Lots of Completed Trip Reports....Nov 2009 - April 2014

Yes - the Golden Horseshoe treat trail was a favorite of mine at last year's party. I kept mentioning it in the Halloween thread, telling people to not pay attention to the fact that the Horseshoe trail has a really long line because the line moves pretty fast. I wouldn't have known that there were extra decorations inside the building if I hadn't gotten into the line for the treats!

I know that when the inevitable Christmas party rolls around (probably next year), people will convince themselves that it means light crowds (like they do with the Halloween party), but it will be the same thing - just like a regular day, but with a separate ticket!

I think Masked Mickey should be there every year too. Clearly Disney knows the Halloween season is coming, and they know when they have to start rolling out the decorations. They know that if they are going to put out Masked Mickey, they have to take the time to do it and get it set up by the start date of the season. Somewhere along he line someone decided to not put him out this year. That's why I'm positive there is another reason involved for not taking the time to do it - probably budget but maybe something else. For some reason, the Masked Mickey set-up is not something they want to put out every year. It must be costing them too much in time or labor.
Sis38 and I met up with everyone else after we rode Buzz and trick-or-treated through Innoventions. I haven't been in that building since it housed America Sings!

It seems like the kids wanted to ride Astro Orbitor next. Sis50 wanted to get pics taken with the "Strom Troppers" -- as they were listed on the map. She was shocked that none of the kids in our group were interested in joining her. So my husband went with her while my bro and his family, my DS12 and DS6 rode the rockets. Sis38, my mom, DS9 and I sat out. They sat by those weird rocks near Astro Orbitor while I went over to check out the fireworks situation. I wanted to see how crowded it was, and also take some pictures on Main Street. Well, I couldn't take the route I wanted to, as they had ropes up. I went a different way and only walked down Main Street a very short distance before deciding it just wasn't worth fighting the crowds to get some Main Street pictures. :( There were just too many people to comfortably take pictures without people being in my way, or me being in the way of others. I made my way back to the ones waiting while the others were still in line for the rockets.

After my Sis50 had her Storm Troopers picture taken, and the others got off Astro Orbitor, we tried to make our way toward Main Street to find a spot for the fireworks. The good spots would have obviously been taken long ago. I knew we wouldn't get to see the Master of Ceremonies, but I was still hoping to be able to see something. Well, we couldn't even make it TO Main Street. We stood along a little fence on the walkway near Plaza Inn before you get to Main Street. It wasn't in the area where they asked people to keep moving. It was OK to stand there, but compared to having such a great spot in front of the Castle last time, this was really disappointing. I knew going into it that with our large group we weren't going to stake out a spot for everyone from the get-go, but our final watching spot just didn't do the show justice. Still, it was nice to hear the audio and see some fireworks.

After the fireworks we began trick-or-treating as a group. We started at Innoventions, moved along to the old Motor Boat Cruise area, and then on into Fantasyland.



I really LOVED the bright colorful costumes the CMs were wearing with the "bat" accents. So cute!


On the walkway heading toward Small World.



IASW didn't look like this 2 years ago. This was a big improvement over the plain "Mickey's Halloween Party" projection from 2010.


Heading back to Fantasyland after the treat trail just beyond IASW...


OK...this was a fun trail! It took us right through Village Haus restaurant. So clever and fun!


Now for my very favorite treat trail! Inside the Golden Horseshoe! (The Village Haus and Golden Horseshoe weren't part of the treat trail line-up 2 years ago...unless I completely missed seeing those.)


This ghostly man playing the piano was a great addition!


I felt like they went all out in transforming this "hall" into a festive trick-or-treat area.


Continuing our trick-or-treating along the Rivers of America...



We hit what we thought was the last trail as the clock struck 11:00pm and they announced that the party was over. The kids were beat. My husband headed out with DS9 who was about to fall asleep on his feet. His feet that were killing him. The rest of us stuck around to figure out our plan for the morning. Would people want to sleep in or make the 8am opening? My brother and his family planned to be there at opening, I believe. Or maybe we were going to meet at 9am on a bench on Buena Vista Street. We definitely planned to start our day at DCA.

A couple last sights as we left the party...




-- I enjoyed it more in 2010. The 2012 party was sold out, the 2010 party wasn't. It definitely felt more crowded to me, and I thought the 2010 party felt VERY crowded.

-- I kind of feel guilty that I enjoyed the party more the first time around, when my kids weren't with me. :guilty: Even though the reasons I didn't
enjoy it as much this time around had nothing to do with my kids, per se.

-- If we do a reunion trip over Halloween Time again, and if we go to the party, I would suggest actually splitting up into groups who want to do "like things." Rides on Splash Mountain, Star Tours, Astro Orbitor didn't appeal to me and my Sis38 at all. So there was a lot of sitting around and waiting. The party is too short to sit around and wait for other people to do their thing. I'm not saying the others expected us to sit around and wait, by any means, but instead of me sitting or having someone sit around waiting for me I would suggest "Go do your own thing for a few hours and we will meet up for fireworks and trick-or-treating" or something like that. We had 3 wonderful days of park time together as a big group where we largely stayed together for almost everything. With limited party time, it probably would have been wiser to plan a split up to avoid some people sitting around.

-- The candy wasn't as "good" this time around. More than 1/3 of my bag was Tootsie rolls in one form or another. Midgees, large thick ones, longer skinny ones, and a few Tootsie Pops. And no Ghirardelli Squares this time around. :) I don't know if they didn't have a treat trail, or if I just missed it. I enjoyed every single Snickers bar I received, though.

-- So far this is just a list of complaints. Good Grief. :rolleyes: I DID like seeing people in their costumes. It would have been nice to just sit on a bench around 5pm and watch people stream in and check out costumes, but can you imagine how that would have gone over with the kids? :eek: "OK kids, we are all going to sit here for an hour and watch people come in and check out all the creative costumes..." Speaking of creative costumes...one lady was dressed as the UP house, complete with balloons.

-- I love seeing all the extra decorations you don't see during the day. Especially the fog and lights. Very cool.

I guess that brings us to the end of our Mickey's Halloween Party. Which also brings us to 4 days down, 4 days to go!
Four days down already?

I LOL about the comments about my sons in Fantasyland! I do know every eatery in DCA around TSMM!

I just loved your spooky picture of the train station.

Yes, splitting up may have been a better plan. Next time :thumbsup2

Looking forward to following you to DCA! :surfweb:
Someone posted a picture of the MHP map back when the MHP began on 9/28, and "Strom Troppers" was brought to our attention!

And...if you look at the paragraph that begins with "Inspired by..." on this page - http://disneyland.disney.go.com/events/secret-wings-ice-skating-rink/ - you'll see that Tinkerbell has been given a new name (that is, unless someone at Disney catches the error and corrects it before you see it).

Let's just say that to call Tinkerbell a 'wee' little pixie would be very fitting.:rotfl2::rotfl2:pixiedust:

A lot of what I have done at various jobs in my life has been proofreading and copy editing-type tasks. Whenever I see something reeeealllly crazy like that (Strom Troppers? Lol), I can't help but want to go in and fix it. I don't know who is doing the copy editing at Disney these days, but they aren't on the ball.

There was no Ghirardelli station last year at the MHP, but the Golden Horseshoe trail (as I mentioned in my above post) was there.

The best area is back by the Ranch/Carnival - at night at the MHP there are creepy purple and red glowing lights emanating from dark caves and things. Plus, there's more fog!

I agree with TK - the spooky train station picture is a winner! I love that one too. I also agree with you that the IASW facade looks much better with the Halloween projections on it than without.
Hi Deej,

Glad that you had a great time at DL last month. I have a long ways to catch up after I got back from my WDW trip in a couple of days. It will be a few days until I catch up and I still have to write up my trip. So much to do these next couple of weeks until I go back to DL. I did read part of your first update and see that your DS's like Legos a lot.
Four days down already?

I LOL about the comments about my sons in Fantasyland! I do know every eatery in DCA around TSMM!

I just loved your spooky picture of the train station.

Yes, splitting up may have been a better plan. Next time :thumbsup2

Looking forward to following you to DCA! :surfweb:

Thanks TK. I hope to be back with the next update in a couple of days. Life all of a sudden got busy again!

Someone posted a picture of the MHP map back when the MHP began on 9/28, and "Strom Troppers" was brought to our attention!

I had seen reports of this typo before I left for my trip. Surely it was brought to their attention at some point? I guess they didn't want to go to the hassle of reprinting.

And...if you look at the paragraph that begins with "Inspired by..." on this page - http://disneyland.disney.go.com/events/secret-wings-ice-skating-rink/ - you'll see that Tinkerbell has been given a new name (that is, unless someone at Disney catches the error and corrects it before you see it).

Let's just say that to call Tinkerbell a 'wee' little pixie would be very fitting.:rotfl2::rotfl2:pixiedust:

[B]Nope, they hadn't changed it by the time I saw it. :rotfl: I always thought "Tinkerbell" was one word. I see they have it as 1 word in some places and 2 words in others. Strange. :confused3

A lot of what I have done at various jobs in my life has been proofreading and copy editing-type tasks. Whenever I see something reeeealllly crazy like that (Strom Troppers? Lol), I can't help but want to go in and fix it. I don't know who is doing the copy editing at Disney these days, but they aren't on the ball.

There was no Ghirardelli station last year at the MHP, but the Golden Horseshoe trail (as I mentioned in my above post) was there.

The best area is back by the Ranch/Carnival - at night at the MHP there are creepy purple and red glowing lights emanating from dark caves and things. Plus, there's more fog!

I agree with TK - the spooky train station picture is a winner! I love that one too. I also agree with you that the IASW facade looks much better with the Halloween projections on it than without.

Thanks! I love all the spider web and jack-o-lantern projections they use. Such a seemingly simple way to spook things up a bit.

Hi Deej,

Glad that you had a great time at DL last month. I have a long ways to catch up after I got back from my WDW trip in a couple of days. It will be a few days until I catch up and I still have to write up my trip. So much to do these next couple of weeks until I go back to DL. I did read part of your first update and see that your DS's like Legos a lot.

Hi Bret! :wave2: Good to hear from you. No rush to get caught up around here. I'm the one that needs to catch up in your TR. You know I was avoiding Cars Land pictures. Now that my trip has come and gone, and I feel like I barely glanced at anything in Cars Land, I am ready to go back and look at your pictures and Sherry's pictures to see everything that I walked by and missed! There are so many details that I didn't get a chance to discover on my own. Thanks for stopping by. :)
Deej -

Back in June I took an actual photo of the oil stains on the ground and at least one picture of one of the areas on the ground in Cars Land with deliberate cracks - so you have that fun to look forward to!!! Embrace the oil stains! One of the CM's in Cars Land told me that the janitorial crew saw the oil spots and were frantically trying to clean them - you can't have big ugly stains on Disney property, after all - and then they found out the stains were deliberately put there!:rotfl2:

Someone did get to the Tinkerbell page and change it since I last looked at it!:rotfl2: Someone finally caught that major error. They still have Tinkerbell referenced as Tinker Bell (which is odd, as that is not the way Disney usually spells it), but they took out the 'le' at the end of 'Tink' and put in the correct 'er.' So she is no longer Tinkle Bell, as she was a few days ago. I'm not sure which version you saw, but now it says "Tinker Bell." Tinkle Bell is gone forever.

For such a major goof as "Strom Troppers," I can't believe Disney didn't just shell out the money and get those MHP maps reprinted - STAT! That kind of error is embarrassing for a company that pays so much attention to detail. Then again, they let Tinkle Bell slip past them too. They must have cut back in their proofreading department, or they hired people who are clearly not good at spotting major errors!

I wouldn't be surprised if a lurker from Disney got wind of the fact that someone noticed "Tinkle Bell." I think that there are people at Disney who peek in on this board and the other 'main' Disney discussion boards such as Mice Chat. They pay attention to social media more and more often these days and read what people are saying about their 'product,' so it would make sense. There have been times in which certain things were mentioned or discussed in threads...and then the very next day or soon after the same subject popped up on the Parks Blog, or the questions raised were suddenly addressed. The Parks Blog knows about the Christmas Superthread.
Deej -

Back in June I took an actual photo of the oil stains on the ground and at least one picture of one of the areas on the ground in Cars Land with deliberate cracks - so you have that fun to look forward to!!! Embrace the oil stains! One of the CM's in Cars Land told me that the janitorial crew saw the oil spots and were frantically trying to clean them - you can't have big ugly stains on Disney property, after all - and then they found out the stains were deliberately put there!:rotfl2:

Someone did get to the Tinkerbell page and change it since I last looked at it!:rotfl2: Someone finally caught that major error. They still have Tinkerbell referenced as Tinker Bell (which is odd, as that is not the way Disney usually spells it), but they took out the 'le' at the end of 'Tink' and put in the correct 'er.' So she is no longer Tinkle Bell, as she was a few days ago. I'm not sure which version you saw, but now it says "Tinker Bell." Tinkle Bell is gone forever.

For such a major goof as "Strom Troppers," I can't believe Disney didn't just shell out the money and get those MHP maps reprinted - STAT! That kind of error is embarrassing for a company that pays so much attention to detail. Then again, they let Tinkle Bell slip past them too. They must have cut back in their proofreading department, or they hired people who are clearly not good at spotting major errors!

I wouldn't be surprised if a lurker from Disney got wind of the fact that someone noticed "Tinkle Bell." I think that there are people at Disney who peek in on this board and the other 'main' Disney discussion boards such as Mice Chat. They pay attention to social media more and more often these days and read what people are saying about their 'product,' so it would make sense. There have been times in which certain things were mentioned or discussed in threads...and then the very next day or soon after the same subject popped up on the Parks Blog, or the questions raised were suddenly addressed. The Parks Blog knows about the Christmas Superthread.

Embracing the oil stains! I love it. When I was loading some more pics on Photobucket today I noticed I captured some put-there-on-purpose cracks without even knowing it. :)

Yes! I did see "Tinkle Bell." Sticking with the "tinkle" theme, it reminded me of when I accidentally typed "pooping bubbles" in my Chirstmas Time Trip Report last November instead of "popping bubbles." (And would you believe when I just typed "sticking" in that last sentence, I actually accidentally typed "stinking" first?!?! I really did.) I wouldn't expect anyone else to remember the "pooping bubbles" -- but I'm assuming you remember since I know you have a better-than-average memory. :goodvibes

Since they had "Tinker" and "Bell" as two separate words, which looked odd to me, I went to disneyland.com and looked under Pixie Hollow to see how it was spelled there. Once again, it was 2 separate words. It just doesn't look right.
So...Mickey's Halloween Party has come and gone. Time to move on to the next day, Wednesday Oct. 24th. The plan was kind of a "We'll call you when we get there" kind of plan. When we get to DCA, that is.

DCA hours were 8am-8pm today, and Disneyland hours were 8am-6pm. (DL was host to a private event that night.) I really wanted to be there before opening, but I knew with the party getting over at 11pm the night before...chances of a pre-opening arrival were slim. I got up Wednesday morning and asked the kids if they wanted to meet their cousins at DCA with me, or sleep a while longer and come over later with Dad. Just as I suspected, DS12 wanted to go with me while DS9 and DS6 stayed behind to catch a little more shuteye. (Three years ago a similar thing happened. I asked the boys who would be joining me for Magic Morning and who would stay with Dad and come over later. I received the same answers from my boys back then.)

DS12 and I headed out so we could meet the others on a bench on Buena Vista Street at 9am -- so 1 hour after opening. (I know...I know... We should have tried to get there earlier.) We got in line for the DCA turnstiles. It was this week that they started having guests with 4 or 5 day park hoppers stand in a separate line from the other guests. Just 2 turnstiles were designated to the 4 and 5 day park hopper people, mind you. Funny thing was....these 2 lines were ALWAYS shorter than the other turnstile lines. I found it interesting to come back to reports on the DIS after our trip and read that others' experiences were very different from my own. Each time we got in line I would ask a CM how they would like me to handle the situation. I had an AP, my kids all had 4 day park hoppers. I wouldn't mind sending DS12 through the turnstile on his own and have a designated meeting spot once through the gates, while I went through a different turnstile. But I had no intentions of sending DS6 through one line on his own while I went through another line. So anyway...I asked a CM each time how they would like me to handle it. I was surprised that each time I asked, the CM would comment on how they hadn't come across that before. I would tell them that last time I was sent to the 4/5 day PH line with my children, and each time they agreed that would be best. I would just explain the situation when I got up to the scanner and all was well. Except one time. A CM began to say something like, "Ma'am we can't have you going through the 4/5 day line with your Annual Pass. Send your children through and then you stand in the other line and meet them later..." Just as the mama bear was about to wake up inside of me, the CM let out a big booming laugh and said something to the effect of, "Of course we aren't going to make you stand in separate lines!" So...bottome line...the 4/5 day line thing was not an inconvenience or annoyance to us. (Except for 1 time with some initial confusion.) It was always MUCH shorter than the other lines. Good grief, that was a long paragraph to say that my son and I stood in such-and-such line and met the others on BVS. :eek:

We arrived shortly after 9am. My mom, Sis50, brother, SIL, 2 nephews and 2 nieces were waiting. Sis38 had to conduct some job interviews over the phone -- one at 8am and one at 9am -- so she was going to meet up a bit later. We decided to head to Cars Land. I thought it would be a madhouse. I have no idea if DCA had early entry that day. I haven't kept up to speed with all those early entry and Magic Morning goings on. Sis38 called while we were walking over there and met up with us before getting in line for Radiator Springs Racers.

I didn't take time to look around the street as we walked toward RSR, but I do remember noticing it wasn't nearly as crowded as we were expecting.

Getting in line for RSR.


Check out the Standby wait time. 45 minutes! I was expecting a longer line by this time.

Some pics taken while in line.


One of the snacks from the party the night before. We munched on these while in line. They kind of have the texture of a light, thin piece of styrofoam, but that didn't keep me from eating them. :rotfl:



I LOVED this fan. Just an old-looking fan that you might find in a workshop, complete with all the dust you'd expect to see on said workshop fan. It wasn't super hot at that point, but it still felt good.


Just the kind of light you'd expect in the workshop or fix-it garage.


We not only embrace the oil stains...(shout-out to Sherry)...we embrace the rust stains as well. :goodvibes Such incredible detail found in those rust stains.


I'm not really sure what inspired me to take this picture...


And of course...being a mom of 3 boys...I couldn't make it past this gas pump without one of them saying "Look! It says Butt Gas!" :rolleyes:


When we got home, DS12 asked me if I took any pictures of garbage cans this trip. I said, "No. I'm pretty sure I didn't." He said, "Well, I'm pretty sure you did." Looks like he was right!


Taking a break...will return later.
Embracing the oil stains! I love it. When I was loading some more pics on Photobucket today I noticed I captured some put-there-on-purpose cracks without even knowing it. :)

Yes! I did see "Tinkle Bell." Sticking with the "tinkle" theme, it reminded me of when I accidentally typed "pooping bubbles" in my Chirstmas Time Trip Report last November instead of "popping bubbles." (And would you believe when I just typed "sticking" in that last sentence, I actually accidentally typed "stinking" first?!?! I really did.) I wouldn't expect anyone else to remember the "pooping bubbles" -- but I'm assuming you remember since I know you have a better-than-average memory. :goodvibes

Since they had "Tinker" and "Bell" as two separate words, which looked odd to me, I went to disneyland.com and looked under Pixie Hollow to see how it was spelled there. Once again, it was 2 separate words. It just doesn't look right.

You got more pictures than you realized! You must have been so wrapped up in family fun that you lost track of taking some of the photos you took - maybe you were just snapping away unconsciously. Who knows what treasures you will discover as you load more photos to Photobucket? (Which reminds me - I must keep an eagle eye on that Photobucket in early December to see if they once again have some holiday effects options, since the effects seem to vanish quickly.)

"Tinker Bell" doesn't look right at all. And I know I am not imagining that Disney has spelled it as one word in the past - I just don't have the incentive to go and hunt down where I saw the one-word name. It has not always been Tinker Bell.

Of course I remember "pooping bubbles" - that gave me one of the biggest laughs I've had in ages! And just to be clear - I was/am not laughing at you. Lord knows I leave typos in things all the time - sometimes I have time to catch them right on the spot; sometimes I don't see them until a month later. I could see how easy it would be to turn "popping" into "pooping." I think I was laughing in the same way I laugh at the crazy auto-text/auto-correct stuff - it comes out as such funny-sounding phrases. The phrase "pooping bubbles" just amused me.

"Strom Troppers" also amuses me - but then I get annoyed at Disney for not spending the money to get new maps printed with the correct spelling. It's not like they don't have the money.

For some reason, in the case of "Tinkle Bell," it was funny to me and yet, again, I get annoyed at Disney because I expect a mega-corporation such as Disney with sooooooo much money (um, they just bought LucasFilm for more than 4 billion dollars) and soooo much attention to quality and detail to hire people who will catch errors like that before they hit the website. They should not have crazy typos like that going up on the site!
I didn't ride RSR when I was in Cars Land in June, so any pictures taken from the actual line for the ride are new to me!

You're right - the fan and the light look very authentic to the setting, as does the rust! Embrace the rust!:rotfl2:

Those fruit things are a very weird texture - I ate them too, but I thought they were very strange.
You got more pictures than you realized! You must have been so wrapped up in family fun that you lost track of taking some of the photos you took - maybe you were just snapping away unconsciously. Who knows what treasures you will discover as you load more photos to Photobucket? (Which reminds me - I must keep an eagle eye on that Photobucket in early December to see if they once again have some holiday effects options, since the effects seem to vanish quickly.)

"Tinker Bell" doesn't look right at all. And I know I am not imagining that Disney has spelled it as one word in the past - I just don't have the incentive to go and hunt down where I saw the one-word name. It has not always been Tinker Bell.

Of course I remember "pooping bubbles" - that gave me one of the biggest laughs I've had in ages! And just to be clear - I was/am not laughing at you. Lord knows I leave typos in things all the time - sometimes I have time to catch them right on the spot; sometimes I don't see them until a month later. I could see how easy it would be to turn "popping" into "pooping." I think I was laughing in the same way I laugh at the crazy auto-text/auto-correct stuff - it comes out as such funny-sounding phrases. The phrase "pooping bubbles" just amused me.

"Strom Troppers" also amuses me - but then I get annoyed at Disney for not spending the money to get new maps printed with the correct spelling. It's not like they don't have the money.

For some reason, in the case of "Tinkle Bell," it was funny to me and yet, again, I get annoyed at Disney because I expect a mega-corporation such as Disney with sooooooo much money (um, they just bought LucasFilm for more than 4 billion dollars) and soooo much attention to quality and detail to hire people who will catch errors like that before they hit the website. They should not have crazy typos like that going up on the site!

Yes, that's what I figured. I think it's funny how surprised I am that I ended up with so many pictures. You would think I'd know...I was there! I was the one snapping the pictures. :rotfl: I am definitely pleasantly surprised.

The Tinker Bell thing...I can't seem to let it go. On the official disneyland.com calendar it also says "Tinker Bell" when referring to the iceskating thing.

Pooping bubbles...yes, I know you weren't laughing at me. :rotfl: It still gives me a chuckle when I think about it. What a picture to have in my mind! :eek:

OK...let's move on to another update.
Continuing on with standing in line for RSR...

This may have been my favorite part of the line area. I LOVED these bottles in the wall.



These pictures don't do them justice. When the light hits them just right...beautiful!




Another thing I loved...these pipe railings. I thought they looked so cool.


Even though I tried to avoid pictures of Cars Land for months, here is a photo subject that I didn't successfully avoid.


Some more views...




Doesn't this look cool?


Even the gates in the boarding area are pipe-like.


So we finally boarded the ride. It turned out our Standby wait was actually 1 hour to the minute, not the posted 45 minutes. Time went by pretty quickly with so much to look at, though.


It's kind of funny that I have 3 boys and my 1st ride on RSR was shared with my 10 and 12 year old nephews! :) They requested to ride with me, so I sat up front with them. DS12 was in the back, and of course DS9 and DS6 were still back at the hotel.


I didn't have high expectations for this ride. When I originally heard about it, I was under the impression that the entire ride was a race. It looked/sounded so fun. It kind of reminded me of the old Soap Box Racers at Knott's Berry Farm, if that means anything to anyone, taken into the next generation. Then I found out the whole ride wasn't a race and it was disappointing. From that point on I just figured it would be OK, just not as great as I was expecting. I'm glad I went in with lower expectations. I ended up really liking it a lot. It was different than I was expecting, in a good way. The "Cars" inside the dark part of the ride are amazing. The size and detail just can't be beat.

Here's the part where we get our tires changed in preparation for the big race. This picture was taken while looking at a reflection of our car in a mirror.


We sat here for about 2 minutes. I remember thinking it seemed kind of long to be sitting there, partially in silence, but it didn't seem like we were broken down.

We ended up losing our race to strangers. I was in the 2nd car of the 2 cars in our party. We expected the rest of our party to be waiting for us at the exit, but they weren't. We waited for a bit and then thought, "Well this is silly to wait for them...they got done before us, so why would they come out here after us." I remembered someone from that group saying they needed to use the bathroom, so I figured they must have left for that. We went to the nearest restroom in Cars Land and I was surprised they weren't there. I tried to get a hold of Sis38 with no luck. Finally, when we did touch base, it turns out that they HAD been waiting for us all along. Apparently there are 2 different exit areas for RSR and I had no idea. Not much time had passed, but we sure were confused with both groups waiting at different exits.

Funny thing...after the ride my 73-year-old mother said it was her new favorite ride in all of DLR! Move over Soarin' Over California... It was especially funny to me since she's never seen the movie "Cars" so there isn't that connection for her. Will it remain her favorite ride for the rest of the trip??? Only time will tell. ;)
What a great ride you had! If it's like Test Track in EPCOT I'm amazed your mom got on the ride in the first place. She must have a need for speed :cool1:

All this while two of your kiddos are sleeping? :thumbsup2 It seems strange there are two exit lines for RSR. That's a good tip for future travelers.

What's next??? popcorn::
What a great ride you had! If it's like Test Track in EPCOT I'm amazed your mom got on the ride in the first place. She must have a need for speed :cool1:

All this while two of your kiddos are sleeping? :thumbsup2 It seems strange there are two exit lines for RSR. That's a good tip for future travelers.

What's next??? popcorn::

Yes, my mom has a need for speed! She's so funny. We talked her out of going on California Screamin' this trip. We were worried with the heart issues she's had lately. She still has chest pains from her open heart surgery a year ago.

What's next??? Tune into the next post. ;)
Just finished riding RSR for the first time, and met up with our group at the Cars Land restroom after the double exit confusion at RSR.

We decided to finish out the Cars Land rides while we were there. First up...


Again, they did a really great job with the queue. So much to look at and discover. It makes the time spent in line go by quickly. Sights while we waited in line...


I should have taken another picture of those flowers up above, from a different angle. They were red and white and oh so pretty!

These tires were placed along the railing every few feet or so.


This was my absolute favorite detail -- that I noticed, anyway. I'm sure I missed a lot! I loved these oversized tire planters and the tire tread pattern on the railing. So clever!


I didn't have high hopes for this ride, either. It seems like everything I read described LFT as you either love it or hate it. My Sis38 who had ridden it for the first time a month earlier described it as a waste of time. She rode it with the family, but I doubt she'd stand in line to ride on a solo trip. She did say that the tires moved MUCH faster this time around than her previous visit in September. My verdict...I am in the middle. I don't love it OR hate it. I thought it was fun. I rode with my mom and we laughed a lot. It was fun to have a large group of people -- 11 of us -- to try to bump into. As we were getting into our tires we noticed my husband and 2 boys standing at the railing, watching the ride. When I got the "DL or DCA?" text from my husband a little earlier, I said we were in line for LFT so they showed up just in time to watch us ride. Our wait in line was about 30 minutes, by the way.


From here, all 14 of us got in a 20 minute line for MJJ. I didn't think that was a bad wait. I was planning on skipping this ride. I don't do the Teacups or the Ladybug ride in a bug's land or anything of that nature. Sis38 gets even more sick than I do, and she said it didn't affect her at all so I went along and shared a ride with my husband. (I wonder if this was our first ride together?) It was fun. The kids all enjoyed it. But if the truth be told, this kind of ride is on more of a carnival ride-level to me, not a Disney-level.


So less than 2 hours of standing in line to hit all 3 Cars Land rides. Much better than what I was expecting!

By this time we were all ready for lunch. I think some in our group were considering Flo's, but we ended up at Paradise Garden Grill/Boardwalk Pizza and Pasta. This has been on my list of places to try ever since I saw the menu. I went to get Fast Passes for something first -- can't remember what -- and then met everyone else over there. Actually, I'm pretty sure it was GRR. Anyway, the eating area is great. Lots of tables and shade with live music in the gazebo. Not my favorite kind of music, but I guess I can't expect live 80s music everywhere I go. I can't even remember what kind of music was being played.

This is what I had from Paradise Garden Grill. The Greek Salad and the Brownie and Strawberry Skewer. Both were delicious!



I thought the salad seemed a little small, but it was very filling.

I'm wishing I would have gotten another one of these...


I would have to say that this was my favorite meal this trip...as far as taste is concerned.

No one else in my family wanted something from Paradise Garden Grill so my husband took the boys over to Boardwalk Pizza and Pasta. I love that they are so close together. They were going to get the food they wanted and meet me at the tables by the gazebo with the rest of the family.

Now for the most frustrating moment of the trip. My parents got a Disney Visa before the trip, and in turn received a $200 Disney Gift Card. I was in charge of buying everyone's Disneyland tickets so my dad gave me the gift card to cover most of my mom's ticket price. I gave my husband the $200 Gift Card to pay for the meal at Boardwalk P & P. He came back and said they wouldn't take it. It turns out that the magnetic strip on the back had been mostly scratched off. :headache: Knowing my parents, I figured they must have thought they needed to scratch off an area to reveal a PIN or something. :headache: My husband didn't want me to say anything to my mom. I think he was picturing Drama at Disneyland. Not sure why since that's not really my thing. I knew how to talk to her without making her feel bad. I just needed to know if that was indeed what happened, and let her know to never do that again. :) So I nonchalantly talked to my mom and asked her if that's what she had done. I was right. My dad told her to scratch it off to get the PIN. :headache: I let her know we'd get it all figured out, but next time she doesn't need to do anything to the card. I didn't understand why the restaurant couldn't just plug in the card number by hand, but for some reason they couldn't. More on this later. :headache::headache:

I didn't get any pictures of others' food. I was a bit preoccupied with the gift card situation. I remember I was the last one to finish eating. I think I sent people to ride Goofy's while they waited for me? Or maybe I mentioned it and they decided to use the bathroom and just sit with me instead. Yeah, I think that's what happened.

I believe we wanted to do something that wouldn't interfere with our newly filled stomaches. Everyone headed over toward Redwood Creek Challenge Trail while I headed to California Screamin' to get Fast Passes. On my way back toward Redwood Creek Challenge Trail, I saw my family standing there watching the Green Army Men. I don't think I've ever seen them before. Just in pictures. It turns out that the 5 boys in our group were doing the show with them. Wish I could have seen it from the beginning, but what I saw was fun.

Finally...Redwood Creek!


I have never been here. The online schedule said this would be closed while we were there, so I was pleasantly surprised to find it open. None of my kids have had the chance to explore in here, and of course it was my nieces' and nephews' first time as well. Sis38 sat outside the Trail and took care of work business over the phone while the rest of us went inside. My mom and husband sat on a bench by the entrance. We told the older kids that this would be the meeting spot. They were off. DS12 and my nephew (12) took off on their own, and DS9 and my nephew (10) took off on their own. The rest of the adults tagged along with DS6 and my nieces.

DS6 was insistent that they scratch off all things on the map. They didn't scratch off well at all.


It was really pretty back there. I wonder why I didn't take many pictures. The rope bridges were interesting. Those holes were huge. I couldn't understand how the younger kids could run across with no problems of their feet falling through the holes. The adults...that was a different story. My SIL's foot went through and she came down hard on a downward slope, with her backpack landing on top of her. We all laughed as each of us had our own entanglements with the ropes, but it was odd that none of the kids had issues.

After some time in here, all 14 of us headed across the way to do GRR. We had Fast Passes but the FP line was blocked off. We stowed our stuff in one of the free lockers nearby and hopped in line for a less than 5 minute wait. I love this ride, but I never want to be the one that gets absolutely soaked to the bone. Unfortunately I have no pictures! We ended up riding three times in a row with the last ride being an all girls raft (7) and an all boys raft (7). So much fun! I got my fair share of wetness, but I didn't get soaked all over like DS6.

Up next, back to the Pier to ride Mickey's Fun Wheel. I think Sis50 sat this one out? I just remember my mom (who was nervous since she doesn't like ferris wheels) and I rode in a non-swinging gondola with my SIL and niece and Sis38.


My husband, brother, all 3 of my boys, my 2 nephews, and 1 niece rode in the same gondola for the swinging side. I didn't know you could pack that many people in there. Did you catch that? My DS9 went on a swinging gondola for his first ever spin on MFW! This is the boy that avoided Golden Zephyr and Jumpin' Jellyfish because of his fear of heights!


All the kids really enjoyed it. The adults did too, for that matter. My husband has been wanting to ride the swinging side for a long time now, but none of us would go with him. He didn't want to get stuck riding with strangers, so he never did it.

The view from our non-swinging gondola:



All of the sudden the fountains came on and we noticed a Maestro Goofy down below. Can you find him? I had never heard of whatever this was but it was fun to catch it from the air.


I'm going to use this picture sometime in the Disneyland ABC's thread when it gets to "X." :goodvibes



Is this a show that people typically gather around to see? Because they didn't this time. Is it new?

Seems like a good stopping point for now!
deej -

What a wonderful set of pictures in your last two installments!

As I mentioned earlier, I did not ride RSR - or any of the rides in Cars Land, for that matter - so anything from the queues for these rides is new to me! Your photos and Bret's photos have shown me all the fun details from those queues! I love the bottles in the wall! That's a great touch. I also love those giant tire planters.

That brownie/strawberry skewer is new to me as well...and I may just have to go investigate it further! Yum! I have neither seen nor heard about it until your photo!

You know, I've looked at those strips on the back of the gift cards - if it is the same strip I'm thinking of, it definitely looks like what you scrape off to get to the PIN. I hope hope hope that the $200 gift card did not go to waste - there is no reason I see that the CM's could not manually enter the code, though it would be a hassle, obviously. Maybe their equipment doesn't allow such a thing?

The Maestro Goofy thing is a new little show. Bret has talked about and posted photos of it in his TR - he said the show was not that great.
deej -

What a wonderful set of pictures in your last two installments!

As I mentioned earlier, I did not ride RSR - or any of the rides in Cars Land, for that matter - so anything from the queues for these rides is new to me! Your photos and Bret's photos have shown me all the fun details from those queues! I love the bottles in the wall! That's a great touch. I also love those giant tire planters.

That brownie/strawberry skewer is new to me as well...and I may just have to go investigate it further! Yum! I have neither seen nor heard about it until your photo!

You know, I've looked at those strips on the back of the gift cards - if it is the same strip I'm thinking of, it definitely looks like what you scrape off to get to the PIN. I hope hope hope that the $200 gift card did not go to waste - there is no reason I see that the CM's could not manually enter the code, though it would be a hassle, obviously. Maybe their equipment doesn't allow such a thing?

The Maestro Goofy thing is a new little show. Bret has talked about and posted photos of it in his TR - he said the show was not that great.

Thanks Sherry!

Let's just say that I had no idea that this little gift card mishap could stump the people in City Hall in the way that it did. More later, as I reach that point.

I was surprised that no one really gathered around to watch Goofy. I figured it was new and no one really knew about it, but it didn't really seem to be catching people's attention as they walked by, either.
Might as well finish out our Wednesday since I only have a few more pictures left from that day.

When we got off Mickey's Fun Wheel, we all went to ride King Triton's Carousel. It was a walk-on. I love how colorful that ride is, but I don't seem to have any pictures other than the one of DS12 kicked back with his hands behind his head, leaning backward off his whale, "sleeping" during the ride.

California Screamin' was up next. I think everyone rode except mom, Sis38 and my 7-year-old niece who really wanted to ride, but she was too short. Again, did you catch that? EVERYONE else rode...including DS9! I was beyond shocked that he said he wanted to ride with dad. According to my pics it was a 7 minute wait with our FPs. So not a long drawn out wait to give DS9 time to stew about and get overly nervous. He and my husband sat behind me. My SIL was taking her first ride on CS as well and was understandably nervous. She rode with my bro/her husband. This was her very first big rollercoaster. They were supposed to sit in front of me, but when the next coaster pulled up, she noticed that the "seat" she was assigned had no seat in it at all. There was just one real seat, on the right side. The "seating area" on the left was just some sort of little platform thing. Not sure what it was. I told her to just go ahead and sit there and just hold on tight. She wasn't cool with that. ;)

So...what did DS9 think? He said he really liked it, but he kept his head down and his eyes closed the whole time. :) My SIL was glad she rode, but said it would probably be a one time per trip only kind of ride for her.

We calmed things down a bit by heading over to "a bug's land" to do all those rides. First up was Heimlich's.


Cute ride, but I think it should be longer. I always come away from that ride thinking, "I'm glad I didn't stand in line for longer than 5 minutes." It is cute, though. I'm not sure I've ever seen the watermelon squirts before this trip. I've heard about them, but never experienced them until now.

We just made our way around. Tuck and Roll's was next.


DS9 actually got out of line to go sit with dad on a popsicle stick bench because he thought it would just be "too lame." I had to laugh at my mom when we got off. "That was the worst ride I've ever been on! It went so slow! You couldn't even move around to bump into anyone!"

I sat Francis' Ladybug Boogie out, accompanied by a churro, while my husband took the boys.


We ended our time there with Flik's Flyers. I enjoy the details on this ride, like the Nutrition Facts on the cottage cheese container. Or is it yogurt?


It was getting dark by now, and Disneyland would be closing soon. :scared1: What?!? Did I actually spend an entire day in DCA without setting foot in Disneyland? I didn't think it could be done (by me), but I am guilty. I spent 11 hours straight in DCA.

Sis50 isn't feeling well at this time, so she returns to the hotel for the night along with my mom.

Moving on...we headed to Tower of Terror. This is my background on this ride. When we took the kids to DL for the first time 3 years ago, the plan was for my husband to ride with DS12 -- who was DS9 at the time -- while I stayed back with the other 2 who we knew wouldn't ride. Then I would ride with DS9 while my husband stayed back with the other two. So DS9-at-the-time and my husband rode. My son was nearly in tears when they came out. He was not a fan at all and did not want to ride again. I certainly wasn't interested in riding alone for my first time so I skipped TOT at that time. Fast forward to my alone trip with my husband in April 2010. I told him I'd ride, as it was his new favorite ride. Well...as we walked up to the ride area I overheard a large grown man say, "Never. Again!" So that got me a little worried, as my husband just smiled. I wanted to like it. I really did. But I was scared, so I'm sure that anxiety brought on a headache and then the actual movement of the ride just made it worse. So, I ended up not liking the ride and having a headache for the next 24+ hours. :sad2:

So fast forward to 2012! DS12 is ready to give TOT a second try. DS6 has been dying to ride for months and months. DS9 hesitantly decides to give it a try. :eek: He'll pass on Jumpin' Jellyfish, but wants to try TOT? :eek: I had hesitantly decided to try again this trip. I wanted to like it. I really did. Remember? ;) So we get in line. My entire family of 5 with my bro and 3 of his kids.

Sis38 has been dubbed the official hat holder while we ride. She's wearing them all, by the way.


My stomach was in knots, but I was trying to be brave for DS9. I told him he could sit between me and dad. "As long as it's not in the front row," he said. Actually I told him that I was scared and nervous, just like him.

No turning back now!


My husband, DS9 and I were assigned to the 3-seat section in the middle row. Man, that elevator is so much smaller in person. I was so nervous. The ride started. I screamed. More than several times. We went down and up. Didn't keep track of how many times. I was sure we were going to plummet again, but then the ride was over. It went by much more quickly than I remembered. And I liked it! I thought it was so fun! We went out to check out our picture. DS9 had his head on my arm, eyes closed, looking like he was asleep. But he liked it and was ready to try again! We met Sis38 at the exit and grabbed SIL and my 7 year old niece, who both sat out the first ride, and took them with us for TOT Round 2. I told DS9 I would ride with him again, but when it came down to it, he had to choose to ride with me in the front row, or ride next to his aunt (my SIL) in the middle row. He deserted me to ride with his aunt. :) I was in the very middle of the front row with my 2 nephews and DS12 on one side of me, and my 8-year-old niece, DS6 and husband on the other side of me. Then DS9 sat in the middle row with my bro, SIL, and 7-year-old niece. I was SOOOOO nervous about being in the front row. It was a lot scarier to me. But we all survived and this time DS9 kept his eyes open, and was smiling to boot. :cool1:

By the way, this was DS6's first go around with TOT as well and he loved it. Just looked like a seasoned rider in the pics of TOT Rounds 1 and 2.

I officially love TOT now, even though my stomache is in knots while I stand in line. :)

We met up with Sis38 at the exit and scurried over to ride Soarin'. Fun as usual, and still a favorite of mine.

We had a few minutes until the 8pm closing. Do we dare try to make our way over to Cars Land and get in line for RSR right before the clock strikes 8pm? Would we make it in time? It seemed like we wouldn't, but off we all went. We made it! We got in line right at 8pm. They still let around 20 people in after us.

I just remembered something. My husband didn't go with us. I can't remember if we parted ways after TOT Round 2, or if he joined us for Soarin' and then left after that. Not left the park, but left to get the Frankenweenie-inspired food at Award Weiners. I can't remember what kind of hot dog it was, but I do remember black lemonade was part of the meal. Then he went hat shopping. He had gotten approval from a co-worker to pick up 3 silly hats and get reimbursed for some work-related thing. I tried to get a hold of him to have him meet us at RSR -- he'd never ridden -- but I didn't have any luck.

So there were 11 of us from our party in line at 8pm. We had ridden for the first time earlier that morning. All of us except my 2 youngest boys. We were now excited to experience the ride at night. At 8:05 the ride broke down. :mad: They came over the speaker and said they weren't sure how long it would take, but we were welcome to stay in line. They said it would be at least 30 minutes. We decided to wait it out. For now. Some guests began to trickle out. As time went on, more and more guests began to leave. We continued to stay, thinking it couldn't be much longer. We would hear a noise from the ride, then there would be an announcement like they were about to start again, and people would cheer. Then there was silence. The two 12-year-olds kept busy by sitting on the ground, flicking a penny in some sort of football game. The 9 and 10 year olds played a race car game on my phone for a while. DS6 and my 8-year-old niece made up a very involved secret handshake, which they practiced over and over. My 7-year-old niece found a dollar folded up and placed in one of the bottles in the wall.


I kept in touch with my husband, giving him updates. DS9 was starting to get grumpy and tired and asked if we could leave. I got a hold of my husband to see if he could come get him from the line and take him back to the hotel when he went back. There weren't many people behind us so it wouldn't have been a big to-do. Last call to the kids...who wants to go back with dad and who wants to wait indefinitely. We talked about putting a time limit on our waiting, but I don't think we did. I know I came close to giving up a couple of times, but the thought that this honestly might be the only time to take my boys this trip kept me hanging in there. (The next day was planned to be Disneyland only. It was my bro and family's last day.) In the end, we all decided to stay and my husband returned to the hotel alone with several new hats.

When all was said and done...the ride was up and running again at 9:25pm. We got in line at 8:00, ride went down at 8:05, came back up at 9:25, and we boarded at 9:40. But the fun didn't end there... We were all buckled in and started to go, then we were stopped at that checkpoint at the beginning before the ride really takes off. Our seatbelts were being checked. The computer showed my brother's seatbelt wasn't fastened. They had him unfasten, refasten, unfasten and refasten. It still was showing us unfastened. We just had to chuckle as they had us get out of the car and go back to the loading area. We were given the next available car, but of course this little incident held things up a bit. For some reason the crowd behind us had grown quite a bit. There had only been 20-ish while we were in line, but right when we were about to get in the first time more people came up to the line. Apparently the after-hours event involved DCA as well.

So we're in our 2nd car now, get up to that same checkpoint, have the same CM doing the seatbelt check... and AGAIN, he tells my brother to unfasten and refasten since the computer was showing it as unfastened. We thought he was joking with us but he wasn't! I remember the look on my brother's face so well. It made me laugh because it was similar to a look he'd get when he was younger and had just gotten in trouble. Here he was, 36 years old, with that same old look on his face! :rotfl: So he unfastens and then refastens and we're good to go! :thumbsup2

Just as I suspected, DS6 who rode in the middle of the front row, loved it. It was a lot of fun riding at night, just as I had been told.

My sister's group was wondering what happened to the rest of us so we filled her in on the seatbelt saga.

It was now 10pm! DCA had been officially closed for 2 hours now. There were a few people meandering around for the private event, but not many. I was wondering if we'd get shooed away from using the restrooms in Cars Land afterward, since we weren't part of the event, but nobody said anything.

One last parting shot as we made our way out of the park.


So yeah...I really stayed in Cars Land for 13 hours, not 11 hours. :) The kids were sleeping on their feet by this time. My bro's family went back to the hotel and my sis and I took my 3 boys to Denny's for a late night dinner. We had eaten there on Monday night and I didn't really care for my Banana Caramel French Toast, but DS12 really wanted to go back so we did. I ordered a breakfast burrito thing that my husband had ordered 2 nights earlier. I knew it was good since I'd taken a few bites. It wasn't good this time. I boxed it up and took it back to my husband. DS12 found a long hair in his food. :scared1: They brought him out a new meal, but I think I might be done with this Denny's. DS6 and DS9 both fell asleep at the table. I still needed to get back to HoJo. My husband had just returned to HoJo after making a run to Target for more water. He texted and asked if I wanted him to come pick us up. I was all over that offer, so that's how we got home that night.

The next day would be our last day with my brother's family. :sad1: The plan was to stay in Disneyland. We all know things don't always go according to plan, though. Stay tuned... :)
I'm back.

It feels like I should be saying, "I'm back!!!" :banana::banana: In a "Let's get this party started!!!" :banana::banana: kind of way. But I'm just not feeling it. It was a REALLY GREAT trip. Don't get me wrong. Something just feels off. I think it's a combination of things. On one hand I sort of feel empty and unsatisfied as I think about all the stuff on my list that I didn't even get to. Embracing the oil stains in Cars Land (as Sherry suggested) or even looking around Cars Land in general :-)eek:), having a treat at Ghirardelli Soda Fountain and Chocolate Shop (didn't even see where it was!), riding Mark Twain, taking pictures of window displays (I KNOW!! How could that escape me?!?), taking my kids to Toon Town, using my new vintage-looking Mickey journal to take trip report notes -- it was too big for my purse :(, exploring the Halloween Time Carnival or whatever it's called, treating Buena Vista Street as more than a corridor to pick up Fast Passes, watching the Flag Retreat ceremony, catching Voices of Liberty, listening to the Dapper Dans, taking lots of flower pictures, riding Peter Pan (2nd trip in a row I've missed out on this!), and sitting on my beloved Main Street Front Porch...just to name a few.

I haven't been on the DL side of the boards in a long time but I keep getting notifications from your thread so I thought I would pop on over since I've loved your prior trip reports!

The part I quoted sounds a lot like my recent trip to WDW. I had so many plans of what I wanted to see and do and most of it didn't happen!! In a way I am disappointed as I don't know when I will get back there but in another way it was time with my DH (who I am living apart from) and that was very important!

I will be back soon to catch up... But I'm trying to avoid Cars Land and Buena Vista Street Pictures as I want to see it for myself first!!


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