Looks Like the POLY is Our Laughin' Place! - An Aug 2017 PTR - COMPELTE, TR LINK POSTED

I see you used an Alyssa Edwards gif to make feel emotional about leaving you alone in DHS, knowing very well she is my fave and my drag idol for life that I worship daily...

Well, it worked.


That shut up and drive LSFYL you shared on FB today........ unreal. Queen.
Roller-Coaster Week!
61 Days Out

So this past week has been a ROLLER-COASTER and I've been sitting on it since, like, I last posted.

Basically, last Wednesday, Grace comes home from school and she's like, "you have mail!". And I'm sitting up here thinking, "Cool, it's one of the shirts I ordered!"

Nope. Hit with that GRAND JURY DUTY. Twice a week, nine days a week, starting at the beginning of July. I asked to be deferred due to my student status, but they postponed me... to August 2nd.

Which would not only TRASH this trip, but go into my school year and take two days out of five weeks of school.


I called the office this morning and spoke to a real person, and she told me that when they moved me to August, they changed me to petit jury? Which, frankly, I don't think happens? So I asked to be moved to June because even if I WAS changed to petit, it happens smack dab in the middle of the trip so that would have been a no-go. She told me that she changed me to June and that I would receive paper work in the mail soon, so we'll wait and see. Like I said, I'm not sure people just get switched from grand to petit based off of their questionnaire answers, so it's possible that she entered the wrong number in the computer and messed up a totally different person's court date. We'll wait and see what happens.

In any case, send some pixie dust my way because I don't have the time in my life to be doing Grand Jury Duty right now.


HOWEVER! As scary as this past weekend has been, we've had some good moments, too!

My family went to 5 Below on Saturday morning. We got some more phone charging cords for dad's truck and I picked up a Tinker Bell Tsum-Tsum lip gloss. It's "pixie peach pie" flavored! How cute!

Then Saturday evening, Mom and I saw our last Paper Mill Show of the season, and Grace tagged along with us!


Mary Poppins was my first Broadway musical. I was so happy when I heard that she was bringing her umbrella and magic carpet bag to the PMP this season! Grace, mom and I had so much fun. And the cast? What a bunch of stars! My best friend's boyfriend was in the ensemble and my very first music director (when I was a wee high school sophomore in Legally Blonde) was on the keyboard! We had such a great time.
The rest of my memorial day weekend went fabulously, too. On Sunday, we went over to visit some family that we very rarely get to see. My aunt made her amazing eclair cake and my cousin's daughter is getting so big! I feel like I was just posting about her being born yesterday! Yesterday was a very relaxed day. The parade was cancelled due to rain, so we were able to relax (my dad usually drives a fire truck for our town's Memorial Day Parade). My family purchased a new couch and recliner for the living room, which should be delivered this week.

AND, OF COURSE... FP+! Tonight at midnight!!!


After this weekend's shenanigans at Animal Kingdom... I DEFINITELY don't want to be left without the right DAK FP+ this year. Major yikes.

So as I leave you now, I'm going to take a little nap. Then I'm going to get started on the chicken pot pie I'm making for dinner, and have a fun fiesta to celebrate FP+. Hopefully I'll have a great update for you guys tomorrow!

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YAS! So happy to hear they are moving your jury duty date. Sending you all the more pixie dust!

Also, why does Mary Poppins the musical taunt my life so? Uggghhhh. Happy Hunger Games with FP+! :D
There is nothing more stressful than unexpected events trying to ruin a vacation! Hope it all works out for you!

Good luck making your FP+!
YAS! So happy to hear they are moving your jury duty date. Sending you all the more pixie dust!

Also, why does Mary Poppins the musical taunt my life so? Uggghhhh. Happy Hunger Games with FP+! :D

Thank you so much babe... you know you're gonna get the #tea first if anything changes!! :coffee:

IT'S SO GOOD UGGGGGHHHHH!! Come down to Paper Mill this week or next and we can see it together!!

My FP+ game was actually on point this morning you're gonna diiiieeeeeee in the next update

There is nothing more stressful than unexpected events trying to ruin a vacation! Hope it all works out for you!

Good luck making your FP+!

You're so right! Especially Disney vacays where everything needs to be planned months in advance just to even sit down to eat at your favorite restaurant... hopefully everything is going to be resolved very soon!

Thank you so much! Everything looks great and I'll be able to post about it in a few minutes!
Our FP+ Plans!
60 days out
Okay, so as some of you may recall from the last post... I waited up until midnight last night to make our FP+ selections. Which is about +/- an hour from when I typically go to bed, so not too terribly late for me, but still quite the hour for excitement.

So this was me at midnight when I was still not able to make FP+ selections.


... That's when I did some light searching and realized I was the very last person on earth to learn that Disney changed the FP+ window opening from midnight on the 60 day mark to 7 AM on the 60 day mark. Apparently that happened just over a year ago, which I wouldn't have known because I haven't formally planned a trip since 2015.


I wasn't too upset about it. I had/still have really nothing to do today so I just went to sleep and set an alarm for 6:50 so I could open up my laptop and get to work.


Here's what I was able to snag!

Monday, July 31
Peter Pan's Flight: 11:20-12:20 PM
Seven Dwarfs Mine Train: 12:20-1:20 PM
Big Thunder Mountain Railroad: 1:45-2:45 PM

Wednesday, Aug 2
The Seas with Nemo and Friends: 2:45-3:45 PM
Spaceship Earth: 3:50-4:50 PM
Frozen Ever After: 5:00-6:00 PM

Thursday, Aug 3
Star Tours - The Adventure Continues: 12:10-1:10 PM
Toy Story Mania!: 1:10-2:10 PM
Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular!: Arrive between 2:45-3:05 PM, Showtime 3:15-3:45 PM

Friday, Aug 4
Na'vi River Journey: 2:10-3:10 PM
Kilimanjaro Safaris: 3:30-4:30 PM
Meet Favorite Disney Pals at Adventure Outpost: 6:30-7:30 PM

Everything I got... was... almost exactly... how I had it planned out...


This is the first time that's ever happened! The only difference between the my preliminary plans and the actual selections (besides maybe 5 or 10 minutes) is that Meet Favorite Disney Pals was moved to after our dinner at Yak & Yeti! But when I booked those Na'vi and Frozen FP+... SHOOK! I'm SO, SO HAPPY!!!


I booked those, did the happy dance, and then went back up to my bed and passed out for two more hours. :faint::faint::faint:

These plans NEED to stay like this. No more Jury scares, please! Everything came together swimmingly today and if it can stay like this, I will be the happiest girl on earth!

Wow, you are queening this trip hardcore. Although I am concerned about why there isn't a Soarin' FP. I know you aren't a Tower, RnRC or Everest girl like moi but why you gotta do Soarin' wrong? Like Frozen Shmever After, pft, overrated, but impressive you managed that AND Na'vi River Journey.

That jury duty better not be keeping ya queening down because that is a LINE UP. Also, the fact your first FP is Peter Pan's Flight is beautiful. Someone's missing their OG home (even if they'll deny it).
Wow, you are queening this trip hardcore. Although I am concerned about why there isn't a Soarin' FP. I know you aren't a Tower, RnRC or Everest girl like moi but why you gotta do Soarin' wrong? Like Frozen Shmever After, pft, overrated, but impressive you managed that AND Na'vi River Journey.

That jury duty better not be keeping ya queening down because that is a LINE UP. Also, the fact your first FP is Peter Pan's Flight is beautiful. Someone's missing their OG home (even if they'll deny it).


Listen, boo. I LOVE RnRC and Everest, but the family doesn't! It's easy for me to Rope Drop those two and have FP+ for rides that my family will enjoy instead of splitting up FP+ all messy-like. As far as Soarin' you can blame Epcot tiers. Trust me, I'd go for it- but I really, really want my family to enjoy Frozen Ever After!

Jury duty will NEVER stop me from queening. NEVER! This I swear by the stars. And of course I miss my home... don't miss merge/load 1/16 hour days, but I miss Pan!

Congrats on getting everything you wanted!! :)

Thank you!!!! :rainbow::rainbow:
First I worried you had snagged a FP I wanted for a date and time we'll be there's (our dates barely overlap) but you didn't :) whew

Your report is so upbeat and getting me pumped for my trip.
First I worried you had snagged a FP I wanted for a date and time we'll be there's (our dates barely overlap) but you didn't :) whew

Your report is so upbeat and getting me pumped for my trip.

Eeep!! Glad I didn't snag what you wanted!! :duck: Hopefully you'll be able to get what you need when your date opens up!!

So glad to hear you're enjoying it!! Welcome aboard!! :daisy:
All Cleared Up!
58 Days Left

Just wanted to give everyone a brief update on my Jury situation!

This morning, my dad checked the mail, and my NEW new jury letter was in there. I was so relieved!

...But then the badge at the bottom of the page STILL said GRAND JUROR.


I got on the phone REEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLL real quick to get everything sorted out and the woman was SUPER sweet. She was like, "Okay, you're a full-time college student, so they... you shouldn't have been postponed back! They should have moved you to a date after October! How does NEXT June work for you?" And I was like "OMG THAT IS PERFECT!" And she was like "FABULOUS I can get that done!" And then I was like "THANK YOU SO MUCH YOU HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY"


And that's the end of that discussion. Apparently I'm still serving Grand, but I'd happily serve 7 days a week for 52 weeks if it meant being able to go on this vacation. I've planned this trip out to the last second and I'll be darned if my civic duty is going to get in the way of it!

Today's been a pretty good day between that and everything else going on. I got a large iced coffee and a donut for totally free today because it's free donut day and I never used my dunkin' birthday reward drink, and my family is getting new couches delivered today. We're also full swing into June, which has always been my second favorite month (right after May!). I can't wait to start work in a few weeks and Grace will be getting out of school very, very soon!

Hope everyone else here is having a great day, too!

What in the World Will I Bring Home This Time?
55 Days Out

So this week, we got our first photos of THESE babies being sold at the Emporium.


I know that these have been floating around BOG and apparently had a stint at Gaston's Tavern, but I'm so happy to see them at the Emporium! I'd prefer them without the BatB lettering, but I'm not picky! I'll take this beautiful, light-up cup with or without it! As soon as I saw the photos from Chip & Co on my FB feed, I told myself I'd make it my mission to bring one home with me this trip.


... Which, in turn, got me thinking of ALL of the wonderful things I'm trying to bring home this trip. After all, budgeting money for souvenirs is part of the planning process, is it not?

After the money I spend on this trip and the money I'm putting down towards another exciting Disney-related cost this summer (that I can't wait to tell you guys about hopefully sometime before August!), I don't know if I'm gonna have a lot of pocket cash for this semester... but it'll be so worth it, right?...right? :rolleyes1

Another Alex & Ani Bracelet


Disney #CharmedArms are my favorite! I try to buy a new Disney A&A every time I visit WDW, buuuuuut.... I am a little salty at the company right now for discontinuing my sorority's bangle. The Wishes wrap is calling my name, but if I end up buying another bangle, it'll be Think Happy Thoughts for sure!

The Chip Mug


I have gone back and forth on this mug for a few years now. I think it made its debut just before my 2014 trip and I really wanted it, but I just have so many mugs at home that I was like "meh". During my college program I said I would cop it, but never got around to it because there were too many other cool things that popped up that I just had to have. This trip, however, I feel like my ~ disney parkgoer gal aesthetic ~ has developed enough to justify purchasing it. Or maybe I just won't again, like I've been doing. Who knows.

VHS Tape Notebook


These notebooks made their debut THE WEEK that I left Disney World and I was PEEVED about it. I need them YESTERDAY. I need more notebooks like I need a hole in my head but that Aladdin one just looks like it would complete the shelf on top of the desk in my dorm. Perhaps it'll hold a place of honor next to my Chip mug and underneath my name tag this year?

Anything featuring Marge Simpson


With every day that inches closer to this trip, it looks more and more likely that I'll be by myself for a few hours at Universal Studios/Islands of Adventure. And if that's the case, I've got to get at least one thing that features my favorite TV mom, Marge Simpson. Through my sorority, I developed a special, personal connection to her this semester. It's a little hard to explain, but basically, now she's a reminder of the relationship that my big and I share as well as how I fit into our chapter. And it doesn't hurt my cause that I've always enjoyed The Simpsons. D'OH!

A Bar of Soap from Basin


I've come to a conclusion: The Grand Floridian Basin White is the best store in all of the Walt Disney World Resorts. It's miles nicer than the one at Disney Springs (no shade to DS, though, it's my home!). There's just... something very calming and peaceful about this store. Grand Floridian itself just provides a beautiful ambiance of serenity and elegance, and this store is especially lowkey and beautiful. I feel like every time I visited Grand Floridian over my program I was in this store. I think I need either one of the Mickey head soap bars or the pineapple one that smells like Dole Whips.

Let me know if there's anything else I should be on the lookout for this trip!

Lol when I already have the "Think Happy Thoughts" Alex & Ani. *tosses hair*

And like actually can you get me one of the VHS notebooks? I needed those like last year. I'd also actually use it sooooooo

You also need to buy the YOUKNOWWHAT out of Pandora because then you'll be ahead of all of us. I also totally expect you to wear one of those Avatar tails around the park, Patrick Dougall style.
Alex & Ani bracelets are a must! I have that chip mug, it's so cute! Though I will say I've never actually used it lol it just sits on display, which isn't so bad either :)
Lol when I already have the "Think Happy Thoughts" Alex & Ani. *tosses hair*

And like actually can you get me one of the VHS notebooks? I needed those like last year. I'd also actually use it sooooooo

You also need to buy the YOUKNOWWHAT out of Pandora because then you'll be ahead of all of us. I also totally expect you to wear one of those Avatar tails around the park, Patrick Dougall style.

You are a FIRECRACKER today. When he SASSES you out after every update and then asks you to bring him back a VHS notebook...


Also why have we not discussed Patrick Dougall/Thingamavlogs before... aka the only thing I watched last Spring Break

Alex & Ani bracelets are a must! I have that chip mug, it's so cute! Though I will say I've never actually used it lol it just sits on display, which isn't so bad either :)

I feel that on a spiritual level! I bought an Ursula mug and an Ariel mug back in my 2014 and 2015 trips, and I used them each once or twice, but they mostly sit on my shelf and look pretty now.
You are a FIRECRACKER today. When he SASSES you out after every update and then asks you to bring him back a VHS notebook...


Also why have we not discussed Patrick Dougall/Thingamavlogs before... aka the only thing I watched last Spring Break

I literally read that gif in Bianca's voice. #dragracetrash And I literally sass everyone out. I sassed out a fellow Pan stan when she cashed me out at the DisneyStore and didn't realize it. Soooo... VHS notebook with a cherry on top, PWEASE?!?!

IDK, I've been a fan since they first made the channel (when Keith was the fifth Thingamavlog then all that drama over why he left), but I really only watch it in spurts nowadays. Patrick is the reason I got the Peter Pan beanies. He's BAAEEE (his Spiderman photoshoot still has me SHOOOOOQQQQQ). Sarah's my favorite tho because I relate to her the most and her and Leo are my life goals.


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