I'm carrying), and I'm feeling my age! Fat and 44 is not how I want to be.

On the other hand, I've learned so much the last 6 months about who I am and what makes me tick--it's been an emotional growing experience. Now I have to figure out how to be emotionally healthy and physically healthy at the same time! :p

So I look at yesterday as another new beginning. My 44th year--the one that started in tears--is going to be a journey that carries on my commitment to wellness. I know what I need to do and I'm going to proceed in a slow and methodical way, trying to grow in steadiness as I go.

Today I've done my devotions. "Share each other;s troubles and problems, and in this way obey the law of Christ." Galatians 6:2
Today I'll take my vitamins. They're lying on the counter.
Today I'll drink 6-8 glasses of water.
Today I'll walk 20 minutes on the treadie.
Today I'll follow the menu plan that I've written down. I had a protein-rich breakfast.
Today I got on the scale. I weighed 190. :guilty:
Today I'll abstain from overt sugars. I may have a cup of mint green tea after lunch.

Nothing earth-shaking, nothing profound. I'm just going to get back to the basics.

I've started another journal on another site, but now that I've actually got it, but I'm not sure how I feel about leaving my journal here on the WISH. I think I'll become clearer about that as I go.

Thanks again, dear friends, for your TLC. :grouphug: I'm grateful for it every day.

:hug: :flower3: :hug:

Good morning Erin......I understand your tears - sending you good thoughts for a smile today.
Hey, girls, it looks like the :sunny: might shine here in PA. I'm all for that!

October 27, 2005

With God's help, I stayed on track yesterday. I looked temptation #1--a bag of homemade chocolate chip pumpkin cookies made by Mikey, age 2, and his mom--straight in the eye. I thankfully accepted them and when they'd left I passed them to DH and told him, "I don't eat cookies anymore." That was empowering and filled me with relief. Getting over every hurdle like that will only make me stronger, right?

I wrote this yesterday in my other journal:

"I guess I have to say it out loud (even if it's just into cyberspace):
I'm done with overt sugars for the next year. I have to do this. I
can't be wishy washy. Even though I know that I'm the type of
black/white personality that is great at starting things and lousy at
finishing them. . .even though I know I can get caught up in the moment
and commit unrealistically to things. . .even though I know I'm often
passionate about something to a fault. . .I have to do this. I have to
take this step to improve my life and it can't be a grey area any more
than an alcoholic can have a grey area about alcohol."

And that's my commitment to myself: no more refined sugars until next year.
I won't say "never," but I want to give myself a year to see where I go with this. A year to help myself find a place of wellness.

Now don't get me wrong. I'm not thinking I'm going to find a place in my life that's stress-free and ducky everyday; I know that that's not going to happen with a teenager in the house! :p But this commitment is like a gift to myself and I know it will help me to grow. (hopefully smaller! :p ) And wellness--well, I see that as a place of balance, where I'm grounded in my faith and in my healthy habits and not swept away into unhealthy habits (such as overworking and compulsive eating) when life's stresses show up on my doorstep. A place where I can weather the storm.

Geesh, I'm getting deep this morning! :p See what turning 44 will do to ya?

So here's the agenda for today:

1. I'm going to do my devotions. Today I'll read the daily passage from "My Utmost for His Highest" and Day #19 in The Purpose Driven Life.
2. I've taken my vitamins. :)
3. I'll drink 6-8 glasses of water. I've already had one.
4. I'll walk on the treadie for 20 minutes and do 10 minutes of strength training. You know what? I really hate strength training!
5. I'll eat the menu I've planned for today. Breakfast was oatmeal surprise. Lunch will be a chicken strip salad. Dinner will be a tuna sandwich. I'll have a serving of triscuits for my evening high carb snack.
6. I'll pass on the scale today.
7. I'll have some herb tea this afternoon; my a.m. coffee will be my only caffeine.

Moving onward, looking Upward--
Hi Erin!!!

Happy Thursday - kudos to you for graciously accepting the cookies and passing them forward.
I really think we should celebrate what we do good every day.
Erin - I have to say you have been one of the inspirational people for me. You have looked things straight up and have made commitments that I wouldn't even think of being able to make. You are doing great and I thank you for that inspiration!!!!!!

Keep up the good work.
Keep on :banana: :banana:
Let's see. First of all, I have to do a little Friday dance. :cool1:
Second of all, I have to recap on yesterday:

Did all that I set out to do except weight train. Yuk, I hate that. Maybe today I'll force myself to do it? Maybe not. ;) Also, when I got home from work I had more to eat than just my triscuits. . .what can I say? :confused3 I was hungry! Today I'm going to try to fill out my diet with more veggies. I didn't lose focus in the kitchen, I just had to suppliment with some other whole grains.

Now, let's look at today: Day #3 of Operation Sugar Freedom.

1. Devotions: "Do everything possible on your part to live in peace with everybody." :) OK, some of you who know my in-law situation can stop snickering now. I'm gonna try to be better, I really am! :p
2. Vitamins: I'll take them soon.
3. Water: I'll drink 6-8 glasses.
4. Exercise: 20 minutes on the treadie is the plan. Anything else is a bonus.
5. Food: I had two eggs w/a bit of cheddar cheese, a slice of rye toast w/I Can't Believe It's Not Butter spray. Coffee w/milk. I still have to think through the rest of the day.
6. Scale: OK, it's 190. You wanna make something of it?? :mad:
7. Caffeine: Done for the day. Had herbal tea yesterday and plan the same for today.

I found out that some meds that I'm on have a side effect: weight gain. :rotfl: Now I have even more motivation for sticking to O.S.F. and my "Your Perfect Weight" exercise program.

:grouphug: to all my friends: here, "there", and everywhere--
Sounds like you have a great plan laid out for today. Hope that the day goes well for you and that it's a good one.

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Quick recap of yesterday: :) . That pretty much says it all; I did a good job of meeting my healthy living goals. Let's celebrate! :Pinkbounc

Quick plan for today:

1. Devotions :)
2. Vitamins :)
3. Water--have had my 1st of 6-8 glasses
4. Exercise--20 treadie minutes planned. Maybe :rolleyes: some weight training.
5. Food--I had steel cut oats for breakfast this morning. Hmmm, very interesting, very high in protein.
6. Scale--I won't post anything until Tuesday, my official weigh-in day.
7. Caffeine--a.m. coffee only

DD is spending the night at a friend's house; have to go get her before work. Halloween recital this afternoon; guaranteed to be adorable. Seeing little witches, "50's girls", and Darth Vaders sitting at a Steinway is just too precious, I'm telling you.

This afternoon I'm going to do my exercising; I might even do a bonus walk in the park with Mickey if the :sunny: is shining. Doing wash is also at the top of the list. Oh, and I have to pick up a few groceries. Looks like it's going to be a good day! :goodvibes

Love to all, :grouphug:


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